Chapter 18

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        "Alright, that's the last of it," You heaved out sigh after closing your notebook, having to just finished doing your last homework. It's now Friday; classes had just ended earlier to let the students train for the upcoming Sports Festival tournament due on two weeks. Basically, you only have one week to prepare yourself, but then, you haven't really decided what your training module would be.

Groaning, you let your head fall on the wooden desk, making your mother put down her book as she looked at you with a quizzical gaze.

"Hm? What's wrong, (Y/n)?" (M/n)(mother's name) asked, her voice strained and sounded dry, despite drinking water just earlier.

"Nfhing..." Your voice was muffled with by the table, only making the woman look at you with curious eyes that shared worry. "I just..." You looked up at the ceiling, only to see those familiar colors of pearl white, and some pastel complementary colors-- the hue of a hospital, followed by the scent of sanitized air that smells like cleaning alcohol. Then, you looked at your parent, only for your eyes to lay upon the machines first, before having to actually look at her.

The (h/c) woman had wires sticking out of her skin, specifically her wrists, for the reason to keep her condition monitored. But the thing was, you just can't seem to keep your eyes off the huge bandage covering her throat.

She almost died.

From what? Or specifically, from who? None other than the infamous Tomura Shigaraki, who managed to get a hand of his quirk on her throat in last seconds before he got shot by Snipe-- as explained to you by Principal Nezu who just visited earlier (you actually didn't mind his appearance, having knowledge that the paranormal is now normal in this generation). The only thing you're surprised of by his visit was the fact that he even cared to visit-- after all, your mother isn't even part of his school's staff.

Your mother was confined here for days now, and you only managed to visit her today due to your busy schedule-- having to juggle schoolwork and house chores now that no one is left at home.

"(Y/n), you were about to say something?" Your mother inquired, now having a slight frown on her face.

"Oh, well, I was wondering how I could train since... y'know... you're here and you can't... never mind, sorry..." You trailed off, biting your quivering lips, trying not to dampen your eyes with tears.

"I hope you realize that none of this was your fault. You did what you thought was right and decided to keep that Shigaraki-guy a secret from us, heroes," She stated as a matter of fact, trying to comfort you with white lies. Of course this was your fault. The guy's a villain; either way, he'd hurt the people around you one way or another. There was no way to prevent the gray-haired male's hostility, even if you try-- even if you kept the secret-- you learned that the hard way. You had let fear latch itself onto your rationality. This is your doing.

To ruin the already ruined mood, the door slammed open, revealing a familiar buff blonde hero.

"I am here to--!" When the cyan-eyed male caught you within his peripheral vision, the number one hero turned back to his emaciated form, closing the door immediately right after, to avoid any witness.

"Oh! Tos-- All Might! You're here!" Your mother greeted, giving a wave at the scrawny hero.

"Hey," You timidly nodded at the hero with a smile; not really expecting him to visit someone he barely knows. But then again, principal Nezu did visit a non-employee; so, this wouldn't be any different.

"Hello (L/n)-san, (Y/n)-san," All Might greeted back, taking a seat on one of the provided stools. "Hm? You look bothered (Y/n)-san. As your teacher, I'm obligated to listen to your troubles," Uraraka was right-- even outside school grounds, he still thinks of his duties as a teacher.

"Besides my mother being confined in this hospital, there are no problems that I know of," You straight-up lied to the Symbol of Peace with a smile on your face, making the older (L/n) fake a cough-- warning you.

"Actually, there is. It has something to do with her secretion of her encounter with a villain," The way your mother was so open about family problems to this man resulted for you to gawk at her with an incredulous expression-- wiping the smile off your face.

"Ahh... That so?" The blonde inquired, before heaving out blood from his mouth as part of his habits. "(Y/n), I want you to listen to what I have to say." He uttered sternly, catching your attention from his sudden serious tone. The way he said your name somehow had this authorization to it, drawing you in. "It's times like this why you want to improve-- to strengthen yourself; that's why you're attending Yuuei. In the hero course, you will experience two kinds of pain-- physical-- we all know that, and experience. Sometimes, when you try to save people, it doesn't mean everyone. No hero can do that; not even myself! And when someone suffers because you think you're incompetent, you're basically telling yourself that you have no room for improvement. It hurts your conscience, I know; I've known that pain-- thinking: if only I've done something about. You actually can do something about it, and a lot of people often forget that! You start by training yourself to be better!" You were awe-struck at this man's wisdom, a smile slowly creeping onto your face as you've finally found inspiration to move and actually do something productive. "You're not alone, (Y/n). There are people who can help you; your friends-- myself included too."

"Thank you..." The smile you gave him was genuine, showing appreciation towards his lecture for you. But then, this gave you an idea. If you can't train with your mom, and you're not experienced enough to train on your own-- training with your friends would be the next best solution.

Gathering your things from the table, you rushed to give your mother quick peck on the cheek, as to while you gave All Might a quick embrace, making him stiff in place.

"I'm gonna go out with some friends! See ya, love ya!" You sprinted off the room (only to be scolded by one of the witnessing nurses to not run around the hospital), leaving the two adults alone.

All Might was still staring at the door where you just left, his mind processing what just happened.

"Congratulations. You're making progress with her, Toshi," (M/n) smiled, as the hero still stared at the door.

"So that's what it feels like to be hugged by your own child..." The female just snickered at the man's newfound experience. True, the hero had experienced many things, but only a few on being an ordinary father.


Scrolling on your phone, you tried to find the perfect individual to train with. Thanks to Mina and Kirishima, you got most of the phone numbers in Class 1-A. Inhaling a deep breath, you hoped that you chose the right pick. You've already eliminated those who won't seem much help to you, thus having to choose from:


Asui Tsu

Iida Ten

Uraraka Ocha

Kirishima Eiji

Sero Han

Bakugou Kacchan

Tokoyami Fumi

Midoriya Izu


Monoma Neito

TetsuTetsu TetsuTetsu

Shinsou Hitoshi


Vote here-->

And THIS is the part where you pick. Yeah, this will be an interactive story where you get to have some will in this story too. The three characters at the bottom are available too; it's just that they're not part of your contacts, but ARE part of your choices. The top 6 with most votes are those who I'll be creating scenarios with for training (sorry that Todo isn't part of this, reader-chan isn't in good terms with him at the moment). Don't feel bad if the character you want wasn't chosen. There will be a lot of opportunities for these things to happen again. Thus, the author isn't the only one who has power over this story-- your will would be somewhat part of it too!

I have exams tomorrow; so, the survey would be open til I eventually delete it. But that would be sometime next week ^^ This would be my last update for this week, cause I really have to study-- otherwise, removals.

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