A Bad, Unlucky Day Ch. 6

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Bridgette was late to school as usual today. As soon as she busted into the classroom, all eyes were on her and Ms Bustier was tapping her foot impatiently, alarms crossed and attendance clipboard in hand.

"Bridgette Dupain Chang," Ms Bustier said in an annoyed voice. "Care to explain what it was this time?"

Bridgette swung her briefcase in front of her and bowed.

"I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed. "My cat almost fell off my balcony and twisted her paw when she saved herself. I had to bandage her and have my parents take her to the vet to make sure anything else wasn't broken and, and!"

"Stop," Ms Bustier interrupted. "Ok, I get it. You will be excused this once. Just don't do it again."

"Yes! I won't! Thank you!" Bridgette stood straight, hugged her bag to her chest, and sprinted up the stairs.

Before she reached her seat, though, Chloe stuck her foot out and tripped Bridgette in the middle of the stairs. Her papers flew out of her bag and she laid sprawled on the floor.

Chloe lifted her hand near her face and laughed loudly.

Bridgette held herself up by her arms and hissed at Chloe. Chloe gasped in response before laughing again.

"She hissed at me! What an animal!"

Bridgette whipped her head around and started cleaning up the papers when a pair of hands started helping her. She looked up to see who it was and was met with warm, gray eyes.

"Felix," Bridgette whispered in surprise.

"Here," Felix said, handing her a small stack of papers.

"Thanks," Bridgette smiled at him, taking them from him.

When they were done picking up the papers, Felix stood up and held his hand out for Bridgette to take. She gladly took it and hoisted herself up.

As Bridgette made her way to her seat, Felix looked at Chloe and glared hard at her. Chloe simply turned away and muttered, "Idiots should stick with idiots..."

(Yes, Chloe dislikes Felix. I just think that she would like someone with Adrien's personality. Yes, Felix is good looking, but he is usual cold to people)

"Alright, alright class. Get in your seats. Now, can everyone take out their homework?" Ms Bustier started.

Bridgette sweat dropped.

"Uh oh... I forgot..."


"Ah! You guys go on ahead. I need to get my lunch for my locker," Bridgette said to the others when the lunch bell rang.

"I'll come with you," Felix said, stepping toward her.

Bridgette shook her head.

"No, no! It's fine," Bridgette said.

"Are you sure?" Felix insisted.

Bridgette nodded in reply.

"I'll be back. I'm just going to my locker and then to our table. I'll be as quick as I can," Bridgette smiled

Felix sighed and said, "Well, considering the chance that you won't trip..."

Bridgette sweat dropped but kept the grin on her face.

"Alright, be back soon!"

To avoid anything else, Bridgette shot off immediately.

Felix chuckled lightly to himself.

He then felt himself get punched in the arm, so he turned around to see Nino grinning at him.

"Dude, you act like you're her girlfriend," Nino laughed.

At his words, reddish-pink dusted Felix's face in a deep blush. Looking at Felix made Nino laugh louder.

Bridgette sped down the hall towards her locker. She was so hungry that she thought her stomach was going to suck her in.

When she got to her locker, she fumbled with the combination a bit until the door popped open.

As she searched around the small space for the paper bag that held the croissants that her father packed for her lunch, a small, white envelope fell out of her locker.

"Huh?" Bridgette muttered.

She bent down to pick up the envelope and looked at it intently.

"What's this doing here?" Bridgette thought .

When she flipped it over she saw her name written on it. With a raised eyebrow, she opened the envelope and pulled out a piece of paper.

On it, it read:

"Bridgette, if you know what's good for you, stay away from him. If you don't, your going to regret it. Bad."

Her eyes were wide as she read this. It was a threat! But then her eyebrows furrowed.

"Who sends a threat note and uses bad grammar in it?! It's supposed to be you're, not your. How am I supposed to take this seriously?!" Bridgette shouted to no one in particular. Luckily, the hall was empty due to it being lunch period, so no one gave her crazy looks.

Bridgette crumbled up the envelope and note and tossed it into the nearest trash can she could find on the way to her friends.

When Bridgette got to the table, she plopped herself into the seat and sighed.

"What took you so long, girl?" Alta asked, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Oh nothing. Just threw away some trash," Bridgette said, taking out her croissants.

The table was quiet for a few seconds until Nino spoke.

"Why do I feel like that was an intended pun...?"

Short chappie, I know. But whatever, rite? I didn't kill you all with anticipation. Ok well, vote, comment, and share! Bbbyyyyeeee- I mean, ccciiiaaaooo!!!


Word Count: 872


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