break free

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chains and binds bound
a boy in unwanted thought
he closes his eyes
it hurts to, it's swollen
a huge splotch of ink
splashed right onto his face
after he saw hers: it was smiling
bleeding, heart won't stop
it keeps throbbing
pumping up and down like
legs struggling to carry a bike
uphill, the wind severely against
the journey
it's laborious to lift his spirits,
let alone lift his own head
but the light beckons his attention
and her astonishing visage allows
him to gaze upon it with longing
she's all the way up there,
at the top of those stairs,
so high above him, so unattainable
he wants to speak aloud, maybe
to beg for his freedom, or perhaps
to bargain for just a little bit of
affection, but nothing --
absolutely nothing, despite his desire,
wishes to be relinquished from his
parched lips, and in his silence, she
sees weakness, although she's already
devastated his mindset, completely
eradicated his morale, and the door
slams shut
he doesn't see the light again

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