€V-The best day of my life€

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*Arrives from school and busts to my room and goes to my laptop* YAS finally!! Ok guys! From now on I'm making the Titles from the music title but I'm not doing the previous ones cuz I'm to lazy... lol

Anyways enjoy!


Keisha's POV


I opened my eyes and looked around... it had bright colors... uhhh... very bright.... "Where I'm I?"I ask myself "Your in the lord of wierd!" I flinch a bit and looked around it was a marshmallow... wait... It can talk?! And it's ALIVE?! "What the..." I was so confused  what the heck is happening?! "Call me Mellow! Uhh... are you alright there?" The marshmallow asked who apparently is called 'Mellow' "Yeah... and I'm Kiesha..." I answer still confused "Well Kiesha come I'll show you around!" Mellow says in a cheerful, childish voice then she whistled and a carriage came it was made with chocolate and candy with uh... white candy horses?"Come on!" She says. I nodded and joined her the ride was gentle. I looked out of the window it was a candy land thing... ok I'm freaked out now....when we arrived at our destination...

Everything went black.

.............End Of Dream..............

       I opened my eyes and saw a light I got up and see half of the guys already up "Mornin' guys" I say sleepily they looked at me and smiled ,lots of greets I say. "Hey K uhh... you alright?" And I asks with a concern look on her face "Ya... just a wierd dream" I say, she nodded

      That's when it hit me, literally. I was tackled by the one and only, Reese. She was the most excited out of all of us, she was putting her hands on the air, still sitting on me. "Reese, get of me" I say, and she just realized that she was crushing my bones and flesh, so she got off and I got up and looked at her with a confused look and said "Ok Reese calm the freak down, why are you so excited for today?" "Today is where we're Ganna play my games!" She says in a cheerful way that's when I realized it was the next day "Oh my Gad YAS! Guys I hope your ready for some games!" I called to them, first they had confused looks but soon they also had the excited faces me and Reese had we waited for the others to wake up and tell them what were going to do today.

        Soon after that we got out of our camping place and went to the main area while walking I told them about my dream "wait a marshmallow?" Sairi says surprised of the dream "yep apparently" i say blankly "It was a candyland?!" Zeph says like it was a big deal "I would like to go there plz".

      We talked more a bit and arrived. Everyone was a wake then Reese came running in and grabbed a microphone like a maniac, Jesus. "Mornin' peeps!" she says at loud. Everyone looked at her. "today is where we're going to play some games!!!" She exclaimed. Then everyone was screaming, shouting and was getting ready for the games. then a big board was pushed to the stage "This is going to be our schedule for today" Reese says gesturing to the board. I studied the schedule for a bit...

10 am - 11 am ~ get ready!

11 am - 12:30 noon ~ 1st game, water balloon fight! (game will be in the trees)

12:30 noon - 1 pm ~ dry up and hang out

1 pm - 2:10 pm ~ Soccer!

2:10 pm - 2:55 pm ~ team egg hunt!

2:55 pm - 3:50 pm ~ team nerf battle!

3:50 pm - 4:40 pm ~ Dance off!

4:40 pm - 5 pm  ~ Byes 'till next time!

    First game is a balloon fight and it's no teaming! bruh was that the reason why was there so many wet balloons and spare ones at the back of the stage? I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Reese "For the first game there will only be chosen ones! so if you want to join put a piece of paper with your name and in the jar right there!" she says pointing at the box filled with pieces of paper next to a pen and a jar. I didn't want to join considering I was still tired so i just shrugged it off and went near the waterfall and sat down with some of the others following, Sabrina, Kath, Anya, Andi and Chrysan they all didn't want to go too most probably they don't want to get wet or just tired like me. We talked for a bit watched Youtube together and soon the others joined us one by one after putting there names on the pieces of paper and in the jar thing.

      Soon after chatting and joking around a bit, Reese checked her phone and got up to the stage again. She got a microphone and asked Lena and Skye to bring the Jar up on the stage they did as asked and got off the stage and joined us where we were listening to Reese. She said that only 60 of people were only playing, and there was like 115 of us here? I heard many names but I only got the attention when its my friends or classmates names like, Lena, Matthew, Alex, Sairi, Skye, Ken, Janah, Hannah, Reese and Nino. They we're all excited for the game of course we all said our good lucks and they got there 2 bags full of balloons filled with water. But before Sairi went with the others she went to her DJ booth got a CD and started playing it.

Once people heard it some of them sang with it, it was called...

'The best day of my life' (Btw i could already feel like you want to sing this)

  I had a dream so big and loud
I jumped so high I touched the clouds
Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]
I stretched my hands out to the sky
We danced with monsters through the night
Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]

  And the game begins everyone went to there separated ways people kept singing the song while they wait for the ones who were out. Suddenly a balloon went out of the woods and almost hit someone, let me tell you he looked like he got a jump scare from Fnaf, and I'm pretty sure that was suppose to hit someone IN the game. Some people laughed but they kept singing....

  I howled at the moon with friends
And then the sun came crashing in
Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]
But all the possibilities
No limits just epiphanies
Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]  

  Some people came back soaked in water they each got a towel, dried up and came back and sang with us. I also heard I scream and some of us were wide-eyed on what the hell happened in there but we kept singing, It was a party musical.

This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife  

    After the few lyrics we all sang. I saw Janah and Skye came in together laughing, soaked. They got towels, dried up and joined our group and also started singing with us. And others came back wet of course which means there out....


    As we sang more people came in and it was 2 left Lena and Nino. There was alot of splashing and screaming there, its like someone is being drowned to death or something. they came back and Nino and Lena nodded to each other and Nino gestured to Lena which meant... Lena won!!! then some confetti guns were shot in the air, and people sang louder and lots of screaming.

My li-i-i-ifeThis is gonna be, this is gonna be, this is gotta be The best day of my life
Everything is looking up, everybody up now
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife

   We followed Lena to the stage where Reese and me came with "As we all know everyone did I great job but the best one was Lena!" she says holding and putting Lena's hands up i gave her a medal that I was holding and here comes Andi and the others coming up, Andi had a camera on her hands and faced us and the crowd and took a selfie. We all said good jobs and hugs to Lena.

Then we had a break and let me tell ya..

Its already a great start.


Yas Im done with this! I finished it! did i do good?! anyways a finished this once i came back from school cuz its friday and Im pretty sad it almost the end of school Im ganna miss my class and teachers.. but lets stay positive! Im making part 2 tom! so Ill see ya in the net one! BBBBAAAIIIII


Song by America Authors 'Best day of my life'

Lyrics by AZlyrics

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