Chapter 22: Izuku vs Shoto

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Eijiro & Tetsutetsu where arm wrestling but then Eijiro came out as the winner.

Rikido: Alright!

Y/N smiled seeing Eijiro win but he was really worried about Ochako and he would glance at Momo a couple times and saw how sad she looked he wanted to be there and help her but he felt like she needed space then he saw Ochako come back but her eyes were super puffy

Y/N: Ahh Ochako your eyes!

Tenya: Yeah what happened you need to see recovery girl!

Ochako: I already have this is something else.

Tenya: Oh ok.

Y/N: Hey are you ok?

Ochako: Yeah. My wounds have been healed but I still got some scratches and bruises.

Tenya: That lost. It must have been hard.

Fumikage: Nows not the time to be sulking in defeat. Think of this as a learning experience.

Ochako: Right!

Tenya: So wise.

finally it was time for Izuku versus Shoto. His friend against his brother.

Hanta: Hey it's your brother against your friend.

Denki: Who do you think is going to win?

Y/N: It depends. Shoto could beat him at a long distance but if Izuku gets in close it's over. But at the same time he could always wait Shoto out. Shoto has this oath to never use his left side. Because that was inherited by our fathers quirk. So if he uses it right side too much he'll become slower and weaker. So Izuku might be able to use Shoto's weakness to win.

Y/N was watching closely as two of the most powerful people in this class were about to fight. Present Mics words were muffled in Y/N head until he said.

Present Mic: Begin!

Shoto makes a ice wall towards Izuku but with a flick of Izuku's finger he destroyed the ice coming towards him and all the pressure of the wind came towards Shoto and the crowd as small shards of ice started flying. Shoto made some ice behind him so he won't go out of bounds. Shoto fired another Ice wall and again Izuku flicks his finger to destroy the ice.

Y/N: (Thinking) Geez it seems like he's going to injure himself to counter Shoto's attacks.

And again the same thing happens.

Tenya: Is he really going to use all of his fingers?

Y/N: Well he might have to.

Izuku flicks his finger again using all of his fingers on his right. Shoto then forms some ice on the ground making a railing Shoto runs up the ice as Izuku flicks his finger destroying the ice but Shoto jumped off in time and tried to punch Izuku but Izuku moved out the way as ice formed in the ground but then Shoto shot a huge ice wall towards Izuku and it catches his foot then his hole left arm starts to glow and he punches the ice causing a massive gust of wind the smoke clears to reveal that Shoto is still in the ring but has more ice guarding him.

Shoto: What's the matter? Your that warn out from defending my attacks. I'm sorry about this but thanks for drawing it out. Look at him he's furious I'm not using his power. With your hands like that you can't fight anymore can you? Why don't we end this.

Shoto then fires a ice wall at Izuku.

Y/N: (Thinking) It seems like this is over.

Izuku: I'm not done yet!

Then using his broken finger he makes a gust of wind that destroys Shoto's ice and sends him back.

Y/N: Whoa with his broken finger.

Izuku: Your trembling Shoto. It's easy to forget that Quirks are physical abilities and that means there's a limit to the cold your body can take right? I get it. Usually you'd make up for the drop in temperature by using the heat from your left side. But you refuse to do that now... Listen. We're all giving it our all... to try and win. To make our dreams into a reality. To become number one! You think you can win with half your strength? Look at me Shoto. You haven't managed to put a single scratch on me yet.

Izuku then bolds up his fist.

Izuku: So come at me with all you got!

Shoto: Izuku. What are you trying to do here? You want my fire? What did my monster of a dad bribe you or something?

Shoto then runs towards Izuku.

Shoto: Now I'm mad!

Momo: He's become much slower.

Y/N: Yup and Izuku nailed it.

Everyone looked at Y/N.

Y/N: Like I said. If he uses too much of his ice the cold can get to him. But if he uses his fire it can help him. But he absolutely refuses to use it.

Izuku runs towards Shoto his arm glows again and he hits Shoto in the stomach but Shoto froze Izuku's arm Shoto tumbles on the ground but was able to get up then makes a wave of ice but Izuku moves out the way Shoto runs towards Izuku then he flicks his thumb to get some space from Shoto and so the majority of the match was Izuku sacrificing his fingers and Y/N begins to get worried.

Y/N: Why?

Everyone looked at Y/N.

Y/N: Why is he sacrificing everything for this fight. If he keeps this up. He might have permanent damage.

Ochako and Tenya had a worried expressions on there faces.

Shoto: Why are you putting yourself through this?

Izuku: I wanna live up to people expectations. I wanna be able to smile while doing something good for them. I wanna be a pro! What ever it takes to be a hero!

Izuku then rams his head into Shoto's stomach.

Izuku: That's why I'll give it my all just like you should be! There's no way I could know what you gone through or why your even here. Your life is so much different then mine. But for right now. Stop screwing around. If you want to reject your father fine. But you don't have the right to be number one if your not going to use your full power!

Shoto: Shut up.

Izuku arm glows ready to hit him with another punch.

Izuku: That's why I'm going to win this. I'm going to surpass you!

Shoto lands on his back and slides on the ground but then gets up.

Shoto: I will reject you. I refuse to use my left side.

Izuku: It's yours! Your quirk not his!

Shoto gasped a bit and begins to breath a little then steam starts to come out of his left side of his face then there was a huge burst of flames Y/N eyes widened seeing this.

Y/N: He's... He's using his fire!

Then Y/N starts to realize why Izuku went this far. So he could use his fire Y/N then smiled.

Y/N: (Thinking) I understand. You were pushing Shoto to finally embrace himself.

Even tho Present Mic and Endeavor were talking Y/N ignored them and put all his focus on this battle.

Shoto's ice and fire came out as a huge pressure of wind surrounded Izuku Shoto fired a huge ice wall Izuku Jumps over it and avoids all the ice coming at him Shoto charges up his fire ready to blast it at Izuku. Izuku arm begins to glow as both opponents fired there attacks a wall was formed but it wasn't enough as they easily destroyed it and there attacks landed causing a huge explosion then there was a huge gust of wind that everyone felt threatening to send them flying Y/N watch closely then the smoke cleared to reveal Izuku out of bounds unconscious and Shoto still in the ring.

Midnight : There. Izuku is... Out of bounds. Shoto wins! He advances to the third round!

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