Chapter 17: Y/N...Its For The Best...

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"It's okay, I love you to..."

He froze in place staring at me with his deep blue eyes in fear. What did I do? I knew I shouldn't have done that, but something tell me that it was right...but it wasn't... God what is wrong with me?!

Y/N I... I need to go.

"Wait, what? Wait!"

And so he disappears right in front of me. I know I shouldn't have done why did I? I'm so stupid. I might have just ruined the relationship between me and Eric, oh God, what have a I done?

Eric/Squip POV

WHAT WAS THAT?! I thought she said she didn't want us to be together! Why did she just KISS me?!?! Why did I kiss HER?!?! This is not right...I'm a mistake, I deserve to be deactivated, to be killed, I don't deserve Y/N, I'm not even supposed to feel love toward my host, let along be their special someone...I have to leave, if I have another glitch in the system, who knows what it will do? I have to leave and get replacement. Erase all of her memories of me...

???-1232, you called?

Yes. I found out that I am defective. I wish to be done with. Meaning being removed and replaced with somebody else and having all of Y/N's memories of me erased.

???-...are you sure about that?

78.358926% sir

???- You will hurt her physically
severely, you have to talk to your host about what is going to happen before we commit to such measures, also, what makes you think that you are defective?

I...I fell in love with my host. Like you said before that isn't supposed to happen. And what if I get another glitch in the system? I might hurt her even more. I have to be removed for her own safety.

???- Okay, you have a reason however you still have to talk to your host. And ask for permission. If she says yes, then we shall proceed, if she says no then the plan is over.

But sir, what if it's best for me to be removed? Those workers if yours they came to me and threatened. If I would have been normal like everyone else, then nothing would have happened. I've already brought pain to Y/N, and I am NOT gonna do that again!

???- ENOUGH, ask her FIRST! Then we will talk! Now, you wasted enough gu of my time, GO AWAY!

O-okay sir.


Y/N, I'm back, I have something to talk about. And I really think it's for the best. And I have reasons if you want them to be provided. Anyway, as I was saying i-

"You want to be deactivated...removed from my memories..."

How did you-?

"You glitched and I heard you talking inside my head. Look Eric, I'm not-"

Y/N it's for the best. So don't even try to reassure me that everything is fine when it's not.

"...I was GONNA say that I don't disagree with you, however I don't agree either, you have good reasons to be deactivated but life isn't easy, especially when trying to date a super computer. And, if you think that you being turned off is for the best is fine, however. Before you do that. Let's make an agreement, if you make 1-3 unwilling glitches for a month, then..."

Y/N I understand and I agree.

It's hurt her so much to say that...poor girl, I'm already hurting her! Ugh, why can't I just be like the normal Squip's? Is it possible for me to just upgrade...maybe that's the will have a huge amount of time taken, and possible pain for both me and Y/N...Is it even possible to take away such glitches? So that's not an option.oh no Y/N, what are you doing to me?


HEYO, sorry that I haven't updated in a week, school started so I've been busy with that and I also have hit a writer's block.again. Also sorry that this chapter is short but I wanted to leave it at a cliff hanger and I also ran out of ideas...Soo YEEEAAHHH, anyway....


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