Profile & Prologue

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Talking: ""

Thinking: ''

Angry: Bold

Name: Y/n L/n

Nicknames: Doom, Doom Slayer, The Unchained Predator, The Hellwalker, Baron of Hell

Likes: Guns (Duh), killing demons (Duuhhh), Ripping and Tearing (DUUUHHH), HEAVY METAL (DUH x INFINITY), VEGA, Night Raid, The Jaegers.

Dislikes: The Capital, The Makyrs, Seraphim, The Father, Demons, perverts, people who think their better than everyone.

Fears: ...what's that?

Looks like : Whatever you want IDC.


Weapons: The Crucible, The Unmaker, BIG FUCKING GUN 9000, Super Shotgun, Chaingun, Ballista, Plasma Rifle, Heavy Canon, Combat Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, Doomblade.


(Y/n's PoV)

"Tell me.... Have you nothing to say.. to your creator.... Before you strike him down?" He said as he bled from his mouth.

Well.....................that was easy.

You know, after everything I've fought, all the monsters, beasts, even the giant fucking deer Titan...I've never felt more dissatisfied after a fight in a very long time.....this is just sad.

I unlatched my helmet from my suit and set it on the ground. I walked to him slowly as I unsheathed my blade from my know what? I'm done doing the silent treatment. Fuck this.

" not really. I mean, I kind of have everything figured out." I said rather easily.

The Dark Lord, or Davoth, looked at me in confusion, well, I guess that makes sense.

"Wait..... you can talk normally?-"

"Well, yeah, I have fucking vocal chords like every other dumbass creature in existence. You know how exhausting it is to not talk for eons?" I interrupted.

"Well, yes actually-"

"I really wanted to talk to some humans, but they'd either run away or kill themselves in front of me.....makes sense I guess." I interrupted again.

"I-.....I can't do this anymore. Just kill me. Seriously. As an added bonus to killing me, all demons and hell spawns will perish along with me." He admitted.


"Just shut up and kill me already." He practically begged.

I thrusted my arm at him as my blade went through his chest. I set it in as I looked him in the eyes, yet, he smiled. My eyes squinted in confusion as he spoke for the last time.

"T-Tell me Slayer....*cough cough*....d-do you feel accomplished? Are you finally...happy with yourself?"

I didn't respond as I pulled back my wrist blade from his chest. He coughed up blood as his head went limp and went down, the next thing that happened, I wasn't ready for. His head immediately right after shot up as his mouth opened wide and a mysterious red ray of light shot into the sky. I covered my eyes from the bright light as I waited for it to dim out.

As I uncovered my eyes and set my arms down, I could see some demons falling to the ground and burning alive. I couldn't believe it. He wasn't lying. Every single demon in existence was dying along with him. And there was me, the last god in existence.....despite my goals accomplished, it didn't feel right, I wasn't ready to be....done.

Suddenly, my mind fell heavy and exhausted. My vision blurred as I looked at my hands as I began to loose my balance. I blinked and shook my head to wake myself up but I just felt more tired.

"By his hands, he created everything....." A voice suddenly said.

The voice rang in my head. I instantly recognized it as The Father, but my mind was too tired to focus on it.

"......even you."

I fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

(3rd person PoV)

The Doom Slayer was put into a sarcophagus by The Maykrs until he was needed again, but that was the problem, he wasn't. The people of Earth no longer needed his protection, his destiny to truly kill every demon was complete... he was no longer needed. The Individual Makyrs came to one conclusion...... banish him to another dimension, one he cannot escape from. They setup a portal to another dimension far behind their own and tossed The Doom Slayer in, and ever since then...... he was never seen again by the face of another being in his world.

(Y/n's PoV)

My eyes fluttered open again as I saw nothing but darkness except for the Slayer Symbol above me......God fuckin' damn it are you shitting me? I pushed with my might that I had left in my tired body and moved the seal, I could see the light of the sun as I got up and looked around. I was in the middle of the woods and I could see a city of some sort about 2 miles away. It didn't look like any city I knew from the Earth I know......

'Where am I?' I internally thought.

I began to scan the area to figure out where the fuck I was, until something popped up on my screen.

World: Earth
Dimension: 626
Demonic Energy Signatures: None


I always knew that I was nothing more than a tool in the eyes of the higher beings, but still, to banish me like this......this is fucked up.

Hey everyone, I hope you like the story so far. I've been thinking about doing this story for a while, this is my first ever story so I'm sorry if it's kinda shitty. I don't know when I'm updating this story it just really depends on how busy I am but don't worry, I WILL complete this story no matter how long it takes.

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