Young Blood Pt 1

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A/n: Hey y'all! Flatcap here so I've just went back and looked at my work and noticed how short my chapters are... I realized why I feel like I rushed chapters. Because I was targeting 1000 words. I will make chapters to fit what I want inside and I hope to god you will enjoy thank you for reading this and let's hit the shit guys.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Intro: Battlefield Bad Company Theme

"How'd a muppet like you pass selection?" - Captain John Price, SAS

Camren POV (Tiny bit of gore?)

We were all watching Jaune, and with all due respect... getting his ass handed to him. And if you're wondering why the hell ain't the doc helping him out or anybody for that matter. Well because this is a class, combat class to be exact, with Glynda Goodwitch. Cardin, his opponent, waiting for Jaune to charge him.

He does so but Cardin counters and sends Jaune's shield flying behind him. Now only armed with his sword, he gets into a stance not backing down.

Me: That's the damn spirit!

Jaune and Cardin charge each other and lock weapons getting into a clinch. Cardin then eventually overpowering Jaune.

Cardin: This is the part where you lose.

Jaune: Over my dead-!

Jaune never finishes as he is kneed in the gut falling to the ground. Then Cardin raised his mace to bring down on Jaune.

Me: Shit... Possible ruptured intestines and bruising. And a possible cracked skull if no one stops this!

Just then Goodwitch steps in.

Glynda: Cardin that's enough! Mr. Arc, it's been a weeks now please refer to your scroll during combat. Gazing at your aura will let you know when to attack, or engage in a more... defensive strategy. Wouldn't want to be gobbled up by a Beowulf, now would we?

That's pretty helpful! I could look at the other aura levels like health monitors and see who would need my attention most.

I looked up to see Cardin walk away mumbling something. I also see Jaune still on the ground, I spring out of my seat grabbing my bag to do my job. Goodwitch does nothing to prohibit me and continues her speech talking about the Festival and such.

Me: Hey, bud. Wheres it hurt?

Jaune: *groaning* My...Stomach.

I take off his chest plate with his permission and lift up his jacket and shirt. Then start poking his chest, eventually poking a spot, he winces.

I rub the region (DON'T TAKE IT OUT OF CONTEXT!) feeling nothing ruptured or popped. I pull out some ointment and spread it over the region.

Me: That feel better?

Jaune: Yeah! Thanks Camren!

Me: Jaune, my friends call me Cam

Jaune: O-Oh sorry Cam...

We share a laugh until we hear Goodwitch.

Glynda: Mr. Lafayette, are you finished? We still have time for a fight.

Me: Uhh yes, ma'am I'm done.

I escort Jaune to his team as they and RWBY give me smiles of gratitude. While my team was giving me pleased looks, but Blake is the one who caught my eye. The quiet and reserved girl who would always read a book was now grinning at me with a humble look.

Now, Blake is someone I can relate to. Before the squad I was always a quiet kid but a quick learner. When I was in J's squad I was still quiet and distant hopeful I could get by.

She has a bit of mystery to her, a hidden past, secrets, or an agenda. Who knows? But I seen her bow twitch from time to time so maybe...

Glynda: Now who would like to go next!

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Goodwitch.

J: I'll fight!

Glynda: And who would you like to fight Mr. Kesler?

J leaned over and grabbed Jim's shoulder

J: This man here!

Jim's face paled as Glynda nodded.

Glynda: Then grab your weapons and come down.

J: No weapons. Just hand to hand...

Glynda: *skeptical* If you wish...

Jim gets up and nervously goes to the stage. J does the same but before he left he turned to me.

J: *smirking* Oh! Cam prep medical, he may need it.

At this point the squad knew... Jim was fucked.( ;) )

Ruby POV

I was wondering why J told Camren to "Prep medical". I hope he isn't going to hurt Jim.

They stepped up to the stage and got into fighting stances.

(J's stance)

(Jim's stance)

Glynda: Ready?...Fight!

Then nothing happens the stay put as Jim looks fearful and J looks smug.

J: Come on Jimmy Cricket come at me.

Jim: Yea like hell I'd charge ya!

J: Good choice...

I was wondering what he meant until J charge Jim and tried to drop kick him.

A/n: I can't upload a GIF so imagine it being the dying light drop kick.

But Jim sidesteps our of the way as J gets up and goes for a punch. The punch connects and he turns it into a five hit combo!

Jim gets knocked down as his aura drops to 62%! How is J the powerful? Maybe it was his semblance?

Jim blocks 2 of the hits but J gets close giving Jim the opportunity to swing. He does but J takes his arm and throws it behind him before tuning around, so he's behind Jim.

Then he... Let's just say kicked him where it hurts...

Camren POV (More Anatomy!)

J went for a low blow to the balls! Yeah definitely ruptured testicles possibly popped...a few of us a snickering while everyone cringes.

Jim falls to the ground holding his crotch and doesn't get back up.

Glynda: J Kesler is the winner!

He walks back up as I walk down to Jim.

Jim: groan...

I decided to tease him by singing a line from a paratrooper song.

Me: Gory gory, what a helluva way die.

Jim just glares at me while I go to work. I'm almost done when he finally says something.

Jim: Goddamn he did not hold back did he?

Me: That's why you shouldn't of put salt in his coffee...

Time skip

Mike POV

It was lunch time now and we were casually eating while we were listening to Nora's story.

Nora: There we were in the middle of the night-

Ren: It was day.

Nora: We were surrounded by Ursai-

Ren: They were Beowulves.


Ren: It was only two.

Nora: But in the end, Ren and I took them down and made a load of lien selling ursa skin rugs!

Ren: She's been having this recurring dream for over a month...

Con: But wouldn't the ursai just turn to dust after you killed them?

Ren just shrugged and went back to eating. I looked over to Jaune and see him down, J takes notice too.

J: Hey Jaune. You good dude?

Jaune doesn't respond at first until J snaps his fingers in front of him.

Jaune: Wha- huh? Did you say something?

J: I asked: are you okay?

Jaune: Me? Yeah. Why?

Me: To me it looks like you have something picking at your head.

Jaune: Guys, I'm fine. Really. Look!

He gave us the weakest smile ever. J looks totally unconvinced, and he should he had to deal with it too until he met Jim. I hear laughing and look back to see Cardin and his team harassing Velvet.

Pyrrha: Jaune, Cardin has been picking on you since the first day of school.

Jaune: Cardin Winchester? Nah, he just likes to mess around, y'know? Practical jokes.

J: He is the literal definition of a Arschloch. (Asshole)

Ruby: Huh? Whatever. Jaune, he's a bully.

Jaune: Oh please. Name one time he's "bullied" me.

Cam: He knocked your textbooks outta your hands.

Jim: The time he extended ya shield in a doorway getting ya stuck and making ya late.

Con: Dude, he shoved you in a locker and launched ya off campus man!

Jaune: I didn't land far from school...

We all hear a yelp from behind us. We look behind us to see Cardin pulling Velvet's rabbit ears.

Cardin: See I told you they were real!

They then proceed to laugh their ass off.

Pyrrha: Atrocious. I can't stand people like him.

Con: *Mumbling* Ебаный расистский член ... (Fucking racist dick...)

Me and J were the only ones that heard him but only J understood.

I clench my fist. I know what it's like to be discriminated, I had to go through that because I'm Cheyenne. Looks like J noticed and grew a small smile.

J: Mike, go ahead but fight without fighting.

I stood up, then I remembered the 3 things that we all hold close to our hearts.


J told us to engrave 3 rules, 3 protocols, into our heads

Protocol 1: Protect and serve the people. We give our lives to protect others that are unable to protect themselves.

Protocol 2: Protect your squad and yourself. Guns and rounds can be replaced, lives cannot.

Protocol 3: Uphold the mission. It doesn't matter if the mission was a failure. As long as you save lives and come back in one piece.

We always uphold these protocols and keep them close. We all made a oath to it and to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Flashback Over

Me: Understood boss.

I walk up Cardin and his team, completely pissed off. They see me and start to laugh more.

Me: Hey asshats! Why don't you pick on someone your on size!

Cardin: Oh? And what are you gonna do about it. You don't look so tough.

He shoved me back in an attempt to intimidate me.

Me: Jeez, How'd a muppet like you pass selection.

Cardin: What did you say!

Me: You heard me...unless you're deaf.

He was so pissed and threw a punch. I grabbed his fist and pushed him to the side.

Cardin: What are you doing! Get him!

His team charged me and I got ready for them. Sky tried to kick me and I sidestepped him to have Russel swing at me. I grab him and Sky and Dove go to attack I turn Russel to them and he gets punched. Then I pushed Russel at them causing them to tumble into a table. Cardin rushes me ready to strike, then a pie slides on the floor to me and I see Con with a smirk. I grow one and trip Cardin causing him to fall, face first, into the pie.

The whole cafeteria burst out in laughter as I walked away to class.

Time Skip

Oobleck: Prior to the Faunus Rights Revolution, more popularly know as the Faunus War, humankind was quite adamant about centralizing Faunus population in Menagerie.

Right now we're in Prof- I mean Docter Oobleck's history class learning about a war that sounds like World War One. Hell this world is lucky, Earth happens to have a war somewhere like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Altis.

Oobleck: Now, while this may seem like history to many of you, it is imperative to remember that these are relatively resent events. Why the repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day. Now, have any among you been subjugated or discriminated because of your Faunus heritage?

A few raise their hand while Velvet does so hesitantly. Oobleck just sips his "Zoom Coffee" as Jim calls it.

Oobleck: Dreadful. Simply Dreadful. Remember, students, it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence. I mean- I mean, just look at what happened to the White Fang! Now, which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorist believe to be the turning point of the war?

Weiss was first to raise her hand.

Weiss: The Battle of Fort Castle.

Oobleck: Precisely! And, who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over the General's forces?

Jaune suddenly wakes up from a nap.

Jaune: Hey!

Oobleck: Mr. Arc! Finally contributing to the class, I see! What is the answer?

He looks clueless as Pyrrha tries to signal him the answer which is NVG just without the G.

Jaune: Uh....Binoculars!

The class burst out in laughter.

Oobleck: Very funny Mr. Arc...

Then Oobleck notices that asshole Cardin.

Oobleck: Cardin, perhaps you would care to share your thoughts on the subject?

Cardin: Well, I know it's easier to train an animal than a soldier.

Jim: The hell did you say twat?!

I know what he means. He meant that about the animals part but what pissed us all off was the soldier part. You never call a Marine a soldier, unless you don't wanna breathe. But Jim needs to take a chill pill.

Me: Cool it Jim. He just ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.

Cardin: Excuse Me!

Con: Your excused. (A friend's personal favorite)

This causes Yang to laugh as Pyrrha answers the question.

Blake: The General was inexperienced and made the mistake to attack the Faunus in their sleep. His forces were outmatched and he was captured. Perhaps if he payed more attention in class, he wouldn't be remembered as such a failure.

Cardin stands up to threaten Blake but J stands too.

J: Scheißkerl what! (Motherfucker)

Oobleck: J! Cardin! Sit down! Cardin, you and Mr. Arc can see me after class for additional reading. Now, moving on!

Time skip
Brought to you by Flatcap and Nermacio having sandwiches.

3rd POV

Pyrrha and Jaune are standing on roof on top of the dorms. Where Pyrrha says she would help him.

Jaune: Pyrrha, I know I'm going though a rough time right now, but I'm not that depressed

Pyrrha: No!!!

She pushes him off-*ahem* away from the edge.

Pyrrha: That's not why I brought you here. Jaune, I know you're having a hard time in class. And you're still not the strongest of fighters, so.....I wanna help you!

Jaune: Huh?

Pyrrha: We can train up here after class where no one can bother us!

Jaune: You think I need help?

Pyrrha: What? N-no! That's not what I meant...

Jaune: But you just said it.

Pyrrha: Jaune, everyone needs a little push from time to time. It doesn't make you any different from the rest of us. You made it to Beacon, that speaks volumes about what you're capable of!

Jaune turns and gazes at Beacon tower.

Jaune: *Softly* You're wrong. I don't belong here...

Pyrrha: That's a terrible thing to say, of course you do.

Jaune: No, I don't!

He hesitates for a second to think.

Jaune: I-I wasn't really accepted into Beacon.

Pyrrha: What do you mean?

Jaune: I mean I didn't go to combat school, I didn't pass any test, I didn't earn my spot at this academy! I...I-I lied...I got my hands on some fake transcripts and I lied...

Pyrrha: What? But...why?

Jaune: Because this is what I wanted to be! My father, my grandfather, his fathers before him were all warriors! Heroes! I wanted to be like them too. I was just never good enough...

Pyrrha: Then let me help you.

Jaune: I don't want help! I don't want to be the damsel in distress! I want to be the hero! I'm tired of being the lovable idiot stuck in a tree while his friends fight for their lives! Don't you understand?! If I can't do well on my own, then what goo am I?!

She tries to comfort him but he just pushes here away.

Jaune: Just...Just leave me alone...

Pyrrha: If that's how you feel...

She leaves as Jaune is in thought on the roof as Cardin who was eavesdropping climbed to the roof.

Cardin: Oh, Jaune.

Jaune: C-Cardin!?

Cardin: I couldn't help but overhear you two from my dorm. So, you snuck into Beacon, huh? I gotta say, Jaune, I never took you to be a rebel.

Jaune: Please Cardin please! Don't tell anyone!

Cardin: Come on, Jaune! I'd never rat out a friend like that.

Jaune: Uh...A friend?

Cardin puts Jaune in a headlock.

Cardin: Of course. We're friends now, Jauney-boy. And the way I see it, as long as you're there for me when I need you, we'll be friends for a long time.

He lets Jaune out of the headlock and Jaune falls to the ground.

Cardin: That being said, I really don't have the time to do those extra readings for Dr. Oobleck today. Think you could handle that, bud?

Jaune makes no response as he tries to catch his breath.

Cardin: That's what I thought.

He goes to climb back down to his dorm but not until saying one more thing.

Cardin: Don't worry, Jaune. Your secret is safe with me.

And with that he climbs down.

A/n: Okay thats all 2800 words. I will try to pump out more chapters like these but for now thats it so have a great day or night and CHEEKI-BREEKI! Oh wait I meant BUH-BYE!!!

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