Chapter 20 ...Drinking Problems

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Akame's PoV

It's been almost 5 weeks since our battle with Y/n....heh, "battle", more like an a slaughter.

At the time, I knew the Slayer was capable of killing titans, but you never really realize how strong someone is when they are fighting you for real. Now, I've experienced this many times first hand, but there....there was no way we could beat someone like him, not even in the slightest.

....No words can describe the feeling of a literal pissed off God fighting you, especially one you grew close too and have known for a little over 2 years.

Putting that aside, the team as a whole currently isn't in good shape, but we've healed up....mostly.

Very little of us got away with a couple of bruises, scrapes and sprains while others like Chelsea, Ogre, Lubbock, and Bulat had a broken bone or two to go along with it.

Tatsumi had it the worst of the males, not in injury but in recovery. The force of that one punch was enough to keep him knocked out for 5 days. He had a broken nose, fractured jaw and he bled from the top of his head profusely. He even had a broken rib on his left side. He's been resting in his bed ever since then, wrapped up in bandages from head to toe.

Leone had two cracked ribs on her right side, sprained wrist, scrapes and cuts all over her left and right arms and a bruise on her temple. She tried to shrug off the pain the first few days and train, but we eventually had to force her to rest. She's still recovering, but she's mostly healed up.

Sheele and Mine had cuts and major bruises all over their bodies. We were able to clean it off well with the left over rubbing alcohol we had. A good thing is that they had no broken bones, so they are able to train themselves on their own.

Susanoo was able to heal very quickly due to his healing factor of being a Imperial Arms, so there was no need to worry about his physical health. However, due to the boss being gone, he found no purpose within himself and shut down. He may have a form of a human, but he's just a weapon waiting for a worthy master to take him up and use him to his full potential. He's been at the boss' grave since we came back, he hasn't moved a muscle. We all became worried for him, but we understood his grief and let him be.

Bols had it the worst of the males in terms of injury. He suffered major bleeding on his side and he received multiple broken bones, such as the femur, ribs, collarbone, forearm, and dislocation of his knee. His loss of blood required serious medical attention. Thankfully, VEGA was still booted up to the base so he helped us out, cause no one here is a fuckin medic.

As for myself, I had a couple of fractures on my wrist and forearm as well as a broken collarbone. I'm lucky that I didn't have anything broken with my feet or legs for the matter, that would have been hell to get back to base with something like that. I carried most of the team back here with the help of Susanoo. I can say we were lucky, but for Kurome, she was the luckiest one of us all.

Kurome didn't die, but her condition wasn't well. Her throat was crushed from the sheer strength of Y/n's grip, if he held his grip any longer, she would have died guaranteed. She passed out and went into a coma due to the major reduced blood flow to the brain. She has 3 broken ribs, a fractured collarbone, twisted  broken fingers, and cuts and bruises all over her body. I wish I could guarantee her waking up one day, but as of now....she may never wake up again.

It may be weeks, maybe months before we have another chance to attack the Capitol at its core.......I have to be honest, I never thought it'd come to this, but I can't dwell on that now.

We plan to move on with our assigned mission to take out the false member of the Path of Peace, Bolic. We will split up into two teams. The people leading the assassination will be me and Sheele, If anything goes south Chelsea and Mine will be the support team to keep anything off our backs as we kill Bolic and escape. All the others who are harmed will rest and recover as the ones who aren't will watch over them with VEGA.

I walk over to the couch and sit down on, still thinking over the events of that day. I wonder to myself from time to time if he ever is coming back, but knowing him, he probably wont come back for a long time....

I stand up as I gather the team to discuss one more time our plan of attack.

Y/n's PoV

Y/n: "Give me the strongest shit you have. Now." I said as I sat at the bar table.

Everyone in the bar stopped talking and looked at me when I said those words, mouths agape. I guess the strongest shit here is not something to mess with. But I don't give a damn.

The bar tender looked at me with wide eyes as he held a glass in his hand.

Bar Tender: "S-Sir...A-Are you SURE about t-this? You want t-the Black Mamba?"

Y/n: "I don't care what the hell it is, give me it..."

Murmurs and whispers were among the crowd of people at the bar as the Bar Tender nodded slowly and made his way to the back. As this happened, a big guy got up off his chair and walked towards me. He seemed to be 6'9, he had a long and thick beard, and a long ponytail running off his back.

???: "Hey, listen, I-"

I looked at him, revealing my red, demonic eyes. I didn't feel like dealing with someone like him. I don't care if he came to warn me to not take the drink or to just put up a fight, I was going to kill him if he laid a hand on me.

Seeing my eyes, he went wide eyed and backed away to return to his seat.

The bar tender returns from the back of the bar and reveals a small bottle with a label on it written, "Black Mamba". He takes a shot glass and slowly pours the bottle into the glass. He poured the glass about 1/4 full and looked at me. He was about to set the bottle down, but before he could, I raised my hand up and stopped him.

I pointed at the glass and said.

Y/n: "More..."

Bar Tender: "Sir?! A-Are you s-sur-"

I slammed my fist on the table, interrupting him.

Y/n: "MORE!!!"

He quickly shook his head and poured more into the glass. It was halfway full and he was about to stop, but I gripped his hand to keep the bottle pouring. When the glass was 4/5 full, I let go and he set the bottle down. I grabbed the shot of alcohol and looked at it.

The crowd looked at me intently as I mentally said, 'Fuck it', and took the whole drink at once.

It burned, a lot. It's kind of like having tea that was just brewed in a pot and not even letting it cool so you can drink straight from the kettle. I closed my eyes as I swallowed the alcohol and let it enter my system. After the burning sensation went away, I looked at the Bar Tender and pulled out my bag of Gold and Silver.

Y/n: "How much for the whole thing? 3? 5 Gold?" I said as I pulled out some gold coins.

Bar Tender: "I-I'm sorry, what?" He said, flabbergasted at what I said.

Before he could do anything, I threw him 10 Gold and yanked the bottle from his hands.

Y/n: "Keep all the money, you deserve it." I said as everyone in the bar looked at me in awe and shock.

I got up from my seat and walked towards the entrance of the Bar to leave. As I was about to leave, I could hear the Bar Tender pick up the pieces of gold I threw at him. I smiled a little bit as I left the bar. As I walked on the streets, I took the bottle and drank straight from it. I hope I can make it to my temporary dump of a shelter before midnight.

[50 Minutes Later]

I stumble my way through a familiar dark alleyway as I hold the halfway drank bottle of alcohol in my hand. I take a good 20 steps before I throw myself on the ground on top of a ripped up mattress with smelly bed sheets. I close my eyes as I try to go to sleep, but a feminine voice kept me awake.

???: "How many times are you going to keep coming back here drunk as fuck? Isn't this your 4th bottle today?"

I look to my right side and smile a little bit as I see a familiar face, Rebecca Lee, otherwise known as Revy or Two-Hands. We meet about 4 weeks ago at a bar on the west side of the Capitol. I first saw her when I first started getting into my current drinking habit. She was sitting next to me, taking shots left and right like a fuckin champ. She got up and left, but right when she went out the door, three guys that were sitting on the left of her went right out at the same time. Even though I was drunk, I was curious enough to see what would happen. Apparently the three of them tried to shank her for money, but to only realize that....they never really needed it anyway. She caught me watching and tried to kill me as well. After she attempted to kill me, she found out that I was homeless and that I too was a murderer-for-hire. I've been chilling with her since then in this dump of an alleyway, it's not much, but it will do. Through chatting, drinking, and smoking, we got to be familiar with each other and soon became acquainted with one another. What made her special than all other Assassins is that she goes solo, not just by killing people by herself, but she's for hire by anyone. She's neither for the Capitol nor against it, as long as she gets paid, she doesn't give a fuck who she works for or who she kills. She's also quick to anger and lashes out at people, threatening to kill them or ripping their balls off if they didn't back off, which also was her downfall when it comes to self-control.

She was a 5'11, slightly tanned woman who was in her mid 20's. She has an upper back-length burgundy hair that she typically keeps in a low loose ponytail with some of her front hair falling onto her forehead. She sometimes lets loose and takes off the ponytail when she feels like having fun or when she's tired and ready to sleep. She has amber-brown eyes, a tribal tattoo on her upper right arm that reaches all the way up to her neck, a medium-sized bust and a slightly muscular build. She mostly wears a black tank top that leaves her stomach exposed, very short-cut blue jeans that leaves her buttox slightly exposed, military-style jungle boots, and black fingerless leather gloves. Although, during the night, she wears a long sleeve shirt, a white fur-lined brown coat, a horizontally striped red miniskirt, black tights, cowgirl boots, and a red beanie to protect her from the cold.

Her weapons compose of a pair of modified Beretta 92F's with larger magazines, a M79 grenade launcher, and a PM-63 submachine gun. She's a very knowledgeable woman when it comes to guns and knives, and she's a master at using them as well. To say the least, she's a badass.

Revy was an interesting person. She may act rude and a total dick at times, but there are times when she opens her heart to people. Not regularly, but like, barely. It's also impossible to tell when she's being serious about killing someone. Sometimes she'll play it off like a joke, other times, she ends up killing someone just because they pissed her off. She's a very....interesting character to say the least.

Y/n: "Oh, hey Rev, didn' notice you was here." I said drunkenly as I held up the bottle with my right hand.

Revy looked at me with a disapproving shake of her head and yanked the bottle from my hand while an already lit cigarette was in her other hand.

Revy: "Don't call me "Rev" you fucker."

Y/n: "Jeez...what's up your ass?" I asked.

Revy: "Just a long day, like always. Killin' people for money while your out there drinking and not being helpful.... I mean, your helpful sometimes, but only when your not sober like a little bitch." She said as she puffed a breath of smoke from her cigarette.

I look at her as I nod my head slowly.

Y/n: "That is true."

Revy: "But... you're lucky you are one of the very few people who ARE cool with- HEY!!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING?!?!" She said as she looked at the bottle.

I groaned as I rolled over to my side to look at her.

Y/n: "What's wrong now?" I said as I rubbed my forehead with my hand.


She threw the bottle above my body as it hit the brick wall that I was laying near by. The glass shattered as drops of the Black Mamba splattered all over my dirty cloths and into my sheets, some shards of glass went around me as well. The smell of deathly alcohol stained the wall and my cloths as she continued to yell at me.


I sat up and looked up lazily at Revy.

Y/n: "You never asked to have some, how the fuck is that my fault?"

Revy: "It's your fault because you know I like to drink when I had a long day!" She yelled as she kicked some tin cans of food laying next to me.

Y/n: "Listen, I have a really bad headache, I'm very woozy, so stop your yelling. I swear it's going to give me a migraine if you keep it up. So please, for the love of god. Shut. The. Fuck. Up."

Revy paced around in frustration as she scratched the back of her head. Overtime, she stopped her yelling and laid back down on her mattress.

Revy: "....Just don't fucking forget about me when you drink. Bring the good shit again next time AND LEAVE SOME FOR ME!!" She yelled.

Y/n: "Okay okay, calm the fuck down, Jesus." I said as I wiped the shards of glass off my body and blankets.

Revy: "I ain't apologizing." She said as I saw her lay down on her bed.

Y/n: "I don't give a shit if you do or not." I said, continuing to get as much glass off my bed as possible.

Revy: "Just a reminder, we only stick together until I make enough money to get away from this wretched place. I hate living on the streets. And maybe if you got over yourself, you could return to your "home" as you call it. Hell, if you wanted you could rent an apartment, but nooooo, you have to waste it on drinking all damn day."

She did have a point, but I didn't care. I haven't drank this much since I was in the army, but to be honest, I kinda missed drinking. Back then I was a heavy alcoholic, but I gave all that shit up when I married my wife, W/n, and had our kid. She told me she wanted me to set an example to what a good person was to our child, which made sense, but those times of family are gone. I have no family left. The more I thought about it, I might have just killed any hope of a family left. It hurts thinking about it, but that's living, eh? To live is to suffer, to survive it find meaning in the suffering....Fuck you Bennett Foddy.

As I put the covers over my body and lay down, I close my eyes and attempt to get some rest.

Y/n: "Night Rev." I groaned.

Revy: "Yeah whatever, night."

I got myself into a comfortable sleeping position and went to sleep.

(Time Skip brought to you by)

The Slayer needs his calcium, lol


I woke up by the sudden feeling of being kicked on my side. I groan as I open my eyes slowly and see Revy standing above me, then kneeling to the ground where I laid.

Revy: "Wake the fuck up Y/n, we've got drug dealers to kill."

I groan as I look up to Revy, but quickly shut my eyes from the light of the sun.

Y/n: "Ugh... How much did I drink last night?" I asked.

Revy: "According to you, 4 bottles. And you had half a bottle of the Black Mamba. I'm surprised you're even conscious after drinking that shit. And don't think that I'm still not pissed at you for forgetting about me while drinking. I love getting wasted as much as the Prime Minister loves his meat." She said.

I block away the sun with my hand as I try to adjust my eyes to the light, but to no avail. I tried to sit up, but then the sudden feeling of vomiting made me throw up in my vomit bucket. I got into a habit of drinking these past few days, even though I hate having hangovers.

Revy gave a long sigh as I could hear her loading her Beretta's and putting them in their holsters. I wiped my mouth from my sleeve and looked at her as I blocked out the sun with my hands.

Revy: "We've got two people on our list; Lehman and Raekard. Apparently they're drug dealers who are linked up to the "Path of Peace" organization shit or whatever it's called. It's a church or whatever, I don't give a shit. The person who gave us the hunt never gave us his name but I'm pretty sure he's a member of the group, peace crazy people tend to stand out from the crowd. I was going to decline the assassination, but out of nowhere he handed me this huge bag of money and practically begged me to take these guys out. To my absolute fucking surprise, the guy was desperate enough to hand over 300 Gold and 1,000 Silver Pieces. I don't care who we kill at this point, this is more than enough money for us to split and get the hell outa this dump! Here's your half. You can thank me later." She said as she tossed me a bag containing half the money.

I opened the bag and to my surprise, she wasn't lying. This guy was desperate.

Revy: "When we get done, we are SOOOO getting hammered."

Y/n: "Didn't you just tell me to lay off the drinking last night?"

Revy: "Yeah, but that's your concern, not mine. I told you once, and I'll say it again. I. Fucking. Love. Drinking."

Y/n: ".....I guess that's a fair point."

I attempt to stand on my two feet, but quickly stumble and I use the wall for leverage. I groan in pain as my headache pounds and I close my eyes once more.

Revy: "Our hunt is currently in an underground bunker somewhere on the Northside of the Capitol. Their personally transporting drugs and goods to the east side of the Capitol at midnight tonight, a perfect time to ambush them and take them out. So let's get a plan up and running and we'll be on our way. And the plan is to just kill them, nothing more to it." She said.

I look at her as I'm on the verge of falling on the ground. I keep my hand on the wall as I try to keep my balance. Slowly and surely, I let go of the wall as I'm standing on my two feet and attempt to take a step forward.

Y/n: 'First step...okay not bad. Second step...alright, I think I've got the hang of, oh shit-'

I stumble and trip over myself. I try to regain my balance, but I eventually succumb to leaning on the wall again.

Revy: "We're you even listening to me?!"

Y/n: "Yeah, I got ya, but I think my legs and waist are asleep. I can't feel them." I said.

Revy: "That's probably because you're just getting over being a drunken bastard after last night." She said, arms crossed.

I try to stand on my feet again, but just like last time, I almost fall over. C'mon legs, work dammit! As I try to stand on my feet again, I feel as if something was carrying my shoulder on my left side. I look over to see Revy with my arm over her shoulders. I give her a surprised look as she looks away me.

Revy: "Don't look at me like that, you're recovering from drinking, I can't just leave you here...."

I smile a little bit, seeing her kind-hearted personality shine faintly.

Y/n: "Thank you Revs."

Revy: "Don't mention it.... Seriously, don't mention it." She said.

30 minutes of hopping around the sidewalk, we sit down somewhere where we can catch our breath. I'm starting to feel my legs again, so that's a good sign. Before we stood up to get a move on, Revy starts a conversation.

Revy: "So, I know you are an assassin and what not, like me, but I'm just curious...why did you decide to do this kind of job instead of any other?" She asked with a curious look on her face.

That was a rather....interesting question. I never really had anything other than killing as my job. Part of it was because of curiosity, most of it was for vengeance and blood thirsty rage, but when I came here I had a choice to leave killing behind. I wasn't forced into it, I....I decided to go back into killing. It makes me wonder if it was either my choice, or fate. But I guess there is one way to answer this question.

Y/n: "Honestly?"

Revy nodded, looking at me as she anticipated the answer.

Y/n: "......I was bored." I answered.

Revy: "Pfffft, hahahahahaha!! Okay okay! That was a good one!" She said as she laughed hysterically.

I didn't laugh, move, look around or anything. I looked at her with a slightly annoyed face.

Revy soon stoped laughing when she saw how serious I was being. She then looked, confused, in a way.

Revy: "Wait... you're serious? No reason at all? .....Not even a motive?"

Y/n: "Nope...."

She looked....dissatisfied, as if my answer wasn't an answer she was hoping for. I mean, I guess I can understand, it's like having a person you'd think was strong to be totally weak compared to you and easy to take down. Kinda like a certain god-like being that looks exactly like another certain god-like being that was walking like a penguin in a fuckin' GUNDAM.

Revy: *sigh* "Well, we better get a move on. Our hunt begins tonight, so we're going to a stable so we can "borrow" a pair of horses. Our destination is about 50 miles from here so hold onto your ass for a looong ride." She said as we continued to walk.

The more I thought about the question she asked me, the more it made me question why I even bothered to hang out with Tatsumi in the first place. He was nothing but trouble, and he still is, but he has a good heart. He's adventurous, wild, he's unique in his own way that separates him from anyone else..... I guess the more I thought about it, he sort of reminded me of my son when he was alive. He was definitely off the wires crazy when in his 2's and 3's, but when he got about to the age of 7, he got more cocky with his adventurous side of him. Heh, what a trouble maker he was.

Although Tatsumi can be a complete moron at times, he has good ideas and can be observant and strategic to a situation when he needs to be. A part of me wants to see how far he can go with his success, a part of me wants to see if his end goal will make him happy and those around him happy.

As these thoughts flooded my head, the more I came to realize my ambition behind me being by his side. He reminds me of my son when he's free from work and is allowed to be himself, and his motives are to make those around him happy and live a good life till the end of their days, something I can respect. His dreams, ambitions, hopes and choices have lead him so far in life, and a part of me wants to be a part of that. I want him to succeed in happiness where I have failed......but then again, I might have just caused the end of his chapter of life. I have nothing but my rage to blame for that, which is why I must become better and have even better self-control over myself.

I will take responsibility for my misdeeds, and put them all on the pike where the Prime Minister's head will lay when I kill him. I will make sure this world does not fall to false rulers with a lust for power and greed. I will make this city just and fair so that no one will have to live in fear for their whole lives..... THAT will be my ambition.

As we "borrowed" horses and went on our way to the north side of the Capitol, I couldn't help but fell as if something was waiting for me there.... Something.... Familiar.... I shrug off the feeling. Whatever is there, it won't stop me from the massacre I will leave behind me.

{At the hidden Bunker}

Currently in the Bunker, two tall white men stood next to each other as one of them had a walkie talkie on them. One of the men had short brown hair, a long Viking style braided beard, tattoos all over his body and ripped to the core with muscles while the other man had long blond hair, a clean shaven face, an athletic build with a tribal tattoo running across his right arm.

(Over the walkie) ???: "Hey uhh, bosses. There's this tall man who is standing in front of me who says he would like to speak to you."

The man with the long braided beard, who held the walkie in his hand, put it against his mouth and responded.

???: "Who sent him?" He asked.

(Over the walkie) ???: "Uuuuuuh he claims to be sent by the Prime Minister, Sir."

The man with the beard looked at his partner as they nod in agreement. The bearded man responds back.

???: "Send him in."

The sound of latches opening and a giant hatch opening can be heard as the mysterious man comes inside.

The man appeared to be someone you definitely you should mess with. He has a scar mark running across his right eye that goes from his eyebrow down to his jawline as his brown colored hair goes down to his shoulders. He has a scruffy brown beard and a tough build on his body.

Going down the ladder and into the hallway, he meets the two standing in front of the two. The man pulls out a note and speaks in a dark tone.

???: "Are you two Lehman and Raekard?" The man asks.

Lehman: "I'm Lehman, and this is Raekard." The blond responds.

Raekard: "What do you want from us? If it isn't business, then leave immediately." He says in response.

???: "There's a small group of people on their way here right now. They're attempting to assassinate you.... It is my duty to protect and kill the assassins."

It's awkward science for a few moments before the two of them burst out laughing, the mysterious man however, doesn't laugh.

Reakard: "Hahaha! Really?! Then and what army?! Did you see the security we have?! It's impossible for them to even ENTER this place-"

???: "The Armored Man is with them. So this is a serious problem, don't you agree?"

The two immediately shut up when they hear that sentence. Sweat drops can be seen from Raekard as Lehman analyses the situation.

Lehman: "Oh... I see. And you're here to protect us? How? If I'm not mistaken, that very man has killed countless numbers of men in the army that were near experts in combat. What can you possibly do to help us?"

The man looks at the both of them, he clearly thought about a plan on the way.

???: " I need the best of the best men in combat to hold the front and have a scout crew in the back with radios on them for an alert. If they see anything, they'll be able to trip the alarm and kill anyone on sight. That will take care of the small fry."

The two drug dealers looked at each other in concern.

Raekard: "Yeah but that leaves the beast. What are we gonna do about him?" He asks.

The mysterious man grows an evil and wicked grin as his eyes have a demonic hue on them as he chuckles a little, sending a chilly aura around him.

???: "Oh, no need to worry about him, I'll take gooood care of that situation..... but they're on their way, I need those men up and running as soon as possible, it is my duty to protect you two, and I plan to succeed."

As Lehman and Raekard leave the man to himself and gets their men ready for combat, the man stops smiling and has an anxious look on his face. He turns around and looks outside as the hatch is still open above him.

???: 'It's about time we meet again... face to face... man to man... monster to monster... I'll be waiting for your arrival... after all, it has been a long time.....Father.'

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