Chapter 8: Weird Flutter

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•- [Y/n]'s Perspective -•

"Come on, darling! I promise you're going to be beautiful after the make-over!"

"Please no high heels... I can't bear those monstrosities..."

"Oh don't be like that!" He purred with his robotic voice. He grabbed some glitter from the vanity, I sat on and started dabbing it to my cheeks. "Why did I agree to this..." I mumbled under my breath as I closed my eyes shut not wanting any of the glitter to come to my eyes. "Darling, please! I need an announcer for my show tonight and you're beautiful features were just begging for a beautification! And I know you will be EXCELLENT at being a announcer, like yesterday! And besides, Sans did agree to let me borrow you for a night, which was... very strange since he never agrees on anything if I'm included in the picture~"

Mettaton smiled with pride and started arranging his own hair himself. He looked in the mirror looking at my reflection, looking for any imperfections. "I thought you host your OWN shows, ALONE." I looked in the mirror. I have so many glitter in my face, I looked like I was a disco ball, Too shiny it's hurting my eyes.

"Yes I do but this time it will be different~ Just imagine! A crowd of people, cheering for you, with their smiles and excitement in their eyes and me, dancing and getting attention on the stage! Oh! What a dream~!" He said daydreaming. "For you... For me a crowd of people is a NIGHTMARE."

"Don't be silly~" He laughed as he out even more glitter to my face. With a few more dabs, he put down the glitters and hovered his hand towards a plum colored lipstick with glitters on them, does he have kinks for glitter? Does he even use a lipstick? Why does he have one when he's a robot? Do he even know how to use a lipstick? Where did it came from? So many questions, no answer at all!

"Darling, your staring so much at your own reflection, it's peculiar." I snapped out from my trance and laughed nervously. A knock interrupted us both. Making our heads turn to the door. "Who's there?"

"orange."A voice replied from behind the door. "SANS! WE AGREED THAT YOU MAKE NO JOKES WHEN WE MEET METTATON!" My lips curled up to a smile. "yeah, but we haven't met him yet, didn't we?" A long, annoyed groan erupted behind the door. Classic Papyrus and Sans. 'Really? A orange knock-knock joke? That is so old, no one's going to fall for it.' I smirked.

"Uhm... Orange who?" Mettaton asks oblivious. 'Are you serious?' Deep chuckles and a face palm. "orange you going to open the door?" Mettaton's face fell. So unamused, how did he not see that coming? "METTATON CAN WE COME IN?"

"U-Uhmm, yes! Darling please come in! We were just adding finishing touches for [Y/n]~!" Mettaton grabbed the lipstick and slowly colored my lips with it. The door opened and Sans and Papyrus walked in with Sans' usual grin and Papyrus' innocent smile. I wave slightly at them as Mettaton made the turning chair turn so I could face them. "Do I look... okay?" I asked shyly. A pink, sleeveless dress strapped over my skin, with the chest shaped as a heart filled with beads and glitters shining on them, a bow wrapped around and nicely placed in front of the chest. I nervously dusting my skirt after I dusted it off I nervously held my arm and waited for their answers.



"Heh, thanks guys."

"And it was all MY work~!" Mettaton smiled as he started posing and camera's started flashing from nowhere as if he was on some sort of show. I raised my eyebrow and a monster with a female suit and her hair neatly tied like a bun, she started whispering to him. His eyes glittered and his smile went wide.

"OOOHHHH YES!!! IT'S TIME DARLING~!" I gulped down nervously and glanced at the brothers who gave me a cheerful thumbs up. 'Let's do this... again.' Mettaton and the brothers walked out first and I came last. I closed the door shut to hear a cough behind me.

•- [Ink's Perspective] -•

I passed the portal I created to Mettaton's back studio. After knowing Sans agreed for [Y/n] to be an announcer to Mettaton's shows I had to come over. I flipped my pen and smiled.

"heheheh, i bet she's so nervous. huh, i wonder how she got into this mess...heh." I chuckled more to myself. I heard the door open to see Mettaton, Papyrus and Sans walk out first, Sans, of course noticed me but kept his cool. A flat black shoes stepped  out of the door and closed it. A pink dress, glittered in the dim lit hall way, as a [h/l], [h/c] neatly combed hair swayed slightly with her head. Her [e/c] eyes shined with her smile. My metaphorical stomach started fluttering like a butterfly and my skull felt hot. I coughed slightly to catch her attention. She turned her head towards me and my heart stopped.

'w-what the—?'

•- End -•


Sorry It's been WEEKS HECK EVEN MONTHS since I last updated XD

I was in school and It was test day and I had to study so I could pass.

but in

Math TT-TT I only got 13/48....

-cries silently in the corner-

i tried.... ;-;

the hard work....

all to waste TwT

Enjoy le chapter -w-

Crazy girl, is out :D


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