Chapter 11 ...Doctor, Doctor, Gimme the news

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Before this chapter starts, I wanna give a special thanks to @AlstonChanAlstonChan and @Jameswestglitch. I just wanna thank them for all the love and support that they've given me since day one when I started this story. Whenever I thought to myself that this story wasn't worth it, I eventually turned myself to reading their comments over and over again, and they've made me feel so much better about myself and made me truly realize of how far this story has gotten............. Oh, and updating will be slower than usual because I'm gonna be busy for a very long time. So anyways, let's get back to the story.

Y/n's PoV

{Jaeger's Base}


Dr. Stylish hasn't come back in two hours. Bols and Seryu are starting to get worried. Esdeath told me to track him down and bring him back. Seryu tried to talk her into joining me but she rejected her request in a heartbeat.

I'm currently in my room packing up my stuff to go track down Dr. Stylish. I hope he hasn't found the base. As I was putting my guns away, I heard the sound of someone knocking on my door. I told whoever it was to come in and I heard the sound of the door opening and footsteps coming closer to me. I turned to my right and saw Bols.

Y/n: "Hey, Bols."

Bols: "Um, hi Y/n. Esdeath told me to get you so you can begin your search for Dr. Stylish. Do you have any idea where he might be?"

Y/n: "I have a couple of ideas in my head, but I'm not sure."

Bols: "I hope that he's ok."

Y/n: "Me too, Bols.........."

Bols: ".........."

Y/n: "..........Hey, Bols."

Bols: "Yeah."

Y/n: "Do you have someone, like, as in a relationship with someone?"

Bols: "Yes I do! I have a lovely wife 5 years of marriage. I also have a daughter. I really don't deserve them."

Y/n: "That's nice. What's their names?"

Bols: "My wife's name is Kije and my daughter's is Logue. I love them with my life. I would do anything for them."

Y/n: "I wouldn't have a doubt about it."

Bols: "Do you have someone?"

Y/n: "............I did."

Bols: "Did?"

Y/n: "They were killed."

Bols: "They?"

Y/n: "Wife and son. I lost them while I was in battle."

Bols: "Oh....I-I am so sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

Y/n: "It's ok. You didn't know." I said as I packed up everything and went out of my room. Bols followed me by my side.

Bols: "If you need someone to talk to, I'll always be here." He said as he patted my shoulder.

Y/n: "Thanks man."

Bols: "Wait a second. How old are you?"

Y/n: "About 40. Maybe 38."

Bols: "Really?! You look like your 23! No joke!"

Y/n: "Really?"

Bols: "Really!"

Y/n: "Huh......... Welp, I better get goin'."

Bols: "Alright, see ya later."

Y/n: "See ya- OMPH!!"

I was interrupted by Kurome and Seryu as they tackled into me, engulfing me in a huge hug.

Kurome: "Promise you'll come back?"

Y/n: "I promise."

Seryu: "Promise you'll be safe?"

Y/n: "I promise."

Seryu: "How long will you be gone?"

Y/n: "I won't be gone long, I'll be back in the morning."

Kurome: "Will you eat cookies with me when you come back?"

Y/n: "Yes."

Seryu: "Will you-"

Bols: "I think you're asking him too many questions."

Seryu: "O-Oh."

Kurome: "Sorry."

They let go of me as Esdeath walked up to me and led me out the door. Seryu, Kurome, and Bols waved me goodbye as I waved to them back. The door closed as Esdeath looked at me before I left.

Esdeath: "Don't fail me, Y/n."

Y/n: "Just so you know, the only reason why I'm going is because I agreed to."

Esdeath: "I know, I know. But I want you to be careful while you're out there. Night Raid will probably be out there. And I trust you not to try to escape."

Y/n: "I won't. I'll be back in the morning. And don't worry, I'll be just fine. See ya!" I said as I ran away from the building and began my search.

First, I'm gonna check on the base and make sure he didn't find it. God, I hope he didn't find it.

3rd Person PoV

{Night Raid Base}

He found it.

Dr. Stylish: "What's our status on the soldiers?" He asked a man with one eye.

???: "The soldiers have made their way inside." Said a girl with green hair, green eyes, a purple headband and huge elf-like ears.

Dr. Stylish: "Ah, let the show begin! I'm tingling with anticipation!"

Meanwhile, Inside the base.

Lubbock: "Holy crap! Where'd they come from all the sudden?! They're already on top of us!" He said while running down the hallway.

He stopped when one of Dr. Stylish's soldiers came through the roof, landing right in front of Lubbock. The soldier had a weird mask on. It looked a white blank face with huge cat ears attached to each other. He also had sharp claws attached to his fingers.

Dr. Stylish Soldier: "The enemy, must be killed." He yelled as he charged at Lubbock, only to have him jump over him.

Lubbock wrapped his metal string around the soldiers neck and pulled on it to decapitate him, but when he pulled on it, it didn't kill him. The soldier just twisted his head in a total 180° and looked at Lubbock and it freaked Lubbock out.


Back with Dr. Stylish.

???: "Sounds like they got one." Said the girl with green hair and big ears.

Dr. Stylish: "Well, my enhanced fighters ARE more resilient than humans. It takes serious finesse to put even a scratch on them."

???: *gasp*

Dr. Stylish: "Is there some kind of problem Mimi?"

Mimi: "Well, they seem to be holding their ground very well. But that's not the only problem."

Dr. Stylish: "Well, what is it?"

Mimi: "There seems to be someone about 10 miles behind us running towards the base. And he's closing in on us fast."

Dr. Stylish: "Alone, you say? Huh, interesting. How long until he gets here?"

Mimi: "About 30 minutes."

Dr. Stylish: "..........Just send out a group of soldiers to his location. Let us focus on the here and now."

Mimi: "Understood."

Back with Lubbock.

The soldier was still tangled up in Lubbock's string but he was able to charge at Lubbock and he tried to cut his stomach. But before he could do that, Lubbock used the string and wrapped it around his stomach like a shield.

Lubbock: "You'd be amazed at what I can do with this little bit of string. Check this out!"

He then began to twirl the string in the air as the soldier charged at him.

Lubbock: "All I have to do is bind them all together and..... VOILA!!" He yelled as he made a spear made out of metal string.

Lubbock then chucked the spear at the soldiers chest and it knocked him to the ground.

Dr. Stylish Soldier: "S-So... Creative......" He said as he bleed out and died.

Lubbock: "I saw that in a manga one time. You wouldn't believe it, but those crazy things are full of ideas on how to manipulate string."

Lubbock then heard walls breaking behind him.

Lubbock: "Crap! Another one-"

He looked behind him and saw about 20 Dr. Stylish soldiers crawling their way towards him.

Lubbock: "Nope, more than one. Ah, sorry I'm not good with groups. I think I'm gonna pass you guys if that's cool with you-"

He then saw the soldiers sprint at him.

Lubbock: "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! SOMEONE HELP MEEEEE!!!!!" He yelled as he ran away from the horde of soldiers.

He kept on running until someone jumped over the soldiers and landed in front of them.

Akame: "Stay behind me Lubbock!"

Lubbock: "YEAH, I CAN DO THAT!!"

Akame then pulled out her sword and chopped up all of the soldiers into pieces in the matter of seconds.

Lubbock: *low whistle* "Nice one, Akame."

Akame: "Don't whistle at me again." He said as she glared at Lubbock

Lubbock: "O-Ok."

???: "Well, well... What do we have here?" Said a voice behind Akame.

Akame turned around and saw a man with black hair, blue eyes, a dark blue coat with yellow highlights, glasses on the bridge of his nose and a metal helmet on top of his head.

???: "Impressive for a couple of thugs. You can call me, Toby. And I'm here to battle you one-on-one, Akame!" He said as he pulled out blades attached to his wrists and dashed at Akame with great speed.

Toby jumped in the air and went for kick on the head, but Akame noticed that he unsheathed a blade on his foot. Akame ducked and put her sword up to block the attack. Toby grinded on top of Akame's sword, but as he was about to jump off of the sword, Akame turned around and cut his back.

Akame: 'He's different. When I cut into his skin, I could tell that his whole body is mechanical.'

Lubbock went to run to Akame's aid, but he was stopped by 2 really big soldiers standing in front of him.

Lubbock: "Giants, huh?! ALRIGHT, BRING IT ON!!!" He said as metal string twirled around him.

Meanwhile, outside the base.

Tatsumi equipped Incursio and went to deal with the soldiers outside. He killed the first one by punching his head off, the second one by kicking him into some rocks and he killed the rest by punching a shockwave at them.

???: "Hey you! In the tin can!"

Tatsumi turned around and saw a big guy with short black hair, black eyes, a mustache, and a right metal hand. He was wearing a green cloak with black and red pouches. He had a short white shirt under it. He also had red pants. He seemed to be 6'7'.

???: "My name is Kaku. Nice of you to show yourself. Seems you're the fella I'm supposed to kill. So let's get down to it." He said as he pulled out a big sword with a red and golden handle.

Whoever guesses where this is from gets a cookie.

Kaku: "This is 'The Blade of Creation, Devastator'. Originally the prototype for 'The Shears of Creation, Extase'. And if ya wan' it. You're gonna have to pry it from my cold-bloody hands!!" He yelled as Tatsumi charged at him with sword in hand.

Tatsumi jumped in the air and went for a downward slash but when he made contact, his blade split in half. Tatsumi couldn't even react as the Kaku's sword cut his arm and Kaku's metal hand punched his face and he went into some trees.

Kaku: "Ya see, it still has the same quirks as Extase. It can cut everything that it touches. So no matter how armored you are, I can still cut through you like tissue paper."

Kaku walked up to Tatsumi and raised his sword high in the air. He was about to slash his blade down but suddenly, it broke in half.


Sheele: "If it's a prototype of my Imperial Arms, then it's weaker. Therefore, I can cut through your weapon."

Kaku: "YOU'RE GONNA DIE FOR THA-" He was interrupted by the sound of Pumpkin firing a shot at his head.

Mine: "No one is gonna die on my watch." He said as she made her way towards Sheele.

Tatsumi: "Thanks for that Sheele."

Sheele: "No problem."


Sheele: "Oh, you did a great shot, Mine. Please don't be mad."

Mine: "Hmph." She said ass she puffed her cheeks out.

Back with Dr. Stylish.

Mimi: *sigh* "They were able to kill Kaku. But our main problem is that nearly all of our soldiers are dead."

Dr. Stylish: *sarcastically* "Oh, my goodness, what a tragic turn of events. Oh well, that does it. Time for plan B."

Mimi: "Doctor, there seems to be something flying over us!"

Dr. Stylish looked above him and saw a giant manta ray in the sky.

Dr. Stylish: "That must be the Danger Beast Air Manta!"

Eyes: "And someone seems to be riding it on it's back!"

Mimi: "That's Ex-General Najenda! And two people are up there with her! .....Wait! I'm getting something els- O-Oh, Oh my god. Oh my god! OH MY GOD!!" She yelled as she clutched her head in her hands.

Dr. Stylish: "What's going on Mimi?"

Mimi: "W-We have a bigger problem!! The guy behind us is shredding through the soldiers like butter!! I could hear the soldiers screaming in agony!! They were crying for him to spare them!! HE'S AN UNCHAINED PREDATOR!!!!"

Dr. Stylish: ".....We'll deal with him later. For now, let's take care of business here. If he's as strong as you say he is, then we'll deal with him last."

Mimi: "O-Ok."

On the Air Manta.

Boss: "Headquarters was proud of their fortune-telling Arms. I predicted trouble near the hideout, and it came to pass. Glad I flew back as soon as I found out. This is your shot, recruits. Time to show me what you're made of." She said to the two hooded figures.

Back with Dr. Stylish.

Dr. Stylish: *sigh* "I honestly hoped that this fight would be easier. But there's no time for that! All of Night Raid will become a part of my experiments! Time to use my Trump-Card!" He said as his gloves glowed a bright pink.

With Akame.

Akame stood her ground as Toby charged at her and went for a kick with his bladed foot. Akame parried it and sliced his left arm off. Toby backed away to get some distance.

Akame: "If I can't kill you in one hit, then I'll have to chop you into pieces. And it's gonna hurt. You better get ready."

Toby: *chuckle* "That's where you're mistaken. Given my condition, I can't feel pain anymore!"

Toby charged at Akame again as he went with a webster axe kick as his foot revealed another blade, but Akame dodged it. Seeing an opening, Toby twists his body and turned his armless shoulder into another blade, but Akame blocked it. Toby opened his mouth to reveal a gun and shot. Akame just tilted her head out of the way of the bullet.

Toby didn't have time to react as Akame cut his other arm off. Growing frustrated, Toby pulled out a gun from his shoulder, but Akame dashed under him and chopped his leg off. Toby tried to turn around but was meet with a spear through the chest. Akame looked behind Toby and saw Bulat wearing Bunny PJ's and with his arm forward. Lubbock was right beside him.

Toby: "D-Damn you! This wasn't even your fight!"

Bulat: "Did you really think I was gonna stand there and watch? Man, you really are a dumbass."

Toby: "W-Well, as it was going...... I was gonna lose anyway. It was nice fighting someone so formidable."

Akame: "I can't say the same for you."

Toby: "Heh, I know."

Akame walked towards him and cut his head off.

With Tatsumi.

Tatsumi, Sheele and Mine looked up at the giant manta ray in the sy.

Tatsumi: "What is that?"

Mine: "It seems to be the Danger Beast Air Manta."

Sheele: "There's someone riding on it, but I can't see who."

Mine: "Lemme check."

Mine then pulled out an attachable pink eye scope and zoomed in on the giant manta ray.

Mine: "Whaddaya know?! It's the Boss! And I'm guessing some new recruits."

Tatsumi: "Sweet. Perfect timing. Wait, that's not fair!"

Mine: "What's not fair?"

Tatsumi: "How come they get to ride a giant fish?! I wanna ride a giant fish!!"

Mine: "Umm, I'm not sure how to respond to that."

Sheele: "I love fish!"

While looking up in the sky at the giant manta ray, they didn't notice that a red-haired man behind them had a knife in his hand and was running at Mine.

???: "GOTCHA!!-" He was interrupted as Leone kicked him square in the face, sending him into some trees 30 feet away.

Leone: "You really caught me off-guard didn't you?!"

The three looked over and saw Leone in her Lioness form, and she looked PISSED OFF.

Leone: "I was passed out and hung over and you throw a knife at me?! That is grounds for a serious ass-kicking my friend!!" She yelled as she lifted the red-haired man in the air by his neck.

Mine, Tatsumi, Sheele: "Uuuuuhhhhhhhhh."

???: "P-Put me d-down! I-I c-can't b-b-breathe!"

Leone: "Word of advice. I'm a huge fan off surprise attacks. But if there's one thing I hate about them. IT'S WHEN THEY HAPPEN TO ME!!! Your body looks like it's been enhanced, but I wouldn't expect that to make your death come any easier!!"

Sweat metaphorically came down off of Tatsumi's helmet as Mine looked nervous. Sheele didn't know what was going on.

Leone looked at the red-haired man and he smirked. Leone was confused until a short blade came out of his boot. The man tried to kill Leone with it, but she caught the blade with her teeth and broke it in half.

???: "You sure are full of surprises aren't you?"

Leone slammed him into the ground so hard that a small crater was beneath her feet. It killed the man instantly.

Leone: ".....Oh, crap. I think I killed him."

Tatsumi: "Uuuhhh, sis? What was that about?"

Leone: "Huh? Oh, this little shit decided to throw a paralization knife at me while I was drunk."

Tatsumi: "Why were you drinking?"

Leone: "........I have my reasons."

Mine: "Hey guys! Look! It's Akame, Bulat and Lubbock!" She said as she pointed at the three coming towards them.

Akame: "Is everyone ok?!"

Tatsumi: "Yeah."

Mine: "I think we're all good."

Bulat: "Hold on! ......Do y'all hear that?"

Tatsumi: "Hear what?"

Before they knew it, they were quickly surrounded by tons of soldiers.

Tatsumi: "Looks like we've still got some work to do."

Lubbock: "This doesn't make sense! How'd they get in without setting off my traps?!"

Leone: "I'm not picking up anyone else's smell either."

Tatsumi: "...........Whatever, we're all together so let's just knock these suckers out, ok?"

Mine: "Well, not ALL of us."

Leone: "Yeah, this would be so much easier with Y/n here."

Mine: "Yeah, but a certain someone decided to yell at him so now he's stuck with the Jaegers rather than being here."

Soon, everyone glared at Tatsumi. He tried coming up with an excuse but he lowered his head and sighed.

Tatsumi: *sigh* "......Look, I'm sorry that I yelled at Y/n. It's my fault that I didn't listen to him. I let my anger out on him and it caused him to lash out on me and make us split apart. And worst of all, I brought his family into it. It was wrong and totally uncalled for. I'm sorry."

There was a long silence before someone spoke up.

Bulat: "Tatsumi, I think that Y/n would understand where you come from. You're still very young and you have a lot to learn. It's good that you've learned from your mistake. I think we can all agree on that."

Bulat looked around and saw everyone nodding their heads in approval. Tatsumi felt better about himself and lifted his head up.

Tatsumi: "Well, if Y/n was here, I think he would encourage all of us to fight for the sake of the revolution. For our families. For each other. Now... LET'S FIGHT!!!"

Akame: "Righ-" *gasp*

Soon, everyone fell on the ground weakened by something. Tatsumi was the only one not fazed by it.

Tatsumi: "Akame?! Wha- What's wrong with you guys?!"

Mine: "I-I c-can't.... m-move... m-my b-body."

Bulat: "T-Tatsumi. T-This is exactly what h-happened... on the b-boat."

Tatsumi: "You're right. Hypnosis maybe?"

Akame: "N-No. I-It's something e-else."

With Dr. Stylish.

???: "It seems to be working on all targets except for the one wearing Incursio." Said a bulky man with blonde hair, black bracelets, a grey and white vest, and he wore a purple eye patch with red, yellow and green eyes.

Dr. Stylish: *laughs* "That's the effect of my Trump Card. A fast-acting gas-type paralysis agent I made all by my stylish self."

??? 2: *shrieks* "B-BUT WON'T ALL OF OUR ALLIES BE POISONED TOO?!?!?!" Yelled a man who wore a revealing, black outfit. He also had black hair and his eyes were blue.

Mimi: "Obviously the good doctor remembered to treat them with the antidote, moron."

??? 2: "Oooh~ Master Stylish, you're like a super genius!"

Dr. Stylish: "It's not like I intended to try out my latest concoction on such promising subjects, ya know? See? It's a very valuable creation and I went to great length to get it. But I had no other option! They were wiping out my lovely cohorts so quickly!" *sobbing*

???: "We understand, Master."

Mimi: "We understand."

??? 2: "Yes, and the poison has no smell, so its easy on my nose!"

Mimi: *gasp* "D-Dr. S-Stylish...."

Dr. Stylish: "What? What?! WHAT?!?!"

Mimi: "........He's here."

Back with Night Raid.

Tatsumi: 'I'm holding up better than anyone else right now. I guess it's all up me-'

Out of nowhere, someone came through the sky and made a huge crater beneath his feet, causing a huge shockwave of air to go by everyone. He stood up so everyone could see him. He had blue hair and blue eyes. He was very tall and appeared to be in his early 20s. He also had two bison-like horns protruding out of the sides of his head.

He held out his stave-like weapon and small blades came out of the gaps and spun very quickly.

Leone: "Is he... with us?"

The man then charged at a small group of soldiers and cut through them like butter. A soldier tried to attack him from behind, but he just hit him with his fist without looking. All the soldiers jumped at him at once. He responded with swinging his weapon around and cutting all of the soldiers in half, sending blood and intestines all around him.

Tatsumi: "WH- WHAT THE?!?!

With Dr. Stylish.

???: "Sir! Someone just jumped down and is now pulverizing the entire infantry!"

Mimi: "But that's impossible! The poison should effect every living thing in the area!"

Dr. Stylish: "Maybe not. He may have an unlisted Imperial Arms. In which case, I guess I don't really need to include him in my research." He said as he pulled out a remote and pressed the trigger.

The once dead soldiers began to get bigger and bigger until they blew up in front of the mysterious man.

Dr. Stylish: *laughing* "Do you like my deluxe human explosive?! Ha! One down!"

???: "W-Wait, oh my god."

The man's once blown up body grew back together, leaving no marks of any kind.

Dr. Stylish: "What's going on Me?"

Me: "I've only heard of these! He's an organic! He's a human Imperial Arms!"

Back with Night Raid.

The mysterious man looked around and saw Mine on the ground with her hair all messed up. He walked over to her with a menacing look on his face.

Mine: "Umm... What are you..."

The man put his hand on top of Mine's head and pushed her hair down, straightening it.

???: "Fixed."

Mine: "Wait, what?!"


A gunshot was heard. Mine looked up and saw the man's head completely torn off, only for it to grow back. The man looked behind him and saw a certain green armored man standing there with his Heavy Cannon.

Akame: "Y-Y/n?"

Y/n: "I don't know who you are, but you better back away or I'll make sure that head of yours won't grow back again."

The man looked at Mine and stood up.

???: "I'll be right back."

He then walked toward Y/n and he proceeded to do the same. That walk turned into a sprint and then a full on run. They were about to clash until someone called out to them.

Boss: "Susanoo! I think there has been a misunderstanding!"

The two stopped and looked beside them. They saw the boss with a gas mask standing there in disapproval. She also had a girl that had pale skin, auburn hair, and red eyes standing there beside her. She wore a butterfly headphone accessory on her head. She wore a white long-sleeve shirt with a red ribbon under a black vest. She also had a gas mask on her face.

Y/n: "A misunderstanding?"

Susanoo: "Wait. Master, you know this armored goblin?"

Y/n: "WHATDIDYOUSAY?!?!?!?!"

Boss: *sigh* "I would like to introduce you to Susanoo. He is one of our new recruits."

Y/n: " of?"

???: "Oh, hi there!" Said the auburn haired girl.

Y/n: "Hi."

Boss: "This is Chelsea, our second recruit."

Y/n: "Nice to meet you."

Chelsea: "You as well!"

Y/n: "Wait, why are y'all wearing masks?"

Boss: "As soon as we saw that most of the team fell down. We immediately realized that someone must have some type of paralyzation gas. So we put on these gas masks so we wouldn't be effected."

Y/n: ".........................Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

Tatsumi ran up to the group.

Tatsumi: "There's someone out there in charge of these soldiers. Do you know who?"

Y/n: "Yeah. Dr. Stylish. He's got to be somewhere in the mountains. VEGA, can you scan the perimeter by a 2 mile radius?"

VEGA: "Scanning now."

Chelsea: "Ooh~ Fancy~"

Boss: "Who's this, VEGA?"

Y/n: "He's an AI who helped me when I fought off the demons in my realm."

Boss: "Is this why you asked me for Zanku's Imperial Arms?"

Y/n: "Precisely."

VEGA: "Scan complete. Four life forms detected 1,400 yards north-west from here in the mountains."

Y/n: "Perfect."

Boss: "Tatsumi. Chelsea. I need you to take the rest of Night Raid away from the poison."

Tatsumi: "Will do."

Chelsea: "Ok."

Y/n: "Alright, let's go."

With Dr. Stylish.

Mimi: "I-it's the man I told you about!! He spotted us and is perusing us with great speed along with Former-General Najenda and the other guy!!"

Dr. Stylish: "That guy is with Night Raid?!?!Nothing to be done, is there?! All we can do now is run!!" He said as him and his team ran away into the forest. 'Poison doesn't work on organic types! And they can't effect people with gas masks on either! It won't be able to enter their bodies!'

They stopped when they saw Y/n, Susanoo, and Najenda standing there in front of them.

Me: "Nothing to be afraid of, Master Stylish!"

???: "We are your guardians until the bitter end! I promise you're in good hands!"

Dr. Stylish: 'Oh, please. You don't stand a chance. I designed y'all for recon, not hand-to-hand combat. So......' "I'M GONNA HAVE TO PROTECT MYSELF!!!"

He then pulled out a small syringe with some weird fluid in it. He then injected the fluid into his body.

Dr. Stylish: "I'm gonna have to play my second Trump Card, 'Danger Beast Shot'! S-Sorry, but y-you leave m-me no c-ch-choice!" *grunt*

Me: "You ok, Master Stylish? What's wrong?"

Dr. Stylish's body began to change. His hair was getting longer, his muscles were getting bigger. Flesh warped around him. Soon, his body became a part of a bigger body.......... it was weird.

Dr. Stylish: "Oh, what an impeccable sensation! This is the ultimate in nouveau riche! I've successfully merged my body with a Danger Beast, SO I MAY PERSONALLY KICK YOUR ASS!!!!"


???: "He is GORGEOUS!!!!"

Me: "Very impressive, Master!! Wait.... what are you doing?!"

He grew concerned as Dr. Stylish grabbed both of them in his huge hands.

Dr. Stylish: "But first I'm gonna have a little sustenance, yes? Time for us to become one!!"

Me and the long nosed man screamed in agony as Dr. Stylish threw them into a large mouth that was connected to the big body's stomach. Mimi saw that Dr. Stylish was distracted and tried to get away, but The Boss went in front of her and punched her in the face, knocking her out. She then dragged her body into some bushes so she wouldn't be seen and quickly made her way back to Y/n and Susanoo before Dr. Stylish even noticed.

Dr. Stylish: "Ah~ Just as I suspected. Scarfing down all this nutritious meat is helping me level up!!"

Dr. Stylish's body began to morph and change even more as his giant body grew even bigger to where he was the size of a mountain. He grew a head that had a red tube on the back, his right arm turned into a metal one, his legs also turned into metal. His actual body was on the forehead on the massive one.

I'm sorry, this is really hard to describe.

Y/n: "..............What the fuck did I just watch?"

Boss: "He's a mutation. And he's very ugly."

Dr. Stylish: "Well, this isn't bad. But I'd like to be a scoche bigger. These people still have me outmatched even when I'm a giant! I suppose if I truly want to win this battle, I have to grow even larger! Prepare yourself to be devoured alive!!"

He swung his hand down to squish all three of them at once, but they all dodged away. Susanoo swung his weapon at Dr. Stylish's metal hand, but it didn't budge. Susanoo didn't have time to react as he got smacked away into some trees by Dr. Stylish's other hand. Dr. Stylish used his other hand to try to squish Y/n and the Boss, but they just rolled out of the way.

Boss: "We need a plan."

Y/n: "Oh, don't worry. I already have one."

Boss: "Well? What is it?"

Y/n: "I know this sounds kinda reckless, but I need to fight him by myself."

Boss: "Ok :)"

Y/n: "Wait, you're ok with that? You're not gonna question my motives?"

Boss: "Nah. I'll leave you to it. Susanoo!! We're leaving!!"

Susanoo: "Why, Master?"

Boss: "Because he wants to fight against Dr. Attack on Titan all alone."

Susanoo: *scoffs* "A mere man cannot take down such a powerful opponent by himself."

Quicker than a blink of an eye, Y/n went behind Susanoo and jumped straight at Dr. Stylish's body. Dr. Stylish couldn't even react as he was quickly face-to-face with Y/n. Y/n then pulled out an activated Crucible and cut straight through Dr. Stylish's chest.

Dr. Stylish: 'T-That blade....I-I can't believe it. The only one who can wield that blade is the almighty Doom Slayer. Am I really face-to-face with The Hellwalker himself? I can't believe I didn't recognize him sooner. And if he's on the Revolutionary Army's side, the battle's already won. All hail The Vengeful One, The Unchained Predator..... All hail............. T-The D-Doom S-S-Slayer.' He thought on his dying breath.

The giant body soon fell and it left a huge crater in the ground. Susanoo's jaw hit the ground as Y/n made his way back to him.

Y/n: "Tell me, Susanoo..... Can a mere man do that?"

Without even thinking, Susanoo bowed before Y/n on his knees begging for forgiveness repeatedly.

Y/n: "Uuuhhhhh, Boss? ....Did I break him?"

Boss: "I don't know."

Susanoo: "M-Master!!! Do you know who's standing before you?!?!"

Boss: "Yep."

Susanoo: "O-Oh no. P-Please, Lord Doom Slayer, I beg for your forgiveness. I should have recognized you sooner. I am truly sorry."

Y/n: "Nah, don't worry about it. You're fine."

Susanoo: "Wait, what? You're just gonna forgive me just like that?"

Y/n: "Sure, why not?"

Susanoo: "B-B-But you're the Hellwalker, the Unchained Predator, The Baron of Hell. You should be unforgiving and merciless. Why are you so forgiving?"

Y/n: "I never liked the people in my dimension. But here? It's cool. The people here have much more common sense."

Susanoo: ".........."

Y/n: ".......I think I broke him again."

Boss: "Soooooo, anyway. The whole team is back together. That's a start. Now, we need to-"

Y/n: "Not yet. I need to go back to the Jaegers base and work with them just a little bit longer. We still don't understand fully of what they're capable of."

Boss: ".......I understand. We will await for your return. In the meantime, we're gonna look for a new base. We can't stay here any longer."

Y/n: "Sounds good. Also, what are you gonna do with the chick with big ears?"

Boss: "We're gonna send her into the cell room with Ogre and hopefully get some info about the Capital from her."

Y/n: "Ok. I'mma be on my way and head back. Stay safe. Oh, and give this to the girls for me. And no peaking~" He said as he handed the Boss a letter.

Boss: "I will make sure they read it when we find a new base."

Y/n: "Alright, be careful out there." 

Boss: "You too."

Y/n then walked off in the distance while dragging the dead corpse of Dr. Stylish. The Boss looked to her right as still saw Susanoo bowing on the ground.

Boss: *sigh* "Susanoo, you can get up now."

Susanoo: "..........."

Boss: "...............Whatever." She said as she got up and and walked back to the base. Where the team is waiting for their next assignment.

Author: "So, yeah. Updates will be slower than usual. And I already had to say what I had to say at the start.................. That's pretty much it."

(Word Count: 5,726)

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