Chapter 6: Different Worlds

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•- [Y/n]'s Perspective -•

I hugged close the pillow in front of me as I try to keep my mind blank and sleep peacefully to inquire my tired state. Ink keeps trying to keep me awake by saying 'stand up!' 'wake up, [y/n]!' to no vail, I was too tired to.

"[y/n]!!! i swear to asgore, your lazier than any sanses in any universe!! let's go!!!" He whined as he continued to shake my restless body. I let out a huff and a groan. I look at his direction, not bothering to open my eyes. I opened my mouth with a smile as I said. "No."

Ink let out a frustrated scream, I can imagine all the Sanses looking at us both wondering what was all the ruckus about. I smile in victory as I turned and shifted away from him and sleep... Until he pulled my leg away from my couch. I shriek in surprise and started hitting him with my pillow.

"Let me go! You shall pay for disrupting my peaceful state!" I yelled at him as I tried to scramble away from him. I started laughing as Ink's hands made it's way into my waist and started tickling it. Tears pricked my eyes as I tried make him stop and let me go.

"not until you wake up!" He laughed at my misery. My head nodded so fast, I pulled away his hand and yelled. "Fine! You won now stop tickling me!" My laughter died away.

Ink pumped his fist and yelled. "yes!" I stood up and brushed the dirt from my leggings until I bolted again towards the couch and layed down comfortably and away from him, my leg tucked in making sure it will be hard to pull me away this time.

He blinked his eyesockets before yelling again. "ink, just give up, she won't budge..." Classic said with his usual lazy self. "then we'll make her budge!" He said as he took his gigantic paintbrush with both of his hands with his pinpricks changing shape.

I shrinked into the couch hoping it would swallow me. I am not giving my territory up!

"unless you want her to shrink away and never come out of the couch, let us just let her take a well-good nap."

"Yeah! Like he said!" I exclaimed smiling sheepishly. It's good to know that I have someone by my side >:3

"fine... but we might be late on our schedule though."

"good! cause i am not interested on joining your party sh!t! i just want tthis day to end and that's it!" The Emo Lord has spoken! With his mighty voice and his sh!tty look! He has said that he doesn't like anybody! Like a typical Emo Lord would!

He tried shooing Blue away. Blue keeps saying to him to smile, laugh and use kind words to people. Like an innocent cinnamon roll! The Lord wasn't very pleased and summoned his Blasters to Blue.

"SHUT UP WILL YOU?! YOU SOUND ANNOYING AS F!CK!!" Fell exclaimed to Blue.

Blue smiled kindly to him and patted his head, making him ticked off. Blue's pinpricks changed to stars and he yelled for the whole world to know. "DO NOT WORRY OTHER ME! I SHALL NEVER STOP! I KNOW YOU ARE A KIND MONSTER! YOU JUST NEED SOMEONE TO GUIDE YOU! IT WILL JUST TAKE TIME!"

"The Innocwnt Cinnamon roll tries to melt The Emo Lord's heart!"

"I AM F!CKING OUT OF HERE! DON'T FOLLOW ME." He spat, making the Blaster disappear as he walked away.

"Ah! It failed sadly!" I laughed as I can see steam coming from his skull. Blue followed behind Mr. Hothead and he didn't notice.

"A better love story than Twilight." I joked as I wave a goodbye to them as they went out of Classic's house.

"what's twilight?"

"A faze of the moon." I laughed as I hugged the pillow and closed my eyes falling asleep.

•- End -•

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