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jiseo's loud knocking is heard as she calls for yoongi's name outside the door. yoongi quickly rushes over, opening the door and jiseo stumbles into yoongi's dull but cozy apartment in an instant, muttering words that yoongi can't quite decipher. she crashes into yoongi and the male wraps his arms around her to envelop the shaking figure in front of him. he provides the comfort the girl needs and closes the door behind her. he doesn't say a word until she decides to speak up.

soon enough, the hug seems to calm jiseo down as her trembles lessen. yoongi pulls away, though his hands are still placed on her shoulders. his eyes widen as he sees her red eyes. it seems like she had cried, which is surprising in yoongi's point of view because jiseo rarely shed tears. if she cried on the way here then it must've been a big deal. yoongi suddenly feels anger filling him instead of the confusion that was present before. jungkook must've been involved, he grimaces mentally to himself.

"jiseo, tell me what happened," he urges, looking at her expression that distorts with mostly sadness and— is that fear? yoongi raises one of his eyebrows, a frown upon his face whilst waiting for jiseo to speak. he brings her to the couch, helping her take off the coat she's wearing on the way and proceed to soothingly rub circles on her back in order to provide comfort as they both sit down.

he puts her thick coat on the back of the couch. "g-god yoongi— i feel so— s-scared and i don't know w-what to do," she finally stutters out and her voice comes out hoarse.

"of what? of who?" yoongi isn't stupid, he knows it's jungkook but he wants to hear his best friend admit it right in front of him.

"jungkook," her voice becomes more stable when she opens her mouth to answer his question.

yoongi snarls, "that fucker, i knew he was up to no good. you should've listened to me."

"no— it w-wasn't— it wasn't his fault!" jiseo immediately disagrees.

"then whose fault was it?"

"it's just that— jungkook and i were talking and then these.. g-guys came and suddenly i didn't know what was going on?" jiseo explains. "they said something about jungkook previously being in a g-gang and apparently he ratted them out. but jungkook never even told me about it! i thought i k-knew him well enough by now but turns out, there was more to his story than what he told me."

"wow, guy's a fucking liar too," yoongi interrupts but jiseo ignores his comment and continues.

"i don't know— a-after a few moments they were shooting at each other with g-guns. with guns, yoongi. i felt like i was going to go deaf every time they pulled the trigger," jiseo says. "i was so scared— gosh i was so fucking scared."

"one of them tried to choke me—" jiseo says, face distorting into an expression of fright. "—to death! i was— shit, i think i almost died but—"

"wait, you almost got strangled to death?! what th—"

"—j-jungkook helped me get away. i— gosh, i don't know what to do," jiseo covers her face with her hands. "yoongi, he... he killed them."

yoongi just stares, he doesn't know what to say either. uneasiness creeps into his body as he looks at jiseo's shaking figure in front of him. "and i— i was so afraid of him right then and i— i ran away and i called you. shit— i think i saw a flash of hurt in his eyes when i told him to stay away from me, i think i hurt him and—"

"what the hell, jiseo?!" yoongi shouts in her face and jiseo flinches at his sudden aggression.

"you almost died because of him and you're worrying about his feelings? this is stupid— fuck, this is so messed up, jiseo!"

"it's not his fault, he saved me—"

"he must've deluded you or something because those thugs were after him, not you. you just got in the way and was stupid enough to stay with him when—"

"yoongi, stop it."

"no, you stop it. stop getting involved in this mess. stop getting involved with him," yoongi says sternly, a big frown splattered on his face. he doesn't understand. why is jiseo so up his ass? his anger only grows when he thinks about it. he hasn't met jungkook, he hasn't met the guy but he already knows he's a big trouble when the word criminal is glowing above his head like some sort of neon warning sign. but jiseo on the other hand insists that he isn't what everyone thinks he's like.

there's a moment of silence. however, this time, the silence isn't comforting. it's uncomfortable and tense. yoongi seems exasperated but doesn't speak anymore. jiseo sighs, looking away from the boy, thoughts running through her mind. "i— i'm sorry, yoongi."

"jiseo, you know this isn't right, just— cut off all ties with him," yoongi suggests.

"no, i'm not going to do that!"

"what he did wasn't normal but you can't see that, can you? i don't get it. i've been your best friend for years but instead, you side with someone you've barely even know?!"

"what do you mean i don't know him? stop judging me just because you're pissed i'm not spending my time as much with you anymore. i'm sorry yoongi but he's the only thing keeping me happy these days and i—"

"if you think that's the case, then i am fucking done with you," yoongi curses. "only thing keeping you happy? then i must've been a nuisance to you. you should've told me that your own best friend has been making you sad for the past ten years," he scoffs and jiseo suddenly feels guilty of the words that came out her mouth.


"save it," yoongi sighs. "all we've been doing ever since jungkook appeared is argue. maybe we weren't as platonic as i thought we were," yoongi looks away, shoulders slumping and jiseo feels so fucking bad for making him dejected. "i just— i just thought we were better than this— after all those years. maybe they were right about how people will always leave you when they find someone new."

"yoongi, c'mon. don't make it seem like i'm the bad guy here," jiseo says.

"okay, fine," he replies with a frown playing on his lips. he gets up from the couch and looks at his supposed best friend with a cold expression. "get out."

"no— yoongi, don't do this—"

"get the fuck out, jiseo."

"i need you right now— please!" jiseo stumbles forward to grab yoongi's arm desperately. yoongi on the other hand pulls away harshly, taking a few steps away from the female.

"you didn't seem to need me for the past few weeks," he says bitterly. "you didn't seem to need me when you said a certain someone was the only thing making you happy!"

"you— you're so fucking petty, yoongi," jiseo furrows her eyebrows, irate taking over her face.

"i know, so get the fuck out."

"you're the worst." that's all she says before she drags her feet out the door, slamming it so hard yoongi feels like his whole house could come apart at the seams.

it was right then when yoongi realizes she forgot the coat hanging on the back of the couch. he only stares at it, making no move to reach and grab it. he thinks about literally throwing it into the trash bin but he's not that mean. after a few minutes of useless staring, he decides that he'll just get some sleep so that he could block out all the negative thoughts drowning him.

just when he's about to turn around and head towards his bedroom, the ringtone of a phone abruptly blasts through the air. yoongi jumps a bit at the sound, eyes roaming around to find the source of the noise since it was definitely not his ringtone. he realizes that it's jiseo's phone, buzzing in the pocket of the coat. yoongi sighs and trudges towards the coat. he shoves his hand into the pocket and pulls the phone out.

is calling . . .
accept             decline

yoongi raises one of his eyebrows. as much as he wants to yell at jungkook, no, he is definitely not answering, not a chance. he sneers at the name displayed brightly on the screen. yoongi waits until the ringing ends, he waits until the screen goes back to the lock screen of the phone. but what he sees next makes his eyes widen, observing the endless messages sent by only one person. what irks yoongi more is jiseo's lock screen wallpaper.

a bunch of emotions run through yoongi as he looks at the messages being jamming the phone. he can't think straight and he wants to throw jiseo's phone out the window. he takes a deep breath as his finger slides the screen to unlock the phone. he types in the password (yes, he does know jiseo's password because they're best friends and best friends tell each other almost everything) and proceeds to press on the message app.

yoongi deletes all the messages with yet another big frown painted on his face. though, he doesn't forget about the message where jungkook asked jiseo to meet him at the park.

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