"XIII- oh no..."

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No song for this part... sorry!

I'd like to thank spacedreamers for giving me this idea! It's just for the Merome.

Anyways! Thank you for reading and enjoy!


Kev's POV (aka spacedreamers, YAS)

 I walked down the hallways, until I got to Merome's room, our parents room. I was going to pass by it, when I heard a faint growl, from the Bacca and a loud moan, from the Benja. I stopped dead on my tracks, Insee the door kinda open, enough to peek in.

I looked over to see Jerome licking and biting, Mitch's neck, while Mitch moaned softly, at the bites. They were on their king-sized bed, with golden poles and designs on it. Oh, there going to do the frickle frackle , that's normal.

 Then a smell got to my nose, that got my attention, it smelled like honey and chocolate pudding. What the hell does it smell like sweets?

 If your asking why, I can smell that, because I'm part Bacca, I can only smell things in certain times, like this in certain events or seasons. Maybe that's why. This smells familiar... I glance over at the 2, then it hit me, like 200 trees timbering at my head at the same time.

My eyes widened, I ran in the hallways and stairs, to find Kiesha...

Oh no, it's the start...

I find Kiesha, talking to some of her friends, Sairi and Andi, I think? Yeah, their also her classmates. "KIESHA!" I yelled her name running up to them, Kiesha looked at my direction with a confusion, same as her friends.

I stopped in front of her...

Kiesha's POV

 I invited my 2 classmates, Andi and Sairi, we were hanging out u too I was talking to them, in one of the big hallways, when I hear a familiar voice shouting my name "KIESHA!". I turned around to see Kev running to me, and he stopped infront of us. He caught his breath, as he panted hard. Why does he look, scared and  surprised?

 After he recovered from his run through the house, that must've have been tiring. "Kev? Why were you running?" I asked, me and my friends looking at him in confusion. "Kiesha, what date is it?!" He questions, screaming a bit.

 Me and Sairi looked over to Andi. Andi zoned out for a few seconds  and then answered "May 1, 2017" she says. I got into my thoughts, May 1... that is—. My eyes went wide, Kev's were already widened.

 Kev looked at me, he was worried. "Oh no...oh no, no" I repeated myself again and again. Both of my friends looked confused, they didn't know what it means...

"This is such a no and yes Thing!" I screamed, Kev laughed a bit and agreed. "So... why is the date a problem again?" Sairi asks, still wondering. Me nad Kev looked at them, then looked back at each other, and both nodded to tell them.

 "Well, it's uh.... the start of Bacca..." I trailed off my sentence, and gestured to Kev to continue. He sighed "It's umm...

Bacca mating season..." he says, blushing red.

Andi and Sairi's were eye-wide. "... and I suggest you guys should leave, it's going to be disturbing, and My Bacca dad could get frustrated, a horny frustrated..." I muttered the last part. Kev agreed "yea, and don't say this to anyone else only you guys now..." he added. They both nodded. Kev told one of the butlers to take them to their homes.

After a few minutes they left. Me and Kev isn't in the mating thing, because one I only have the good hearing senses (I actually have good hearing irl) while Kev can smell things, only in certain times, like in this season. And 2 we are too young. One they finally left, we looked at each other, disturbed.

 "This is going to be for a month..." Kev says, "Yeah, we'll need to sound proof our bed room walls..." I added, we laugh at the joke I made. "You... got the smell didn't you?" I ask him. He blushes "m-maybe..." he stammered. "Were you snooping around our parents room" I lift my eyebrow, with a smirk on my face. "Yes..." he pouts in defeat. "Did they start already?" "I think so, I found Father licking and giving hickies on dad's neck..." he answers.

 "Wanna take a sneak peek? In my portal camera?" I giggle. He hesitated, but agreed. We walked to my room and made a portal camera on my hands, I don't use them often, I'm not a stalker. Then the show began...

»Time skip, I might make a scene of that but only for my followers and for spacedreamers »

 After watching the hole thing, I placed my portal camera down. Both of our faces were red, what the hell did we just saw? It was even better then what we read in fanfics, yet not at the same time.

 "If you were to choose real life or fanfics, what do you choose?" Kev asks me from y thoughts. I glanced over him with a scared face "To be honest, I'd not know..." I tell him. "Same here" he responds. "We should not let our friends come, for this month" He says. "This whole month..." I added. 

We were kinda traumatized on the scene, but we went with it. "This is going to swell" I say sarcastically. He laughs a bit "very swell, for a whole month" He adds. We both nodded. After a few minutes of us talking about the mating season thing. He finally leaves my room and goes to his.

 I flopped down on my bed, as I got my IPad, and went trough Wattpad, read a few one-shots and talked to my internet friends, like Novi ( @Dragonovia ) and Kara (@EmpressSakara10)( note:I'm this late at night so it might not work), but smoothing sparked in me to read some Merome.

After reading a couple one-shots, it made everything worse. Like 10 times worse, then what was before. I've got to go with this for a whole month, I'll try my best to avoid it, maybe going to a friend's house or hanging out with friends of mine. I'll see what I can do. But right now, I need to rest my brain.

 I placed my IPad next to the bedside table, and leaned back on my pillows, and took a nap as a slept in peace, surprisingly. This is going to be a long month...

...a very long month...


Sorry if it's short, I'm really busy and if it says 'updated on May 2" It's because a finished this 12 AM, in my country. Anyways, thank you Kev AKA spacedreamers for helping me out on this. And as always, I'll see you soon, KieshArtz out!


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