Chapter 27: Hero names

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Y/N was in a dark area he could only see his hands and his shoes.

Y/N: Hello!? Hello?!

Y/N started walking and when he did he made a small little wave. As if he's walking in water he continued to walk until he hears a woman crying. He fallows the crying and sees the woman who's crying she has H\C and see was sitting on a bench Y/N went up to her and tried to check if she was alright but every time he tried to touch her shoulder his hand would phase through her body.

Y/N: What the hell. Hello?

She stayed crying until finally he sees a man wearing a black hoodie walking towards her he looks at her for a few minutes then speaks.

???: Hey are you alright?

The woman looks up to see the man who was talking to her.

Woman: Yeah just... A really bad day.

???: Yeah I get it. I have one of those days too. You want to talk about it?

The women looked at the man offering his hand but there was something that Y/N noticed about the man. Almost has the same features as him his E/C eyes his hair as well.

D/N: My name is D/N. Yours?

M/N: M/N.

Y/N then wakes up he takes a very few deep breaths he looks around to see that it was still dark he looked at his clock and it says that it's 5:00 AM. Y/N gets out of bed he pours himself some green tea out the fridge into a cup but when he looks out the door he sees a silhouette of a figure he immediately gets in the defensive his hand flows with electricity as he walks towards the door he then opens it and finds nothing he walks out even further and sees nothing again.

Y/N: *Sighs* Must be seeing things.

Y/N walks back but then sees a note on the door he takes the note and it read.

Long time no see

Y/N looked around a bit then grabbed the paper off the door he then got in and closed the door and so Y/N didn't get no sleep after that not only because of the note but because of school but he didn't realize at a far distance a black spiky haired man with blue eyes stitched parts of his body watching from a distance he smiles then walks off.

The next morning Y/N was walking down the sidewalk with Shoto both of them having Umbrellas and of course they got recognized by a lot of people while Shoto stayed silent and continued walking Y/N would wave and say something like thank you and I will do my best. But that dream never got out his head. And the note too.

Y/N: *Thinking* Who should I tell about this note. I mean I would tell father but I could already hear him saying. I'm busy I can't talk. Hmm maybe I could report to the police but at at the same time I have no idea who it was that left that note.

Shoto: Hey are you ok?

Y/N looked at Shoto.

Shoto: You looked... Tired have you rested well?

Y/N: Well yeah... I guess.

Shoto: You guess?

Y/N: I'll tell you about it later.

Shoto: Alright.

Finally they made it to there school they open there lockers and put on there shoes and put there umbrellas in there as well. He then sees Momo.

Y/N: Momo.

Momo looks at Y/N then looks away as Y/N walks towards her.

Y/N: Good morning how are you?

Momo: Uhhh I'm great.

Y/N: That's good to hear. Sorry I didn't talk to you as much. I was busy with a few things.

Momo: Oh uhh it's ok.

Y/N then noticed that Momo looked really upset and she wouldn't look at him.

Y/N: Hey what's bothering you?

Momo: Nothings bothering me.

Y/N: Don't lie to me. I seen that face at the sports festival.

Y/N then walks towards her and puts his hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: You can talk to me. What's wrong?

Momo didn't look at Y/N for awhile as she puts her hand on her chest.

Momo: Well... I... Hey we got to get to class or Mr Aizawa will be mad at us. See you in class.

Momo walks off leaving a concerned Y/N.

Mini time skip

Y/N was in class he smiled hearing the conversation from each student.

Y/N: Oh Shoto I forgot to ask did you give the note to mother.

Shoto: Yeah I did. And she loved it. She'll give you a note back.

Y/N smiled but couldn't help but look at Momo concerned then Aizawa enters the classroom.

Aizawa: Morning.

Students: Good morning Mr Aizawa.

Tsuyu: Ribbit Mr Aizawa you don't have any bandages anymore. That's good news.

Aizawa: The old lady went overboard with her treatment. Anyways we have a big class today on hero informatics... You need code names. It's time for you to pick your hero identities.

Students: This is going to be totally awesome!

Aizawa eyes turned red as his hair begins to flow into the air and he growls in annoyance everyone starts to be quiet.

Aizawa: This related to the pro hero draft picks that I mentioned the last time we were in class together. Normally students don't have to worry about the draft yet. Not until there second or third year actually but your class is different. In fact. By extending offers to first years like you pro's are essential investing in your potential. Any offers can be rescinded if their interest in you dies down before graduation though.

Minoru then slams his fist on his desk.

Minoru: Stupid selfish adults.

Y/N: So we'll still have to prove ourselves even if we get recruited.

Aizawa: Correct. Now. Here are the totals for those of you who got offers.

Aizawa pushed a button and to Y/N surprised he got the most votes out of everyone.

Aizawa: In past years it's been pretty spread out but there's a pretty big gap this time.

Y/N: Huh I got the most votes?

Rikido: Well I'm not surprised. Your battle with Katsuki showed how powerful you really are.

Kyoka: Y/N and Shoto for the most ahead of Katsuki.

Eijiro: Yeah it's the opposite they placed in the festival.

Hanta: They probably weren't excited about working with the guy who had to be chained up at the end.

Katsuki: If I scared a pro there just weak!

Y/N: Or they don't want to deal with a guy who gets angry at everyone and tries to kill someone with an explosive.

Katsuki: Shut up or I'll kill you!

Y/N: Your proving my point Katsuki.

Momo sighs as she looks at Shoto & Y/N.

Momo: That's amazing. You two must be proud.

Shoto: These offers are probably because of my father.

Y/N: Hey don't forget you got some drafts too.

Momo stayed silent then spoke.

Momo: Yeah.

Aizawa: Despite these results you'll all be interning with pros. Got it. Even those of you who didn't get any offers.

Izuku: Oh so we're all interning?

Aizawa: Yes. You already got to experience combat with real villains during the attack on the USJ facility. But it will still be helpful to see pros at work up close and personal in the field. Firsthand.

Rikido: And for that we need hero names.

Ochako: Things are suddenly getting a lot more fun!

Aizawa: These hero names will likely be temporary but take them seriously or—

The door then opens.

Midnight: You'll have hell to pay later.

Everyone gasped in excitement as Midnight started to enter the classroom.

Midnight: What you pick today could be your code name for life. So you better be careful or you'll be stuck with something utterly indecent.

Aizawa: Yeah she's got a point. Midnight is going to have final approval over your names. It's not my forte. The name you give yourself is important. It helps reinforce your image and shows what kind of hero you wanna be in the future. A codename tells people exactly what you represent. Take All Might for example.

Then everyone started to pass down a bored and a marker Y/N had to think king and hard.

Y/N: *Thinking* A hero name huh. Whoa a lot more difficult now when I think about. As a kid I could never figure out what my hero name would be.

Y/N started thinking after a few minutes he finally came up with an idea.

Mini time skip everyone had gotten there names Y/N liked most of them all tho Yuga had a weird one and Shoto & Tenya used there normal names but the most shocking was Izuku's he named himself Deku it was a name he hated but he turned it into a positive thing which made Y/N smile.

Midnight: Alright Y/N it's your turn now.

Y/N took a deep breath as he walked up in front of the class and showed his board.

Y/N: The Elder dragon hero. Alatreon.

Midnight: Oh getting your name base off of the mythical creature.

Everyone was talking about the name and was amazed by it.

Kyoka: Alatreon?

Mashirao: Yeah one of the most powerful mythological dragons.

Denki: But why that one. Wasn't it known for causing natural disasters.

Y/N: Yeah but strangely enough. I felt a connection to this particular dragon. I have the same abilities as it. And there's much more to it. But I hope that the name Alatreon could give hope. And also it's a really cool name.

Mezo: I don't have a problem with it. Besides it makes it better if you feel connected to it.

Eijiro: And the power you showed off at the sports festival proves that name fits.

Eijiro gives him a thumbs up.

Y/N smiled. Happy with the name.

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