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I'm not dead! Ok?! Ok!


Kiesha's POV

 I looked over to the box, that's Reese nor anyone told me. All she said is "It'll be a surprise for everyone!". I sighed, well I'll see soon, but Instill wonder what are in that, it was pretty heavy, that's for sure. Eh... not my intention right now.

 I walked over to my friends, I see Skye, waving her hands gesturing a space for me. I smiled and walked over to them. I wasn't really participating, some of my classmates are.

 I looked at Sairi, all ready to play the CD, me and my classmates all agreed to one song, it's a song that our math teacher would give us. NO it's not childish! I swear. I saw some people already getting ready. I looked over to Reese if it's time yet, she nodded, I looked back at my best friend and gave her the signal. She nodded at blasted music, in one swift motion.

  As we the music flowed to everyone's ears, they started moving to the rhythm, huh... no wonder why they joined.

 I see the video going through the white screen, Francheska brought the screen, while Andi brought her laptop and wireless USB.

Some of us, including me. Even sang to it, I don't know why, it's something we felt like we needed to, as the dancers danced their way to the music, with no hesitation.


I was lost with a broken heart

You picked me up, now I'm set apart

From the ash I am born again

Forever safe in the Saviour's hands

You are more than my words could say

I'll follow You Lord for all my days

I'll fix my eyes, follow in Your ways

Forever free in unending grace

'Cause You are, You are, You are my freedom

We lift You higher, lift You higher

Your love, Your love, Your love never ending

Oh oh oh

You are alive in us

Nothing can take Your place

You are all we need

Your love has set us free!..

 We all jumped up from the green grass, and jumped on our feet. I guess we just felt 'Alive' all of a sudden. Not going to lie, I love being this Alive. It was a break dance you could say, we just did our own moves, no care in the world. It's nice.

...In the midst of the darkest night

Let Your love be the shining light

Breaking chains that were holding me

You sent Your Son down and set me free

Everthing of this world will fade

I'm pressing on till I see Your face

I will live that Your will be done

I won't stop till Your Kingdom come

'Cause You are, You are, You are my freedom

We lift You higher, lift You higher

Your love, Your love, Your love never ending

Oh oh oh

You are alive in us!

Nothing can take Your place

You are all we need

Your love has set us free

My group (the gals), dragged me over somewhere, I till hear the music in my head. They handed me one of the last few confetti guns, and I also see Lena, Reese and Jannah getting the box about earlier, I finally asked them the last time and they finally answered. I smiled of what they said. Here we go!

You are, You are, You are my freedom

We lift You higher

You are, You are, You are my freedom

We lift You higher, lift You higher

Your love, Your love, Your love never ending

Oh oh oh

You are alive in us

Nothing can take Your place

You are all we need

Your love has set us free

Your alive in us

Nothing can take Your place

You are all we need

Your love has set us free


As the last few words blew, we shot up the confetti everywhere. Everyone screamed from, well.. everything. This is one weekend I wouldn't forget. I looked at Reese the host you could say.

 "Well, for the last activity, it was really hard to choose who won, but I got the answer..." she trails of gesturing to the box that they brought in, everyone, almost everyone, looked at the box with confused looks. She opened the box and literally, threw the golden medals at everyone, hope that no one got hurt right there.

 Everyone screamed with cheer as Reese yelled "...Everyone wins!". I grabbed one and looked at it with a smile plastered on my face. I weekend to a remember indeed.

 I feel someone tap my shoulder, it was Skye. She asked "how are we going to... you know, clean all this confetti and other stuff up?" She gestured to the area we trashed, literally. I laughed, "don't worry! I already asked my dad about this" I answered still laughing at the mess we made, my dad is going to hire some people to clean this up. Skye laughed to. Our laughs finally died after some time.

 (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ°•TIME SKIP•°

 People said their good byes and some left, some even took some food with them. I let them, I'm sometimes to nice. I grabbed a couple of pepperoni pizza boxes, And placed them next to my things. Some of my classmates and friends left. "Bye K!" Andi waves, I wave back, and she left with her bag of stuff. I sighed we cleaned up the stage, boxes and the food table, we helped each other carry them to their vehicles.

 I looked at the cars that are full. "Wow, you guys are full, want a ride?" A asked them. They all agreed, quickly. I nodded and grabbed my stuff and some of my food I sneakily got. And placed them in the trunk of a limo, you could say. I opened the door and got in, the others following me.

As we waited, we played some games and talked about stuff.

We got to Nanami's house first,

Then Skye's

Reese, Jannah, Cheska, Anya, Lena, Hannah, Kath,

And Sairi's...

"Well here's my stop! See ya Kiesha!" She says getting off the car. I said bye and closed the door. I'm looking forward now.

 I waited as I looked at the bright shining sun sinking to the sky as many colors blened in the atmosphere. It's getting late, and yet, I still can't forget everything this day. I was daydreaming about this whole day, time flew by, I didn't notice at all. I looked as we stopped on my house. I got of and thanked my driver, yep to nice.

I let the air go through my dark brown hair locks, as I walked down on the beautiful lawn of my huge house. I grabbed my keys and opened the door. Closed it with my foot, some of the maids and butlers helped me out with my stuff once Iw asked it. "Did you enjoy your weekend, Miss?" One of the maids blended down to my height, asked with a smile, I'm called Miss for the butlers and maids, I'm used to it. "Of course! Every second of it!" I smiled back. "Very good to hear" she responded and left holding up some of the stuff I brought.

I took my bag and used the one of the fricken elevators in the house. I have a elevator in my house, that's cool. I hung one of my bags on my shoulder as I got to my big room. I opened the lights, and breathed missing the smell of my room. It's good to be home. I laid my bags and dogged in my closet, for some new fresh clothes, and went in my bathroom connecting to my bedroom. 

 Took a quick shower, changed to a white shirt with a red a blue symbol on it, a dark purple hoodie, because it's getting a bit cold, jeans, and red converse. I sat down on my bed and grabbed my laptop to watch some videos.

 I was called down to eat dinner, I got up and got out of my room. I see Kev right beside my door, "Hey there! Welcome back!" He greets. "Thanks, it was a great party!" I cheered. "Wanna tell a story about it?" He asks as we walked together to the dining room. "Sure, why not?" I agreed and told everything what happened this weekend.

 I even told the strory to ou parents (Merome), they were happy that I had fun, and that I was safe. I smiled the rest of the day, not bothering to not even change it.

 Well, there are some sad things that I hated:

 Desiree and Matthew aren't best friends anymore.

I found some Authors in books I read in wattpad, that they are hurting themselves, cutting or being depressed and suicidal. I really hate people doing that.

But asides from that everthing is ok.

 I changed to my pajamas and jumped on my bed, I checked the time... 9:37. ,'I'll draw for the time to fly by' I thought, and I did. I looked through my desk and found one of my sketch pads, I have many, I draw to much, that's why I'm actually better then my own parents, that's kinda mean, I'm sorry.

 I started sketching some events that happened back at the weekend party, I made a total of 6 events, I checked the time again 10:19. Time to go to sleep... I looked back at my drawings a smile appearing my face as I remember them. I saw the picture I got I took and placed it in my 'memories to remember' photo book. I pasted it on a page and smiled. I slowly placed it back in its place.

I dragged myself to my bed, with half lidded eyes. Just smiling at everything that happened. I shifted myself to the side, and a saw the medal from earlier. I smiled for the lsat time as entered the darkness...

...I'm happy to have such great friends.


Ok! I'm done! Sorry if it's short! I didn't have inspiration to do a update. But here you go! And NO IM NOT DEAD YET. I'm to young to die! (I'm below 13) so yeah! I'll like to say that I'll be trying to update much more now, because I had a few suggestions to some friends and a Author! (Hint: he's part of  my family in this book) and you must already know him! Anyways thanks for reading! Peace out!


1688 words

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