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On the screen, showed a image in which, volcanos were erupting and have burnt half of the forests and destroyed small cities.

" What is this?" Rohan exclaimed as he saw the image.

" This is Pasio's condition one week ago" Mitchell said as he scrolled the image down.

The next image was the map of Pasio.

" Pasio region or I may say a new addition of region in Pokemon League Board. This a region which is located in between all the regions. Towards the north are Kanto and Johto, towards the east are Hoenn and Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos are to its west and Alola and Galar to South. It only region where every part of it experiences different climate at the same time" Mitchell explained as he scrolled down the image.

" This is the Capital of Pasio, Centra city. All the connections of every part of Pasio starts from here" Mitchell said as he showed them the pic of Centra city.

" But what is its connection with Volcanos?" Barbara asked.

" Whenever the volcanos erupt there, they gets signal before of the eruption. But from the last few weeks, they aren't getting the signal" Mitchell said.

" The part where Volcanos are situated is the Hotlands" Mitchell said as he scrolled down the screen and brought the image of Hotlands

" It is a very hot place with above 50 degrees of tempreture. We had sent a investigation party to Pasio via Jet Planes on the volcanos and we have spotted some interesting things" Mitchell said as he scrolled down the image.

" First, we have spotted Heatran on the edge of Volvcanos and along with it, a shadow of pokemon was also spotted which we assume is of the Legendary Pokemon Eternatus" Mitchell said.

" Eternatus? Is that a Pokemon?" Namit asked in an unsure tone.

" Yes it is. Eternatus is a dual-type Poison/Dragon Legendary Pokémon. It is found in Galar region. Just as there is Mega Evolution in Kalos, Galar also have a new form of evolution that is called Gigantamax and Dynamax. Eternatus serves as the source of the Dynamax and Gigantamax phenomena in Galar" Mitchell explained to him as he brought the image of the dragon pokemon.

He then scrolled down the screen and an image came with lots of smoke in the background.

" This image shows nothing" Lara said.

" We also thought this at first. But, if you use Human Finder application in it, you will see this" Mitchell said as he scrolled down the image and brought the edited version of the same image.

In the image, they can clearly see 4 human figures with huge anti material launcher in the smoke.

" We are not able to see their faces clearly but can tell that something fishy is going on in Pasio" Mitchell said to them as he turned off the screen and turned towards the group.

" You all have to go to Pasio and find out what is happening and then send the reports to me" Mitchell said as he handed four small bags to Rohan, Lara, Alex, Namit and Barbara.

" In this bag, there is Pasio's map, details of every city, one Shotgun and a walkie talkie for you to talk with each other" Mitchell said.

" Well sir, you didn't gave me the bag" Nike said to Mitchell.

" You will be staying here" Mitchell said to him.

Everyone were shocked after hearing this.

" Why Dad?" Namit asked Mitchell.

" Well, as Nike is good in location enemies base through satellites, AVC need him here" Mitchell said.

" You all can go now. You all will be leaving for Pasio at 11pm today" Mitchell said.

They went outside of the cabin with the information.

" Well, sorry guys. I will not be able to come but be sure to come back with success" Nike said to the group.

" You got my words Nike. We will come back with success" Namit said as he bro hugged him.

The group then left the headquarters and wen to their home for packing their stuffs.

With Namit...........

Namit was packing his bag when suddenly, his eyes fell on a photo frame that was on his table. In the photo, a small boy and a girl were seen playing happily with each other. Namit went towards the frame and took it.

" If this is what written in my destiny, let it be" Namit thought as a tear fell down from his eyes.

He kept the photo back on the table and finished his packings.


" You all will be going to Pasio in this jet plane" Mitchell said to the group as he showed them the plane.

( The above image is not mine. I got it from Google )

" This plane is superb" Alex exclaimed with stars in his eyes.

" What would you expect the plane of AVC to be?" Mitchell said to Alex.

Lara was seeing the plane when suddenly, her eyes fell on Namit who was standing there lost in thoughts.

" Namit?" Lara said to him as she went near to him but got no response.

" Namit?!" Lara said a little louder as she shook him a little.

Namit broke from of thoughts and looked towards Lara.

" Huh?" Namit said as he looked towards her.

" You were lost somewhere. Anything bothering you?" Lara asked him.

" No. Just I am having a felling that something bad is gonna happen" Namit said to her.

" Hey, nothing bad will happen. Think positive." Lara said with smile.

Namit looked towards her and saw her smiling at him.

" Why I always fell like I am in heaven whenever she gives me her beautiful smile just like her....Wait, What? Beautiful? Ahhh........I will think about it later" Namit thought as he went towards Mitchell with Lara.

" Dad, what are the preparations in Pasio?" Namit asked Mitchell.

" You all will be landing in Pasio tomorrow morning at 7am. At airport, you will meet a man named Harris. He is an undercover agent on AVC. He will take you all to Kyogre Paradise. You will be staying there till the mission will be completed. But, don't spend all of your time in mission. Also have some fun their. You will be sending daily reports to me. Harris will be assisting you in this mission" Mitchell exclaimed to them.

" Understood?" Mitchell asked them.

" Yes!" all of them said together.

They all entered the plane and the plane took off from AVC backyard. Namit looked outside and saw Johto getting smaller.

" I don't know why but I have feeling that a part of my past is waiting for me in Pasio" Namit thought in his mind as he drifted off for sleep.

Next day......

It was 7 am and the plane had landed in the airport. The group came out of the plane and was greeted by the pleasant wind of Pasio.

" Ahhhh!!!!!! Such a pleasant wind" Alex exclaimed as he spread his arms.

" Alex! Get down faster, we are also waiting in the line" Barbara exclaimed as he kicked Alex on his ass that caused him to fall down on the ground with face at bottom.

All of them laughed at Alex who got up from the rubbing his head.

" Do you really have to send me like that?" Alex asked Barbara.

" Well, that's my style" Barbara said as she twirled her hair on Alex's face and walked away.

Namit and Rohan went closer to Alex and leaned at his both ears.

" You still have a chance to run away" Rohan whispered in his ear.

" If you both will get together, then get ready to do a butt surgery" Namit whispered in his ear.

Alex gulped in fear as he slowly walked with the group. The group exited the airport and went towards the waiting corner.

" Where is Harris guy?" Rohan asked as he looked around.

" Dad said he will be here at 7 am" Namit said as he looked towards the main road.

" Excuse me?"

The group turned around and saw man wearing a black over coat with a white shirt and black trousers. He was wearing black sunglasses.

" Are you all from AVC?" that man asked to the group.

" Yes we are. Who are you?" Lara said to him.

" My name is Harris ma'am." Harris said to Lara.

" Nice to meet you. My name is Lara Lawrence.

" My name is Barbara Bailey"

" My name is Rohan Harrison"

" I am Alex Copper"

" The name's Namit, Namit Roger"

" You must be Mitchell sir's son, right?" Harris asked Namit.

" You got it right" Namit said to Harris.

" Come. I will take you all to your staying place" Harris said.

They followed Harris to the car.

" Wait What! This is Mercedes Benz S class!! I am in love with this car!" Rohan exclaimed as he saw the car.

" Get in the car! Or else I will make an arrangement for you to be seated on the burning hot engine so that you get your ass fried" Alex said from the back.

Everyone laughed as Rohan turned red is embarrassment. The group got seated in the car as Harris took the driver seat. He took the car to their resort. The resort was very beautiful and lavishing. It had a swimming pool, gym, sauna and many more.

" It is a very beautiful resort" Lara said in awe as she looked at the resort.

" Ok. Everyone settle down in your rooms and meet me here in 10 minutes. We will be relaxing today and tomorrow and then we will start our mission" Namit said to them to which they nodded their heads.

They went to their respective rooms and settled down. After 10 minutes, Namit, Alex and Rohan were waiting for the girls in the lobby.

" Where are the girls?" Namit said as he looked towards the lift.

" You know that girls take time to get ready" Alex said to him.

" Yeah. And why are you both wearing weird dresses?" Namit said as he looked towards Alex and Rohan.

Alex and Rohan were wearing rainbow coloured t-shirt and grey shorts. They were wearing red coloured straw hats and sunglasses.

" What? These are the cloths people wear here" Rohan said as he put the sunglasses in his pocket.

" And by seeing the dress you are wearing, there will be a rise in tempreture" Alex said as he looked at Namit's dress.

" What's the problem with this dress?" Namit said to him.

" Nothing, but I am telling that the tempreture is surely gonna rise" Rohan said to Namit to which Alex nodded.

" What are guys talking about?"

The boys turned around and saw girls standing there. Barbara was wearing a blue coloured jeans and white crop top.

Lara was wearing dark blue coloured outfit and she had opened her hair.

Namit was lost in looking at Lara.

" She looks so beautiful......Wait! Why am I using beautiful word every time I see her? I don't want to fell the terrific experience again" Namit thought in his mind.

" So where are we going today?" Barbara asked Namit.

" Well, we will be visiting Centra city and many places near resort" Namit said to the group.

" All right" They said together to Namit.

They left the resort and were walking on the sidewalk when suddenly a voice came from back.

" Hey you!"

The group turned around and saw boy standing their with a Raichu on his shoulder. He was having jet black hair, his eyes were chocolate brown in colour. He was wearing Maroon coloured pants, a white t-shirt with a back jacket, a red scarf and brown boots.

" Yeah" Namit said to him.

" Wanna have a match?" he said as he showed him a pokeball.

Namit looked at him and then at his Raichu who was in a fighting stance.

" Nah. Any other day" Namit said as he turned around to leave.

" Scared huh?!" he asked from back.

Namit stopped in his tracks as he turned around to face him.

" Scared? That is not even in my dictionary." Namit said to the boy.

" The what's the matter? Have a battle with me" the boy said as he tosses an empty pokeball.

Namit looked a the boy and then looked at the group who nodded at him.

" Sure. You are on" Namit said as he folded his sleeves.

" Great" that boy exclaimed.

" By the way, The name's Namit, Namit Roger. These are my friends. Alex, Rohan, Barbara and Lara" Namit introduced the group to him.

" Nice to meet you all. My name is ........"

To be continued......

So guys, this is a long chapter. I hope that you will like it. The pictures used in this chapter are not mine. So, back to the story...

Who are the people trying to destroy Pasio?

What Heatran and Eternatus doing in Pasio?

Who is this person who challenged Namit? And will he be having a part in this mission?

Keep reading the story!

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