Chapter 18

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With Lara......

Lara was locked up in a concrete room which a small window for air to come in. Her hands were tied in a rope as she was lying in a corner of a room. She was staring at ceiling when the door of the room opened. She sat up and saw Sarah coming in. 

" What do you want?" Lara asked. 

" Just came to chat with you" Sarah said as she sat down on the floor in front of Sarah. 

" I don't wanna talk" Lara said. 

" Come on. I have something interesting to tell you" Sarah said. 

" I am not interested!" Lara exclaimed. 

" I am gonna act as if you didn't say that. Well, have you read about The Flaming Era?" Sarah asked.

" Yeah. It's about the time when all the legendary pokemon went berserk" Lara said. 

" Wrong. All the fire legendary pokemon. They went berserk and almost destroyed the whole world. Legend says that Sir Frank, a warrior saved the world by sucking the anger of those legendaries and sent them in sleep" Sarah said. 

" You think that I an fool? Pokemon like Groudon, Moltres and Reshiram were seen going berserk in the past few years" Lara said. 

" Yeah. But the anger was not same. The frequency of that anger was very much high and that anger is stored in a rock plate which is called Blaze" Sarah said. 

" So all you want is the Blaze for your own selfish use?" Lara asked.

" Not for own use. You see, the world is getting rotten day by day. Bullies are increasing, innocents are decreasing. The weaker ones are struggling to live. So, we are doing a favor to them." Sarah said. 

" By killing them?" Lara asked. 

" By 'helping' them. Their lives are nothing but wastes so we ending them for good" Sarah said. 

" You all are heartless" Lara said. 

" If we were heartless, then you and your little boyfriend would have been dead long ago" Sarah said as she got up. 

" I want to know what is AVC planning to do next?" Sarah asked. 

" Like I am gonna tell you" Lara said. 

" Okay. Don't tell. I will send the body of your friend Barbara to you. Then you can change your mind" Sarah said as she turned around to leave. 

" You wanted to become a Pokemon Doctor, right?" Lara asked. 

Sarah stopped in her tracks as she turned around to face Lara. 

" Think about to those innocent pokemon who don't have anything to do with all of this but still got dragged" Lara said. 

" That was my dream when I was a child and we do a lot of mistakes when we are in childhood" Sarah said. 

" Like you misjudged Namit" Lara said. 

" I didn't misjudged him! He is devil! He plays with every girls feelings!" Sarah exclaimed. 

" Have you seen him doing it?" Lara asked.

" You won't know it as you love him. But the moment he removes the mask of kindness from his face, you will regret your decisions about him" Sarah said. 

" Do you know how many girls he have betrayed? Do you their names?" Lara asked. 

Sarah gulped in nervousness as she tried to answer her question. 

" You don't know. And I think that Daniel haven't told you that" Lara said. 

" You just shut up. I am not gonna let you manipulate me" Sarah said as she turned around and left the room. 

With Alex, Neo, Rohan and Barbara.......

Alex, Neo, Barbara and Rohan were fighting with the grunts while their pokemons were also fighting. 

" Gengar use Dark Pulse" Alex said. 

Gengar creates a ball of black and purple rings of energy in each hand, then combines them and fires the rings as a beam of energy rings towards a grunt's Flygon. The beam hit the Flygon and sent him crashing on the ground. 

" Emolga use Thundershock" Barbara said. 

Emolga body sparks and sends a bolt of yellow electricity towards a grunt's Golbat. The attack hit him as Golbat got electrocuted and fell on the ground with swirly eyes. 

" Fearow use Steel Wing" Rohan said. 

Fearow flew towards a grunt's Sceptile and Carnivine.  Its wings glow blue and white as it charged towards them. It hit them and sent them flying back. 

By the time they defeated the pokemon, Alex and Neo tied the grunts against a tree with rope. 

" They won't escape now" Alex said. 

Neo and Alex went towards Rohan and Barbara who were waiting for them. 

" What to do now?" Barbara asked. 

" Harris and Namit might be on the way to Hotlands" Alex said. 

" We should go now. They will need our help" Neo said. 

" Yeah. Let's take one of the jeep" Rohan said. 

They went to a Jeep and got in. Suddenly, Barbara's pokedex began to ring. She took it out and received the call. 

" Hello?" She said. 

" Barbara, it's me Mitchell. Where are you all?" Mitchell asked. 

" We are going to Hotlands. Namit and Harris are on their way to there" Barbara asked. 

" But-" Mitchell was cut by Barbara. 

" Sir sorry to interrupt but we have have to go. We are already late" Barbara said as she ended the call. 

" Go" She said to Rohan. 

Rohan started the engine as he zoomed forward on the road. 


In Pallet Town, Ash was spending his day with his pokemons in Professor Oak's lab. 

" Alright guys, let's have a little practice match" Ash said to his pokemons. 

All of them roared in their own way to show their power. 

" Alright, let's start with Staraptor and Swellow" Ash said. 

" Hey Ash!" 

Ash turned around and saw Tracey near lab. 

" What Tracey?!" Ash asked back. 

" Something big happening! You gotta see it" Tracey said. 

" Ok. I will be right there" Ash said back. 

Ash turned towards his pokemons who were ready for the practice. 

" Sorry guys, I gotta go. But I will be back in 10 minutes. At 11: 30" Ash said as he went of running towards the lab. 

As he reached inside. he saw Professor Oak sitting on the couch holding the remote in his hand with Tracey standing beside him. 

" What happen?" Ash asked. 

" See this" Oak said as he pointed towards TV.

Ash turned towards the TV and the news. 

" It's a breaking news! We got to know from some people that they sighted Moltres on Victory Road. They said Moltres was engulfed in dark red flame as it flew towards South. We can't say where it is going but some geologists say that it is heading to Pasio. We also got to know that pokemon like Groudon, Entei, Reshiram and Heatran were spotted in their regions and all of them were heading towards Pasio. I don't what will happen. All I can do is pray to Arceas for everyone's safety" the reporter on the TV said. 

" What is happening Professor Oak?" Ash asked. 

" I can't say anything. It is something we humans can't understand" Oak said. 

" We have to go to Pasio to stop them" Ash said. 

" We can't. The military have stopped every means transport. It won't be safe" Oak said. 

" So what can we do?" Ash asked. 

" We can just wait and watch and leave it all to Arceas" Oak said. 

Ash looked at the TV then back at Professor who was sitting with a straight face and looking towards the TV. 

" Okay" Ash said as he went back outside. 

" Professor, why did you lied to him about the military?" Tracey asked Oak. 

" I have to because Ash loves pokemon than his life. He would do anything to keep them safe, even if it costs his life" Oak said. 

" And it's something that has happened in the past" Oak said. 

" Then how will it end?" Tracey asked. 

" History repeats itself" Oak said. 

Meanwhile, Ash was walking towards his pokemons who were lying on the grass waiting for him. 

" Alright guys, I am back on time...." Ash said as he looked at his watch. 

His watch was showing 11:20 AM. Ash was confused. 

" Wait! I left at 11:20. Then how it is still the same time. This is strange" Ash said to himself. 

" Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed as he jumped up and waved his hands to get Ash's attention. 

" Oh right! Staraptor and Swellow, begin the battle!" Ash said. 

Staraptor and Swellow both got covered in sliver streaks as they collied with each other. 

" I must have misread the time" Ash thought.

To be continued.........

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