Threats Ch. 8

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"You know, it was actually worth it. Almost dying while helping out at your parents' bakery. We got some free snacks and pastries, not to mention they also paid us for our work," Alya said as she and Bridgette walked to school.

"Well you guys deserved it! It was a storm in there, and you all helped out so much!" Bridgette said.

As they entered the school building and climbed up the steel stairs, Bridgette gasped.

"Oh geez, I forgot my science textbook in my locker! Ms Mendelevi will kill me if I forget it again!" Bridgette shouted as she started running down the stairs.

"But Bridgette! The bell's about to ring!" Alya called.

"It's fine! I'll be quick!" She replied as she jumped down the last step, almost tripping in the process.

Alya sighed as she watched her friend leave around a corner.

"That girl..."

Bridgette attempted to open her locker quickly, but it got jammed and she yelled out in frustration.

"Stupid locker! Open up!" She kicked the locker and it opened.


She quickly searched around for the textbook and sighed in relief when she saw it.

"Ah, another day safe from Mendelevi..." Bridgette muttered.

Just as she closed her locker door and turned around, she heard a particularly sassy voice.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't Bridgette Dupain-Cheng."

Bridgette looked up and locked eyes with Lila Rossi. A smirk was plastered on her face as she stared down a bit at Bridgette. Two shorter girls stared at her with the same smirk.

"That's... me?" Bridgette said questionably with a raised eyebrow.

"It seems that you haven't payed notice of my warning to you. It's already been a week and you've ignored my words," Lila said with a cold glare.

"What warning?" Bridgette asked.

"You did get my letter, did you not? It was sent to you neatly in your locker last week," Lila answered impatiently.

"Huh? Wait..." The memory of the letter in Bridgette's locker flashed in her mind. "You mean the threat-letter with horrible grammar was from you?"

"What do you mean 'horrible grammar?'" Lila asked offendedly.

"Well, you-" Bridgette tried to explain.

"Don't!" Lila cut her off. "As I was saying, I told you to stay away from him." She stated menacingly.

"Stay away from who?!" Bridgette shouted, annoyed.

"Felix, of course! We've seen you hanging around him every day. You and that group of losers that you hang out with are always with him! Lately, I haven't been able to talk to him alone since you've been interfering!" Lila sneered.

"Well he's our friend! We have the right to hang out with him!" Bridgette shouted in retort.

"You can't have him to yourself!" Lila shouted.

"He's not an object!" Bridgette yelled.

Both of them were glaring harshly at each other, though Bridgette had two more pairs of eyes staring her down.

"If you don't stay away from Felix, you will deeply regret it," Lila growled.

"Your hollow threats mean nothing to me," Bridgette stuck out her tongue and gripped her textbooks. "Now if you excuse me, I need to get to class."

Bridgette slid her way through the three girls and into the hallway.

"You will regret it!" Lila shouted before Bridgette got out of range.

Bridgette scoffed as she walked towards the stairs. "Pfftt- 'you will regret it!'" She mocked.

The bell rang and Bridgette flinched. "Dang it! I'm late!"

Bridgette ran quickly up the stairs and towards her classroom. As she reached the door, she took in a deep breath and prepared for an angry teacher.

Sorry for the extremely short chapter. Ive got another case of writer's block. Short term hopefully... I'll go bash my head and fill it up with some ideas later. For now, thanks for reading this chapter! Please vote, comment, and share! And now, Keith. (Cuz he mah boi)

Me when I finally finish a chapter

P.S. Voltron Legendary Defender Season 7 is finally out! Yahoo!

Now here's a tag! (Forgot who sent it to me since I got this a billion years ago lol)

1. Favorite Anime (plural lol)
-Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn)
-Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii (The World is Still Beautiful)
-Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair)
-Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi (Kakuriyo - Bed and Breakfast for the Spirits)
-(All) Pokemon

2. Number 1 Bae- Keith (from Voltron)

3. Character I hate- All rivals for my ships

4. If I Was In an Anime, What Color Would My Hair Be?- light blueeeee

5. Least Favorite Anime- Madoka Magica (Cuz when that girl got her head cut off near the begging, my 10 year old self was scarred...)

6. Favorite Manga- Akatsuki no Yona, all time fav rite dere

7. Choose, Manga or Anime- I'd go anime if it was the full story, but probably manga since the details are good and you usually get a full story.

8. Best Anime Couple- ...(me going through my OTP list...) Ok, I'll put two out there.
-Yona x Hak (Akatsuki no Yona)
-Aoi x Odanna (Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi)

9. What Anime Would I be in?- uuuuuuuuhhhhh ddduuuhhhh ggguuuhhhh.... Akatsuki no Yona. I wanna meet hot dragon bois

10. Anime That Needs A Season Two- Akatsuki no Yona and Little Witch Academia

Ok another tag now! From may_and_drew!

-I have a dog named Sparky

-I love wolves, foxes, and cats

-The first pet I want to own myself is a black cat

-I can play the piano

-I can play the violin

-I want to learn how to play the guitar

-My favorite webtoon is unORDINARY

-Keith is my favorite character in VLD

-I'm currently into the Voltron fandom

-I'm turning 14 in less than two months

-When school starts, I'll be in 8th grade

-I'm okay at drawing and I want to get better (at animating too)

-All these tags gave this story 500+ more words

1. Nectarines

2. How about both? I like lattes :3

3. Any shade of blue

4. Lemon

5. Fantasy, Romance, and Action (in some occasions)

6. I like both, but more romance I guess

7. I have not...

8. Umm... 'Kaze' from Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi

9. Japan

10. Mountains and forests lol ik I did that wrong

11. Wolves

12. I do like spiders actually. I don't have anything against them

13. I watch Markiplier and Aphmau and Natalie (she's not widely known but she does Voltron animatics)

Ok... 13 questions now...

1. Anime or Manga?

2. Chocolate or Gummies/Hard Candies?

3. Cats or Dogs?

4. Pokemon or Digimon?

5. Favorite Band?

6. Vacation or Staycation?

7. Have you seen Akatsuki no Yona or Voltron Legendary Defender? (If you haven't, you should!)

8. Favorite Board Game?

9. Do you wear glasses/contacts?

10. Korea or Japan

11. Contestshipping or Ikarishipping? (If you don't know what it is you don't have to answer)

12. Minecraft or Roblox?

13. Would you want some pie right about now?

And now... the tagging...



may_and_drew (do the first one)



TheMiraculousPanda (srry lol)







Wow... I was so out of it while making this lol


Word Count: 1201


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