Chapter 24: Unleash your ture power

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It was almost time for Y/N match and he was sitting near the tree in the shade as he was thinking what to do.  He still wasn't confident in using his dragon element and he didn't want to ruin the festival but after watching his brother battle with Izuku. He felt as if he shouldn't neglect his power either.

Y/N: *Sighs* I... I don't know what to do. I don't want to use my dragon element but... I don't want to go out of control.

He then looks at his hand.

Y/N: I wish I could talk to you... Mother.


Y/N ran towards his mother with a drawing.

Y/N: Mommy mommy look.

Rei looks at Y/N and sees a drawing she smiles and takes it to get a good look at it.

Rei: Aww that's so adorable.

It's a drawing of him Shoto & Enji being super heroes and Rei Watching from afar.

Rei: So you want to be a hero?

Y/N: Yeah and make you and all of our family proud.

Rei then puts her hand on his cheek and rub his cheek.

Rei: You already have. But just remember to always be yourself.

The flashback ends as the memory of his mother made him smile but then faded away as he also remembered that he is the only family member that was not allowed to see her because he couldn't control the dragon element. He sighs as he gets up and walks back to the stadium getting ready to face Katsuki.

At the Todoroki Abode both siblings where smiling.

Fuyumi: Wow this is amazing our little brothers are doing so well!

Natsuo: Yeah there doing great. I can't believe Shoto used his fire. It seems like he finally got over his past. If Shoto can use his fire. Then do you think—

Fuyumi: I don't know. But I would really like to see him use it.

At a unknown location Tormura was watching the tournament through a computer screen as he starts scratching his neck.

Tormura: Master what's so special about this Y/N brat? He's just your normal average powerful student.

???: Ahhh but that's the thing he's very special. He has something that would make him a very useful Ally.

Finally it was time for Katsuki and Y/N to fight they both stood in front of each other as Present Mic announced both of them.

Katsuki: Hey remember what I asked you. Don't hold back against me. I want everyone to know I beat you at your very best.

Present Mic: Alright with that being said let the final semi round begin!

Y/N shoots a thunder bolt at Katsuki with each shot he dodges it he jumps at Y/N ready to hit him with an explosion but didn't realize Y/N set up a trap as a thunderbolt came down from the sky and hit Katsuki down to the ground Y/N then charges at Katsuki with his fist covered and fire then punches Katsuki in the face as he goes flying Y/N makes a ice wall behind Katsuki as he hits hid back into the wall Katsuki looks up and sees a fire ball coming towards him he dodges out the way but then gets punched in the side he goes flying but then is able to stop himself he touches the side of the body Y/N punched but then feels the static he then chuckles.

Katsuki: You've got in some nice hits in. But let's see if you can take one!

Katsuki then fires a huge explosion at Y/N. He didn't have enough time to make a ice wall so all he could do is cover his face and take the explosion he gets hit and there was some smoke everyone waited to see what happened to Y/N. Then there was a sound a sound of something rushing at him Then from out of the smoke was a huge wave of Ice coming at him Katsuki jumped up into the air and started to fly up in the air then he realizes that the ice is pointing up then Y/N slides up the ice and jumps towards Katsuki. Katsuki then fires an explosion and Y/N goes flying into the ice shattering it and a bunch of ice goes flying but then a fire ball is shot towards Katsuki. Katsuki guards himself but then gets hit by Y/N fire ball Katsuki then falls from the smoke Katsuki's was in he landed covered in burns and bruises but was still able to fight Y/N ran towards him with his fist engulfed in flames Katsuki hands caused miniature explosions then both Y/N flaming fist and Katsuki's explosion collided causing a huge explosion Katsuki jumped back but then jumping towards him out of the smoke was Y/N he tried to punches Katsuki but he dodges out the way then blasted him with an explosion to the chest Y/N retaliates by kneeing him in the stomach that is engulfed with electricity he then headbutts him in the noise making Katsuki stumble back Y/N then leans his right arm back his veins turning Orange then he throws his arm forward firing a huge blast of fire which Katsuki retaliates with a huge blast of his own and they both have a beam struggle. But then Katsuki wins the beam struggle as the explosion comes towards Y/N. Y/N again takes the full blast of Katsuki's explosion then the smoke clears to reveal Y/N badly damaged covered in bruises and dirt.


Y/N was confused as to why Katsuki was so angry.

Katsuki: Why are you holding back against me!

Y/N gasped but then remembers why he's so upset.

Katsuki: That should have ended with a big explosion but it didn't you got overwhelmed. Your stronger then that! So why are you holding back! You want to be a hero right! You want to protect people don't you! But if I was villain!

Katsuki then charges towards Y/N. Y/N then makes a huge Icicle to hit Katsuki but he was able to move out the way then he charges into Y/N grabs him by the shirt and arm and throws him across the arena Y/N then lands on the ground and slams his hands into the ground skirting across the arena then makes a ice wall behind him so he could stop him self Katsuki's jumped towards Y/N electricity flowed through his arm ready to punch Katsuki's but he moves out the way grabbed his arm then blasted Y/N in the face then he hit him with a flurry of explosions in the chest then he throws him across the ring then fires a blast towards Y/N. It took awhile for the smoke to clear but it did and Y/N was on the ground but he gets up ready to fight.

Katsuki: You see! You could have used your dragon element to do more damage but you didn't! I felt that power when you head butted that shield in the cavalry battle. If you keep hesitating you won't ever be the best no less protect the people close to you!

Y/N gasped as Katsuki run towards Y/N ready to hit him with another explosion.

Y/N: *Thinking* Protect.

Ashlynn: Come on Y/N!

Y/N gasped hearing that voice.

Ashlynn: You can do it! That part of you isn't a curse. That's what Noah told you remember!

Y/N eyes widened as he remembered his best friend.

Y/N: *Thinking* Noah.

Then he starts to remember the times when the dragon element did take control and they always ended the same way. He protected someone close to him.

Y/N: *Thinking* I... I understand now. Why I have gone out of control. I have rejected this power for too long. Now it's time for me to use it!

Y/N right arm starts to flicker with black & red energy his veins start to turn red his eyes turned red. Katsuki then smiles he jumps towards Y/N ready to fire an explosion Y/N dodges out the way he relies his arm back then he swings his fist forward punching Katsuki in the face Momo Shoto and Izuku were shocked to see him using his dragon element even Endeavor.

Izuku: Hey he's using his dragon element.

Ochako: Yes we get to see it in action again!

He then slams Katsuki into the ground making a shock wave and a huge crater in the ground Everyone in the arena was shocked by this display of power but then everyone cheers Katsuki's goes bouncing off the ground then Katsuki but then stops himself from getting out of the ring.

Present Mic: Oh wow what a great display of power!

Katsuki: Hell yeah this is what I'm talking about.

Y/N: Katsuki I must apologize.

Katsuki: Huh?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This music behind to play

Y/N: I didn't give you what you desperately wanted. But now I'm not holding back anymore.

Then there was a burst of draconic energy surrounding him and it went flying out of the arena Y/N eyes were red as his face was covered in a black energy.


Y/N: With pleasure!

Y/N then jumped towards him as all of the dragon energy and aura was gone and transferred into his fist he slams his fist towards Katsuki but Katsuki doges out the way causing all of the debris and dirt to go flying then a thunderbolt strikes Katsuki making him fall to the ground Y/N ran towards Katsuki then uppercuts him Katsuki was about to go flying in the air but Y/N grabbed his leg and slammed him into the ground he throws him in the air and Y/N jumps up after him a icy cloud appeared above Katsuki then a blunt icicle dropped down onto Katsuki's Stomach he begins to fall then Y/N then uses his flams to fly towards him then his arms is powered up by the dragon element then punches through the ice and punches Katsuki's stomach then they both fall to the ground spit comes out of Katsuki stomach but then he fires a blast at Y/N sending him back Katsuki smiled and Y/N did the same thing they charged at each other as Y/N powered up dragon fist and Katsuki's explosion collided causing a huge explosion and there was smoke covering the arena but you could see orange blue black and red flashing lights and each impact caused the arena to crack more and more the dust clears to show Katsuki's and Y/N locking hands then Y/N head butts Katsuki then makes five climbs of ice behind him he grabs Katsuki's uniform then he screams as the dragon energy glows in his arms hands in fingers then he throws Katsuki behind him as Katsuki goes through all five of the ice Katsuki then stops himself from going out the ring.

Y/N: *Thinking* I'm almost out but I still have one more move!

Y/N hand balls up into a fist using the dragon element.

Y/N: I'll take him out with one last move!

Y/N then runs towards Katsuki he then jumps towards him and Katsuki dose the same as they both got ready to finish each other off.

Y/N: *Thinking* Thank you Katsuki & Ashlynn.

Katsuki screams as he leans his arm back and there is a orange background beside him and Y/N screams as well as there was a red background beside him and then appearing beside him was a Alatreon as it roared

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Choose which roar you want to use.

Then both of there attacks clashed causing a huge red and orange explosion it was as big as Shoto or Izuku but big enough there was a huge gust of wind that effected everyone.

Izuku: Whoa there strength is insane!

Hanta: Man this is just as crazy as Izuku and Shoto's match.

Kyoka: Man I can't believe Y/N was hiding this much strength.

Finally it stopped and again the arena was covered in smoke it cleared and both Katsuki and Y/N were out the ring both of them were badly damage covered in dirt bruises and burned marks they both are breathing heavily Katsuki falls in one knee Y/N smiles but then he falls to the ground. Everyone was silent.

Midnight: Y/N has been ko'd. Katsuki's Bakugo Wins!

The crowd starts to cheer.

Shoto watched with his eyes widened but then he smiles.

Izuku and Momo are smiling as well.

Izuku: He finally did it. He used his dragon element.

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