Chapter 9 Totally Family reunion and family defending

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It's been a few days since you gave Jerry and Donna their Omnitrixes and after a few days of training them on how to use them they got used to it. Today it was another day at Beverly hills as we see you, Shar, Eighteight, twotwo  and Donna in undertown picking some stuff up because Shar's family is coming to Beverly Hill.

Donna: So how long has this Undertown been here?

Shar: Ever since Earth became an open-system.

Donna: Woah that's amazing.

Shar: It is, so (Y/N) what do we need to get?

(Y/N): *sees the list* Let's see Amber Ogia, artificial tiffin, and Fleen Cake.

Twotwo: *unknown language*

Donna: Um what did she say?

(Y/N): she said "Oh Fleen cake is my favorite".

Eighteight: *unknown language*

Shar: She said "Same here, but remember Twotwo no dessert before dinner"

Donna: You two can understand them?

(Y/N): Yeah, we understand them.

Shar: Though their language is a bit garbled some beings can understand them.

Donna: Well at least you two can understand them cause I don't get a lick of what they're saying.

Shar: What is there to lick?

(Y/N): No Shar it's just another earth expression.

Shar: Oh I see.

Donna: I hope we don’t run into any bozos that would hurt us.

(Y/N): Same here.

Shar: I would not worry crime here has been low in undertown for a while.

Meanwhile, with the spies and Shirley we see them fixing up the place and setting the table because their moms were coming for a visit.

Clover: I can't believe our moms are coming over today.

Alex: Yeah I mean they already know we're spies but how do they think they'll react when they find out we have a boyfriend.

Sam: Who's also an alien.

Shirley: I'm sure they'll understand.

Alex: Maybe but remember when they found out about the whole spy thing.

Clover: Yeah they flipped.

Shirley: Well maybe this time will be different.

Sam: Yeah I'm sure they'll be more open minded.

Erza: *barks in agreement*

Later, in space we see Sheriff Watson along with rook and his family arriving on earth.

Rook: It is nice you are willing to come to earth father.

Rook da: Yes though we have never been to earth before.

Rook Ben: I have and it is amazing! We get to meet the Ghost Moth.

Rook Bralla: Ghost moth?

Rook: The sentient hyper evolved necrofriggian from Ben's ultimatrix.

Rook Da: Oh (Y/N).

Rook: Yes him.

Rook Shi: Yes it would be nice to see him again.

Rook Shim: Indeed sister it has been quite some time since we last heard from our older sister.

Rook Bralla: Yes, I can not wait to see our elder daughter and her boyfriend.

We then see the ship land in front of the house as the rook family came out and went to the house and knocked on the door as they saw Sam open the door.

Sam: Oh hey rook.

Rook: Hello Samantha, is (Y/N) and Shar here?

Sam: Oh no they went out shopping for the food.

Rook: I see, oh and I like you meeting my family.

Sam: *sees Rook's family* Oh you must be Rook's family. I'm Samantha Simpson, nice to meet you all.

Rook Da: It is nice to meet you too, I am Rook Da and this is my wife Rook Bralla.

Rook Bralla: Pleasure to meet you *sees Clover, Alex and Shirley* And I am guessing you must be Clover, Alexander, and Shirley Yes?

Alex: Oh yeah and you must be Rook's mom and you can call me Alex it's nice to meet you *bows her head in respect*.

As we see Clover and Shirley do the same this confuses Rook's family.

Rook Bralla: What are they doing?

Rook: I believe it is called a "bow"

Rook Da: And I thought earthlings know how to shake hands.

Sam: Oh, uh well it's just another way we greet people on earth.

Rook Da: Hmm I see.

Clover: Well I like your outfits, they look totes fab.

Rook Shim: Fab?

Sam: She means they look amazing.

Rook Shim: Oh I see well your attire is fab as well too Clover.

Clover: Oh thanks.

Meanwhile, we then see you and the others pull up to the house via Shar's Proto-truck as you all went out of it and went to the house with the food as Shirley opens the door.

Shirley: Hey guys you made it.

(Y/N): Yep and we brought food, *sees Rook's family* Hey everyone.

Rook Da: (Y/N) it is nice to you again have you been treating Shar well.

(Y/N): Yes, I have Rook Da and me and my lovers are teaching her about earth.

Shar: Hello Father, Mother, siblings.

Rook Ben: It is good to see you again Rook Shar.

Shar: Yes it has been awhile, Sam you said we had three other guests coming.

Sam: Our mothers.

Eighteight: *Unknown language*.

(Y/N): She said "Your moms are coming here?"

Clover: Oh yeah, they are and don't worry they know about the whole spy thing but aliens… not so much.

(Y/N): Well I'm sure they'll understand, hey Rook, Eighteight can you two help me with the food.

Rook: It would be my pleasure.

Eighteight: *unknown language*.

(Y/N): She said "Sure I'll help".

As you, Rook and Eighteight were making the food we then see three women who look exactly like the spies, but slightly older.

Stella: It sure is nice to see the girls again.

Carmen: It feels like yesterday that we became spies to save our daughters from evil.

Gabriella: Yeah it does, I wonder how the girls are doing now?

Stella: Well let's find out.

We then see them knock on the door as Clover heads to the door and answers it.

Clover: Oh hey mom how's it going.

Stella: Doing well how are-

Just as Stella was about to finish her sentence she and the moms see Rook's family at the large table along with Twotwo who was playing with Erza.

Stella: ….you?

Carmen: Alex, who are they?!

Gabriella: Or what are they?

Alex: Mom we can explain.

(Y/N): Hey everyone the food's ready, so get it while it's still *sees the spies moms* uh oh.

The moms stood in shock as they saw you, rook, and Eighteight.

(Y/N): Um….we come in peace.

The moms then fainted as they fell to the floor. After a couple of hours they woke to find themselves on a couch.

Stella: Ugh, what happened?

Carmen: The last thing I remember was…. seeing a human moth boy.

(Y/N): That's, alien moth boy to you lady.

Carmen: *sees you* Ah! You-your the ghost moth!

(Y/N): Seriously? Is that the first thing a person says when they see an evolved necrofriggian.

Eighteight: *Unknown language*

(Y/N): Yeah tell me about it.

Gabriella: Um what did she say?

(Y/N): Oh she said "Oh man that must be annoying".

Stella: You understood that?

(Y/N): Yes, I did I'm (Y/N) Nitrogen, and who are you three? The girls' older sisters?

Carmen: Actually we’re not their sisters, we’re their mothers.

Shar: Really? That is hard to believe.

Gabriella: And why is that?

Eighteight: *Unknown language*

(Y/N): Yeah they do look alike.

Carmen: What did she say?

(Y/N): Oh she said "Well you three do look like Sam, Alex, and Clover".

Clover: She does have a point.

Twotwo: *unknown language*

Stella: Um what did she say?

(Y/N): She said "Well at least we know where the girls get their looks from"

Carmen: Oh why thank you, um uh I'm sorry who are you?

(Y/N): Her name's Twotwo and you already met Eighteight, sorry if we scared you.

Stella: We weren’t scared, just surprised that's all.

Eighteight: *unknown language*.

(Y/N): She said "Riiight, this coming from three mothers who didn't know their daughters were spies until then, but now know they live and know aliens"

Carmen: Okay well maybe we were a little scared.

Shar: Well it is okay to be a little afraid, after all we are still new to your planet, I am Rook Shar, (Y/N)'s first girlfriend and a pleasure to meet you Ms. Stella.

Stella: Oh well it's nice to meet you too and you can call me Stella dear Ms makes me feel like I'm at a meeting. So Clover where's this new boyfriend you were talking about?

Clover: Oh uh well Mother about you see you already met my boyfriend or should I say our boyfriend.

Carmen: Well who is it?

Alex: It's…(Y/N)

Moms: What?!

Carmen: Your….your boyfriend is the ghost moth?!

Gabriella: I heard of dating celebrities, but urban legends that are real?

Rook: Urban legends?

(Y/N): Oh yeah, ever since I came back on Earth, humans thought of me as some sort of ghost moth and it stuck ever since. Still don't know what's with humans and making up stuff.

Rook: Ah yes, just like Alien X.

(Y/N): Ok that one that is true, but Alien X only comes when there's a cosmic threat like the universe being destroyed by the Annihilargh.

Stella: What's the annia- ana-, ania.

Every alien in the room: Annihilargh.

Gabriella: Okay, can someone explain what that is because some of us didn't come from space.

(Y/N): Okay, so long ago there were these aliens the Contumelia very powerful aliens and  their favorite pastime, traveling across the multiverse and play practical jokes on the inhabitants, but if they did not like a particular universe, they would use the Anihilaarg to reduce it to nothingness.

Clover: *sarcastic* Oh yeah cause that's real mature.

Stella: So where are these Contumelia?

Eighteight: *unknown language*

(Y/N): She said "They gone extinct eons ago, never to be seen again"

Rook: Or so we thought when me and Ben went on one of their abandoned ships.

(Y/N): And I'm guessing that had an Annihilargh on it didn't it?

Rook: Indeed.

Gabriella: So how powerful is the an-, Anni-, that thing anyway?

(Y/N): Enough to destroy the entire universe before you could even blink.

Stella: Oh my, that sounds terrifying.

Rook Da: Yes it is, I do not think we met. I am Rook Da and this is my family.

Gabriella: Oh nice to meet you Mr. Da I'm Gabriella and these are my friends Stella and Carmen.

Carmen: Hi

Stella: Hello.

Rook Bralla: And it is nice to meet you too, I am Rook Bralla and these are my children, Rook Blonko, Rook Shar, Rook Shi, Rook Shim, and Rook Ben.

(Y/N): Rook Ben? *Realizes* Oh young one named himself after Ben Tennyson that's pretty cool and I see your lost Bi'enthak.

Clover: Bi'enthak? What's that?

Shar: It is like a tail or third arm young Revonnahganders have when they are children once they lose it, it indicates that their childhood is over and they are now older.

(Y/N): It's the alien equivalent of losing a baby tooth.

Alex: Oh gotcha.

As you and the others were getting the food ready we then heard a crash outside the house.

Stella: Um what was that?

(Y/N): It came from outside.

You and the others went outside to see the ship Rook's family went on to get here was broken into pieces.

Rook Da: Who did this?!

Kundo: That would be me.

You and the others turn to see it was another Revonnahgander but a cybernetically Enhanced one with burned scars, but you recognized him.

(Y/N): Master Kundo?

Clover: Wait, that freaky cyborg guy is your Kung Fu teacher?

(Y/N): Yeah, *to Kundo* What happened to you.

Kundo: *shows his robotic arm* Aupauling is it not? This technology is what keeps me alive ever since my student Rook Blonko doused me in depleted blastonium.

(Y/N): *gasp* No.

Rook: That is not true.

Clover: What does he mean?

Kundo: It means that I can no longer retain the purity for the universe, I am a walking contradiction.

Alex: Um what?

(Y/N): Kundo is what you call old school. He doesn't use any tech and he hates technology.

Shar: But not only that he traded blows with father.

(Y/N): He fought him? Why?

Shar: In an effort to prevent him from bringing me, Rook, and Rook Ben back to Revannah.

Clover: Wait what?

Sam: He fought her dad when he tried to bring her and her brothers back home forcefully.

Alex: That's awful.

Kundo: And I see you bought your entire family no less.

Rook: You are not going to lay a hand on them.

Eighteight: *unknown language*

Carmen: What did she say?

(Y/N): She said "Wouldn't it be easier to use Alien X to turn this back into what he was before the blastonium incident" Well I wish could but he only shows up on cosmic threats, watch.

You then hit the Alphatrix to turn into Kickin Hawk but instead you became Alien X as Everyone gasped in shock.

Rook: Alien X it is real.

Clover: Woah he looks so cool.

(Y/N): *as Alien X* I hope this works.

You then use your phenomenal cosmic power to revert Kundo back to his original form before he was doused with blastonium.

Kundo: *looks at himself* Wha- what have you done to me?

(Y/N): *As Alien X* Turned you back before the blastonium incident, your welcome.

Kundo: I….I do not know what to say.

(Y/N): *As Alien X* You were the one who taught me Revonnah Kai, I couldn't stand seeing my teacher be turned into a criminal.

Kundo: Thank you, I was not being a hero at all.

(Y/N): *Changes back* You are good, you just weren't in the right state of mind to adjust to change, you were so used to your ways that you haven't adapted to the change happening around you.

Kundo: I see I guess not everyone may adapt to my ways nor can I force them too, I apologise for my actions.

Shar: I suppose we could forgive you.

Kundo: Thank you.

Sam: So what are you gonna do now since you're not all robotic.

Kundo: I do not know it has been some time since I talked to anyone. I have isolated myself ever since the incident.

(Y/N): I can relate I kept myself isolated from people who thought I was an urban legend until now.

Sam: Well, can't believe I'm saying this, you can live with us.

Kundo: Really?

Clover: Sure we already have aliens living with us.

Kundo: You have nothing, but my kindness.

Rook Da: You are not going back to Revonnah?

Kundo: I am afraid not, not after what I have done.

Shirley: Take it from me, if you proved that you can be good they can welcome back with open arms.

Alex: But it's your choice.

Kundo: I will go when the time comes.

Later in the day we see you and the others with you and Kundo sparing and the rook family along with the girls.

Kundo: It seems you have not lost touch.

(Y/N): I was taught by you that I wasn't I?

Kundo: Sharp witted as ever.

As you and Kundo were sparing we then heard an annoying voice we all know and hate.

Mandy: What’s going on here!?

Rook Da: *Sees Mandy* And who are you?

(Y/N): That’s Mandy, the most annoying human in the omniverse.

Mandy: Ugh and what's the old clothes you got those from the bargain bin?

Eighteight: *Unknown language*

Mandy: What did she say?

(Y/N): She said "You’re one to talk ape, where did you get your outfit? at the thrift store” her words not mine

Mandy: What?! You're the one to talk, you're hanging out with an old guy and these losers!

Kundo: I beg your pardon?

Mandy: You heard me grandpa, why don't you go back to your retirement home!

(Y/N): Grr, *gets and idea* Master Kundo would do the honors as to demonstrate the stone cutter to this….human.

Kundo: It would be my pleasure.

Kundo then performs the stone cutter on Mandy knocking her all the way down the block.

Clover: Woah go Kundo.

Sam: Nice distance.

Alex: That'll show Mandy to mess with aliens.

Kundo: That goes to show to respect your elders.

Donna: Yeah not bad Kundo.

Shar: Yes, even though it was a bit excessive, but it did get rid of the problem.

Rook: Indeed, she was quite annoying.

Rook Da: Agreed.

Clover: That's Mandy for you.

Kundo: She is a plague on this world.

(Y/N): I went for, she's the spawn of the demon.

Alex: I was guessing a creature from the swamp.

Clover: More like an experiment gone wrong.

Sam: Yeah or some monster from the closet.

Rook Ben: Truly, she is a vile creature.

Stella: Yeah, how can anyone love her.

Carmen: Better question is how can anyone stand her.

Gabriella: I know right?

(Y/N): Well lets head back inside, food is getting cold.

Later we see you and everyone else eating as the spies moms looked at their food and we're a bit confused due to the alien utensils as Rook Da looked at why they weren't eating as Stella hesitantly took a bite with what looked to be a spoon as she hummed in satisfaction.

Stella: Mmm This is amazing.

(Y/N): Thanks but I can't take all the credit.

Rook: I learned my culinary skills from Magister Tennyson.

Eighteight: *Unknown language*

(Y/N): She said "And I cook for my brothers and little sisters".

Carmen: Well that's nice of you Eighteight.

Rook Ben: It is nice to have Amber Ogia here on earth ever since Revonnah became open to other planets.

Gabriella: Amber what?

(Y/N): The fruit you're eating now it's called Amber Ogia and it's not just food, it's also fuel for vehicles and serves many other purposes.

Carmen: That's amazing.

(Y/N): Yeah, also Stella was it? You're eating with a back scratcher.

Stella: *puts down the back scratcher and head to the restroom* I need to get the back germs out of my mouth *washes her mouth*

Clover: How did you know that was a back scratcher?

(Y/N): Rook, told the same incident happened with Ben when he visited Revonnah.

Rook: It is true.

Alex: Wait so which one is the spoon?

(Y/N): The one where the end looks like "C".

Gabriella: Oh ok, who knew alien utensils would be so confusing.

Carmen: I know right.

Sam: So what's the one with the spiral on the end of it.

(Y/N): That one is the fork.

Clover: It is? I thought that was an apple corer.

Shar: It is not, but it does have the appearance of one.

Rook Shim: So Rook Shar, what is it like here on earth?

Shar: It is amazing, I have learned fashion from Ms. Clover, sports from Ms. Alex, earth studies from Samantha and making wise cracks from (Y/N).

(Y/N): And your welcome.

Shar: And how are things on Revonnah?

Rook Da: The harvests have been going well, but occasionally the muroids are running amuck.

Alex: Muroids?

Rook Ben: The rodents that have a common term that humans use, vermin, we use their droppings to fertilize the crops on Revonnah.

Clover: Okay that’s just gross.

(Y/N): Hey, if you know another way of farming Amber Ogia, I’m all ears.

Clover: Okay fair enough

Rook: You are not made of ears, it is biologically impossible.

(Y/N): Rook it's an expression dude.

Rook: Oh right.

Alex: I'm guessing Rook is not familiar with Earth expressions either huh?

(Y/N): No one on Revennah doesn’t get Earth expressions, no offense.

Revonnahganders: None taken.

Sam: Well they are pretty sophisticated.

Carmen: But I have to ask how come they don't use contractions?

Shar: We consider contractions as a "bad language" on our planet.

Stella: So that's why you don't speak with contractions?

(Y/N): Yeah that's why, also how are you feeling after using a back scratcher as a spoon?

Stella: A little surprised that it's a back scratcher and not a spoon and slightly nauseated, but other than that I'm okay.

Rook: That is good to hear.

(Y/N): Yeah cause we also made dessert.

You and Eighteight then go into the kitchen and bring out two tubs of tiffin ice cream and some bowls.

Carmen: What kind of ice cream is this?

(Y/N): It's tiffin ice cream.

Rook Da: But are not the consumption of tiffins band in 15 systems?

(Y/N): Oh don't worry it's artificial tiffin.

Donna: Wait what's tiffin?

Rook: They are the off-spring of Lewodans.

Carmen: Wait you mean it's….ice cream made from babies?!

(Y/N): Don’t worry, this is artificial flavoring, it may look and taste like the real deal, but it's not made of the real stuff.

Gabriella looked at her bowl of tiffin ice cream as she hesitantly took a bite as she hummed in satisfaction.

Gabriella: This is amazing.

Carmen: Let me try. *takes a bite of the ice cream* Yummy.

Stella: And people make this?

(Y/N): They sure do, but to make it legally they have to use the artificial stuff.

Shar: It does make sense, since some people do not crave actual tiffin.

Stella: *takes a bite* Mmm, this is wonderful.

Carmen: *takes a bite* Yeah who knew alien ice cream could be so tasty.

Rook Ben: *takes a bite* It is amazing.

Rook: *takes a bite* I cannot believe it is not tiffin.

Clover: *Takes a bite* Yeah this stuff is amazing at first we were shocked, but after (Y/N) told us it was artificial we did feel better.

Stella: Well I do feel better that is artificial, I would feel awful if I found out this was real.

Gabriella: Yeah, that would not be good for our spy careers.

(Y/N): You three are spies?

Carmen: Of course, didn't Sam, Alex and Clover tell you?

(Y/N): Not really, me and Shar were on our anniversary vacation Jerry gave us.

Shar: Yes and it was quite amazing, but what happened while we were gone?

Clover: Well long story short we got busted by our moms for being spies and when they saw us in action, they were cool with it.

Alex: When we're facing off against a villain named the inventor, he made an invention called SUDS, a weapon that turns people into spy hunting assassins.

Sam: And the worst part is, Mandy and her stupid friends were under the SUDS’ influence cause someone dropped the stuff into Mandy’s hottub. *to Alex* I’m talking about you Alex.

Alex: It was an accident, although this may be a silver lining to the whole situation, if we haven’t dropped the SUDS into Mandy’s pool then not only we will no longer be spies, but our moms wouldn't get the chance to become spies and save us in the process.

Stella: That is a good point Alex.

Carmen: Although I have to ask where did you get those matching watches?

(Y/N): They're not watches, they're Omnitrixes.

Gabriella: Omni-what?

Shar: We will show you outside.

Later we see you, Shar, the girls, Shirley and Donna all lined up with Rook and the rest of the people on the sidelines.

Gabriella: So what is it you wanted to show us.

Sam: This.

Sam then hits her omnitrix as she became XLR8, Alex did the same and became Cannonbolt, Clover became Diamondhead, Shirley became Heatblast, Donna became Four arms, Shar became NRG and you became Feedback.

Stella: Amazing!

Clover: *as Diamondhead* I know right?! It's so cool.

Carmen: So you girls can turn into aliens too?

Shar: *as NRG* Yes we can.

Gabriella: So what are all of you now?

Rook: Well from the looks of it, Alex is an arburian pelarota.

Alex: *As Cannonbolt* Called Cannonbolt.

Rook: Shar is a Prypiatosian-B.

Shar *as NRG* Named NRG.

Carmen: But what's with the bulky suit?

(Y/N): It's for containing NRG's true form, he or in this case she's highly radioactive.

Stella:  Oh gotcha.

Gabriella: And Sam is a raptor?

(Y/N): Actually she's a kineceleran, they specialize in super speed.

Gabriella: Amazing how fast are they?

(Y/N): Probably as fast as a Nascar or even faster.

Stella: And Donna is a four armed alien?

(Y/N): Yep she's a tetramand, four armed aliens known for their super strength, and fun fact female tetramands are stronger than the males.

Donna: *As Four arms* Cool.

Carmen: Shirley are you okay you're on fire.

Shirley: *as Heatblast* Yeah, but I'm okay cause I'm made of fire.

Rook: Shirley is a pyronite, an alien that has pyrokinetic abilities.

Gabriella: Amazing.

Stella: And Clover you absolutely shiny.

Clover: *as Diamondhead* Thanks mom, and you can me Diamond head.

(Y/N): *as Feedback* Yep, She's a petrosapien she can control and make weapons made from Taydenite which are alien diamonds.

Stella: Remarkable and (Y/N) what are you supposed to be?

(Y/N): *as Feedback* I'm a conductoid named Feedback, I can absorb any form of energy and redirect it back to the sender.

Carmen: Wow.

Stella: You know girls I've been thinking.

Carmen: What is it?

Stella: We've been spending a lot of our time with our girls, but we never spent our time with their new boyfriend.

Gabriella: Oh yeah good point.

Carmen: Do you think we can borrow him for a while sweetie?

Alex: *changes back*  Sure mom, after all (Y/N) didn't get to know our moms before until now.

Sam: *changes back* Yeah, you three can spend as much time with (Y/N) as much as you want.

Clover: *changes back* Yeah, after all it is a parent's job on approving who we all date.

Stella: Well that is true.

Carmen: So when and where do we start?

(Y/N): Hmm, oh yeah, I'm going on a fishing trip with Rook, Max, Ben, and Patelliday in undertown.

Gabriella: Sounds fun. Um what's undertown?

Rook: Undertown is a hidden alien city in Bellwood.

(Y/N): It’s filled with merchants that are selling stuff from all over the galaxy, some of which are either totally legal or completely banned in multiple systems.

Carmen: Isn't that a bit dangerous?

(Y/N): Yeah a little, but a bit of danger goes a long way. *Sighs* Like the time I spent 5 years in the Null void.

Sam: What's the Null void?

(Y/N): It's sort of like a dimensional prison for really bad criminals and before I came to Earth I somehow lost my memory and wondered there for who knows how long but it wasn't a total loss. I did meet Sam, Clover, and Alex.

Sam, Clover, and Alex: Aww.

(Y/N): And some people in the Null Void too, Kevin and Argit and former friend and traitor Otto.

Clover: Otto?

(Y/N): He's an A.I with a small robotic body we thought he was helping us get out of the null void turns out we were wrong and left us there to rot. *Sighs* I swear if I ever see that back-stabbing tin can I'm gonna chew him up and spit him out.

Sam: Okay isn't that a bit... excessive?

(Y/N): Sam with all due respect, we spent 5 years in the null void because of him

Alex: (Y/N) does kind of have a point there Sammy.

Clover: Yeah I would be mad too if I was stuck in space jail for 5 years.

Stella: Me too.

Carmen: Same here.

(Y/N): Well, how about tomorrow we head to Undertown for the fishing trip.

Stella: That'd be nice.

Carmen: Yeah I always wanted to try alien seafood.

Gabriella: It could be fun.

(Y/N): Cool then it's settled then.

The camera then fades to black with everyone having fun as we see the Omnitrixes glowing their respective colors.

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