Chapter 29: Hosu city

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Y/N & Shoto made it to there fathers agency they looked at the building Y/N took a deep breath.

Y/N: Alright. Let's do this.

Y/N then walks inside the building with his brother by his side.

Sidekick 1: Hey it's Endeavor's two sons.

Sidekick 2: You two were awesome at the sports festival.

Y/N: Thanks.

They finally made it to the door of Endeavor's office and see him sitting on a chair.

Endeavor: Ahh you finally arrived. It's great to see you two have chosen my Agency.

He then looks at Y/N.

Endeavor: Both of you.

Shoto: Have you brought us here to just talk.

Endeavor: No of course not. I brought you here to see some hero action.

They both gasped a little as Endeavor gets up and walks towards the the door.

Endeavor: Well what are you waiting for?

Y/N and Shot0 nodded as they fallow Endeavor.

Endeavor: Everyone get ready we got some hero work to do.

Sidekicks: Yes sir!

They all fallow Endeavor Shoto & Y/N do the same.

Y/N: Hey Shoto. Can I ask you a favor.

Shoto: Yeah sure. What is it?

Y/N: It's Momo. She's been really... Down lately and she seems to be avoiding me. It's because of the sports festival. I would ask one of the girls but I didn't have time. So I'm asking you if you can talk to her.

Shoto: I'll... I'll try. But talking isn't my strongest thing.

Y/N: I know. I wouldn't have asked but—

Shoto: I understand. Besides your my brother I'll be happy to help. And I've seen the way you looked at her.

Y/N smiles as he continues running.

Meanwhile with All Might he was sitting in a office in his weak form as a elderly man and woman were looking at video footage of Y/N.

Elderly man: Hmm the boy has gotten better at controlling his power.

Elderly woman: And at a fast rate too.

All Might: Yeah. It took the last a lot longer to control his.

Elderly Man: All Might have you told him about One for all yet?

All Might: No. I haven't.

Elderly woman: Well you should All Might.

All Might: I'm still not so sure.

Elderly man: Well he has to know eventually. Him and Izuku are connected. And it's not because of One for all.

Elderly woman: And there's the fact that All for one is after him All Might.

All Might growls a bit as he stands up and looks at the window.

All Might: I know I need to tell him... But how can I sit there and tell a student that one of the biggest villains are after him. He hasn't even gotten out of highschool yet.

Elderly man: It's a difficult task but if he's not prepared and All For One catches him. There will be a serious problem that we all are going to have to face.

All Might: Tch. Your right.

Back with the Todoroki's Y/N and Shoto where watching there father do hero work and Y/N took some mental notes like how he's able to propel himself throw the air and how he was able to move. He was getting a good example seeing him fly in the air as they chaise after him.

Y/N: His movements are amazing.

Shoto: Yeah. He's not bad.

Endeavor finally landed they made it to see him take down a villain. Endeavor then looked back to see the two staring at him. They stare back.

Mom 1: Michael get out the street.

The kid laughed as he was about to come to his mother but then a truck at really high speeds came towards the boy everyone had terrified faces Endeavor was about to charge in but then Y/N pushed the boy out the way his eyes glow red as the black and red aura surround him then the veins start to glow red and so dose his leges he stretches his arms out catching the truck as both the truck and him skit across the street Y/N struggles but eventually he finally was able to stop the truck he then looks at the driver.

Y/N: Are you ok?

Driver: Uh huh.

Everyone then starts to surround him amazed by what he did and they start to give him compliments.

Man 1: You where amazing out there.

Y/N: Oh geez no need for the compliments.

Girl 1: But he's right you truly were. You'll be a great hero.

Y/N: Oh thanks.

Then the boy he saved named Michael walks up to him.

Y/N: Hey kiddo. Michael was it?

He nods his head.

Y/N: Now I hope you learned a very important lesson.

He nods his head yes.

Michael: Thank you mr hero.

Y/N chuckles as he ruffles his hair.

Y/N: Your welcome kid.

Y/N head begins to hurt then more memories that he has never remembered start to come back such as the man & women he seen from his last dream and they showed off there quirks one had a blue aura and could use it to fire energy projectiles and enhance his speed and strength while the woman could use the shadows and form all types of stuff with it. The closer he looked at them the more similar they looked. And even though it sounded crazy to speculate it from a dream he had a feeling it might be his parents.

Finally Y/N is back from reality the cops and sidekicks where able to get the civilians to back off from the scene Shoto then puts his hand on Y/N shoulder.

Shoto: Hey. Are you ok?

Y/N: Yea. Yeah. Sorry just a headache.

They then hear a load explosion they look where it's coming from and see fire and smoke.

Y/N: We have to go.

Shoto: Right.

Endeavor: Then fallow me.

They start to run to the scene but as they start running a nomu with wings grabs Y/N and starts to fly off.

Shoto: Y/N!

Shoto was about to give chase when Endeavor stopped him.

Endeavor: No wait. Your brother got this. If there's something I learned after the sports festival it's that your brother won't go out without a fight.

As the Nomu was carrying Y/N off he grabs it's foot and freezes it then shatters it settling him free the Nomu then flys towards him Y/N then lifts his arm up and shoots a fire ball at the Nomu the fire ball hits the Nomu it screech's in pain as he starts to crash onto a roof it looks up and sees a Icicle flying at him into it's brain killing it Y/N lands on the roof and looks at the Nomu.

Y/N: It's a Nomu. Like from the USJ.

He then sees more from the distance.

Y/N: Looks like it's going to be a long night.

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