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At present..........

Alex told the same thing to the group. They were standing there completely shocked. They looked towards Namit who was still lying on the bed.

" This much happened to him?" Neo asked as to Alex.

" Yeah" Alex said to Neo.

" But he didn't even tell us about it nor he showed anything about his past" Rohan said to Alex.

" That's the thing. Namit didn't want to fell that experience again. That's why he removed all the things that he got from Sarah. He also didn't mentioned her again for the last 7 years" Alex said as he looked towards Namit.

Lara was standing there shocked after hearing to Namit's past.

" How could someone develop feelings for someone else after all this?" Lara thought in her mind as tears formed in her eyes.

She left the room and went to another empty room. She broke down there as she cried her heart out.

" Lara!"

She turned around and saw Barbara coming towards her. Barbara knelt down as she hugged Lara.

" He............have............gone.........from.........this........much" Lara said in between cries.

"" Lara asked to Barbara.

Barbara pulled away from the hug as she looked towards Lara.

" Hey, don't say that. It is not like that" Barbara said to Lara.

" Then what is it like?" Lara asked.

" See, he may have went through that much but, don't loose hope. Keep trying till you feel from your heart that it's over" Barbara said as she pointed towards Lara's heart.

Lara touched the spot where heart was and closed her eyes. She then opened her eyes and then looked towards Barbara.

" All good?" Barbara asked.

" Good" Lara said with a smile.

They stood up and then went to Namit's room.

Next day...........

They were sitting in the room waiting for Namit to wake up. Suddely, Namit's finger moved a little which Lara saw. She went towards Namit as the group also stood up.

" Ouch!" Namit exclaimed as he opened his eyes and saw his hands were bandaged.

" Where am i?" Namit asked as he looked around.

" In the operator" Alex said.

Namit looked towards the group who were standing in front of him.

" You fell from the top of the building while you were chasing Peter and Andy" Lara said to Namit.

Namit began remembering what happened. His chase, meeting with Daniel, getting beaten up, being thrown from the top.

" Anything happened up there?" Alex asked to Namit.

" It's Daniel" Namit said to Alex.

Alex became shocked after hearing this.

" What? You mean 'that' Daniel?" Alex asked.

" Daniel Stokes, son of Ron Stokes, the leader of Team Valor and the most fierce person on the planet" Namit said to Alex.

Suddenly, Harris came in the room. He was panting and sweat was covering his face.

" What happen Harris?" Rohan asked.

" There is an attack in Centra city which we expect is from Hotlands. The government has ordered all the police to go and evacuate the people. Mitchell sir said he have received orders from the International Government to send some high skilled people there" Harris said to the group as he stopped panting.

" Let's go" Namit said he tried to get up from the bed.

" Wait! You can't go in this situation" Lara said to Namit.

" But I have too" Namit said as he got up from the bed and removed all the bandages.

His wounds have were gone now but marks were still left on his body. He wore his t-shrit and went out of the room with the group.

" Rohan, you stay here with Harris. Any strange movement near Hotlands, you will inform me or Alex" Namit said.

" Ok" Rohan said.

" Other, come with me" Namit said to Alex, Barbara, Lara and Neo.

Alex, Barbara and Neo went and sat inside a car.

 Namit was going towards a bike when Lara called him.

" Namit, I am coming with you" Lara said to Namit.

" No. You go with Alex" Namit said to Lara as he sat on the bike.

Lara looked at Namit with a worried and angry look as she went and sat behind Namit on the bike.

" What are you doi-" Namit was cut by Lara blasting on him.

" You can't be left alone in this condition. I am coming with you and that's final!" Lara said directly to Namit.

Namit was looking at her with a shocked expression. He didn't knew that she can blast at him like this.

" Fine, You won. Hold on tight" Namit said to Lara as he started the bike.

Namit and Lara went out a full speed towards city. Alex also followed them towards the city.

After sometime.....

They reached the city and saw many pokemons and some grunts were attacking the people and the buildings.

" They are Team Valor's grunts" Nmait said as he got off from the bike with Lara.

He took out four pokeballs and threw them in the air. From them appeared Flame, Macho, Lucario and Greninja. Lara took out two pokeballs and threw them in the air. From them appeared Gardevoir and Florges.

" Macho and Lucario, deal with all the pokemons on the ground. Flame, deal with flying pokemons and Greninja, distract the grunts using double team" Namit said to his pokemons.

They all nodded as they went to do their specific tasks.

" Florges, use sleep powder on the all the pokemons which are entering the city and Queenie, use Psychic and form a defence wall" Lara said to her pokemons.

Both of them nodded as they went to do their respective tasks. Soon, Alex also reached with others.

" What the hell! Who caused all this chaos?" Alex exclaimed as he saw the condition.

" Team Valor" Namit said to him.

" Let's go then" Barbara said.

The group wen towards the city but Alex turned around in the middle and went to the opposite direction. Barbara saw this and called him.

" Alex! Where you going?" Barbara asked.

" I forgot to took out the keys of the car" Alex said to Barbara.

" Just come!" Barbara said as she grabbed his arm and dragged him with her.

" I am not ready to say goodbye to the world! Not before getting a girl!!!" Alex yelled as Barbara continued to drag him.

With Namit...........

Namit was helping the people to get out of the place when suddenly, a tree which has caught fire, began falling down towards Namit. Namit looked behind and saw the tree falling down as he grabbed the 4 children and took them away from their. The children ran from there towards their parents. Namit looked up and saw a man was standing there with a THOMPSON gun.

As soon as the man saw Namit, he pointed the gun towards Namit and began loading the gun. Namit looked around and saw a door lying near to his right leg. Namit kicked the door at one end causing it to bounce in the air. Namit grabbed the door by his handle and covered him with it. The man began firing the gun towards Namit but was blocked by the door. Namit moved a little forward towards the man slowly as the bullets were applying a great force towards him. Namit then threw the door up and then jumped up himself and did a jumping back kick on the door sending it towards the man. The door landed on the man causing him to drop the gun and fell on the ground. Namit ran towards the man who quickly got up and began running away from Namit. Namit chased him at the back of the city. That man sat on a bike and went off from there.

" This time, I ain't gonna fail" Namit said to himself as he called Lara through his earplug.

" Yeah Namit" Lara said from the other end as she picked up the call.

" Bring the bike to the outskirts of Centra city" Namit said to Lara.

" Coming" Lara said as she disconnected the call.

Namit waited there for a few minutes. After few minutes, Lara came with the bike and also, with another bike that was moving automatically.

" You get this. I will come on this" Lara said to Namit.

" Ok" Namit said as he sat on the bike and Lara sat on her.

They went towards the direction where that man went in the other part of the city. They entered the streets with shops.

" Where had he gone?" Namit thought in his mind as he looked around the city.

" Do you think that person is a sniper?" Lara asked.

" If he was a sniper, he would have......." Namit paused as he looked up and saw a part of tire was seen behind a long chimney on the roof.

Lara was about to say something when suddenly, Namit came in front of her bike with his bike.

" What are you doing Namit?" Lara asked as she quickly stopped the bike.

" The man is on the roof" Namit said in a low voice.

" How can you tell?" Lara asked.

Namit got off from the bike and signalled Lara to come. They were hiding under a shed. Namit pointed towards the roof of the building in front of them. Lara looked up and saw a part of tire was behind a chimney.

" How do we get up there?" Lara asked.

" Let's see. To get up there, we will need a ramp......." Namit paused as he looked around and saw the thing that he needed.

With Alex, Barbara and Neo.........

" We need pokemons" Alex said to Barbara as he hid behind a pillar.

" I don't have" Barbara said.

" Same with me. I left Zappy at the operator" Neo said.

" WHAT!? You guys really want us to die. I haven't gone to a date yet!" Alex exclaimed.

" Will you shut up? We are in a battle and you ae talking about dates" Barbara said to Alex.

Suddenly, there was a blast in front of them. They looked up and saw some people were emerging from underground. They didn't have any weapon.

" Looks like a hand combat group" Barbara said.

" Leave them to me" Neo said to Barbara and Alex.

" Are you sure?" Barbara asked.

" Arceas % sure" Neo said as he got up from the hiding and went towards the group.

" Hey guys! How's it's going?" Neo asked to the group who were standing in front of him.

" Stop there kid or else you won't be ale to move for the rest of your life" said a man as he came forward.

" Wow! Where did you learned that dialogue?" Neo asked the man.

" It looks like you don't understand easily" said the man as he formed a punch and swung it towards Neo's stomach.

Neo did a down block and stopped the punch. He then formed a knife hand and attacked on the man's neck. He then turned around and took the man's arm on his shoulder as he twisted the arm. The man yelled in in pain as he fell down on the ground.

" I thought you would give me a tough fight pal. But you went down on the first blow" Neo said.

" Attack!" all the men of the group yelled as they charged towards Neo.

" Uh-uh. Gotta need a hand or two" Neo said in a loud voice looking towards Alex and Barbara's hiding place.

With Alex and Barbara........

Alex was trying to get a weapon from the operator though his wrist computer.

" You done?" Barbara asked.

" Just one more minute" Alex said.

" Just do it fast" Barbara said to Alex.

" Ughhh.........Now I feel guilty for not paying attention in Computer classes" Alex said to himself.

Suddenly, they heard the group yelling attack.

" Uh-uh. Gotta need a hand or two" Neo said from there.

" Do fast!" Barbara said to Alex.

Alex pressed a button in rush which caused a beep sound. In 10 seconds, a black coloured cloth wrapped around a weapon and with a magnet on it came flying towards Alex. Alex grabbed it as soon as it came closer to him. The cloth fell down from the object revealing it to Alex and Barbara.

" WHAT THE HELL!" Alex shouted as he saw the object.

It was none other than a machine gun. Alex was still shocked and his hands were trembling in shock.

" Come on" Barbara said as she recovered from the shock.

With Neo.......

The attackers were just a few feet's away from Neo when suddenly, there was gun firing sound. They looked towards the direction of firing and saw Barbara standing there with Desert Eagle gun in her hand and Alex with Machine gun in his hand.

" Wanna meet this beast?" Alex asked as he loaded the gun.

He turned on the machine gun and the bullets came out very fastly and went towards one portion of hand combat group. Barbara was fighting with another portion of the group using her stretching skills and Neo was doing hand combat with the last portion of the group.

With Namit and Lara.........

Namit looked around and saw the thing that he needed. A cart was parked there and just above it was the start of the roof.

" Got it" Namit said as he went towards the bike and sat on it.

" What?" Lara asked.

She looked towards the direction Namit was looking and understood what he meant.

" You follow me on the ground. If you feel that I am in danger or I can't get to that man, call Harris" Namit said as he started the bike.

" But, please be safe" Lara said to Namit as she came closer to him.

" I will be. Don't worry" Namit said with smile as he took the bike on the street.

He stopped 100 feet's away from the cart. He began increasing the speed as he held the brakes tightly.

" It's now or never" Namit thought in his mind.

He released the brakes as the bike went towards the cart at a full speed. The bike went on the cart and took a jump towards the roof. Namit saw that the speed of the bike was slowing down and the roof was still far away. He looked on the right handle and saw a black button size cover was covering a button. He pulled the cover up and pressed the button. The engine on the back released a blue coloured flame as the bike got a force and it reached the roof top.

" It's good that I installed nitro" Namit thought in his mind as he went towards the chimney.

He looked towards the back of chimney and saw the man was hiding there on his bike.

" You choose a nice place to hide" Namit said to the man.

That man turned around and saw Namit sitting on his bike.

" How you-" that man was cut by Namit.

" Well, let's not waste our time in talks....." Namit paused as he took out G18 gun from his pocket.

".......Now tell where is your boss?" Namit said as he pointed the gun towards that man.

" Nobody has ever caught Nicholas in the past. And that is not gonna happen in the present too" that man, who is now revealed as Nicholas said as pressed a small lever under his handle.

Blue coloured flames came out from the engine and he increased the speed of his bike as he went from there at a full speed towards he other end of the roof.

" If you wanna play like this, bring it on" Namit said with a smirk as he pressed the button on his handle.

Blue flames also came out of his engine as he increased the speed and chased Nicholas. Lara saw Namit chasing Nicholas from the ground as she followed him on her bike. Nicholas jumped from one roof to another on his bike as Namit did the same.

" Give it up kid. You ain't gonna catch me!" Nicholas said from the front.

" That's your misunderstanding" Namit said from behind.

They looked at front and saw there was a dead end of roofs.

" Looks like your time has came kid" Nicholas said as a plane appeared in front of him.

The back door opened revealing a parking in there. Nicholas increased the speed as jumped from the edge towards plane. Namit also increased the speed when suddenly, something hit his mind.

" I can't catch him just sitting on the bike" Namit thought in his mind.

He pressed a button on the front. On the screen, it appeared 'Automatic mode'. Namit stood up on his seat as the speed of bike increased. The bike jumped from the edge towards Nicholas. Namit jumped from the seat towards Nicholas who on his bike in the air. Namit grabbed his leg and pulled him down the bike. Nicholas's bike went inside the plane and hit with the inverter. This caused the plane to blast off while Namit and Nicholas began to fall down. Namit looked down and saw tents were placed in the market. He dived towards the tent while Nicholas did the same. He fell on the tent and bounced back in the air. He landed on the ground safely as well as Nicholas.

" You did a wrong thing kid. Now are gonna pay for it" Nicholas said to Namit as he took out a pistol from his pocket.

Namit quickly went towards Nicholas and did a jumping round kick and landed a kick on his hand causing him to loose the gun. Namit then did continuos front slap kick on Nicholas's shoulder, hip, legs and on head. Nicholas fell down on the ground as he fainted. Namit stopped as he looked at his condition. He called Lara through his earplug.

" Got him. Trace my location and come with Harris" Namit said to Lara.

With Alex, Barbara and Neo.......

" I am loving it!!" Alex exclaimed as he continued to fire the machine gun towards the men.

Neo went towards a man as did a punch on his stomach. He then jumped up a little and attacked that man on his back with his elbow.

" You all can't even stand a small hit" Neo said as he saw the men lying on the ground.

Suddenly, Neo's wrist computer began to vibrate. He looked and saw there was a message from Lara.

" They got a member of Team Valor" Neo said to Barbara who was busy kicking the asses of a few men.

" Ok" Barbara said.

They turned around and saw Alex standing there with Machine gun and his expression was like that he was shaked very hard.

( Like this )

" What happen?" Barbara asked to Alex.

" This beast is hell of a vibrator" Alex said as he fell on the ground with swirly eyes.

To be continued.......... 

I hope you all liked this chapter. The action is designed by me. If you feel it is illogical, feel free to comment on it. 

Keep Reading!

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