Chapter 4

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James's PoV

I was woken up by my Mum and Al.

"What?" I asked and saw that it was still dark.

"Lil is having a nightmare" Al told me and I got up instantly.

We went to the girl's room and Lily was thrashing around in her bed crying and sweating. I picked her up and she started to thrash even harder.

"You guys go to bed, I'll take care of her" I said and they nodded still looking worried.

"What are you going to do?" Rose asked me, "You're not Aunt Ginny or Uncle Harry, and its usually Uncle Harry who can calm her down"

"Well, it so happens that I'm rooming with my Dad" I said and she nodded going back to sleep.

I carried the thrashing Lily to our room and Harry woke up.

"Dad, can you get Lily to wake up, you're the only one who can do it consistently, sometimes Mum can, but not usually" I asked.

"Um," He said awkwardly, "I don't know how"

"Just hug her or whatever" I said thrusting her into his arms.

"I don't know what to do!" He told me panicking.

"Just I don't know, I'm going to bed, night Dad" I said.

Ron's PoV

I woke up at the sound of Lily crying and saw Harry holding her awkwardly as she thrashed around.

"Wow mate, having fun?" I asked him and he scowled at me.

"I don't know what to do" He hissed at me, "James just thrust him at me,"

"Only you can calm her down Dad," Albus told him.

"I'm not your Dad okay, I'm 15" He told him.

"Yeah you are, no matter how old you are, you will always her our Dad" He told him and he sighed.

He went back to bed and Harry groaned, "Ron, help me!"

"I don't know what to do, Dad" I mocked and he rolled his eyes.

"Shh, Lily, It's okay" He said softly cuddling Lily close to his chest.

James woke up and looked at Harry and Lily, "Oh! I know what might help" He said dashing out of the room and coming back with the stuffed bear backpack thing.

"Have you been awake the whole time?" Harry asked him.

"Yep!" He said cheerfully, "but I'm going to bed for real now, if you need help, ask Teddy, oh wait, you might not want to, he's probably having some fun with Vic,"

"James!" Harry scolded him.

"Ah, theres the Dad I know and Love" James said and fell back to sleep.

"Lily, it's okay" Harry said softly to the little girl who was currently sobbing into his chest.

I was surprised at the tenderness in his voice as he cuddled the little girl.

"Shh, Lily, It's okay, I'm here" He said.

"Call yourself Daddy" Al hissed at him and he looked surpprised.

"James, Al, are you both awake?" He asked.

"We all are" FRED said, "Al's right, call yourself Daddy"

"Lily, it's okay, Daddy's here" Harry said soothingly to Lily, "Wake up Sweetie"

"Yay! Good job Uncle Harry" FRED said.

"Lily, wake up" Harry whispered to the little girl.

She began to calm down and Harry whispered more things in her ear.

"Daddy! Don't leave me" Lily cried and started to cry even harder.

"Ugh, how am I supposed to do this?" Harry asked James.

"I don't know" He said helplessly.

"Lils, calm down, it's just a dream, Daddy's here, I'm right here Lily, I won't leave you" Harry said to the little girl and she calmed down as Harry hugged her tight to his chest, she finally stopped crying and settled into a nice calm sleep.

"Sleep with her" Al demanded as Harry started to get up to put her back in his room.

"Um, what?" Harry asked.

"Sleep with her, so she doesn't get stared, or think that she's alone" James told him.

"Yeah, do it Uncle Harry" FRED said and Harry stared at them like they were crazy.

"You probably should, they know her better than us, and you'll do it in the future, besides, she's your Daughter" I said and Harry nodded gently putting Lily in his bed and putting her bear next to her. The tenderness he showed was astounding and he climbed in next to her.

Harry's PoV

I pulled the covers over Lily and I and she immediately curled up into my chest. I hugged her close to me and she relaxed, I watched over her to make sure that she was asleep and finally went to sleep myself. The next morning, I was a bit confused when I felt another body in my bed, but then realized it was Lily and remembered the events of last night. I felt around for my glasses and then shoved them on my face. Lily was sleeping soundly and I felt a wave of protectiveness wash over me as I looked at the small girl. I stretched and got out of bed. I heard Lily wake up and saw that everyone else was asleep, It's about 7 in the morning. Lily yawned sleepily and smiled widely at me.

"Daddy" She said happily holding her arms out.

I picked her up and she put her arms around my neck. I walked down to the kitchen and sat down getting Breakfast for the both of us. I drank some coffee and had my breakfast, while Lily had her Milk and yogurt. She ate her breakfast quickly, and I wiped the yogurt off her face with a napkin. After Breakfast it was around 7:30. Vic stumbled down and grabbed her coffee before walking back up. Then Teddy came down and grabbed some coffee, but he STAYED downstairs with us and started to read the newspaper.

"Teddy!" Lily cried and pounced on him making his coffee start to spill, but suddenly the liquid froze suspended in the air. 

It was like it rewinded and the liquid poured back into the cup and then the cup floated to set on the coffee table. I stared at the cup and Teddy gave me a smile.

"Lily has very strong magic" He said and I nodded.

"Teddy, I had a dream about Ponies, and we danced on rainbows, and Daddy and Mommy were there, and you were too! And so was Vicky and Jamie and Al" She said excitedly.

"Really, because Al came in last night and told me that you had a bad dream" He said arching an eyebrow at the girl.

"Yeah, but my dream changed after Daddy cuddled me, I slept with Daddy last night" She informed him and Teddy arched an eyebrow at me.

"Did Daddy have a nice sleep with you Lily? Did you disturb him?" Teddy asked him.

"No! We had Breakfast together" Lily said and I laughed.

Lily turned to look at me and smiled brightly at me.

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