I survived!

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Yo guys! Kieshartz here! And guess what?! I fricken survived the rides Sorry I wasn't able to update back from my trip cuz dad's boss made us do things!..

Friday- we went to italienis for dinner with my dad's Boss, workmates and his boss's boss and with there children which also includes me!

Saturday- We went to a trip that took 3 hours to arrive and we intereacted with 3 whale sharks yes dats a thing and went boat riding then we were in the middle of the ocean swimming in there twice!ad guess what?! We even ate their in the middle OF the ocean!

Sunday- we went swimming in the pool with my dad's workmates and friends' other children then I and my family went to the airport and it got delayed again and I wasn't able to udpdate there becuase my IPad was being a b**ch so yeah...

Oh and btw there was a turbulence And it felt like we were falling for 3 seconds but we survived! And yeah I'm here to update now! Thank lord I survived! I'll see ya guys in the next chapter! Thank you for being here with me. Kieshartz out. Peace!


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