Chapter 18: Life Is Tough, But Love Is Tougher.

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It is time to go to school so I'm already on the bus, but i can't get one think out if my mind


I can't believe and didnt think he was going through such things that made him want to deactivate! Like, I didn't realize it could have such an impact...I really hope that bad glitches will happen because I really don't want to lose him...

Why did I make the deal then? If I wanted him to stay then why didn't I say so? I care about him and i want what's best for him just as he wants what's best for me! God, I live him so much...

But love isn't about falling...

It's about letting go.

Y/N, your heart rate has gone up and your breath is more persistent and loud. These are the symptoms of being stressed. What's wrong?

"Don't you like know? You are inside my head just read my damn thoughts..."

No need for such language lady. Also I don't know for sure if your thoughts are you final statements so I don't fully rely on them. And it is better to say what is wrong out loud as it helps you understand the problem more through the tone and the phrasing.

"Ugh, do you have to act so smart whenever something is up? Can't you just be like a normal person and~"

But I am not a normal person, Y/N. You are but I'm not and it is different.

"Is it? Is it really? The love we shared didnt seem to be much different from the love humans share for each other. Right?"

Why did I say that in past tense? I still love him...oh no...what if he doesn't live me anymore and so he wants to go away so that I won't be hurt once I find out?! AUGH, why does life have to be so hard?



...Y/ are so smart yet oblivious to such obvious things...

"Well then tell me what I'm missing! Squippy, I don't want us to stay like this not do I want another squip! I want you! I don't want my memories erased and I want to stay with you!"

Y/N ITS ABOUT TIME YOU REALIZE THAT THINGS CANT ALWAYS GO THE WAY YOU WANT THEM TO GO! I understand that your life is all perfect and you always get what you want, but it's not like that with love! do you know that what we had was love? How do you know that I want faking it the whole time?!

"...are you saying that you lied to me about loving me?"

...that's for you to figure out...

"How am I supposed to figure out something as complicated as that?"

You seemed to figure out you had feelings for a computer, time for you to figure out the computer's feelings towards you.

"I... *Sigh* fair enough... And I'm sorry for being so selfish, I didn't mean to hurt I just... nevermind... We will talk about this when I get home..."

Your wish is my command sweety.

"D-did you just call me~?"

And he dematerialized...great...why does he have to be so complicated? I understand he is a machine and all but... I guess it's hard to figure out such feelings...he can't love me... If live is such a feeling that is too hard to be even figured out by humans then~ how could a computer running by series of codes understand? Wow, I'm so stupid...I got so lost in my own emotions that I was too blind to look at his. He is a computer who's function is to improve my life, keep me safe and happy, and to do that he knew he had to return those feelings...well, pretend to "return" those feelings. I can't believe how blind I am! I've only hurt him and myself and nothing more! I wonder what he said as a reason to deactivate himself to whoever he was speaking to...


HI GUYS! OKAY LET MEH EXPLAIN! (this chapter is kinda short but anyways~ )

I know I said that I'm putting this book on hold, but I still want to write some stuff cuz I don't want to leave you guys hanging especially after all that support you were giving me! (Love you all for that btw ❤️💚😍😁😍😊❤️💖❤️💖😘)

But I am not saying that I will be posting a frequently as I used to, school has started a few weeks ago and that is keeping me busy and I've gotten sick. And currently I am reading other fanfics to get me inspired and so far they have done a great job! Especially thanks to DecipheredStories for mentioning me and supporting and voting in my chapters! And the rest of course also inspired me to write more and I promise promise promise that I will try my hardest to come up with new chapters and plot events for this story. But like I've said before that does not mean that I will post frequently and allot, I might have a few chapters in row, and maybe none in more than a month, I don't promise any dates or whatever, but I do promise that I am not ditching this book, I just might put it on hold so that people won't be too Eiger and anticipated for the next chapters.

Anyways, thank you all again for all the support and 372 views! I really love and thank you all who have stayed with me all the way up until this point, and as always HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY/NIGHT/EVENING!!!!!

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