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"his dark hair is nice," jiseo says to yoongi while picking at the food on the tray.

"you're going to get yourself killed," yoongi rolls his eyes. "this is creepy, it might not seem like it but i'm actually really freaked out," he then continues.

"yeah, tell me about it," jiseo says. "i might report him to the police station."

"might? look, if you're going to do it, we might as well do it right now? call the station, now."

"he said he'll probably won't get caught."

"he's bluffing," yoongi scoffs. "if you're not going to do it, then i will." he unlocks his phone.

"no, you're being stupid, we don't know where he is and you can't just call them and be like oh yeah hey, my friend here saw the criminal you've been trying to arrest and talked to him. it would be nice if you can you can catch him right now without any evidence or traces left by him."

yoongi puts his phone now, "i'm freaked out, okay?"

jiseo waits in the car, in the driver's seat. she's waiting for yoongi actually. she and yoongi had decided to challenge themselves into eating ten cups of ramen. it started off as a joke but eventually they were both hungry so here they are. yoongi has gotten off the car to buy some ramen cups while jiseo stays, waiting for him.

she's on her phone, then she jumps when she suddenly sees a figure right outside her window. she was about to start driving or run him over— but then she sees him. it's that guy, jungkook, if she remembers correctly. she should really drive away but instead she rolls down the window because she does crazy shit.

"hey— what—" before jiseo can finish whatever she was going to say, jungkook lifts his hand and pass the window, pushing a button on the car to open the locked car doors. then, he opens the back door and climbs in.

"what the fuck do you think you're doing?!" jiseo yells.

"look, i'm doing you a favor too, drive if you don't wanna die!" his voice in a tone of panic. so jiseo steps on the pedals, driving away to literally nowhere— away from where they were.

"what the— i just—" jiseo glances warily as jungkook or whatever the hell his name is climbs into the passenger seat in the front from the back. he keeps glancing at the rear-view mirror to see if anyone was tailing behind them but the road's completely isolated.

"long story short, i messed with some thugs and now they want me dead," he says it so casually and jiseo wants to kick him out the window.

"thugs?!" jiseo shouts and jungkook winces at her loud voice.

"yeah, it was kinda funny. they tried to rob a store but then i was there and—"

"are we some suicide squad now?!"

"nah," he chuckles. "we'll make it work," he says and turn his head to see the isolated road.

"it's okay now, i think."

"you think?" jiseo sighs.

"usually, my thoughts are right," he says with a tint of jest in his voice and really, jiseo feels like kicking this jungkook out the window.

"well, mr i'm-a-criminal-and-my-thoughts-are-right jungkook, you gonna stab me now?"

"what's with you and stabbing?" jungkook grimaces.

"to get rid evidence."

"no," he furrows his eyebrows. "and didn't i say you were on my good list?"

"good list," she repeats.

"yes, good list, now let me treat you something to eat for keeping me alive."

"you mean you're going to poison me? wow."

"stop being so pessimistic," the boy groans, "i'm showing my gratitude."

just then, jiseo's phone rings with a few messages, making both jiseo and jungkook tutn their attention to the screen phone that's too bright in the midst of the dark night engulfing them.

are u fucking serious

i go and buy some ramen
for us and u leave me

no srsly where are u
you're freaking me out

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