Chapter 16

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With Rohan and Harris.........

Harris was setting up the explosives in the room when Rohan sighed in relief.

" Finally! The work is done!" Rohan said.

" Are you sure?" Harris asked.

" Yeah. I hacked in this computer through my laptop. Once we blast this base off, they can't hack anymore" Rohan said.

" Good. Now, I will set up the bomb" Harris said as he took a huge red colour bomb with different colours of wire attached in it.

He place the bomb in the middle of the room and activated the timer and then set the timer on his watch.

" Ok. We have 40 minutes to get out of this place" Harris said.

" Then what are we waiting for? Let's go" Rohan said a she put his laptop in his bag.

Rohan and Harris came out of the room and started running towards the exit. When they reached there, they saw 10 guards standing there fully armed. The second they saw Rohan and Harris, they started firing bullets.

" Take cover!" Harris shouted as he and Rohan went behind a cargo box.

All the guards took cover behind the boxes as they kept firing bullets. Harris opened his bag and took out two UZI guns and gave one to Rohan. Rohan then slightly looked up when one bullet landed just one meter away from him. He quickly bent down.

" How do we get out of here?" Rohan asked.

" Let's see" Harris said as he began to look around. 

AVC Headquarter, Johto

With Mitchell......

Mitchell was sitting on his chair and typing something on his computer when suddenly, the telephone began to ring. He picked up the receiver. 

" This Is Mitchell" Mitchell said. 

" Sir, we have got a problem" someone said. 

" Who is this?" Mitchel asked. 

" Sir I am Perez, the head of AVC security" Perez said. 

" What's the problem?" Mitchell asked. 

" Sir the Volcano that near to Mt Silver is behaving strangely. We have the reports that say the Volcano is about to erupt in the next 4 hours" Perez said. 

" What?! How is that possible?!" Mitchell said. 

" I don't know sir. But we have to do something or the whole Johto will be covered with lava" Perez said. 

" Okay. Make five teams and send them to each and every city to make the people evacuate the area" Mitchell said. 

" But where will we send them?" Perez asked. 

" To Orange islands. Contact with AVC incharge of Orange Islands. I have to make some calls" Mitchell said as he ended the call. 

With Namit, Alex and Neo........

The trio were walking through the forest. Namit's right arm was bleeding very badly as his t-shirt was half covered with blood. 

" How big is this forest?" Alex asked.

" Yeah. We are walking for Arceas knows how much" Neo said. 

" There is the exit" Namit said as he pointed straight.

A road was seen as vehicles were passing thought them. The trio made their way towards the exit. They reached there and saw nothing but the road and a barren land in front of it. 

" How do we get there?" Alex asked. 

" We can't use our pokemon. They are still tired" Neo said. 

" Wait a sec" Namit said as he typed a few things on his Wrist Computer. 

" What are you doing?" Alex asked. 

" Calling for help" Namit said. 

With Lara......

Lara was tied on a chair in room as she was unconscious. The door of the room opened as Daniel came in. He stood in front of Lara as he picked up a glass of water and threw it on her face. Lara opened her eyes with a jerk. She looked around the room and saw Daniel standing in front of her. 

" W-W-Who are you?" Lara asked Daniel stammering because of the cold water. 

" It's a shame that you don't me. I am the one who let Namit live" Daniel said to her in a cold tone. 

A wave of shock hit Lara as she stared at Daniel in disbelief. 

" You are Daniel" Lara said in bitter tone. 

" You got it right sweetheart" Daniel said as he kept his hand on her shoulder. 

Lara bit his hand as Daniel screamed in pain and took his hand back. 

" Don't you dare lay finger on me" Lara said in dangerous tone to Daniel. 

" A wild one, nice. I like wilds girls" Daniel said as he moved his hands under her shirt. 

Lara did a push kick on Daniel's stomach as he fell down. She then got up along with the chair and attack Daniel with the chair, in which the chair broke down freeing Lara. She was about to run away but Daniel grabbed her leg as she fell down. Till the time Daniel was back on his feet, Lara quickly stood up and formed a punch and charged it towards Daniel. Daniel quickly dodged it and then grabbed Lara by her waist and threw her on the ground. He then kept his right leg on her back as he pushed her down. 

" This won't work with me sweetheart. You can't beat in my own game" Daniel said to Lara. 

Daniel took out his phone and typed a few things in and then kept it back in the pocket. After a few minutes, the door of the room opened as Sarah came in.

" You called me Daniel?" Sarah. 

" Yeah. Take her to Cell 001. And give her some company" Daniel said. 

Daniel stepped back as Sarah grabbed Lara who was struggling to get out of her grip. 

" Leave me! I said leave me!" Lara yelled while struggling. 

" Don't waste energy sweet peas, you will need it at night" Daniel said. 

" You will never win! Namit will defeat you!" Lara yelled. 

Daniel quickly grabbed Lara's chin as he looked at her eyes with a death glare. 

" He will always be an Idiot. He is nothing compared to me. I will crush him into pieces" Daniel said in a dangerous voice. 

Sarah took Lara out of the room as Daniel took the chair and sat down on it as he leaned his head back and laughed evilly.

" No one can stop me now" Daniel said as he continued his evil laugh. 

To be continued..........

This was chapter 16. I hope you liked it. 

What's gonna happen now?

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