Prologue: The Adoption

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It was a normal rainy day in musutafu Japan cars drove by and bystanders either had rain coats or an umbrella to protect them from the rain but a shady individual with a hooded black rain coat was running desperately she looks back to see if anyone is chasing her but sees nothing she looks down at her arms then looks back up breathing heavily.

Women 1: We're almost there darling.

At the Todoroki household Rei was holding Shoto who was still just baby in her arms all the children have been surrounding her looking at there little brother Rei chuckled seeing this but then they hear a knock at the door.

Rei: Hmm. Fuyumi do mind holding Shoto for a bit.

Fuyumi: Sure mommy.

She then gives her Shoto Fuyumi holds the baby in her arms as all the siblings surrounded Fuyumi Enji was watching the children from from a distance as Rei goes to the door and opens it to see the woman wearing a rain coat.

Woman: Is this the Todoroki household?

Rei: Yes. Can I help you?

Woman: I... I don't have much time but all you need to know is that I can't protect him much longer. And I don't know who to run to so... I'm begging you.

She then shows what's in her arms and to Rei surprise it was a boy who looks to be the same age as Shoto he has H/C hair Rei couldn't help but admire the beauty in the woman's arms.

Woman: Please. *On the verge of tears* I'm begging you. Take him.
Rei then takes the baby in her arms.

Rei: I'll treat him like I would treat my own family.

The woman then wipes a tear as she looks up at Rei and Rei can finally see the woman's face clearly.

Woman: Thank you.

She then runs off Rei closes the door as she walks in the living room all the kids where still surrounding Fuyumi but then to there surprise they see there mother with another child as she sits on the couch.

Natsuo: Whoa did you make another baby?

Rei: *Chuckles* No.

Fuyumi: But he's still our brother right?

Rei: Yes indeed he is.

Toya: So what's his name going to be?

Rei: Hmmm let me think.

The baby then opens his eyes to reveal his E/C eyes.

Rei: *Chuckles* Y/N. Y/N Todoroki.

All the siblings smile as Fuyumi puts her finger out and the baby now named Y/N grabs her finger making her and Rei chuckle.

Few minutes later Y/N and Shoto were asleep on the same crib Rei smiles and walks back to the kitchen and sees her husband Enji.

Enji: You weren't serious about adopting the boy were you.

Rei: Yes I actually was.

Enji: You do realize that's another mouth to feed right?

Rei: Yes I do realize that. And I know that I'm putting more responsibility on myself since I'm taking care of 2 babies but I'll happily do that. And I refuse to give him up for adoption so wether you like it or not ever since I held him in my arms Y/N has become my baby just like the other children related or not.

Enji sat there for a few minutes but then turned around.

Enji: Fine you can keep him.

Enji then walks off as Rei sighs of relief she goes to check on the babies but then sees Shoto and Y/N snuggled up to each other Rei smiles as she slowly walks towards them and gives them each a kiss on the forehead.

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