Hehehe cliffhangers

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Your pov

I woke up in the same room as before, everything was quiet. I sat there a few minutes doing nothing before the nurse came in, "Hello Mrs. Lox! How are you? Not in any pain are you?" She asked with a polite smile. "No, im fine, but, can you get my husband please?" I asked, somewhat tired. She nodded and left, coming back in minutes later with Ender right behind. He looked a little smug, alot more then usual. I looked at him with playful suspicioun. The nurse left us alone to discuss the baby name. "What about... (d/n)?" I suggested and Ender smiled lije a Cheshire. "Thats perfect kitten," he said, causing me to blush slightly at the nickname. He smiled and I looked down, smiling slightly as well. After a few moments of silence, I looked up at Ender, who was staring blankly out the window, most likely deep in though. "Hey Ender?" I asked, breaking the silence. "Yeah?" he asked, turning to look at me. "When you came in, you looked a little smug, what happened?" I asked, looking at him with a teasing expression. "Oh nothing, just shocked a few officials. Why?" he asked as if that wasn't a bad thing. "What two officials?" I asked, hiding my panic. "Adam and Ty, why?" he asked, tilting his head with a questioning look. "Because they could easily..." I began, panic evident in my voice, before I was cut off by the door swinging open. "Don't move!"

Don't u just love cliffhangers?

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