Chapter 15: Friendly chat

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The school day was over but the Sports festival was still in Y/N head he knew how important this festival was but he also knew that there was a slight chance he had to use his dragon element. Finally his thoughts were interrupted when the school bell rang and the class he was in was over.

Y/N stretches his limbs as he popped a few of his bones he began to walk out of class as he put his normal shoes back on he felt someone tap his shoulder he looked to the side and saw Momo.

Y/N: Oh hey Momo.

Momo: Hey are you alright?

Y/N: Yup! I'm still my good old self.

Y/N smiles and gives a thumbs up.

Momo: That's good to hear. Um Y/N. After school do you mind coming up to the School roof? Alone.

Y/N cheeks turned bright red as he looked at the other direction.

Y/N: *Stutter* Oh um sure. Sure.

Momo: Good. See you after school.

Momo begins to walk away.

Y/N: *Thinking* Wow she wants me to meet here alone. But why? Maybe she wants to go on a date *Scoffs* Yeah in my dreams. Well I'll find out when school is over.

Y/N then starts to walk to his next class but then feels someone wrap there arms around his neck.

Eijiro: Hey Y/N! Excited for the sports festival.

Y/N: Yeah I can show off my skills and what I learned from this school.

Eijiro: Yeah me and you both.

Denki: But we're all wondering.

Hanta: What was the conversation you were having with Momo?

Y/N starts to get flustered.

Y/N: What the! You guys were watching!

Denki: Yeah we couldn't help but notice you two talking. Especially how close you two got.

Y/N: Wha wha what you mean!

Hanta: Oh come on man all the signs are there.

Y/N: What signs!?

Eijiro: Oh how sometimes you stutter over your words or how you blush a lot when you near her.

Y/N: It's not like that!

Denki: Your cheeks says otherwise.

Y/N eyes widened as he turns his face away.

Y/N: It's just the stored up heat in my cheeks from my fire quirk. Is all.

Hanta Denki & Eijiro: Riiiiiight.


Eijiro: Alright alright relax.

Meanwhile with Momo. Momo had just entered her class and then she sees Mina Ochaco & Kyoka smiling.

Momo: Why are you all smiling.

Kyoka: Oh we just heard a rumor.

Momo: What rumor?

Mina: That you and Y/N are dating!

Momo was shocked to hear this and became flustered.

Momo: (Thinking) Me and Y/N have only been friends for a couple of days and people are already spreading rumors of us dating! (Talking) Well those rumors are false we're only friends.

Momo then walks towards her seat and sits down on it.

Ochaco: Oh man I was hoping the rumors would be true. I think you two would make a good couple.

Momo begins to blush a little.

Momo: Don't you think it would be a little Too early for us to be dating.

Mina: Well who knows you might be trying to hide the fact that you are.

Momo: Again we're not dating and that's final.

Mina: Ok ok relax. No need to be a party pooper.

Finally it was the last day of class and Y/N was looking at the clock waiting for class to be over. Then finally the bell rang Y/N immediately got his stuff and started to head towards the roof top once he made it he saw Momo standing near the polls of the roof top Y/N couldn't help but stare as the wind blew through her hair making it wave through the air a bit. Y/N then walks towards her and also leans on the poll.

Momo: Beautiful isn't it.

Y/N then stares at the sun that was starting to set.

Y/N: Yeah. It sure is.

Momo: Back at home room. You said you opened up to a few people about what was going on. Who did you tell. You don't have to tell me I'm just curious.

Y/N: I only talked to two people. You & my sister. You both made me rethink about my dragon element. For a long time I thought it was a curse. Something that should never be used. But after talking to you guys. I think I've judge it wrong. Just like what All Might told me. It's apart of me and I can use it how ever way I want. It's... It's going to be awhile. But I will control this quirk. And I'll be the hero I always wanted to be.

Momo smiled as she put her hand on his shoulder.

Momo: Good. And I'll be here to help you.

Y/N and Momo smiled at each other.

Momo: Oh I've been meaning to give you my phone number.

Y/N: Wait really! I mean *Clears throat* Yeah I'm fine with that.

But both teenagers didn't realize All Might was listening to there conversation.

All Might: *Thinking* This good. Y/N is starting to except his quirk. It's also a good thing that he's making new friends to have his back. He'll need all the support he can get.

Minutes later it was night and Y/N was in the place his brother Toya use to train there was scorch marks small shards of ice and electricity sparking through his body he begins to breath heavily he then looks at his arm then closes his eyes.

Y/N: Alright Y/N don't go out of control.

Y/N then moves his arm back as sparks of red and black energy appear in his arm then red veins starts to appear in his arms as the draconic energy sparks starts to come out of his arm then Y/N opens his eyes which are glowing red then he punches the ground causing a huge crater in the ground. Y/N breaths heavily as red energy starts to flicker in his arm he looks down and sees what he did and smiles but Y/N feels like someone is watch him he immediately looks behind him and sees no one.

Y/N: Alright I'll call it a day.

Y/N then walks off satisfied with his training but then a figure come out of the forest to reveal a 24 year old man wearing black jacket and pants with black hair and has blue eyes but he also has stitched up arms eye lids and jaw the man watches Y/N leaving the area.

???: You know your lucky I have a soft spot for you.

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