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Inside Namit's head......

Flashback – 7 years ago.....

A 9 year old boy was walking down the street towards Goldenrod Pokemon Trainer's elementary school. He was wearing a red shirt and blue trouser. He was having simple black hair. He was walking when suddenly, someone called his from behind.

" Hey Namit! Wait"

The boy, now revealed Namit Roger turned around and saw his bestest buddy, Alex Copper was running towards him

" Again late" Namit said to Alex.

" Got stuck in the traffic" Alex said in sarcastic tone.

Both of them laughed as they continued to walk towards the school. When they reached the school, they saw a bunch of students was surrounding one spot.

" What is going on?" Namit asked to Alex.

" I came with you only. How can I know?" Alex said to Namit.

" Hehehe! Sorry" Namit said childishly as he put his hands on the back of his head.

" Hey guys!"

Namit and Alex turned around and saw their third pal, Daniel coming towards them.

" Hey Dan" They said as they did a bro hug.

" Do you know what is going on?" Alex asked.

" Yeah. A new girl joined the school today and she is damn pretty. So every boy in school wants to meet her. They are gathering around her right now" Daniel said.

" Wow! I want to meet her right now" Alex exclaimed with stars in his eyes and he went towards the girl.

Daniel also walked towards Alex but stopped in his track and turned towards Namit.

" You coming?" Daniel asked.

" Nah! I am not interested in these things. You both in the class" Namit said as he turned around to leave.

Unknown to him, Daniel looked towards him and smirked a little.

After sometime..........

Namit and Alex were sitting in their class and talking as the teacher haven't arrived yet.

" I gotta go to washroom" Namit said to Alex as he got up and left the class.

When he was done, he came out of the washroom and started walking towards his class. He turned on the corner and bumped into someone. That person fell back while Namit fell on top of that person. Namit looked at the person and saw it was girl. She was having black hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a blue coloured crop top and red coloured skirt. Namit was staring at her. His eyes was never leaving hers. Suddenly, she coughed a little to get his attention. Namit came back to his senses and saw in which position he was. He quickly got up and helped the girl to stand up.

" S-s-sorry. I-I-I-I was not l-l-l-looking forward" Namit stammered as he looked at the girl.

" No problem. I didn't knew where I was going as I am new." The girl said to Namit.

" Man her voice is so soothing" Namit thought in his mind.

" Btw, my name is Sarah, Sarah Barnes" the girl said as she extended her hands for handshake.

" My name is Namit, Namit Roger" Namit said as he accepted the handshake.

Unknown to them, a boy was watching them from far away with an angry look.

" May I ask where were you going?" Namit asked Sarah.

" I was looking for Pokemon battle class" Sarah said to Namit.

" I also have the same class. Come, I will take you there" Namit said to Sarah.

They started walking towards the class while talking.

" So where are you from?" Sarah asked.

" I am from Goldenrod city. My father runs an anti villain committee also know as AVC" Namit said to Sarah.

" What about you?" Namit asked to Sarah.

" Well, I am from Unova region. My father got transferred here" Sarah said to Namit.

" So, do you like pokemon?" Namit asked her.

" Yes. They are such cuties. I want to play with them and hug them" Sarah said in child voice.

" Arceas, why didn't you made me cute?" Namit thought in his mind as they reached the class.

Namit led her to where he and Alex were sitting.

" What took you so long...." Alex's face changed as he saw Namit with Sarah.

" Alex, meet Sarah. Sarah, meet Alex, my bestest pal" Namit said as he introduced both of them.

" Nice to meet you Alex" Sarah said to Alex.

" Nice to meet you too" Alex said with a smile.

Soon the teacher came in the class. The students greeted him.

" Good Morning you all. So in today's class, we will be doing pokemon battle. I will give you all certain pokemon to fight with" the teacher said.

The teacher then took the students to the battle field and gave them one pokeball.

" So let's start. Namit and Daniel, you two come" the teacher said.

" Best of luck Namit" Sarah said to Namit.

" Thanks" Namit said as he put his hands behind his head.

" Go rock it Namit"! Alex shouted in his ears.

" Geez! Can't you change your cheering method" Namit said to Alex as he made his way to the field.

" This will be one on one match. Ready?" the teacher asked.

" Ready!" Namit and Daniel said in unison.

" Begin!" teacher said.

Both of them threw their pokeballs in the air. From Namit's pokeball, a Charmendar appeared on the field.

" Cool, a Charmendar" Namit said as he saw the Charmendar.

From Daniel's pokeball, a Bagon appeared on the field.

" Charmedar use Ember" Namit said.

" Bagon use Dragon claw" Daniel said.

Charmander releases bolts of fire from its mouth towards Bagon. One of Bagon's hands becomes surrounded in a light green, claw-shaped energy. He destroys the ember and then attacks Charmendar. Charmendar got hit by the claw which sent him flying back.

" Charmendar, get a hold of yourself by using your claws" Namit said.

Charmendar used his claws and stood on the ground.

" Now use Fire spin" Namit said.

Charmander opens its mouth and a spiraling flame is released towards Bagon from its mouth, trapping and burning it in a fiery tornado.

" Bagon! Get the hell out of there" Daniel yelled at Bagon.

" Charmandar finish this with a powerful Flamehower" Namit said.

Charmander releases a red-orange stream of fire from its mouth towards the tornado. The fire got absorbed In it causing a small blast to occur. When the smoke cleared, Bagon was lying on the ground with swirly eyes.

" Namit wins the match!" the teacher declared.

The students began clapping for Namit. Alex was clapping the loudest among all of them. Namit returned to the bench when suddenly, he got tackled in a hug by Sarah.

" You did great" Sarah said to Namit.

Namit was standing in that position, not moving a little. He was shocked by the sudden move, he looked straight and saw Alex smirking at him. Alex formed heart shape with his hand.

" Making moves I see" Alex said quietly.

Namit was about to hug back when suddenly, Sarah pulled back from the hug. Namit quickly withdrawed his hands back.

" Thanks" Namit said to Sarah.

" That trick of Fire spin was awesome" Sarah said to Namit.

" I invented it" Namit said to Sarah.

" You invented it? That's so cool!" Sarah exclaimed.

" I want to be the one like no one ever was" Namit said to Sarah.

They continued to talk as they went back to their class. Unknown to them, a boy was watching them from far away with an angry look.

" I have to do something now" that boy said as he clenched his fists.

To be continued.................

So how was the Part 1 of flashback?

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