Chapter 20: The New Squip

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Jesus... this will be a long ride...


...excuse me?

"YOU!...OKAY, HOLD ON, let me get this straight... I already had a squip...Eric are messing around with me?"

...I don't think I understand what you going on about, and who's "Eric"

"Dude, please stop messing around with me!!! This ISNT funny!"

Honestly Y/N, I have no idea what you mean. Are you saying that you've had a squip before?


um, I don't think that I know what to do in this situation...i-

"Well, then, I think I'm gonna have to bring your memories back! Turn into physical form"

...I don't understand why is that necessary?

"Just do it."

And so he turns from his holographic form into a more humane form. The blue aura is no longer there and his skin is still pale yet just a tiny bit pinkish.

Okay, miss Y/N I seriously don't understand your thought process what are you~ MHMHHMMHHM

I kissed him on the lips hoping that this will bring his memories back. His lips twitched a bit but he stayed Frozen and once I put my hands around his neck he stiffened even more...okay yeah clearly this isn't working so I pulled away from the poor guy.

...system over load. System over load. Please Stand by and DO NOT TURN OFF YOUR SQUIP.

"OH no"

Cool off process complete.


"I...I thought this would bring your memories back I-"

WHAT memories?!


Y/N... So what that you've gotten a new Squip? I will just continue doing the job your previous Squip was doing before.

"'s just....your won''s complicated..."

...well, the only way to solve your problem is to try your best to explain...that what I'm here for, to help you. Now, please tell me what was so special about your squip?

"He...h-he, loved m-me...and I loved him..."

...that's not possible and if so is a huge defect. That's why it was taken away a long time ago yet some Squips still have the code lying around.

" there a way to bring him back to me?"

I don't think so, the computer in your brain has been restarted and all of the data has been erased. However, could you give me some character traits of his for me to replacate?

"Oh, um, of well, he was caring, charming, brave, honest, sometimes sassy...funny...just... amazing and perfect...OH, s-sorry...I got carried away in the memories um, i-is that enough?"

Yes it is, actually, it's more than enough...I will make an analysis of the traits while you are sleeping tonight, so today I will be how "I am" made. Now, what is your goal?

"M-my goal?"

My goal...huh...that's a good question...bring my Squip back? No, he already said that impossible...there is nothing he can do about happy again? No, that's too complicated for a computer...I guess the same goal as I had with Eric...or...I'm really not sure...


Well, since you don't know yet, we can do something to lighten up the mood. Um, go somewhere perhaps? A movie night? Or just play some games? What would you like to do?

Cry my eyeballs out and morn Eric...

I said do something to lighten your the mood, Y/N. I suggest a movie night, I don't think that you are in the mood to be around people, or you have too much going through your mind to think about games.

He put his hand on my shoulder and surprisingly it was very warm...

"Wow, I thought that you weren't gonna take in the traits until I fall asleep?"

Hey, just because your previous Squip was caring, doesn't mean that I can't be! Plus, I'm here to make your life easier and make you happier by achieving your goals, however since you don't have one, I will just try to lighten you up.

He wrapped his arms around and pulled my closer so that we we're side my side. He threw on a big smile which I haven't seen nor made in such a long time.

(Something like this, art by CLA comics/ Claudia cacace)

C'mon, let's go down stairs, I will make snack and you pick a movie to watch! How 'bout that?

"O-oh, s-sounds good."

Aw, relax, I won't kill ya!

He then chuckled a really sweet laugh...he was acting so much like Eric...was he trying to or...?

Y/N, I told you, I have my own so called personality, and Eric has his own, but that doesn't mean that we can't have similarities.

And so we went down stairs and his hand moved from my back and my shoulder to holding my hand and he would throw occasional glances at me to make sure that I was comfortable and to see how I was feeling...and it grew kinda awkward when me shared eye contact and then turned out heads away...(I relate to that way too much) I wanted to watch my favorite movie, and right when I found it and picked it out, Eri- I mean Squip, was done with these and brought them over to the table.

The movie started and his hand started to crawl it's way to my hand eventually to my back and my shoulder as he moved closer to me. As that was happening I was trying my best not to blush, but I guess he noticed since he chuckled and and smiled at me again. Maybe Eric was messing around with me? He is acting way too similar to him...

It is possible that some data of "Eric" has stayed and has been brought over to me, however I assure you that I am not Eric. Also, good choice of the movie!

"O-oh, t-th-thanks..."

Y/N, I understand stand that this is causing an impact on you, but you gotta be more chill.

I grinned at his response and he just looked at me with confusion.

"You mean cool?"

I do not, Squips on use Squip approved slang.

He then grinned back at me as he started to understand where this was going.

You see, social activity is governed by rules, I have understanding compacity to understand those rules...and pass the on to you.

I purposely put my hands in my pockets and slouched my back as he was started to sing.

Take your hands out of your pockets. Arch your back, puff out your chest!

I did as he told and tried so hard not to laugh, but eventually I cracked up and he started to laugh with me!

"Hah! Eric never understood the references and when he did he just would shock me! Hah! You're fun!"

Hah, why thank you Y/N.

We continued to watch the movie and now I'm more comfortable sitting this close to him so I put my head on his shoulder. He smiled and put his head and mine and used his other hand to hold mine.

Once the movie got to a sad part that I would always cry to, he intertwined his hand with my and held me tighter.
He was so nice...almost like Eric...but still... different...

The movie ended and we started to clean up before my parents came back home.

I went to my bed and huddled up in my blanket with a smile on my face. I slightly opened up my eyes to see if Squip was there and he just in time appeared in front of me with a nother smile on his face. He came up to me and sat down next to me and put his hand on my side.

Goodnight Y/N, sleep tight, you have school tomorrow...

As he started to slowly dissolve, I quickly stoped him and said-

"H-hey, wait! Can, can you not take Eric's traits? I kinda like you how you are..."

Oh, of course, your wish is my command.

"Thank you... goodnight!"

Goodnight Y/N.

And so the lights turned off and he disappeared, and I've been taken to the warm and happy world of dream Land...


OOF, I POSTED, AND ACTUAL CHAPTER, FINALLY! hahah! Sorry for the wait I just wasn't sure how and what to write. Anyway, I ZEE AUTHORR, GIVE YOU, DA READERR, TO choose your fate! NO PRESSURE!!! it's about your goal, you can either choose one thats been questioned and provided my the chapter, and created your own in the comment section, which ever one gets more replies of votes, gets picked! But be careful of what you choose since the goal might make the story different than another goal! (If that makes any sense...😅) Any who, hope to see your thoughts in the comment section and as always have a wonderful day/evening/night you guys!!!

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