Chapter 34

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A/N: I like how none of you were suspicious of Katsuki when he told the reader back then why her father left. It was scarily accurate, don't you think so?


Fluttering your eyes open, your nose picked up the scent of the familiar sterilized air of the clinic, resulting for you to assume that something must have happened to you for you to end up here... again. Only this time, you actually remembered what happened. Blood, vomit, blurred senses-- it's hard to get rid of it from your head.

Groaning, you sat upright only to regret it afterwards; for, your body responded back to the action with the agonizing feel of pins and needles in your insides.

"Ah, damn... Everything hurts like hell..." You managed to utter out, feeling somewhat numb all over.

"(Y-y/n)-chan! You're up!"

Hearing the familiar voice of the greenette, you turned to face him, only for your eyes to lock with the number one hero in his emaciated form before eventually making eye contact with the freckled boy. Giving them a smile, you inquired why they were here, instead of watching the Sports Festival ensue.

"W-we checked on you if you were alright! You really scared us back there," Midoriya replied, scratching the back of his nape.

"Ah, I probably over-used my quirk. Although, this is a new drawback. It just proves how tough Kaminari can be. Oh! Speaking of which, how'd your fight go, Izu-kun?" You asked, hoping to switch from the uncomfortable topic.

Midoriya perked up at the mention of that specific scenario, making his thoughts drift back to the indigo-haired lad, before having to drift to the conversation he had with All Might earlier before you were conscious.

"Um, I, uh... lost," He admitted sadly, causing for you to look at him with a small smile.

"That's alright. There's still next year. Sorry I couldn't get to finish watching your match," You attempted to comfort him, before realizing how long you could've possibly been out. "Wait! How long have I been here?! Is round one already over?!" You exclaimed, hoping you didn't miss any important event.

"A-ah, not really. Round one is still on-going," The greenette reassured, before you sighed in relief, your figure relaxing instantly.

"Thank goodness..." You muttered under your breath, before All Might eventually spoke up.

"Midoriya... Can you give us a second?" Izuku suddenly looked at you with an undecipherable, uneasy expression, before facing back at the blonde hero. Hesitantly, he stood up from one of the provided stools, then went towards the door-- exiting through it. But before doing so, he glanced at All Might, as if he was giving him some kind of reassurance.

Once Midoriya was gone, the Symbol of Peace inhaled a deep breath before eventually starting, like he was trying to mentally prepare himself.

"Do you know why you're here..?" He started, resulting for him to receive a perplexed gaze from your curious (e/c) eyes.

"I... To be a hero..?" Your answer sounded unsure, not really knowing what to reply to his question.

"Yes. That, and you were recommended." You hummed in acknowledgement, somewhat getting the idea of this conversation. "Do you have any idea who could have possibly recommended you? Now that you know it wasn't truly Recovery Girl who had done so,"

Where is he getting at?, you thought to yourself, your eyes giving him subtle hints that you're confused.

"Your father recommended you," Oh. You didn't expect to hear that. Even so, your reaction was stoic, having to remain emotionless over the matter.

"Do you... perhaps know where he is now..?" You didn't want to know his name; you just wanted to know of his whereabouts and be aware of his well-being. After that, you can finally fully move one, having to forget him from your life once and for all.

"He is... right in front of you," But it appears that fate just wouldn't let you overlook this complication, no matter what you tried to do. It would always come back to prove that your petty attempts on removing your father from your life would be fruitless. It will never rest until it's dealt with. But from a few hours ago, you actually thought you managed to get over it.

Again, your brain processed what All Might had just said, making your head buzz with such overwhelming thoughts clouding your proper judgement and acumen.

"... What do you plan on doing once you meet your father?" Your mother's voice rang in your memories. At this point, you're not sure what to feel... Or maybe you do.

It wasn't longingness; it wasn't relief; it wasn't happiness, and it certainly wasn't love. You never did love him. You never knew him. It was your guilt all these years that made you yearn for him, to somehow prove yourself that you don't exist just to be heavy weight in someone else's life. You want him back, not for you, but for your mother. Your mother's happiness was all that mattered to you in the end.

You finally figured it out that what you truly felt all these years for your father was hate.

And all it took you was to stare at him right in front of you.

"Why now...?" You weakly questioned, your gaze on the floor as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Because your condition was close to the state of fatality--"

"State of fatality?!" You exasperated, your eyes glaring into his cyan ones. Even if it was uncalled for, he didn't seem surprised. "Do you have any idea what I've been doing these past years?" You seethed, thinking of how this is all a cruel irony.

All these years, you tried to be stronger, but it wasn't your strength that brought him to you; it was your very moment of weakness, and it infuriated you.

"I finally got over you! And you just suddenly had the guts to barge into my life! I moved on, godammit!" You didn't acknowledge who you were talking to; let him be the number one hero, the Symbol of Peace, or your father. "All this time you were just right there!"

"Listen (Y/n), you inflicted damage upon yourself using--"

"One For All? Yeah, I get that. I'm more observant than I seem, but I bet you wouldn't know that," All Might just looked at you, his eyes reflecting guilt and sadness that he couldn't even comprehend. When was the last time he felt like this? Perhaps it was that time when he decided to leave you and your mother. And no. He knew you were observant. That's why (m/n) didn't tell you any details about him; afraid that you would attempt to find him. "And I don't even know your name..." You sighed, your eyebrows creased in seething anger.

"Yagi... Toshinori Yagi,"

"I didn't say I wanted to know,"

Toshinori Yagi. The one person, who made you feel guilty for being frail, was sitting right in front of you. The reason why you berated yourself for being so weak. The cause why you were suffering for not being strong enough. And now, you're suffering again because it wasn't your best effort that brought him to you; it was your very moment of weakness.

He only came to you when you were dying. It hurts! It hurts because everything you did to prove yourself was worthless. Because the only person you solely focused on was your father-- he was the only one that mattered! But you tried to stay strong. You didn't wallow in your depression. Instead, you shared your good vibe, and attempted to make everyone around you happy. You encouraged them, you supported them-- all because you know they couldn't take it. They wouldn't be able to bear the feeling you've felt! The feeling of worthlessness and failure! You persisted; you endured it all! All because of him!

"When I decided to leave, things were quite problematic. It wasn't easy to--" You didn't listen.

"You were supposed to be there for me and mom! Not just in the good and easy times, but also when you know we need you, and are suffering! I was suffering! She was suffering! Everyday she misses you, and everyday I feel like I was responsible for that! I thought you hated me..." You trailed off, feeling the familiar warm liquid staining your vision. "But now that's over. It's nothing more than a painful memory. You may not be there, but my friends were. They're worth more family to me than you'll ever be. You just... weren't worth it." Your thoughts were a mess, and you decided to get out before you could damage him even further, and lash out physically.

You got off your clinic bed, ignoring the cries of protest from your pained nerves, before heading towards the exit, without even sparing him a glance.

"This changes nothing between us. I hope you'd stay professional about this. After all," You turned to look at him, your dull (e/c) crystals glaring at his cyan ones. "You're a pro hero, aren't you?"

And with that you left, leaving the blonde hero to contemplate what just happened. He was prepared for this; he knew how you'd react; he knew you'd be mad at him! He'll be hurt, upset; he was aware that you'll be taken over by your emotions, and wouldn't be calm enough to listen to what he has to say-- he acknowledged how he would feel after the encounter. But...

Why can't he stop crying?


"(Y-y/n)-chan, a-are you okay?! What happened?!" Midoriya spluttered out as soon as he met you in the hallway, right after you exited the infirmary.

You didn't answer.

You tried to smile, but for the first time in your life, you thought that it wasn't appropriate in a situation you'd need to smile the most-- when you're troubled.

"L-look, I wanted to tell you, but All Might--" Immediately, your thoughts blurred, having you to turn your head instantly at the greenette. With your hair swaying back, it revealed the once-hidden burn scar, making you more intimidating with that glare you were giving him-- it reminded him of Kacchan... only more scarier.

"You knew about this?" You seethed as the freckled boy attempted to stutter out a 'yes'. "How long?" You were basically glaring daggers at him, only making him cower back in fear. It was like you were an entirely new person with the same face as the person he once known as his best friend.

"A-a few weeks a-ago,"

"And you didn't tell me anything?!" You exclaimed, your volume increasing.

"I-it wasn't m-my place!" He tried to defend.

"Yes, but it was your responsibility!" You argued back, to which he couldn't help but feel you were somewhat right. "I thought there wouldn't be any secrets between us, because we trust each other," At this point, you didn't hold back your tears. You just let them cascade down your face, your eyes red from trying to keep it in the whole time.

"I-I... I'm sorry..."

"Whatever, Midoriya..." Hearing his last name roll off your tongue felt like poison to him-- having to spread throughout his brain like it was wildfire, while it hurt.

He kept on thinking that you understood the flaws of humans better than anyone, but he eventually forgot that you were human too. You feel negative emotions as much as he does, and he entirely disregarded that. For that, he was really sorry.

He once wondered what you were like if angry. Well now, it would seem that he wouldn't want to face that again.

He's so sorry...


godamm this was one hell of a ride. and kacchan is still yet to shine... again xDD

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