Just an Update

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Yep..... I'm bored, so, you know.

I went on my almost-step-sister's Facebook and downloaded a few pics, so....

My little brother turned two October 8th (literally a day before mine). This is just a pic collage of him. :3

When we were on our way to Holiday World over summer.

My birthday party; that's my almost-step-mom in the middle, lol.

This was on my best friend, xoxAnnee's FB.
The Austin Jones concert! That's Austin Jones. :P
His guitarist Leo:

Cringey smile. Ugh

Holiday World TWO years ago. I've changed so much 😂😂

Lilly and her sister Eva, my two almost-step-sisters and I.

Holiday World this summer. Lololol
Lilly's in the middle and our friend Andrea is on the far right.

I got braces, too.

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