Chapter 9: Spider Spies and Omnitrices

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It's been a few days since the Vault incident as we see it was now night as we see you and the girls asleep as we see what looked to be a glowing  black spider with glowing parts crawls into Sam's room and bites her as the spider crawled away and entered your and Clover's room and bit both of you on the arms and left your room, as it then entered Alex's room and bit her the arm too and left the penthouse. The next day we see you and the spies get up as we see you scratching your arm.

(F/N): Ugh, darn it.

Clover: *while scratching her arm* You okay sweetie?

(F/N): Yeah, something bit my arm last night, not sure what it was.

Sam: You too?

Alex: We got bit on the arm last-

Before Alex can finish her thought she accidently shot web in Clover’s hair.

Clover: Ah! Alex what the heck?!

Alex: Sorry, sorry I didn't mean to!

(F/N): Okay that was weird, *takes the webs out of Clover's hair and throws it into a garbage can* There.

Clover: Thanks sweetie.

(Y/N): Anytime hun.

Sam: How did that happen?

Sam then grabs Alex’s hand and shocks her.

Alex: Ow! Sammy that hurt!

Sam: Sorry sorry I-I didn't mean to, honest.

(F/N): Okay that was definitely weird, hang on I'll call karnak.

You then pulled out your wallet and contacted Karnak as he answered.

Karnak: Diamond, to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you.

(F/N): Nice to see you too, just out of curiosity, have any of you activated the terrigen mist recently?

Karnak: No, not recently, why do you ask?

(F/N): My uh, betrotheds have developed spider based powers but they don't seem Inhuman based.

Karnak: Hm, that is highly unusual.

(F/N): Yeah, I'll see you later *hangs up*.

Alex: So these spider powers aren't Inhuman?

(Y/N): Nope, Karnak said no mist was released recently.

We then see Alex looking at her claws and then turning invisible.

Alex: Ah! What happened?!

Clover: Alex where did you go?

(Y/N): Hang on, *puts some sunglasses on Alex* There.

Alex: *turns visible* Thanks sweetie.

(Y/N): You're welcome.

Sam: Okay this is getting weird even for us.

(Y/N): Yeah, and I know exactly who to call.

We later see you and the girls in the living room with Spider Man himself hanging from the ceiling.

(Y/N): And that's what happened, Spidey.

Spider Man: So all four of you developed spider powers like mine and some new ones too?

(Y/N): Yep, Alex can turn invisible and has claws, and Sam has some kind of bio-electrokinesis  power, and I'm not sure what power Clover is gonna have.

Clover: *feels fangs in her mouth* Oww, ow, my teeth.

(Y/N): Hang on open wide, *opens Clover's mouth and sees the spider fangs* Woah spider fangs.

Spider-Man: Wow, the dentist is gonna have a field day with that.

(Y/N): Yeah, but the only way to prove these are spider powers is one last test, Clover *pulls out a blind fold* wear this.

Clover:  Sweetie we already went to sleep *smells your breath* And did you have a tuna sandwich?

(Y/N): One not what I mean and two yes, but that was weeks ago.

We then see Clover is wearing the blind fold and standing in the room as you then threw a book at Clover behind her as she caught it and removed the blind fold as she saw she caught it.

Clover: Woah… *hears wing flaps of birds 10 miles away* and I hear a bird 10 miles away.

Spider-Man: Okay you have good ears. Maybe you girls have separate powers. *sees the girls turn invisible* or not.

(Y/N): Hm, wonder if I got any spider based powers* shoots a web at a bottle of OJ and reels it back* Huh, guess I do.

Spider-Man: Wow, I did not see that coming.

(Y/N): Yeah, Spidey, did anything leave the tri-carrier recently?

Spider Man: Hmm not that I know of but let's check shield security.

Spider Man then pulls up the shield security feed from last night as you saw something crawling on the carrier.

(Y/N): Hang on, what's that?

Spider Man: Don't know, let's zoom in.

Spider Man then zoomed in and enchanted the image as it was revealed to be a Spider.

Alex: A spider?

Spider Man: *looks closer* Wait a sec that's not any Spider that's the spider.

Sam: What do you mean?

(Y/N): *realizes what spider man means* It's the radioactive spider that gave Spider Man his powers.

Clover: Wait, that spider gave us spider powers while we were asleep!?

Spider-Man: Yeah that pretty much sums it up.

Sam: Oh man, now it's gonna mess with our spy careers and our norm lives.

Spider Man: Hey, hey relax, having spider powers isn't the end of the world, it means you have more to work with.

(Y/N): Yeah I mean if I can handle being an Inhuman, I can handle having spider powers.

Clover: Hm, well if my soon to be husband is okay with it then so am I.

Sam and Alex: Us too.

Spider-Man: That's what I like to hear.

Sam: So what now?

Alex: Hmm, hey Spidey since your an expert on having spider powers can you teach us how to use them

(Y/N): Yeah we can learn how to use our new powers.

Clover: Good idea. Let’s practice in the woods.

Spider-Man: Good idea.

We later see you and the others in the woods.

Sam: Okay Spidey, what's our first lesson?

Spider-Man: Lesson 1, how to use your webs.

Clover: Alright *shoots webs on her hair* Dang it.

Spider-Man: Gotta learn how to aim your webs.

Alex: Alright, *aims at a tree and shoot webs* like that?

Spider-Man: Nice one.

Sam: Okay I'll give it a try, *aims and at a branch and shoots a web* How's that?

Spider Man: Not bad Sammy, alright Clover let's see what you got.

Clover: Okay if you say so, *aims at a far tree and shoots a web* How was that?

Spider-Man: Not bad, how about you (Y/N). *sees that you’re gone* Where is he?

(Y/N): *offscreen* Up here!

We see Spider-Man and the girls look up and see a web in the shape of a heart.

Spider-Man: Wow, not bad (Y/N) you got your webs down.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Clover: Did you make that heart shaped web for me, Sam, and Alex?

(Y/N): Yes I did, do you like it?

Spies: We love it!

We later see you and the others deeper in the forest.

Sam: Okay so what's our next lesson?

Spider Man: Spider sense.

Spider-man then deploys drones that have guns on them.

Spider-Man: One rule to this, don’t get hit.

Spider-Man then makes the drones fire at you and the girls as you all dodge all the bullets. We then see you and the spies dodging the bullets with ease as you all begin to tire a bit.

(Y/N): We can't keep dodging them forever.

Sam: (Y/N)'s right we gotta take these things down.

You then find an opening and you take down one of the drones without getting hit while the spies web up the rest.

Spider-Man: Not bad, I bet you can’t dodge lasers.

Clover: Wait what?

We then see drones that are shooting lasers as you all then start dodging them. It’s been a few hours and you’re all about to pass out until you use a web cable to hit them all with one swing.

(Y/N): There, good riddance to them.

Sam: *breathing heavily* We’re tired.

Alex: Yeah, *feels her legs gave out* my legs gave out.

You all then fall to the ground out of exhaustion.

Clover: Oh man, how do you do this all day Spidey?

Spider-Man: I got spider stamina. It looks like your staminas hasn't kicked in yet.  Next lesson is climbing.

Here we see you and the spies climbing a large tree and you and the spies are avoiding obstacles along the way up to the top.

Sam: *while climbing* How long until we get to the top?

(Y/N): *while climbing* I don’t know.

You then see stuff being thrown down by Spider Man like anvils, hay bill, bricks, and sinks.

(Y/N): *dodges a sink* Really a sink?

Spider Man: All part of the exercise!

Spider-Man then tosses down monster truck tires at you and the spies along with heavy dumb bells and detached wreaking balls. Spider-Man then threw a beehive at you and you got hit and your head was inside the beehive.

(Y/N): *muffled* Why?! Just why?! *feels the bees stinging your face* Ow! *Rips off the hive and climbs faster while getting stung by more bees at the same time* Ow!

We later see you and the girls are at the top of the tree.

Clover: We made it. *sees your face covered in bee stings* Woah, (Y/N) what happened to you?

(Y/N): *mumbled words* Bees happened, and guess who's responsible for that.

Spider-Man: Hey climbing while dodging stuff being thrown at you is part of this lesson.

(Y/N): *mumbled words* How is doing a real-life version of donkey kong part of controlling our powers?

Spider-Man: People might throw stuff at you when you are climbing up to something

Sam: Okay and since when would anyone throw a beehive at someone?

Spider-Man: You got to be ready for anything, and I do mean anything.

We then see a swarm of bees surround you and you got stung all over again. Later, we see you are in bed with your body covered entirely in bee stings to the point you can’t talk or move or it will hurt. Later after the pain subsided and you regained feeling in your body, we see you working on what looked to be a gauntlet with a green black and white design to it  as the camera pans over to reveal you made three more.

(Y/N): Perfect, now to add the final touch.

You then bought out four polymorph crystals and put them into each of the gauntlets making them glow and we're now functional.

(Y/N): *puts the Omnitrix* Perfect.

We later see you with the girls as they hug you tightly.

Clover: Thank goodness you’re alright, how’s your bee stings?

(Y/N): I’m back on my feet.

Sam: That's a relief, *sees the Omnitrices* Woah, what are those?

Clover: They look like matching fancy watches, oh sweetie you shouldn't have.

(Y/N)' They’re not just watches, they’re Omnitrices

ALex: What do they do?

(Y/N): They're level 20 DNA replicators that replicate any alien DNA it scans *sees the confused looks*  Ugh or in layman's terms they're watches that turn you into aliens.

Spies: Ohhhhhh….

Sam: Are you giving them to us?

(Y/N): Yep.

Alex: Wow, wait why?

(Y/N): Because while we do have spider powers, and I have mine I made these in case of an emergency or if dealing with something big.

Clover: How big are we talking?

(Y/N): Like the end of the world big.

Sam: Yikes, and you think we're ready for this kind of power?

(Y/N): Hey you girls are the best spies and girlfriends that I know, if anyone can control this kind of power it's us.

Clover: Wow, that means a lot sweetie.

Sam: Yeah, you're the best boyfriend we ever had.

(Y/N): Thanks girls, just remember one thing the Omnitrix is a tool, it shouldn't be used as a toy and don't over use it cause it may damage your DNA. *holds up a picture* This is what happens then you over use it too much.

Alex: Thanks for the heads up.

(Y/N): You’re welcome.

Later on, we see you and the girls walking out of a movie theater after watching a cheesy spy movie.

(Y/N): I don't get why people enjoy that.

Sam: It's because spies in the movies are amazing.

(Y/N): Yeah but we're spies, how is that any different than what we do?

Clover: It’s funnier when they do it than what we do.

(Y/N): Because what we do is completely awesome, requires lots of training, hand eye coordination and shouldn't be attempted by a younger audience because he or she could get hurt or worse?

You and the girls then glance at the fourth wall for a brief moment and go back to normal.

Alex: Right.

Movie: That bucket of chicken from KFC is only worth 12 bucks plus tax, you monsters!

(Y/N): And they went heavy on the product placement.

Clover: I know right, it's like they want us to buy that kind of stuff.

Sam: Yeah what kind of movie or show shamelessly promotes advertises their products *drinks from a mug with a totally spies picture on it*

Alex: So not cool, *pulls out a travel mug with a totally spies print on it and drinks from it*

(Y/N): Agreed.

Clover: Yeah. *pulls out a Totally Spies brand Hersy’s chocolate bar and eats it* Who do they think they are selling out like that?

Sam: It's disgraceful to see what stars have become.

As you and the girls were leaving you then saw a spark shine in the night sky as a portal opened up and something fell out.

(Y/N)' *sees the sp//der bot* What the?

Clover: Sweetie what is it?

(Y/N): I saw something shiny.

Sam: Let’s see what it is.

You and the girls then rush to where the bot was as you saw it on the ground.

Sam: *seea the Sp//der* What is that?

(Y/N)' *gets closer and feels his spider sense tingling* Woah….

Alex: What is it?

(Y/N): Whatever it is, it's making my spider sense go off.

Clover: *feels spider sense go off* Woah, mine too.

(Y/N): I'm going in to take a closer look.

You then go to the robotic spider bot as you pull it out of the crater and bring to where the girls are as you  wiped off the dirt to see someone in there.

(Y/N): What the? *To the spies* Girls, someone is here.

Sam: I wonder who it is?

(Y/N): Whoever it is we have to get her out.

You then open the hatch of the suit as you saw the young girl was unconscious as you checked her pulse.

(Y/N): She's unconscious but she's okay, Sam, bring that mech suit with us, we're taking her back to the penthouse.

Sam: On it.

We later see you and the girls arrive back at the penthouse as you placed the girl on the couch and placed her mech next to it.

She-Hulk: So who's the kid?

Sam: We don't know, we found her like this in the park.

(Y/N): Well she fell out of the sky.

Titania: Fell out of the sky?

You and the girls then see the little girl waking up.

Clover: Hey she's waking up

???(Peni): Ugh, my head what happened?

You then see the mech turn on by itself as it had a dizzy face emoji on it.

Sp//der: 😵

(Y/N): Easy there kiddo you need your rest.

When Peni sees you, she immediately tries  to punch you in the face as you stopped her punch. 

Clover: Woah easy kid we saved your life.

Peni: Who are you people?! *Feels her spider sense go off* What the?

You and the spies along with Peni feel all your spider senses go off as you gasp in realization.

You, spies and Peni: *gasps* you're like me.

(Y/N): You're a spider too? Like us?

Peni: Yeah and you four are spiders too?

Sam: Yeah, wait wait, hang on who are you and how did you get here?

Peni: Okay let's start from the beginning, my name is Peni Parker, I'm from the year 3145, I have psycle link with a spider that lives inside my dad's robot and we're best friends forever.

Alex: Wow, that’s amazing.

(Y/N): I wish I could meet your father.

Peni: *sadded* Actually you can’t, my father is dead.

(Y/N): Oh….I,….. I'm sorry for your loss kid.

Clover: *gasps* (Y/N), *hugs Peni* we should adopt her!

You, Sam and Alex: What?!

(Y/N): Woah, Clover, are you sure you wanna do this? Raising a child is a big responsibility.

Clover: She needs some loving parents!

She-Hulk: She's right (Y/N).

Titania: Yeah I'm with Cloves on this one.

(Y/N): Hm, okay your right, *to Peni and gets to her level* Peni, how would you like it if me and Clover adopted you? Sounds good to you?

Peni: Yes! *hugs you tightly* Dad!

(Y/N): *is momentarily shocked but hugs back* That's the answer I want to hear. *Sees the scuffs on her knees* Looks like someone got hurt badly, Titania do we have any band-aids?

Titania: On it.

Titania then went to a cabinet and got some band-aids as you put them on Peni's injuries.

(Y/N): There, now Peni, tell us how did you got into our dimension?

Sam: And who did this to you?

Peni: It was happening so fast and I don’t remember what happened.

(Y/N): Give yourself some time to think. And when you remember, tell us. I'm gonna get the adoption papers ready.

Sam: And we'll watch over Peni and take care of her.

(Y/N): Okay, be right back.

You then jump out of the window and swing off to city hall to get the adoption papers.

Sam: Alright Peni it's just you and us, what do you want to do until your dad gets back with the papers?

Peni: Wanna play twister?

Clover: Sure.

Meanwhile we see you getting the adoption papers.

(Y/N): Hi there, I'd like some adoption papers.

Worker: Sure thing man. * Gets the papers* What's the name of the child you're adopting?

(Y/N): Her name is Peni Parker, age 11.

Worker: *writes down Peni Parker* Okay Peni Parker,  age 11. Okay everything is in order.

(Y/N): *takes the paperwork and signs his name* Thanks.

Worker: You’re welcome.

You then leave city hall and go back to the penthouse as you saw the girls playing twister.

(Y/N): So did anything interesting happen while I was gone?

Sam: We were playing twister and both She Hulk and Titania are very flexible.

Alex: Which was very surprising.

(Y/N): Okay, Hey Clover look what I got *pulls out the adoption papers* it’s the adoption papers.

Clover: *gasps* Yay!

(Y/N): All it needs is your signature and she's officially our daughter.

Clover: Okay, *takes the paperwork and signs her name too* There we go, all set.

Peni: Does this mean what I think it means?

(Y/N): Yep, welcome to the family, Peni.

Peni: Yay! I have more than one mom!

(Y/N): Yeah, so did you remember how you got here?

Peni: Hmm, I think I remember *gasps* It was Olivia Octavious.

Sam: Olivia Octavious? Who's she?

(Y/N): Spider Man told me about a guy named Otto Octavious don't suppose they're related?

Spider-Man: I think he was an only child.

(Y/N): *sees Spider Man* How long were you there?

Spider-Man: I just got here.

(Y/N): Oh, okay well what are you doing here spidey?

Peni: Wait, he's like me too?

Clover: Yep, but minus the mech suit.

Peni: Yeah.

Spider-Man: And super short.

Peni: Hey, I like you to know I have enough IQ points to get into this university at a drop of a hat.

Spider-Man: Oh yeah!*to you* Soo who is she?

(Y/N): Well she's my adopted daughter and get this, she's like us.

Spider Man: What do you mean? *feels his Spider Sense sensing Peni’s* Spider sense going off? But where's the danger?

Clover: There's no danger, Peni here is a spider like us.

Spider Man: Wait what?! *breaks the fourth wall* Did I just hit my head or is that a real little girl with spider powers and a mech suit?

Sam: *to you* Who is he talking to?

(Y/N): No idea, he sometimes does this a lot.

Peni: Oh by the way Spidey. While we were playing twister, I got accepted into Malibu University. *sticks her tongue out at Spider-Man*

Spider-man: A Spider-Man from another universe sticks her tongue at me? Now that’s something the multiverse loves to make fun of me.

(Y/N): You make it too easy, sometimes you know that right?

Spider-Man: Yeah, so Peni was it? How did you end up in our world? And how is your New York, traffic is even worse and the pizza is even better?

Peni: Well Olivia Octavious sent me here, and no the traffic problem is solved by yours truly.

(Y/N): So there's a girl Doc Ock in your world?

Spider-Man: Wait a girl Ock?

Fantasy sequence

We see Doc Ock in women’s clothing as we see a chibi Spider-Man terrified by the sight of her.

End of fantasy

Spider-Man: And I thought Doc Ock as a guy was ugly. *gets slapped in the face by all the girls in the room* OW!

Peni: Actually, Olivia goes by Liv and she comes from Earth-1610, I’m from Earth-14512. Earth-1610 is like this universe with some key differences: the police in New York go by PDNY, Coca Cola goes by Koca Soda, and you have to pay 30,000 dollars for a burger and fries. And in my universe, I made pizza that is both delicious and nutritious by putting in all of the required nutrients for the average person times 50.

Clover: 30,000 dollars for a burger and fries?! That's highway robbery!

Spider-Man: What’s next, me as a zombie?

Peni: Of course, he normally lives on Earth-2149 but I recommend you guys not to go there.

Sam: Since when did you become an expert of the multiverse?

Peni: Last night, in my universe.

Sam: Wow….

Alex: That's a lot to take in.

Spider-Man: Especially the part about me being a zombie.

(Y/N): Yeah, so what brings you here spidey.

Spider-Man: *remembers why he's here* Oh right, I'm on a mission to get back the Sige Perralis from the Goblin

Sam:  What's the Sige Perralis?

Alex: And who's the Goblin?

Spider-Man: The Sige Perralis is a jewel that can help people travel into the other universes and the Goblin is my archenemy and also he stole the Sige Perralis. Don't know what he's gonna do with it but we have to stop him.

Sam: Woah, woah, hang on but we're spiders in training are you sure we're ready for this?

Spider-Man: I know you're ready for this, you’ve faced bad guys that could’ve ended the world. I’m sure that Goblin won’t be anything new.

Alex: Yeah but this is the kind of baddie you deal with, how can we fight something like him?

Spider-Man: You got my powers don’t you?

Sam: Yeah and some others that are new even to us.

Spider-Man: Consider this as on the job training. We go first thing tomorrow, be prepared.

(Y/N): You got it webs. *Looks at the time* Oh man it's getting late.

Spider-Man: And that's my que to leave see ya spy spiders.

We then see Spider-Man swing out of the penthouse leaving you and the girls.

(Y/N): Alright, c'mon everyone it's time for bed.

Sam: Wait, hang on, where's Peni gonna sleep?

Clover: We can have her sleep with us.

Peni: Sounds good to me.

(Y/N): Okay then it's settled.

We then see you and the girls go to bed as the camera fades to black.

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