Chapter 15 ...Operation Doom

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Y/n's PoV


There I was, standing in front of my old house on earth. W/n was seen s on the porch sitting on a rocking chair while my son, S/n, was giggling while playing on the small swing I built for him. It wasn't my best work, all I did was attach a tire to a rope that was hanging off of one of the branches of the tree in the front yard....... Damn that's a mouthful.

I walked up the stairs of the balcony, only to sit down next to my wife on another rocking chair. I looked at her with the best smile I could muster up. She then looked at me and gave me the same response. Before I could talk to her, she stood up and gave me a knowing look.

W/n: "What's wrong honey? You seem disturbed." She said as she went behind me and rubbed my shoulders.

Y/n: "You know why.......It's because you'r-."

W/n: "Dead. I know." She interupted.

She didn't sound sad, which surprised me. I figured she was going to be upset if I mentioned that she was dead, but no, she seemed more......relaxed and free. I was going to interject, but she shushed me as she continued talking.

W/n: "But that's not your main problem, you're problem is that you can't move on with your life."

Y/n: "It's because you were my life. I've got nothing to live for anymore."

Silence, sitting in utter silence. No words were exchanged between us for a while. It wasn't until she spoke once more that I lifted my head up to listen to her words.

W/n: "You're wrong, you've got plenty to live for, and you don't need my help anymore to accomplish it, I thought you already knew that."

Y/n: "What do you mean?"

W/n: "Those three fine and lovely girlfriends of yours."

My eyes widened. How did she know about them? I never spoke of them once to her, and yet, she knows. My mind raced at the thought of what she would say to me, but, she seemed happy. THAT, left me confused.

W/n: "I was kinda hoping for so long that you could find someone else to love, but I'm not shocked to see those three fall in love with you, especially because of your charm for women. How do you think I was attracted to you?" She said with a giggle.

I smiled at her, knowing full well that what she said was true.

W/n: "And no, I'm not disappointed in you, you need this, I understand. Being the Doom Slayer for millennia has left you angry, emotionless, and brutal in battle. You deserve to be happy, and I WANT to see you happy. So, if your not gonna live for someone who's dead like me, then live for them. Live for the people that believe in you, live for the people that look up to you, and live for the people that love you. Can you do that for me?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her. Even though I'm technically millennia of years old, I can still learn something new everyday from her words of wisdom. And so, I stood up and embraced her in a huge hug, with tears threatening to leak from my eyes. She too, meet me in the warm embrace as she rubbed the back of my head with her hand.

After minutes of hugging, we let go and I looked at her with a smile creeping on my face, only for her to respond the same way.

W/n: "I love you, Y/n, and I will always be with you, even in death." She said as she gave me a peck on the cheek.

Y/n: "Heh, I love you too." I said as I began to wake up from my dream.


I woke up to find myself in the middle of my bed. I'm not gonna lie, this bed is as comfy as sleeping on a bundle of My Pillows back at home, and yes, those pillows were amazing to sleep on. I felt a little bit of weight on my left side, so I looked over to my left and saw Sheele's face next to mine as she wrapped her arms around me. I also noticed that she had her glasses on my nightstand, exposing her of her sleeping and shut eyes. To say that she was cute while sleeping was an understatement, she was fucking adorable.

You see, after talking to the Bos-, I mean Najenda, I went to bed to get some early sleep for today. After about an hour of sleeping, Sheele came to my room and told me that she couldn't sleep. So, I scooted over to one side of the bed to give her some room to sleep on my bed. Every couple of minutes, I would notice that she would come closer and closer to my body, so when she scooted over next to me one more time, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me, so close that out bodies were touching. She blushed a storm when I did that, but she eventually relaxed and slept in my embrace, which is why she is as close to me as she is right now.

I tried to get out of bed quietly so I didn't wake her up, but when I moved just a little bit, she spoke to me with a tired voice, making me realize she's been awake for quite some time.

Sheele: "Good morning, love." She said as she opened her eyes.

Y/n: "Good morning to you as well, dear." I said as she chuckled.

Sheele: "Did you sleep well? I hope you didn't have a bad dream."

Y/n: "Actually, no, I had a great dream. No nightmares tonight."

Sheele: "Well, I am happy to hear that........... WAIT!!! WHERE ARE MY GLASSES?!?!" She shrieked as she sat up with panic.

She immediately jumped off of my bed and began to scramble around my room, looking for her glasses. I mentally face-palmed myself and chuckled inwardly at her overreaction of 'losing' her glasses. When she was at the nightstand, she looked inside the drawers, somehow unaware that her glasses were right on top of it.

Y/n: "Dear, your glasses are on top of the nightstand."

She stopped moving and slowly lifted her head up. Eventually, she saw her glasses on top of the nightstand, grabbed them, and put them on her face. She then closed the nightstand drawers and looked down at the ground with a massive blush on her face, clearly showing that she was mildly embarrassed at her overreaction.

Y/n: "Hehe, there's no need to be embarrassed. Y'know, I actually find it cute~" I said with a smile.

She lifted up her head with a smile and leaned over the bed to give me a peck on the cheek, making me slightly blush in the process.

Sheele: "And that's one of the many reasons why I love you, Y/n. You can be a bloodthirsty, gut shredding, rip and tearing machine one day in battle, but when you come back from it, you're as bright as a sunflower in the morning sun."

We leaned out heads towards each other as our eyes closed and our lips met, causing a warm feeling of joy to exchange between the both of us. I lifted my hand to cup one of her cheeks and I could feel the warmth of her blush run through my hand. Following suit, she wrapped her arms around my neck and I could feel her begin to smile as we kissed, letting me know that she was enjoying it as much as I was. After about 3 minutes of kissing, she took me off guard when I felt her tongue glide across my lips slightly, asking me for permission for entrance, which I allowed. I opened my mouth slightly, causing her tongue to slide into my mouth and out tongues to meet. Her taste was interesting, almost like having fresh strawberries that were grown out of a farm on a Sunday morning, but also the sweet scent of vanilla in her hair as I gave it a whiff.

Neither of us fought for dominance over one or the other, It was just us two in this one moment, together. Taking a risk, I moved my other hand and put it on her waist, her body shivering to my touch, but then relaxing just as soon as it came. She moaned into my mouth when I started to trail up her sexy figure. We were both running out of oxygen, and fast, which caused me to separate from the blissful moment. She looked at me concerned, wondering of she did something wrong, but I smiled, adding more confusion to her than before. Before she could respond, I dove back to her lips with my tongue now gaining it's new territory, which I think she liked. She gasped, briefly, only to relax and jump on top of my lap. She playfully resisted my attempt to fully take over her mouth, to which I stopped so she could enter mine.

We were about to fall onto the bed, but we then heard the door opening up to reveal Lubbock and Tatsumi entering the room, not noticing that they just interrupted our little make-out session.

Tatsumi: "Hey, Y/n! Breakfast is ready, so when you get dressed you can eat with the rest of us- WHATDIDIJUSTWALKINTO?!?!?!" He screamed.

Me and Sheele separated from each others embrace rather quickly. While I was blushing a little bit in my cheeks, Sheele was as red as a tomato, I wouldn't be surprised if she exploded right now due to the amount of red that was on her face.


Y/n: "HEY!!! YOU'RE LUCKY THAT I LET YOU OFF WHEN I SAW YOU GAWKNIG AT AKAME AND LEONE WHILE THEY WERE AT THE HOTSPRINGS LAST NIGHT!!!! SO, FUCK OFF BEFORE I RIP AND TEAR YOU APART!!!! ....Oh, and I'll be there in a little bit for breakfast, Tatsumi. Just give me a second to get out of bed. Okay?" I said with a smile on my face.

I looked at Lubbock and Tatsumi to see their faces, and I've gotta say....their expressions....were priceless. Tatsumi was as pale as snow, and Lubbock was somehow more pale and had a little pee trail going down his pants.........gross.

Tatsumi: "U-U-Uhh, Y-Yea-ah!! S-Sounds g-g-good!! S-See ya l-later!!"

Y/n: "Yeah, yeah, get going..... oh, and one more thing, Lubb? .....Change your pants."

Lubbock: "U-U-Uhh!!! Y-Y-Yes s-sir!!!"

With a blink of an eye, Lubbock and Tatsumi sped off out of my room at the speed of light, leaving me and Sheele alone in awkward silence. I looked over at Sheele's face to see that it was still beat red from the embarrassment of us getting caught. I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arms around her body. She melted into my embrace and leaned her head into my chest.

After a couple of minutes of hugging one another, she finally relaxed and softened her breathing. I looked down at her and saw her now sleeping on me, using my body as a support beam. I chuckled, the last time another girl fell asleep in my arms was my wife, W/n, when she was alive that is. After about 10 more minutes of letting Sheele sleep while leaning on my body, I figured she'd want some more rest, so I tucked her in my bed and took off her glasses, setting them right in front of her face on the pillow if she decides to wakes up. It was only when I looked at Sheele's sleeping figure when I took in all the that W/n told me in my dream.


W/n: "Being the Doom Slayer for millennia has left you angry, emotionless, and brutal in battle. You deserve to be happy, and I WANT to see you happy. So, if your not gonna live for someone who's dead like me, then live for them. Live for the people that believe in you, live for the people that look up to you, and live for the people that love you. Can you do that for me?"

Flashback End

With a smile on my face, I leaned my head near Sheele's forehead and gave a small smooch on it, causing her to have a small smile on her face as she slept. With Sheele asleep on my bed and breakfast awaking me in the kitchen, I walked out of my room with a feeling I almost failed to recognize, a feeling I haven't felt in a very, very, very, long time. And that feeling......was joy.

3rd Person PoV

{Dining room}

Y/n was currently eating breakfast with the rest of the team at the dining room table, all with the exception of Sheele that is. Y/n also finally got to see that the former Captain Ogre was now a part of the team, which Y/n was personally very proud of. Ogre explained that the team still wanted the tracker attached to his nervous system to stay on him just in case, which he understood.

But what was most surprising, was that Y/n had a smile on his face ever since he woke up, which is mostly different that what he normally was, straight-faced and serious when on topic about something, but today was a different day for him, different in the best way possible. Everything was great......... until a random thought popped up in Y/n's mind.

Najenda: "Got something on your mind, Y/n?" She said.

Y/n looked up from his plate and looked at his Boss, Najenda, and proceeded to talk.

Y/n: "I was thinking of why so many of the radical left participate in "speedrunning"."

Ogre: "Huh?"

Y/n: "The reason is because of the left's lack of work ethic."

Mine: "What?"

Y/n: "Go fast rather than do it right, in a Petersonian sense."

Bulat: "Petersonian?"

Y/n: "To elevate alternative sexual archetypes in the marketplace."

Tatsumi: "Y/n, what the fuck are you talking about?!"

Y/n: "Left hand competitors in races are beta-males, Tatsumi."

(Time Skip brought to you by)

[6 PM]

{Dining room}

Y/n and his team were currently in the living room, talking to each other, whether it was about the Capital, their plans for taking care of the Jeagers, or just pissing Lubbock off because he can't get a girl.........but mostly the last one.

All of them were having a great time, well, mostly all of them, Najenda was taking a shower. The rest of the team was even accompanied by Ogre, who made tea for the group of assassins.

Y/n: "Ogre, I didn't know that you knew how to make tea! This is amazing!" He said as he took a small sip of tea from his cup.

Ogre: "Why yes, I had to learned how to make tea at a young age. My mother was the one responsible for that. And for how she made tea this good, well, it was my mother's secret." He said as he also took a sip of his tea.

Leone: "Y'know, for a former Captain of the Imperial Army, what was it like to see that the Empire wasn't as it seemed. Just curious."

Ogre stopped his sipping and just sat there, in utter silence. He set down his cup on the table beside him and looked at all of them with a disappointed look on his face. Not in disappointment of them, but in himself.

Ogre: "Looking back at my life as a Captain and a leader, I was a sick, sick man. I killed the innocent, stole from the poor, over taxes the wealthy, but worst of all, I believed that it was all just and right. I even let one of my piers, Seryu, follow in my footsteps. And now, she's with the Jeagers, with a hunger for blood and 'justice'.........But honestly, I am greatful that Y/n- I-I mean, the Slayer, scared the shit out of me that day in the dark alleyway. I wouldn't have seen all the wrong that I was doing if it wasn't for you, so thank you, thank you all."

Y/n: "No problem, but just one more thing, what happened to that girl with the huge ears?"

Akame: "She's still locked up in her cell. And don't worry, we are feeding her."

Ogre: "Just, veeeery slowly. Well get her to spill something out sometime." He said with a chuckle.

That was the last thing Ogre said, before picking up his cup and sipping out of it once more. Y/n was about to follow suit, but Leone then scooted next to him and looked in his eyes while asking another question.

Leone: "So, I heard that you fought Esdeath one-on-one. Is that right?"

Everyone fell quiet when she said those words. Y/n looked at Leone while setting down his cup on the table. His eyes looked at hers as he answered her question.

Y/n: "......Yes. I DID fight Esdeath."

Akame: "Did you kill her?" She said as she put a piece of meat into her mouth.

Y/n: "No. Why would I? I'm currently trying to turn them to OUR side, not kill them."

Bulat: "How strong was she?"

Y/n: "I-I don't know! I mean, she put up a fight against me, but it wasn't anything new that I haven't faced, besides the whole ice thing."

Lubbock: "Was she hot?"

Y/n: "STOP ASKING ME QUESTIONS!!!!" He shouted.

Everyone gasped out loud as a loud sound of his demonic voice, he hadn't used it in from of them for the longest time. Y/n took a deep breath, now released of his frustration. He slumped his head down with his eyes closed in order to keep himself in check.

Leone: "Y/n, it's okay. If you just want to let your anger out, it's nothing to be ashamed of." She said as she scooted even closer to him.

Y/n was caught off guard when Leone grabbed his head and plunged him into her huge breasts, causing a blush to run across his face.

Leone: "You just need to get that nasty woman out of your head, and if this isn't enough to help you, then maybe we can have a little more fun after this~" She said seductively.

Y/n: *mumble* "I'll think about it." He said, still being squished by Leone's melons.

Leone: "At least you're open to the idea."

Akame looked over to the two. She couldn't help but feel jealous that Leone was getting the attention of Y/n, and not her.

Akame: 'That should be me sitting next to him.' She thought.

Unknown to the team, Najenda was finished with her shower and was standing next to the door with a towel in hand.

Najenda: "Well, Y/n just got back from dealing with the Jeagers, and y'all are bombarding him with questions. I wound be surprised if he yelled at all of you."

Everyone turned to the sound of the voice and saw Najenda, standing next to the door with a towel in her metal hand while drying her hair with it. She was wearing a black tank top and a black pair of pants with a nice pair of boots on her feet.

Najenda: "Esdeath has always been a resilient one. For how young she is, she's an expert fighter and a flawless track record. Never once has she been defeated in battle...... that was until yesterday."

Y/n then broke free from Leone's grasp, much to her disappointment, and proceeded to talk.

Y/n: "I tried to reason with her, but she wouldn't listen. I just hope she got my message I left for her and took it at heart."

Najenda: "Well, seeing that you've known her for quite some time and your friendship was rather close, I wouldn't be surprised if she did."

Tatsumi: "Wait a minute. Quick question..... Boss, just how old are you?"

Najenda: "I'm in my mid-twenties, and fun fact, Esdeath is just a little bit younger than me."

Tatsumi: "You're in your mid-twenties?! I thought you were WAY older!!!" He shouted.

Najenda let out a gasp of shock and anger. She took his comment of her age very personally, and so, she beat the hell out of Tatsumi in only a few seconds, leaving bruise marks and a bump on top of his head.

Akame: "Tatsumi, you should know better than to ask a woman of her age. It's rude."

Y/n: "That's very true. And besides, she doesn't look THAT old. I've known people people that were in their twenties and they've looked like they were in their fifties. Boss is not one of those people. To me, she looks as young as ever." He said blankly.

Najenda heard his comment about her and it made her blush a little bit. She put her hand to her chest to feel her heart beat go faster and faster, however, she didn't want this feeling to go away.

Najenda: "Thank you for your kind words, Y/n." She said, turning towards him.

Y/n: "No prob, Boss." He said facing her.

The two exchanged a smile from across the room, but little did they know that Lubbock was glaring angrily at Y/n from his seat. Veins were even starting to form on his head and neck, but before he could say anything, Susanoo came walking into the room with a handful of food on many plates.

Susanoo: "Food is ready!!"

The plates that Susanoo was carrying had chicken, rice, biscuits, mashed potatoes, and a huge slab of meat on the side for a certain meat lover.

Akame rushed over to the table and sat in her chair, leaving Tatsumi to stay on the ground.

Najenda: "I know this is a bit sudden, but after we eat, we're going to have a strategy meeting in the living room. It's time to move out. The Revolution is finally here. We're ready to make the first steps towards overthrowing this corrupt government once and for all!"

(Smol Time Skip)

{Living Room}

The group of assassins and Ogre were currently sitting around a large table that held a map on top of it, holding certain multi-colored markers that showed the position of the Revolution, and the Capital. Najenda was standing up off of her chair so she could begin the meeting.

Najenda: "I assume you're all familiar with the popular religion among citizens known as the Path of Peace?"

Chelsea: "They're the ones that believe that a person's good deeds determine their happiness and longevity of life."

Tatsumi: "Oh, yeah! They used to teach that religion back in my village. In fact, on the day I left to head towards the Capital, the mayor even gave me a hand-held statue of their god."

Najenda: "In the past ten years, more and more people have been joining this religion."

Y/n: 'Kinda reminds me of the dumbass religion that believed that the Demons were some type of gods to them, except that these people are actually on the RIGHT side this time. Fuck!! I can still remember that woman's voice that went on and on about of how they were referred to as, "Mortally Challenged"!! GOD I WANTED TO SHOOT HER IN THE FACE SO MANY TIMES WHEN SHE WOULD SAY THAT!!! TOO BAD THAT SHE WAS A HOLOGRAM!!!'

Najenda: "It's influence is quite high in the eastern part of the Capital. We have a reason to believe that they're taking up arms. They're looking to launch a rebellious religion. The plan is to use this to our advantage."

When Tatsumi heard this, he immediately stood up off of his chair and started to speak.

Tatsumi: "Are you kidding me?! Don't you understand how many people could die if there's a religious rebellion?! Shouldn't we try to stifle it up or something?!"

Najenda: "The Capital's let it's backwards government push the people over the edge. Even if we manage to stop the rebellion, then the angry masses would simply explode somewhere else. This forsaken empire's already living out its last days."

Chelsea: "You should have let her finish before you threw a tantrum."

Lubbock: "Just think back on that story about the rebel tribe and the hero from the north. They failed because they tried to confront the Empire by themselves. The powers that can be pretty capable. Give 'em a little time, and they'll snuff out the Path of Peace rebellion too, and when they do, it won't be pretty."

Najenda: "And that's where the Revolutionary Army comes in!! We're allied with the tribe in the west that set to begin their investigation the moment the religious uprising begins to move. When they do, the Empire will be forced to defend itself on both sides of the border. But that won't be enough to bring it down. So for the finishing blow, the Revolutionary Army will stage a riot in the south. As soon as we march into the Capital, we'll bring the Empire to it's knees."

Y/n: "Are you sure? It can't be THAT easy. The Empire must have something up their sleeves. Something that we don't know of yet." He said skeptically.

Ogre: "Actually, there is."

Everyone turned to Ogre with curiosity, wanting to know what he was talking about.

Najenda: "Well? Spill the beans."

All of their attention was on Ogre. Ogre took a sip of his tea once more before setting it down on the ground.

Ogre: "Well, before y'all took me in as your prisoner, I was told by my forces that The Minister was keeping some type of weapon locked up deep in the Capital's grounds. I paid no attention to it at first, but then, more and more people started talking about it as time went on. The went on to call it, 'Operation Doom'. Now, it's still just a rumor, but I'm starting to think that this 'rumor' might actually be true."

Murmurs and whispers were being exchanged between the team of assassins. Y/n got interested at the topic once he heard, Operation Doom. Questions filled his head at the possibilities of what this weapon was capable of.

Y/n: "This weapon, do you know what it is or what it's capable of?"

Ogre: "I'm sorry. I wish I had more intel at what this 'weapon' is, but this is all the information I've got."

Y/n let out a defeated sigh. He stood up off of his chair and headed out of the room. He headed towards the cell that held their prisoner, Mimi, to interrogate her to see if she had any answers.

Right when Y/n entered the room that held her cell, he saw her, sitting on the hard metal ground as she faced the wall. He also noticed that she was very skinny due to the lack of food she was receiving, in fact, she was so skinny that her rib cage could be seen through her skin. A couple of bruises could be seen on her back as she sat down. She immediately spoke up when she heard him open the door, not knowing who entered the room.

Mimi: "If you're going to try to convince me that I'm on the wrong side or torture me again, then you might as well just give up you murderers." The green haired girl said with a raspy voice.

Y/n: "I'm not here to convince you, I just have some questions. That's all."

This voice, it wasn't familiar to her. It sounded calm, but serious at the same time. She turned her head to see who was behind her. When she looked up, she saw Y/n, standing there with his arms down to his side and a serious look in his eyes. Intimidated, she stood up and looked at him with a glare, fully aware of who he was.

Mimi: "Oh, it's YOU. What could the oh so mighty Doom Slayer have to ask me?" She said mockingly.

Y/n: "I just have some questions about a thing called, Operation Doom. Do you know anything about it?"

She scoffed.

Mimi: "Why would I tell YOU anything? You're the reason why master died. So if you think that I'm gonna tell you anything, then you're shit out of luck." She retorted.

Y/n: "Don't forget. We're the reason why YOU'RE still alive after your quote-on-quote, "Master", tried to eat you for more power." He retorted back.

Mimi: "I would have gladly let him eat me than be here stuck with you murderers."

Y/n: "Oh? Really? Then why did you try to run away?"

She was about to respond, but no words would come out of her mouth. That question left her quiet. Why did she try to run away? Was it just out of survival instincts? Or something else? The question ached at her mind. She couldn't provide an answer.

Mimi: "I-I.....I-I don't know. Okay? I don't know why I ran."

Y/n: "Maybe I can provide an answer. So how 'bout this, I tell you the reason why you ran away, and you tell me what you know about 'Operation Doom'. Sound fair?"

No answer. She just stood there in silence. Her eyes fixated at the ground as her mouth was left slightly open. Y/n sighed as he turned around to leave, but right as he did, Mimi immediately looked up and threw her arm out at Y/n, as if trying to keep him inside the room.

Mimi: "W-Wait!! Fine!! I'll tell you!! I'll tell you everything I know!! Just please tell me why I tried to abandon my master!!.......P-Please." She begged.

A smirk displayed off of Y/n's face when she said that. So, he turned around to face her with his arms crossed as he stared at her.

Y/n: "Now, tell me what you know about 'Operation Doom', and I'll answer your question."

A defeated sigh escaped Mimi's mouth as she closed her eyes and spoke.

Mimi: "....I learned about Operation Doom about 18 months ago. My master wanted me to spy on the Minister when he saw him going down an elevator in the walls of the Capital palace."


Dr. Stylish and Mimi were currently inside of one of his laboratories underground. The two were discussing about the plan to figure out what the Minister was hiding.

Dr. Stylish: "Now, I want you to spy on the Minister. He's been acting very strange recently. I saw him going down an elevator in the walls of the Capital palace. He must be hiding something down there, and I want to know what it is so I can get my sweet hands on it for experimentation. Do you understand?" He asked.

Mimi: "I understand, Master." She said as she walked out of the laboratory with a hood over her head, helping her hide her giant ears just a little bit.

Flashback End

Mimi: "He wanted me to use my ears to ease drop on the Minister, fully well aware that I couldn't go down the elevator undetected. So he wanted me to put my ears on the floor so I could hear him underneath the surface." She explained.

Y/n: "What happened after you went inside the palace and saw him go down the elevator?"

Mimi: "Well...." She started.


Mimi saw the Minister go down the elevator with no one in sight. After the door closed, she immediately took the hood off of her head and went toward the floor where the elevator once was and put her ear to the ground, waiting for a voice to be heard. After about 3 minutes of waiting, she heard the voice of the Minister deep in the ground below her.

The Minister: "I still can believe the first emperor found you, especially since you're not from here. But still, it's funny how things work." He said with a dark chuckle.

Mimi: 'A person? So it isn't a weapon of some sort, but a person. But why would he keep a person deep underground?' She thought.

The Minister: "What should I call you when I wake you up? I wonder? Operation Overlord? No, it needs to sound terrifying, something that wound resemble your attributes of destruction.....How 'bout, Operation Carnage? It does sound nice, but it doesn't quite suit you. Hmm...... O-Oh, I've got it! I'm gonna call you....Operation Doom. Ah, yes! It fits perfectly! A perfect name for my little subject of destruction! You'll be my last line of offence AND defense when the Revolutionary Army decides to attack. Oh, how I can't wait for the thrill of watching you tear your enemies apart! Now, I've got to go back upstairs for my meeting soon. Don't go anywhere~" He said.

Mimi could hear his footsteps getting closer to where the elevator was. So, with all the information at hand, Mimi stood up and began to retreat back to Dr. Stylish.

Flashback end

Mimi: "And that's how I first learned about Operation Doom."

Y/n: "So, it ISN'T a weapon after all. It was a person.....Very interesting if I do say so myself."

Mimi: "Alright, I answered your question, now you answer mine. Why don't I understand why I tried to flee from my master?"

Y/n sighed as he put the palm of his hand over his forehead. He's been bombarded with questions ever since he came back to base and he can't catch a breath. It was starting to give him a headache. But, even if she was annoyed about being asked questions, he couldn't help but answer them to the best of his abilities.

Y/n: "Okay. Fine. You're right. You answered my question, and now I answer yours. After all....a deal's a deal. Hmmm."

It took a moment for Y/n to answer that question. He couldn't read minds, but if he could, that would just be badass as all hell, but it would be kinda weird seeing the thoughts that you DIDN'T want to see in someone's head. So, he decided to use the old, 'Answer a question, with another question', trick.

Y/n: "Tell me, have you ever hated Dr. Stylish for what he did?"

Mimi: "Uhh...on some occasions."

Y/n: "Hmm, okay, okay. Have you ever been resenting to his orders?"

Mimi: "I mean, yeah? But rarely. W-Why are you asking me this?"

Y/n: "Has he ever threatened you or hurt you in anyway?"

Mimi: "O-Oh.....W-Well, whenever I didn't complete an assignment on time, he would ridicule me and then torture me. Then, I can't  eat for two days. B-But that's about it." She said shakily.

It seemed obvious why she might have tried to run away. She didn't respect his ways, she was resenting to some of her assignments, and she was tortured if she failed her assignments. There was only one explanation to why she wanted to leave, and that answer was......

Y/n: "Fear." He answered.

Mimi: "Huh?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

Y/n: "You were afraid of him. Afraid of what he could do, what would happen if you didn't complete an assignment, the list goes on and on. But overall, I think it's because of the fear of him killing you that drove you to have the will to live. Do you understand that?"

It took a moment for Mimi to process that. Her? Afraid of her own master? It did make some sense to her, but she couldn't fully wrap her head around it. She couldn't respond when Y/n stood up, turned around, and began walking to the door.

Mimi: "Wait!!!" She yelled, stopping him in his tracks.

Y/n turned his head back to face her, a confused look on his face.

Y/n: "Hmm? What is it?" He responded, awaiting for an answer.

Mimi couldn't respond, she could only look into his warm E/c eyes as he just stood there, waiting for an answer. A small form of a blush went straight to her cheeks, but she quickly turned around to hide Y/n from seeing it. It took a moment, but she took a deep breath, and responded back to him.

Mimi: "I-I....I-I'm sorry....I shouldn't have mocked you back there when you were just trying to ask me a question. I apologize.....P-Please forgive me."

He voice sounded so...genuine. Like as if she was truly sorry for what she did. That took Y/n back a second. She wasn't being mean or being a smart ass about it, she was telling the truth. Taking that into consideration, Y/n turned his head back to the door, and proceeded to talk once more.

Y/n: "Thank you. I accept your apology. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go back to my team." He said as he opened the door,

Y/n was about to leave, but he stopped himself. He looked back at the green haired and big eared girl and saw that she was still looking away from him. He smiled.

Y/n: "Maybe you're not that bad of a person I thought you were. You were just.....misguided. So, I'll try to bring down the punishment status, but only if you try to consider what's right. Capire?" He said with an Italian accent.

Mimi: "Huh? What does that mean?"

Y/n: "It's just an Italian way to say, to understand. So, capire?" He said again with an Italian accent.

Mimi: "U-Umm......y-yes?" She said unconfidently.

Y/n laughed a small bit as he walked out of the room and shut the door quietly. When he walked out, a small smile and blush went on Mimi's face as she slumped her head down to stare at the ground.

Mimi: 'He's not that bad looking. He's actually kinda handsome...and nice too. Wait?! Why am I thinking about this?! Stupid, stupid, stupid!!!' She thought as she sat down on the ground.

(Time Skip brought to you by)

I wouldn't mind if he read me this bedtime story every it just me?

Najenda's PoV

{At the balcony}


I was currently standing at the balcony with my body sloped over the railing. I put my lit cigarette to my mouth and breathed in, only to let the smoke of the cigarette exit out of my lungs. My ears caught attention to the door to the balcony opening, then closing short after. I didn't even have to look to know that Y/n stood by my side.

Najenda: "Are we going to keep on meeting like this?" I said as I turned my head to face him.

Y/n: "Heh. Do you not like it?" He said as he turned his head to face me.

Najenda: "Well, I don't dislike it, but that doesn't mean that you can keep on doing it."

He held out his hand in front of me. I was confused of what he was doing until he pointed to the pack of cigarettes in my metal hand. I chuckled inwardly as I handed him a cigarette from the pack.

Najenda: "Looks like I have a new smoking buddy." I said as he took out a lighter and lit up the cigarette while it was in his mouth.

Najenda: "You even came prepared, I like that."

Y/n exhaled the smoke from his mouth as the cigarette was in between his fingers. He looked at me with a serious stare as if he had to say something to me. So I asked.

Najenda: "Y/n, is something wrong?"

Y/n: "I just learned something."

Najenda: "What is it?"

Y/n: "Operation Doom isn't what we thought it's not a weapon, it's a person."

His words took me back.

Najenda: 'A person? What kind of person could the Minister be hiding from us? And if the Minister is indeed hiding a person deep in the Capital, just how powerful is he or she?' I thought as I put my cigarette into my mouth and breathed out the smoke.

Najenda: "Do you know who he or she is?" I asked.

Y/n: "Unfortunately, no. Operation Doom was his or her given name, not his or her real name. I don't know how strong this person is, but I can guarantee that it won't stand a chance against me." He said with a confident smile.

Najenda: "Well then, good. I will inform the others about this new found info. I guess I will have to inform the Revolution that we need a new plan of attack-."

Y/n: "Actually, no. I don't want you to tell the others." He said, interrupting me.

Najenda: "Hmm? Why?" I asked.

Y/n took another inhale of his cigarette before he dropped it on the ground and stomped on it, causing the once lit up cigarette to go out. He looked at me with a serious, but also concerned look on his face.

Y/n: "I want to face him myself. I don't know why, but I feel as if this person is connected to me somehow. I don't want any of you to come between us. I want to fight......alone. That is my wish. Stay out of my line of fire, please."

I couldn't form any words. All I could do was just...stare at him with wonder. Despite being a ruthless killer, I can tell he just wants to keep us safe from whoever this person is.He just wants to keep us safe. A small blush starts to form on my cheeks. What am I doing?...I don't know myself, but I just have to ask him.

Najenda: "Hey...U-Umm, Y/n?"

He turned his head towards me with a small smile.

Y/n: "Yes, Najenda?"

Najenda: "Well...Uhh, W-What do you think of me?" I said as I turned my head away from him.

Y/n: "What do I think of you? Hmm......well, what I see is a beautiful young lady who is a great leader. A woman who is strong, smart, and knows how to put anyone into place when their out of line. You've fought through many battles, and you've even had to fight your best friend in the process. I don't know what else to describe you, except for an amazing person and one helluva boss." He said as a smile was on his face.

My cheeks burned bright red as I brought my head down to look at the ground. I felt as if my whole entire face was burning up in embarrassment, but I couldn't bring myself to hate it. I asked him what he thought of me, and well, I haven't felt more happy in a very, very long time. I looked up to Y/n with my cheeks still bright red, but I didn't care.

Najenda: "You called me beautiful. No one has told me that before, but what about my mechanical arm? My eyepatch? My short hair? Doesn't it make you think that I resemble a man instead of a woman? How could you call this, 'beautiful'?"

Before I could continue, Y/n put his hand over my shoulder, the one that my mechanical arm was attached to. I looked into his eyes and saw that he was serious, no jokes, no bullshit, just straight up serious. It intimidated me, and I liked it.

Y/n: "You think that just because you have a metal arm, an eyepatch, and short hair will make you any less of a woman than you are now? Well you're wrong. When I look at them, I only see a person who took their mistakes and learned form them. To me, they don't resemble a man, but a whole new person. Like a rebirth. So, I don't ever want you to ever call yourself a man, ever, okay?"

Najenda: "I- Heh- W-Well- I-" I stuttered as Y/n laughed and took his hand off of my shoulder.

Y/n: "No need to thank me. I hate to cut this short, but I need to get to bed. I have to do something to do tomorrow and I don't want do be tired. So, g'night Najenda." He said as he walked off into the base.

I just stood there, speechless at what he said to me. He thinks my manly features are just me learning from my mistakes, he thinks that I'm still beautiful no matter what I say about myself. No wonder why Akame, Sheele, and Leone fell for him. A smile Y/n, you really are a treasure.

Minister's PoV

{Secret room under the Capital}

Minister: "It's almost time." I said as I glided my hand along the sacred sarcophagus that held my subject of destruction.

Minister: "Soon, you will bring reckoning to the Revolution and kill your so-called 'father' in the process. We will bring about a new age of fear to the people while we receive pleasure and wealth. It won't be long now."

I heard a thump from the inside of the sarcophagus. I smirked, knowing that HE was now under my full control.

???: "Yes......Master."

The day of near!

Author: "Fuckin' finally!!! I was stuck on one part of this chapter for the last week or so, but it doesn't matter anymore because I'm finished with it. Welp, I hope you enjoyed it and I will see y'all in the next chapter."

(Word Count: 7,717)

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