Chapter 8: Well...This Is Awkward...

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GOOD MORNING, TIME TO START THE DAY! G-g-g- go go! G-g-g- go go, JOG!!
ALRIGHT, time for your morning exercise. First you stretch and then go for a jog around your neighborhood. Then you come back to eat some bacon and eggs, and be I'm a slob for the rest of the day. Gotta keep it balanced, right? After all that, you still haven't seen Eric. Where did he go? Honestly, though, you didn't mind, it was actually quite nice to stay alone in the peace and quiet with your Tv and (Fave Snacks Insert Here). And in the middle of your party for one, Eric appeared right in front of the TV, blocking the whole screen.

"Hey, dude, if you wanna talk you don't have to do it in front of the TV! You're blocking the whole screen!!"

Eric takes the remote and turns off the TV and takes away your snacks with a blank space and silence.

"Okay, why exactly are you taking away mah SNACKS?"


"..., Not gonna talk huh? Alright, I will just go to my room then."

Eric follows you to your room.

"Dude, did you swallow your tongue or something? Seriously, what's your problem?"


"Okay, listen if you aren't gonna talk to me, at least don't be creepy with a blank expression on your face and stare at me. Please?"







... Update complete. Thank you for your patience...

"... What update??? Are you fooling around with me or something? Aren't you supposed to be off when updating? And not walking around all zombie-like?"

Yes, this update has glitched me out a little which is the reason I was "creepy" as you call it.

"Okaaaay... What was the update?"

Just some bug fixes and a few emotions added. It's not a big one.

"... So the creator fixed bugs by... Causing during the update?? That's funny and ironic..."

The creator never caused anything. It is the bug that the creator saw, but it wasn't yet in action, so he/she decided to see what its about and how to fix it. Which caused the bug to trigger which was not supposed to happen which was another nug he was supposed to go through. so instead of blaming the creator for the bug, you should be thankful.

Also sorry for taking away your snacks. You may get them now if you would like to.

"It's fine... I'm way too lazy to get from my bed right now so I would rather just watch Youtube."

Eric smiled and chuckled a bit. he then grabbed the remote to give to you, but suddenly pulled it back to himself and put it back on the table where it previously was.

"dude, are you going through another bug fix in all of a sudden again? Why did you just play me like that!"

No, no I am not going through another bug fix. I just decided that I would like to, and personally think that we should talk about something. You see, i would like to talk about what you said last time about your feelings towards me.

"o-oh... o-okay...umm, what ab-bout it?"

Relax, you aren't in trouble. Now, previously I said that you need to rest and that you are very confused. I'm gonna be honest, what I said was true, however, was what you said truly true? 


I'm asking you that Y/N

"OH, sorry... I um, I dunno honestly at this point..."

Okay, let me ask another question that is much easier to answer, why do you think that you are in-... why do you think that you feel what you said about me?

"I dunno, made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, I dunno... Can't you just read my mind and like, answer that question yourself?"

Yes, yes I can. But some information is dug very deep inside your brain, and as I said before, that information will cause a lot of discomforts for both of us. Which is why its better for you to answer the question. 

"Oh...right... Well, I'm afraid that I'm a bit uncomfortable answering that question... not even mentioning that I'm not sure how to phrase the answer..."

I understand. But may I infer the reasonings out loud to make it easier for you?

"uhh... I guess so...?"

Okay, well, I believe that the reason you feel that way is that of how I treat you. Think about it, I'm always nice and caring and actually sometimes...well... I hate to admit it, but I do sometimes get jealous. Also, both of us have encouraged in some *cough* intimate actions quite a few times, so that's a reason as well, not very healthy I will be honest, but a possible one. Am I correct? And finally, the reason that you have heard coming from my mouth, and it has left you quite shocked, is the fact I said I love you too, right? I knew all of the different effects that phrase can have on our relationship, and how bad and wrong it was for me to commit to such actions. I am very sorry that I left you alone at that state, however for all the things that I saw I thought that it was the most right thing to do, no matter how bizarre it is. Again I am sorry for the discomfort that I brought upon you last night. But that is a very strong reason for you to feel the way you feel for though!

Wow, for a supercomputer, he is very a kinda creepy way though... XD

Hhmmm, I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment or...

"OH OH, I-ITS FINE! don't worry 'bout it... Really..."

Alright, well, the reason I told you I loved you back, is because I did see a potential future, where, we were together. I'm not saying we should, I'm just saying that it is very likely possible.

...did he just say that it's POSSIBLE FOR BOTH OF TO DATE?!?!

YUP, get over here, I wanna tell ya something...

Uh, okay...

He takes you by the waist and whispers in your ear...

Y/N, I know that things are going fast, and you have known me only for about a week and a half, but I have a question. You don't have to answer immediately, you can think about it, and I promise not to make it weird between us, okay?


Y/N, would you maybe just maybe ever just kinda maybe consider me to be your...hmm, I dunno, let's say, lover?


He then quickly looks at you with the most truthful and soft eyes and a smile. And before you even know if he goes in and kisses you even softer than any time before. You can feel the passion and the electricity flowing through his mouth as he starts to slip tongue. You couldn't believe it. The hottest guy you have ever seen just asked you to be his girlfriend!!! SQEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

hahaha, calm yourself down baby, it's alright.


Well, according to your thoughts you seemed excited so I thought that was a yes. I know that I was here originally to find you a boyfriend. But, I guess this works too? I mean, I guess I did find you one, it just so happens that it's me. :)

"Hah, yeah, I guess it does!"

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