¥IX-Me and my girls¥

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This is a chapter for the first people who were my friends in viber where Hannah added me they're always for each other and when we fight we always make up this is just a thanks to them anyways enjoy the chapter!


3rd person POV (We're 11 in the group what do u expect?)

It was the next game... team egg hunt and of course the pack is the pack (my viber group of my first friends) and when the pack is together, we are for each other as friends forever  we are in teams and the goal is who ever gets the most eggs in the game will win the egg hunt medals . Of course everyone wanted it and we get free chocolate the people who are not joining are given 10 eggs each to hide them there were 20 of them so there's a total of 200 eggs, yep.and free chocolate there were some spare ones for the other 20 people to eat, for free. We each got our baskets before we start Sairi of course has to put music, like always. And since we're all girls we agreed to one song no it want for all teams it was for us. Lena and Reese somehow hacked our phones to listen at the same song. Reese and Sairi already had there head phones hanging on her neck so we had to get our own, I got my Purple and Black , Neon one with a Grey and dark violet 'K' on each circle thingy that goes on you ears. Hannah's was a teal with a cat logo and ears on it. Reese's was a blue colored one with a golden star on it. Lena had a Red one with a L on top. For Sairi it was a yellow with a microphone thingy stuck at it, like gamers, and the Gaming logo on it. Cheska's was a complete black one with a Moon on it. Janah had a orange and purple one that sparkles. Skye it was a light color blue with a white S that had crystals on it. Kath's was a very kitten-like one, it was pink, grey and green. Anya's was a light green, neon one with a few colorful flowers on it. Nanami's was a pink, sparkly one with a bow (That took long). 

    Reese asked one of my classmates, who are one of the 20 people, to do the honors of starting it. He hesitated at first and took a glance at the others, they nodded, and he gratefully accepted the honor. He got the stick lit it on fire and set fire to the podium, which means the game has started.

Kiesha's POV

    We went to the woods in our separated ways as a group. Janah was able to spot one hiding in the flower bushes it was hidden very good but not good enough for Janah "here!" She exclaimed while getting the egg. "Sharp eye out there" Anya smiled and we nodded. Cheska found one hidden in a the bushes, and she may or may not have almost tripped while getting it. Hannah suddenly jumped at a tree, she was a part cat a Neko or Mief'wa so she can do that with ease. She got a egg hanging on the vines then she face-planted on the ground after, seems like she didn't care. I rolled my eyes "How graceful" I say in sarcasm we all laughed at the little joke I made. Hannah got up still covered on some dirt and put the egg inside the basket. After a few minutes I found a blue, yellow and red striped one hiding in a tree whole "sneaky..." I whisper to myself. We some how started singing to the song we were hearing. We then suddenly wondered where the heck is Sairi then two eggs went flying to the ground onto Sairi's basket we all looked up but before we could even know who it was a figure landed on Reese "Ow" she said in pain, it wasn't long until we saw the familiar fox ears and tail, Sairi. She got off of Reese and laughed we laughed with her after wards "Why were you up there anyways?" Hannah asked after laughing "For this" she responded smirking holding up her basket with some eggs she found earlier and the ones that came from the Sky "I thought it was raining eggs" Lena says we all giggled at what she said. We finally stoped messing around and kept looking after a few minutes we got a total of 69  all together "69!" Kath and Reese exclaimed at the same time "Jinx!" They say again they went on for about a minute or two and Anya finally broke the fight . But Skye suddenly went behind a tree and came back with another egg she opened her mouth to say something but I cutted her off "70 eggs!" Skye had a frown for a sec but shrugged it off and went back with us.

   " I'm hungry" Lena frowned we all nodded but I laughed I suddenly pulled out 2 pizza boxes with the same flavor, peporroni. I opened one and they got one each I pulled out hot sauce in the box "Lena I challenge you to a hot sauce challenge!" Reese pointed at Lena challenging her, Lena chuckled "Challenge accepted " She says they each got a packet of hot sauce and put it all over there pizza. We were chanting like crazy, but apparently they got I tie. "You guys are hardcore" I say pointing out "yep!" Hannah agreed" we all nodded and kept eating man this egg hunt was tiring.

    We finished and Kath checked her time "Hey guys we should be heading back" she says showing her phone in front of us with the time on it. We all agreed got our stuff I picked up the boxes and carried them hey "Hey Cheska can you get my basket?" I asked Cheska gesturing to my basket and back at the boxes. She smiled and nodded, I gave the smile back for a sign 'thanks'. As we walked we sang the song, I'm lucky having friends like them. Once we got back. Everyone else was there. The first team had 34 eggs, the second, 27 eggs, Ok so far so good. It was the final team a guy was counting it and wrote it on the board.. 69 eggs. 69 eggs! Omg 69 EGGS!!! Holy crap yes! We won with 1 egg! 1 single egg! Omg! I was so damn happy You don't even know! I wanted to cry! But I can't because happiness is flowing through my blood! Wait that sounds wierd.. but who the heck cares?! It's fricken true!We got up to the stage and we had our medals. Andi gave us a signal while holding the camera out we gathered up and smiled for the picture. Andi took the picture and gave us a thumbs up. We got down getting flooded by our friends because we won! But I wouldn't be able to do that without the pack and the pack wouldn't be able to do that without me. There my great friends just like a family... I wouldn't forget them one bit and I wouldnt be here with out them. We did a group hug.

This day I wouldn't forget just me and my friends. A day to always remember once in a life time.


Aaaaaannnnnndddd... Done! I'm in a restaurant right now with my family and luckily my mom has the pocket Wifi and your lucky I'm doing this! Anyways this is for my first group in viber called 'the pack' yes it was named after the mine craft youtubers. I'll most probably make another book after this or YouTube or continue my sketch of Merome or Vikk in Adobe photo sketch anyways hope you enjoy the chapter and I'll see you my friends next time! Bai!


>>2 hours later>>

 I'm in my car now I just finished aill show you a couple of pictures..

After the food:

Ya we ate that all I devoured a whole fish by my own holy crap..

It's a van inside the restaurant that you can eat in... ya it's great here in my country... omg look at the little man he's staring through our souls! Run! RUN!!! Run like the wind!

Guess who's this person:

lol that's all! See ya guys next time!!!


Song by Fifth Harmony 'Me and my girls'

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