Chapter 18: Calvary battle

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Midnight explained the rules the rules and it was pretty simple but Y/N knew which team he was going to be in everyone had fifteen minutes to find a teammates Izuku tried to find one but a lot of people were turning him down Ochako approached Izuku.

Ochako: Hey Deku!

Izuku turns his head to see Ochako.

Ochako: Let's team up!

Izuku begins to cry.

Izuku: Ochako! Are you sure? Everyone's be after me and my ten million stupid points! Tell me your not kidding.

Ochako: If we run away the hole time then we'll win right?

Izuku: Your overestimating me or underestimating everyone else here.

Ochako: Phooey! Anyway. It's better if you team up with people you like!

Izuku makes a weird face of joy.

Ochako: Is something wrong?

Y/N wraps his arm around Ochako & Izuku.

Y/N: She's right if you team up with people you know then you'll have a better chance as communicating.

Izuku: Y/N!

Y/N: That's me!

Ochako: Wait do you—

Y/N: Yup I'm joining your team!

Izuku begins to tear up.

Izuku: But... But why?

Y/N: Well because why not. We are friends aren't we. And plus I never had time to spent it with you guys.

Ochako: Aww your such a sweet heart.

Izuku: This is perfect. With your zero gravity and your element attacks we can keep people from a far distance. Now we just need someone else with a really good quirk. Someone who is really fast.

They all start to think but then get an idea.

Y/N Izuku & Ochako: Tenya!

They approach Tenya. Tenya turns around and finally Izuku explains the plan to him. And how they could win.

Y/N: Yeah this is perfect with Ochako's quirk making us have les weight my range attacks and Tenya speed no one will catch us.

Tenya: A good strategy but I'm sorry. I'm afraid I must refuse your offer.

All of them gasped.

Tenya: Since this all started I've been losing to you. Please don't take this as an insult your a great friend. But if I continue to follow you I'll never get stronger. Katsuki and Shoto have challenged you already but they aren't the only ones who sees you as a rival.

Tenya then walks towards the group he was teaming up with.

Tenya: Izuku I'll try my best to defeat you.

Ochako: Whoa Tenya.

Izuku: Crap that was a huge blow! We need to find someone and fast.

Y/N: Actually I might have a perfect idea.

Izuku: Huh?

Y/N starts to look around then finds him he walks towards him Izuku and Ochako fallow then Y/N pats his shoulder Fumikage turns around and sees Y/N.

Y/N: Hey buddy we have one more spot opened and we have the perfect role for you. Do you think you can help.

Fumikage: Yes I can. What role do you have for me?

Y/N: Defense. I can keep people at a distance with my range attacks Ochako will lessen our weight with her quirk now all we need is someone for defense can you help us with that.

Fumikage: Of course. You choose wisely Y/N.

After some more explaining the time went out and now it was finally time for them to get ready Y/N was in the middle Fumikage was on the right and Ochako on the left.

Izuku: Everyone knows the strategy right.

Y/N: Yeah I'll keep all of our enemies far from us with my range attacks Ochako will use her quirk to lessen our our weight and Fumikage is our defense.

Fumikage: Y/N there has been something that has been in my mind. I noticed the way you looked. You seemed upset. Are you ok?

Y/N: Yeah. I'm fine just a bad memory that's all.

Everyone looked at him with concern and they all knew he was lying. But they couldn't focus on that they had to focus on the game.

Present mic: Let's get this party started! One final countdown before the game starts! Three! Two! One!

Fumikage: They're not even giving us a chance huh? Such is the fate of the pursued.

Y/N: We have to act fast Izuku!

Everyone immediately started to run after them Y/N then causes lightning strikes around them stopping most of the contestants.

Fumikage: Make your choice Izuku!

Izuku: That's easy. We run!

Tetsutetsu: Don't think so!

Juzo then uses his quirk to soften the ground and they begin to sink.

Ochako: What's happening!?

Izuku: Where sinking!

Y/N was trying to figure out what to do but then uses his fire element in his feet to fly out to the sinking floor.

Toru: Kyoka!

Kyoka: I know!

Kyoka uses her ear phone jacks to try and attack them but Dark Shadow was quick to block the attack. They then land and began to run. They then her Minoru laughing.

Minoru: This is too easy. It's not a fight it's a massacre!

Izuku: It's Mezo! Is he all by himself?

Fumikage: What we need is breathing room.
We can't be caught trapped by multiple opponents.

They try to move but then realized Ochako was foot was stuck.

Ochako: Oh no!

Izuku: Is something wrong?

Ochako: Yeah I'm stuck.

They then see one of Minoru ball.

Izuku: It's one of Minoru's ball. But where is it coming from!

Minoru: Over here.

They then see him hiding in Mezo's arm.

Minoru: Hey Izuku.

Y/N: Holy shit. That's not a bad strategy.

They then see a tongue try to take the points but Izuku dodges.

Tsuyu: Good reflexes as all ways.

Izuku: Oh man you got Tsuyu in there too?

Tsuyu: I told you to call me Tsu!

Y/N: Well isn't that—

Tsuyu and Minoru started to attack Izuku but Izuku dodges all of them. Y/N then forms a Ice wall to block Tsuyu and Minoru attack Y/N sees Tetsutetsu team coming at him so he makes a wall of fire to block the others.

Izuku: Nice work Y/N but we have nowhere to go!

Y/N: Crap I'm sorry I—

Fumikage: No need to apologize you had to think quickly. We'll just have to think of another way out.

Y/N was thinking but then got an idea.

Y/N: I know I said I wasn't to use it but it seems I have no choice. Ochako lift up your foot.

Ochako did that and Y/N freezes the ball then frees his left hand and fires electricity at it and destroys the ice.

Y/N: Everyone hang on!

They did just that as Y/N's leges started to flicker with the dragon element and red veins appeared in his leges his eyes glowed red and his teammates saw what he was doing then with a mighty scream he jumps into the air causing a huge gust of wind then blows out the fire and destroys the ice and pushes everyone back and takes his teammates with him as they jump over the walls he made.

Tetsutetsu: Whoa! What type of monster like strength!

Juzo: And he caused this by just jumping too!

Izuku: Whoa that was amazing Y/N!

Y/N: Thanks.

Katsuki then starts to blast towards them.

Y/N: Oh boy. Tactical nuke incoming!

Katsuki: Don't think for a second your safe.  I've got you!

Izuku: Fumikage!

Dark Shadow then blocks the the attack and they land on the ground again and continue to run.

Y/N: Man this is crazy!

Ochako: Yeah but it's super fun!

Fumikage: Yes. But I have to say I'm impressed  you used that fourth element of yours.

Y/N: Yeah well we got to win to advance.

Izuku: Yeah you guys are doing great.

They see other teams trying to get there points but Y/N uses his ice and Fire to make walls he sees a group of students come at them but then freezes them in place.

Izuku: Your doing an excellent job Y/N.

Y/N: Thanks but let's hope I don't have to use my Quirk too much on other contestants but knowing how you got the most points that's not going to happen.

Izuku: Why is something wrong?

Y/N: Well sometimes when I use my elements a lot I can get really tired and it takes time for me to replenish my energy and using the dragon element took a lot out of me. But I still got some more to spare.

Izuku: Well don't worry I think we'll be ok!

They then immediately stopped as they see who is in front of them.

Y/N: I think you spoke to soon Izuku.

In front of them was Shoto.

Shoto: I'll be taking that now.

Y/N: Not if I have something to say about!

Y/N stomps his foot on the ground making a wave of fire coming towards Shoto's team making then step back and dodge out the way and they begin to run off backwards But then Shoto and his team chaise after him.

Izuku: Y/N don't use your quirk we need you to save up as much energy you can.

Y/N: Alright.

Fumikage: Y/N do you know when you have a good amount of energy back?

Y/N: Yes I don't know how but I can always feel when my energy replenishes.

Izuku: Everyone watch your surroundings everyone is after us.

Denki: I hope you made something stronger Momo!

Shoto then grabs the cloth and covers everyone with it Momo then makes a metal poll Denki then blast everyone with an electric shock Dark Shadow then blocks the attack then Shoto grabs the poll freezes the ground so he could freeze everyone's feet.

Y/N: There getting close! My energy has been half replenished!

Fumikage: Take care of them!

Dark Shadow stretches towards them to attack but Momo makes an object to block the attack.

Izuku: She's too good with her creation quirks we need to be careful.

Fumikage: No Denki is the one to fear if there was more sunlight Dark Shadow would have been destroyed.

Y/N: Yeah that's right. Dark Shadow isn't as strong in the sunlight as he is in the dark.

Izuku: And it doesn't help that his lighting is full of light.

Fumikage: Correct. As long as he keeps using his quirk it will be very difficult for me to attack. Dark Shadow is too timid in the light.

Dark Shadow (Whimpers) Violence solves nothing.

They then stop as they are at the edge of the arena.

Izuku: They don't know that your attack is low right?

Fumikage: I don't think so. I only told one person. And he's a man of very few words.

Y/N: Izuku please let me use my quirk. I can protect us from Shoto.

Izuku: You can't. If you don't have enough energy to move we'll be venerable.

Y/N growls in frustration as he knew it was true.

Y/N: Well we should keep moving to the right.

Izuku: Why?

Y/N: He won't use his left side. He absolutely refuses to use it.

Izuku nodded as they got closer they moved to the left side with Dark Shadow protecting them they were ready for anything when they see Tenya speaking they were confused until he started to run towards them with the engines starting to fire up.

Tenya: Torque over.

Y/N was about to make an ice walk when they zip towards them and Shoto takes the head band.

Tenya: Reciproburst!

Y/N: (Thinking) What the! I couldn't even react!

Everyone looked at Tenya absolutely shocked of what just happened.

Izuku: Don't let them go!

Fumikage: Denki is still a problem. It be smarter for us to try for other points now.

Izuku: We can't! We don't know who's got the other headbands. This our only chance!

Ochako: Then let's go! We'll get the points back Deku! I know it!

Izuku: Ochako.

Y/N: Yeah and I have an idea that will make Shoto's team venerable we get close!

Izuku: Y/N.

They get close and the red veins appear in Y/N forehead and his eyes glow red and there is a small portion of the red and Black energy coming out of his eyes and mouth he leans his head back.


He then swings his head forward Momo gasped as she makes a shield to protect Tenya Y/N then headbutts the shield making a small gust of wind.

Y/N: (Thinking) I knew it! I knew Momo would do something like this! Once she saw me try and attack Tenya she made a shield with her protecting Tenya and Denki feelings the gust of wind. My brother is opened. (Talking) GET THE POINTS!

Izuku goes to grab it Shoto lifts up his right arm as fire starts to come out of his arm Izuku then uses his quirk to make a gust of wind to push Shoto's arm back then grabs the points.

Izuku: I got them!

Y/N: Great work Izuku!

Y/N starts to breath heavily as blood start to go down his forehead.

Izuku: Oh no!

Y/N: What?! What is it!

Izuku: The points I grabbed! There only seventy they tricked us.

Momo: We mixed the headbands up. There's no way we would leave the prize on top. You underestimated us.

Y/N: Damn! We need to go after them again!

Izuku: Agreed!

They start to run after team Shoto.

Y/N: Fumikage have Dark Shadow grab Izuku's foot.

Fumikage: Right!

Dark Shadow holds Izuku foot leaving Y/N right hand free Denki shoots his electricity at them but then Y/N lifts up his right hand covered in electricity to block the attack and runs towards the team.

Izuku: (Thinking) I get it he's using his thunder element to block Denki's attack.

They finally get close and Y/N grabs Tenya's shirt but then sees Katsuki flying towards them.

Y/N: Get the points!

Izuku was about to grab the points but then time ran out.

Present mic: Times up! And with that the second round is officially over. Now let's take a look at who our top four teams are! In first place team Shoto! In second place Team Katsuki. In third place is Testute— Wait what?! It's team Hitoshi? When did they come back from the dead?

Finally Izuku jumps off on the ground Y/N could see that Izuku has a sad expression Y/N then walks towards him.

Y/N: Hey what's the matter man?

Izuku: Guys I'm... really sorry.

Ochako: Huh what do you mean?

Both Ochako and Y/N look at each other smile and point at Fumikage.

Fumikage: I must apologize. When Shoto was shaken by your first attack... I tried to grab the ten million point headband but things didn't go as planned.

Izuku gasped as Dark Shadow is revealed to grabbed a headband.

Fumikage: Still I got one. It was around his head where his guard was the weakest. Izuku. You're the one who created the opening for me. And ensured our advancement.

Present mic: And in fourth place is Team Izuku!

Izuku begins to cry a wave of tears Y/N pats his back and chuckles.

Y/N: Whoa we did great gu—

Y/N then falls to the ground.

Fumikage Izuku & Ochako: Y/N!

As Fumikage Izuku & Ochako ran to check on Y/N Ashlynn looking at Y/N the hole time because she was trying to figure out who he was but then it finally dawned on her who he was and she gasped.

Ashlynn: Y/N.

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