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It was a nice morning in Slateport city. A ship named Gyrados Rampage has came in the Hoenn region. A young trainer with a Pikachu on his shoulder was walking away from the port.

' It's good to be back in Hoenn region. Right Pikachu?' Ash asked.

' Pika!' Pikachu said.

' Let's rest in the Pokemon centre and then start training for Hoenn league. It starts in a month' Ash said.

' Pika Pi!' Pikachu said.

Ash and Pikachu went in the Pokemon centre.

' Let's get a place to sit and then eat' Ash said.

Ash and Pikachu found a place in Cafeteria. They sat there and began eating their food. Soon, their was an announcement in the TV above them.

' Hello Pokemon Lovers, I am Vivian. We are hosting a Pokemon contest in Slateport city tomorrow for the young Pokemon lovers to watch and see how a Pokemon coordinator does their performance. Those coordinators who are interested in doing this can register by today itself' said Vivian from the TV.

' Wow a Contest! Let's see it tomorrow Pikachu' Ash said.

' Pika Pi' Pikachu said.

' We have surprise for you all. Tomorrow, the previous top coordinator, May Maple will also be participating.' Vivian said.

' Great! We will also be able to see May. I wonder who is current top coordinator?' Ash said.

' Pika!' Pikachu said.

' And not only that, this time, we will be having current top coordinator of Hoenn as well as Sinnoh. Not only that, she is Kalos Queen also. She is,.............SERENA YVONNE!!!' Vivian said.

Ash was in a shock. He didn't not imagined Serena to become Top coordinator as well as Kalos Queen. It's not that he didn't believe in her, he also remembered one thing, she said that she will be more attractive the next time they will meet. Thousands of Questions were running in his mind.

' Pika Pi Pika' Pikachu said in concern for his trainer.

' I am alright Pikachu. Let's go and start our Practice.' Ash said.

Ash stood up and start walking towards the exit along with Pikachu.

End of chapter 6

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