~IV-Good time~

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Hi! Just to give a note to u guys! So I'll mostly be skipping the school week cuz that's boring and I'll only do it if it's interesting ok?

Anyways enjoy!


>>just skipping school week>>

Kiesha's POV

I got to my room and dumped my stuff and guess what day it is?


The first day where all students get rest and do there own things well for 3 days at least..

      I wanted to do something, like an outdoors activity for a change at least... maybe a party? Ill go ask my friends if they want to. So I got my phone and went to one of my groups 'the pack' ya it was named after a group of youtubers who are like a team or group...


Kiesha-Whatsup is anyone online?

Hannah- da sky is up

Kiesha- hannah stfu i know it is it's logic

Hannah-srry... but im bored


Lena-hi wat is happening?

Kiesha- Idk

Skye- I haz nothing to do

Reese- me too..

Kiesha- do u guys want to have a party or something? 


Sairi- can we invite others to?

Kiesha- sure y not?

Lena- where it at?

Kiesha- at the woods near the waterfall

Hannah- Im making da food

Kath- uhh... I just came but im doing the balloons..

Sairi- I call DJ!!!

Reese- Im da game master!!!!

Nanami- ooh... can I halp?

Reese- k

Cheska- can I help hannah?

Janah- Me too

Hannah- sure

Kiesha- Im already getting decorations

Skye-I want to help in the decors....


Kiesha- why not?

Lena- Im helping Kath!

Kiesha-you guys can invite others! See ya!

Lena-k bai

Sairi- cya




         I left my phone and went straight to my storage closet... Colored markers, some banners colored papers, paint, paint brushes, some colored cartolina, some glue, a few pair of scissors and ooh.... some confetti guns this is going to be great. I took some of them and placed them in some bags I asked one of my butlers to help me carry them and he came with a luggage stroller I thank him and told him to go put them in the car and wait for me till I get there once that was done I got a handbag, it was a violet, it had 2 pockets, a metal guitar key chain and a black strap I stuffed my phone, headphones, a pocket wi-fi some sandwiches and 2 bottles of water just in case, 2 power banks, a drawing note book, 3 sharpened pencils, a sharpener and colored pencils I also got a sleeping bag a big tent marshmallows too hey I'm going camping why not?

          I changed to my white shirt which has like a pair of sunglasses with the colors and design of the america flag, a pair of shorts (just google it if you see the first few its like the cyan one [not to bright],a snapback (backwards)and a light blue diamond on the middle, a pair of sunglasses hanging on my shirt. I got my back and left my room...

          Before I left I borrowed 2 coolers and stuffed drinks in there like C2s, water bottles, yakult and some apple packs. I carried them to the door.

"Dad! Im going to the woods with my friends and Ill also be camping there!" I yelled to my dad, Mitch. (im sorry but Merome).

"sure!" he yelled back.

       I left the house and went to the lamborghini and saw my driver and butler waiting petiently I thanked my butler for helping me, again. And told the driver to go to the woods I got out and took my stuff and said bye to my driver and went in the woods, Once I got to a opening between some trees, there was a tree house that had a bridge to another tree house, a pretty big opening with a freshwater waterfall near it. I already saw some of my friends, Hannah, Reese, Lena, Skye and Sairi. I dumped my stuff on the ground.

        And before I could even say "Hi" I was tackled,I screamed a bit but realized the luagh of the person who tackled me, Sairi.

       I got up and said "I could have died you know?" " But you didn't" she says with a small laugh following "well luckily..." I say while getting the 2 coolers "what's that?" Sairi asks, pointing at the bags full of decorations. "Umm... does are the decorations. Duh" I answer then Sairi made a face that a means 'oh well I'm stupid'  "what are the others doing?" I asked pointing at the others, Sairi turned around and said "oh their betting of who could finish their job first" she says rolling her eyes "wow... that's normal I guess" I say while getting the bags of decorations.

      "Yo Skye!" I yell "Wut?" Skye turns around she was wearing a Sky blue dress with a ribbon on the waist, a white head band with a black S on it, a golden bracelet on each arm and blue shoes , her hair was until her waist "Help me with this!" I yelled again, gesturing on the bags full of the decorations. She runs over to me and looks at the bags in awe "bruh thats a lot" she says glancing at me "I know I haz to many now help me with this ribbons" Following with a small chuckle and picking up some colorful ribbons then Skye went over to me and started throwing them at tree branches making them like banners I also got a ladder and used it to adjust them after then Anya came and helped us to and she and Skye brought some lanterns with different colors and started hanging them on the ribbons after that We did A banner that says 'Let's Party!'with different colors and some decorations and we hanged them, we also hanged up and wrappped some twinkle lights to trees to other trees.

     Once we were done Kath and Lena came with some balloons some were already filled with are and started putting them everywhere then I went to Hannah, Cheska and Janah they saw me come and Hannah jumped up and gave me a cupcake "try it!" She said. I raised a eyebrow and looked at the cupcake, it was a chocolate base with a white icing and choco chips. I took a bite and widened my eyes "this is good!" I say trying to talk with my mouth full that's when I saw a grill "You brought a grill?" I say raising a eyebrow, again. Hannah turned around and laugh "oh just in case and why not?" She said getting a pack of raw beef and other burger toppings.

"Life is weird" I say laughing "I'm weird!" Hannah says then Lena and Anya came out of no where and shouted "Your wierd!" Then Cheska, Janah and Kath yelled "We are wierd!" After that it was Nanami, Reese, Sairi and Skye "Our friends are wierd!" Then it was some of my friends and classmates from my school came and shouted "The school is wierd" Then Our other friends came and we all shouted "WERE ALL WIERD!" That's when Sairi went to the DJ booth and started playing music called 'Good time' , we were all singing to the song.


It's always a good time


It's always a good time

Woke up on the right side of the bed

What's up with this Prince song inside my head?

Hands up if you're down to get down tonight

'Cause it's always a good time

Slept in all my clothes like I didn't care

Hopped into a cab, take me anywhere

I'm in if you're down to get down tonight

'Cause it's always a good time

Good morning and good night

I'll wake up at twilight

It's gonna be alright

We don't even have to try

It's always a good time (Whooo)

Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh

It's always a good time

Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.

Freaked out, dropped my phone in the pool again

Checked out of my room, hit the ATM

Let's hang out if you're down to get down tonight

'Cause it's always a good time

Good morning and good night

I'll wake up at twilight

It's gonna be alright

We don't even have to try

It's always a good time (Whooo)

Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh

It's always a good time

Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

We don't even have to try,

It's always a good time.

Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh

It's always a good time

Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

We don't even have to try,

It's always a good time.

Doesn't matter when

It's always a good time then

Doesn't matter where

It's always a good time there

Doesn't matter when,

It's always a good time then

It's always a good time

Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh

It's always a good time

Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

We don't even have to try,

It's always a good time

Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh

It's always a good time

Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

We don't even have to try,

It's always a good time.

       Then I got some confetti guns and gave one to each of the pack (my group ok? Not the Vikklan, Poofless, Merome group ok? Ok.) Once the song was done we shot the confetti guns and it was everywhere even some people got some of them and kept throwing at each other that's when Reese went on the stage, grapes a microphone and said "what sup peeps? This party is so far great and everything but I would like to thank the person who gave us this idea and just for a change! I would like to thank, Kiesha, for helping and giving us this idea!" Some people looked at me and thanked me an some hugged me too, others pushed me to the stage once I was on the stage Reese pulled me to a hug "bruh this is a great party" she says to me. I grabbed the microphone from her and said "well I couldn't have done this without my friends so I would like to thank them for helping me to make this possible and anyways let's partay!" I say most people were screaming and I went of the stage then music started playing again.

      I went to a group of my classmates it was Matthew, Andi, Chyrsan, Niño, Alex and Desiree Andi greeted me and said "hey there K! Great party!" Ya she calls me K I have to many nicknames. honestly. "Cool right?" I say pulling away "Definetly!" Matthew brightened up "Kiesha is there a Soccer game here?" Alex questions "uhh... I think they do go ask Reese I say pointing at Reese  who was wearing a blue beanie, white  headphones, a light blue jacket, pants, red converse and a single ponytail  Alex nodded and went over to her. "I'm going to get some food" Chyrsan says going to the food bar wear Hannah, Cheska and Janah wher then Desiree followed her "Me too!" She calls.

     I went to Matthew he was wearing a pikachu jacket with a poke ball on it he weaved pants and black shoes. I talked to Matthew for a bit mostly Undertale things, It's one of his favorite games. Maybe his most favorite? Maybe. Anyways since Matthew likes Sans and puns we did puns too... we talked about other things too... until I was hungry "Hey Matthew I'll be right back" I say pointing at the food bar. Matthew nodded and went to talk to other people. 

    Once I got to the food some other peeps were also eating there were soups, fried chicken, hotdogs, Mangoes, Cupcakes, yogurt sticks, candy and more I also saw the grilled from before, fire wood, raw beef, cheese, lettuce, onion, tomatoes, pickles, mustard and ketchup I went over to it and saw Cheska "Hey Cheska a double cheeseburger with ketchup please?" She turned around and gave me a thumbs up as I was waiting Lena came with 25 pizza boxes 5 boxes were both the same in each 5 were cheese 5 were pepperoni 5 were sausage 5 were bacon and 5 were Hawaiian so I went to Reese "that's a lot of pizzas fam" Isay looking at the pizza boxes "ikr want one?" She says/asks " ya sure but I say 2" I gesture to the cheese and pepperoni he laughs and nodded. I got a plate ant had my 2 pizzas then thanked Lena and went back to get my burger just in time I smiled at Cheska and thanked her too.

    I got my food and went to a place not to far from the party filled with flowers and near the waterfall once a placed my food I watched the stars then I heard footsteps behind I turned around and saw most of my friends Lena, Reese, Sairi, Kath, Hannah, Cheska, Janah, Anya, Nanami, Skye, Andi, Chyrsan, Desiree, Liela, Cassidy, Cassandra, Kara, Sabrina, Ziara, Matthew Niño, Klam, Joaquin, Ken, Alex, Jaden, Kyle, Jaron, Nathan, Micheal and Rafeal had different food and 5 big blankets with different colors "what is this a picnic?" I asked laughing they put down the blankets and sat down Kara jumped and said " Apperently!" Then  Ziara came with a huge laptop "wanna watch YouTube you guys?" She asked and placed down the laptop we all laughed and watched YouTube while eating. Then I paused the video and got up "Hey!" Half of them whined "Sorry I'll go get my tent it's a camp party" then the others stand up and followed me to get there things. 

    When we were getting our things some people also got there camping things there were several camp fires, tents, sleeping bags and lots of food and drinks that are not from the food bar  that's when I got my campin stuff and my coolers I also got a boxes of pizzas each of them are different flavors so 5 boxes to be exact, I went to the place again where my friends were most of the boys were rough housing but not to hurting but that still hurts some other guys were just talking chilling and eating the gals were chit chating, using there phones or fixing there tents with the other guys I also saw Kath, Anya and Sairi making a fire Kath and Anya got the wood while Sairi lit it up there were sticks around to keep the fire alive a placed down my bags and brought the marshmallows and pizza then everyone gathered up to get some They used sticks to cook the marshmallows Sabrina got a pack of crackers so some of us can make some smores. After eating I got my tent ,it was big and fixed it luckily some of my friends helped me fixed it after that I got my 2 coolers full of drinks and they got some and drank them I got my phone and went to viber then suddenly got a message from Lena...

L-bruh so much fud

I glared at Lena  who was laughing with her phone out

K-fud is life

And done.

I also got my headphones to hear some music or watch YouTube without distracting noises. I was done with my 4th video when someone tapped my arm, it was Hannah pointing at Matthew who had a Camera on a stick and everyone gathered up on a spot that you can see the Moon and the sparkling waterfall al they needed was me so I stood up and went to the middle then Matthew joined in with a stick and a red button on it on his hand we all smiled and said "Cheese!" And then there was a flash Matthew got the photos and gave it to each of us soon everyone was tired and went to there tents and were asleep I sighed and smiled went to my tent placed my shoulder bad down and my other stuff and crawled to my sleeping and let sleep take over.

This was a great day.


Did I do gud? I did it! 2,600+ words are you happy?! I finally updated!!! Thank lord btw it's Monday and I have no school  cuz of jeepney strike Well that's wat my mom said so yeah I was suppose to do this last weekend but I wasn't so I did it today and I made this chapter damn long so it took forever actually It only took 2 hours and I'm getting faster yay me! Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and the party is still going until the next chapter  and I will see you K arts in the next chapter or book! Baaaaaiiiii!!!!!!


Song by Owl City and Carly Rae Japsen 'Good time'

(Hi there just fixed something so I said it was on Mon right? I may or may not have accidently made it to private srry but hey! I fixed it!)

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