Chapter 10: Goodmorning Dear

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You woke up to Eric sleeping right behind with his arms around your waist, and his knees perfectly fitting under yours. You turned around and kissed his forehead, and so he woke up. Once he opened up his eyes he smiled at you with one of the warmest smiles he ever gave you, which was often yet rare at the same time.

Good morning dear. How was your night? 😏

Hah, it was amazing, and yours?

Mine? Oh, mine was magical.

What time is it?

It's 9:36 A.M

Okay, good, we cuddle for a little longer...

I would love that...

And so both if you cuddle until it's 9:48 and then both of you get up to get ready and start the day. You turn on "Seventeen" from Heather's and start to sing along to it while you make breakfast as Eric taught you.

"Hey, sing with me!"

Y/N, I didn't know...I haven't sung in such a long time, plus, you have to focus on NOT burning the (Yo Fave Breakfast) or THE HOUSE!

He jokingly said, and soon after he started to laugh at his own joke and you joined in, disobeying of course, and continuing to sing along to the song.

Oh, c'mon, please please please please pleeeeeeeease???
















Hah, love ya too squippy!

Wow, where did THAT nickname come from?

Oh ya know, just one thing that I made are you singing or nah??

You have paused the song beforehand so that while you two argue the song wouldn't end.

Ugh, fine... I just can't say no to you adorable face, now can I?


And so you turn the music back on.

People hurt us

Or they vanish

And you're right, it really blows, but we let go

Take a deep breath

And go buy some summer clothes.
We'll go camping

Play some poker

And we'll eat some chilly fries. Maybe prom night?

Maybe dancing?

Don't stop looking in my eyes!

Your eyes...!

And so both of you sing the chorus and get closer to each other and just like in the song you into each other's eyes. Eric turns off the stove so that the house won't burn down, and you look in his shimmery deep blue eyes, and his I listen to his beautiful soothing voice. Wow, I thought that him talking was magical but his singing is just amazing. His is truly the one that I want to be with... I don't want to be with anyone else...(also, now I'm going to be writing from your POV, cuz it sounds weird when I put what you feel from the narrators perspective... So yeah)
Even though he is just a computer, he makes me feel some way that I have never felt before, is this what true love is? Getting lost in your partner's eyes and feeling butterflies in my stomach whenever those eyes smile at me? If it is, I don't ever want it to end.

Can't we be seventeen? Is that so hard to doooooo?

If you could let me in I could be good with you!

So what's it gonna be? I wanna be with you!

I wanna be with you!


And this got me thinking... does he actually want to be with me... Forever?

Yes, darling...forever and always...

Wow, I forgot that you can read my thoughts...I'm so stupid.

You are not! You are a human, you make errors, I know I'm repeating this, but errors are natural for you.

Hah, I'm so glad that I got you... I don't regret paying those 400 bucks at all...

I'm grateful that you are my host, I do t know what I would do without you... <3

"I love you, Eric"

I love you to Y/N.

And so, I and he continue to cook breakfast and Eric is helping and making sure I  don't burn myself or the house. And while that's happening another song starts playing which is "Or Nah" by SloMo. Eric knows this song since it is my favorite song and it was playing at the Halloween party. It's dirty, but Eric seems to have no problem with it, I and he kinda likes it too! And so I start to slowly tap to the beat of the chorus, and Eric is quietly humming the song to himself. And so both of us make breakfast and I turn off the music to eat in peace and quiet to have nothing distract us. As I have into his beautiful eyes, he gets closer to finishing his plate. He finishes while I continue eating and I ask him-

"Why do you even need food? Don't you charge for energy?"

Yes, I do, but I am currently in my physical form, therefore, I need food to supply me with energy. It makes me seem more humane that way.

"Ooooh, that makes sense...hey, I have another question."

Yes Y/N, what is it?

"If you only exist in my brain, then how come can you be seen by other people when you are in your physical form? I mean, it's not like you get out of my head and get into somebody else's!"

Good question actually...well, it's actually really complicated but I will try to explain it as simply as I can. So, you have something called mirror neurons. They allow you to connect with people and cause to sometimes have the same train of thought, and maybe even say the same thing at the same time. So I use those mirror neurons to connect with others and have them see what you see, which is me. It is not a simple job, however, so having a different mode, makes it easier for me to work with. Do you understand that?

" yeah actually, I do!"

You are a smart girl, I thought you would, anyway. What would you like to do today? We could go to an arcade and invite some of your friends, or be slobs and be lazy and just sit at home, or even both! What would you like to do?

"I would like to go to the arcade and then be a lazy slob!"

Alright, let's go then! I mean, you should eat up and get ready first, XD

"YEAH, I THINK SOO TOO! Hahahahahah!"

Alright, eat up and go to the bathroom, ya gotta semi big day today!


I dunno if I have to say anything in this note except that my keyboard was glitching out really badly, so if you see bad Grammer mistakes, then ya know why XD anyway, whoever is reading this HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!!


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