Chapter 14

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Karen were walking through the football field as Karen was texting Babs about a surprise for the others but suddenly a football came and hit Karen as she fell to the ground as you turned to see Leslie and a girl with her.

 Doris: Hey, Beecher. Heads up. 

They both started laughing at Karen as she was getting up.

Karen: Oh, um, hi, Doris. Fancy meeting you here while I was taking the extra, extra long way to Chemistry class. 

Doris: Hey, I went to Chemistry class once. I know where that is. Tell you what. Why don't we escort you two. 

They both took you and Karen as you both were now in the locker rooms rather than the science building.

Karen: Uh, you guys? Um, this isn't actually the Science building. 

Doris: *mockingly* "This isn't the Science building." You see, Beecher, that's your problem. You irritate me. You bug me. You're a puny little insect. 

Doris: Yeah. 

Then Doris grabbed Karen's hands as she made her hit herself but softly.

Doris: Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourselves? Why are you hitting yourself? 

Karen: Okay, Doris, very funny. 

(Y/N): What's going on here?

Leslie: Oh hey (Y/N), how's it hanging?

Doris blushed very intensely and then get all Gaga about you.

Doris: Haha, hi (Y/N)?

(Y/N): What you 3 doing?

Karen: They're bu-

Doris then one arm hug Karen and have her hand cover Karen's mouth.

Doris: Uh, we were just hanging out, thats all.

(Y/N): Okay, well see ya later, got a CEO meeting to head to, later.

Leslie: You  thought that was funny? Maybe you two need a little time to yourselves to think about how comedy works. 

Then Doris opened a locke and tried to put you two in them.

Doris: Yeah. Get in there and think about how comedy works. 

Karen: Wait. I can do it myself..

Then Karen went in the lockers as Doris closes them. Then you and Karen were now with Babs as you all were heading to sweet justice.

Karen: That's the fifth time this month. I don't get it! What did I ever do to her?

(Y/N): I'm not sure maybe she just doesn't like 

Babs: Or maybe it's Nothing. Psychological profiles of bullies suggest they always target the small and weak and anyone who are with them.

Then Karen looked at Babs as she did not like to be called small.

(Y/N): not the best choice of words Babs.

Babs: Sorry. I meant the small and... awesome? Apple? 

Then Karen walked passed Babs as she began to walk to sweet justice.

Karen: There's nothing awesome about being small, believe me. But that's all gonna change after today. 

Then we see Doris as she was at her house in the garage as she was lifting weights as she was video chatting with Leslie.

Leslie: You need some new material, Doris. "Why are you hitting yourself?"

She started imitated getting hit as Doris looked at her.

Doris: Whatever. It's classic. 

Leslie: When (Y/N) showed up, you went gaga for him, is he your crush?

Doris began to blush at that as she glared at her.

Doris: Shut up! I don't like him!

Then she lost her balance as the seat she was on broke as she fell as Leslie laughed at that.

Leslie: A meathead falling on her keister? Now, that's classic. 

Doris: *closes the laptop* Shut it, Leslie.

She looked to see her parents.

Doris: Uh, ever heard of knocking, dweebs? 

Mrs. Zuel: Uh, Daddy and I are leaving for the science conference now, okay? 

Doris: *mockingly* "The science conference, okay?" Fine! Whatever! 

Mrs. Zuel: Have fun with your sporting activities, sweetums. Love you. 

They went to their car as they drove off to the science conference as Doris flex her muscle only for it to go down.

Doris: I gotta pump up. 

She went to her parents' lab as she looked and found a she injected it into herself she began to have glowing orange veins as she began to feel stronger.

Doris: Yeah. Pumped up!

Back with you you were at the base as you and the others were there as Babs was getting ready for the presentation.

Babs: Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you the new, the improved, Bumblebee! *humming fanfare music* 

Karen came out as she was in her armour as it was upgraded as you all started to clap for her.

Diana: Karen, it is simply divine. Battle armor befitting a true warrior.

(Y/N): Not bad Beacher.

Kara: It looks awesome, kid. What's it do? 

Karen: Well, um, we've added these thin film photovoltaic modules to make the suit solar-powered. 

Babs: Plus, they make her look like a bee. 

Babs: I modified the wing mechanism so there's a more dulcet tone to the way they buzz. 

Babs: Like a bee! 

Karen: And we're working on quartz prisms in the goggles that will emit an electrical sting. 

Babs: Like a cute little bee.

Karen: Which leads us to my biggest upgrade yet. *Babs hums musical fanfare* 

Karen: *sighs* Here goes. 

She pressed a button on her suit as she was in a bright yellow glow as she began to grow only for her to shrink as you started to clap as you saw that her growth tech didn't work.

Zee: Um... Yay? 

Kara: Yeah, you shrunk... differently? 

Then Karen saw that she was small and that her tech didn't work.

Karen: Oh, no! I thought we finally fixed the growth tech. I'm not supposed to shrink, I'm supposed to grow. 

Zee: Aww, but you're so cute small. 

Karen: Cute and useless. How am I supposed to stand up to the bad guys when I'm just a... *changes to normal size* puny little insect?

(Y/N): Come on Karen size isn't everything.

Karen: Easy for you to say (Y/N) your 8ft tall!

(Y/N): *while crossing your bottom two arms* yeah I know but there are some downsides with being this tall

Jessica: like what big guy?

(Y/N): hitting your head on the door frame. 

Kara: Man that's gotta be annoying 

(Y/N): you have no idea. Always leaves a mark on my forehead.

Babs: It's okay. I bet we just inverted the zeta thingy when we had to cross-wire that other thingy because we were out of those thingy things.-Remember? 

Karen: Yeah. Maybe. 

Diana: Then let us procure the correct thingies. 

Babs:Quick trip to the mall, and we'll have the whole thing sorted out. 

Zee: Well, as much as I hate to miss a trip to the mall, my father and I have a show tonight. 

Jessica: And I'm protesting the show for using animals. 

Zee: Oh, cool. We can share a cab. 

Jessica: Hey, don't worry Karen. I know you'll get it. 

Karen: All right, then. Let's go. 

At the mall we see Doris as she was at the sports store as a man came to her.

Man: Hey, little lady. Lookin' for the yoga mats? 

Doris: Free weights. 

Man: Ah, free weights. For a dance aerobics class, I bet. 

She started to get a little angry as the man looked through for some free weights.

Man: You look strong for a girl. How 'bout, hmm, oh, *holds up three-pounders* some three-pounders. 

Doris: Do I look like I want three-pounders?!

She started to get angry as she started to gain muscles and grow in size as the man gulped in fear. Back with you and the others you all were going up the escalators with Dianna holding your hand for support with the others being a bit jealous.

Babs: Ready! Step!

Diana stepped off of the escalators.

Diana: Huzzah! I survived the mechanical staircase. 

(Y/N): there called escalators Dianna

Dianna: Yes those.

Babs: *gasps* The new Gotham glory line of cowls are in! Eee!

She ran to buy them.

Kara: Yeah, while you guys do your nerd stuff, I'm gonna go grab some chili fries.

Kara  went to the food court, leaving only Diana you and Karen.

Kara: Come get me when you're done. 

Diana: Lead on, young Karen. Let us do our nerd stuff.

You all ducked as a weight was sent flying as many people started running away.

Diana: Great Hera. What is the cause of such mayhem?

(Y/N): I think it's a safe bet that must be the cause of it.

You pointed at the sports section as dust was there as you see Doris as she was now giganta.

Doris: Puny man. How dare you insult Giganta?!

The man ran away as you all saw her.

Doris: Now all shall feel my wrath!

She broke a basketball score in half and threw it only to be caught by Diana as she is now wonder woman.

Diana: Citizens, clear the area. We shall dispose of this brute. Come, friends. To battle. 

Karen: But my suit, it's not... 

As Diana charged at Giganta.

Karen: ...ready. 

she jumped in the air and punched her only for Diana to hurt her hand as you and Diana dodged a punch from Giganta and slide under her and grabbed a hockey stick and jumped in front of her as Giganta grabbed big weights and placed them all together and held it like a club as you and Karen went to the electronic store to find the part for Karen's suit as you grabbed many parts and electronics.

Karen: Uh... where is it? 

As Diana faced Giganta, she grabbed big weights and placed them all together and held it like a club as they both charged at each other as Karen was trying to fix her suit and got zapped.

Karen: Ow! Come on, Karen. Focus.

You and Karen ducked as a fountain came crashing in the store as you looked to see Diana fighting Giganta as she broke Diana's hockey stick. 

Diana: Ha. Let us see how you stand up to the Lasso of Truth.

She pulled out her lasso and wrapped it around Giganta's arm as she pulled only for Giganta to wrapped Diana in her own lasso and placed her on a sign that said closet.

Diana: The Lasso compels me to tell the truth. 

Giganta made the sign spell Lose.

Diana: This is humiliating.

You and Karen saw what was happening as Giganta was laughing and Karen was still searching for the part for her suit.

Karen Where's that 20 ohm resistor? 

Kara came and saw Giganta.

Kara: Seriously? Hey, meatbrain! 

Doris: Huh? 

She looked to see Kara as she was in her hero outfit

Kara: Over here. 

Kara started to punch Giganta in the face as she was sent back as she got mad and grabbed the two and started to smash them on the ground as Kara got up. 

Kara: That all you got? 

Then Doris grabbed the Kara and started swinging her and threw them out of the mall as they crashed into a building.

Kara: *Weakly* Okay, I felt that.

Giganta started laughing maniacally as Babs came out with her stuff and saw Giganta.

Babs: *gasps* A fight!

She then changed into her batgirl outfit as she grabbed a Tennis racket.

Babs: Tennis, anyone?

She threw bombs at Giganta as they blew up on her.

Babs: Yes. 

Giganta looked at her angry as she was unaffected by the bombs and tries to hit Babs and rook as they dodged her back with you and Karen she was finishing her suit. 

Karen: There. That should do it. *her suit shorts out* Dang!

Babs used nets on Giganta as she broke free from them and cracks her knuckles.

Babs: Eh, deuce?

She grabbed Babs and made her into a ball and rolled her into mannequins as they crashed into them.

Doris: Strike!

You and Karen saw the whole thing and knew you didn't have much time.

Karen: Hurry, Karen. This is all on you now. Let's do this. 

(Y/N): Yeah.

Giganta was laughing until she heard Karen.

Karen: Hey, you! 

Doris: Huh? * turns to see you and Karen as bumblebee and your wings and tail revealed.* Hmm. 

She started to walk to you two.

Karen: Why don't you pick on someone your own size?

Karen pressed a button on her suit and began to grow as Giganta saw what was happening as you shrunk and about to throw a bolt at her but instead it didn't do much and Karen shrank again as Giganta saw what happened as Karen looked at herself.

Karen: Oh, come on! *she sees Giganta about to crush you and her.* No, no, no, no, no, no! 

She slammed her hand on you guys but you guys were still alive.

Karen: I'm… I'm alive. And it's all because... I'm a puny little insect! 

(Y/N): told you size isn't everything.

You and Karen flew to Giganta.

Karen: Time to sweat the small stuff. 

You and Karen started to fly around Giganta as she tried to swat you both away as you both went in her clothes as she started to giggle as you both came out and spooked Giganta as she fell on the ground.

Karen: Talk about a little fish in a big pond. Eek!

She saw Giganta trying to get you both as you flew away as she tried to catch you two as Karen tried to use her stingers but weren't effective.

Karen: Note to self. Upgrade stingers. Eek!

Karen dodged a punch from Giganta as she got an idea as she flew to her face and made Giganta hit herself.

Karen: Hey, why are you hittin' yourself? 

She tapped Giganta as she fell down into the parking lot as Karen was shocked at what she did.

Karen: Did I do that? 

She flew down and saw that Giganta was gone as you and the others saw her.

Supergirl: Nice work, kid! 

Diana:You have done Athena proud, young Karen. 

(Y/N): Great job.

Babs: Growth tech, smowth tech! 

Karen: Ha-ha, yeah, I...  

Karen then fell down and pass out, until you appeared and pulled her out of the Giganta shape hole. Karen then wake up and see you.

(Y/N): Nice work.

Karen: Thanks (Y/N).

Later, Karen are walking to chemistry the next day as Doris and Leslie see her.

Doris: Hey, Beecher, heads up.

Doris then throw a football at Karen as she was surprised from the catch.

Doris: Huh? Hey, give me back my ball.

(Y/N): Why don't you two share it?

The girls then turn you, Leslie wave and blush, Karen was waving for a hi and Doris was standing there blushing.

(Y/N): Hey everyone, Hey Doris can we talk for a sec?

Doris then blushed even harder.

Doris' thoughts: "Oh crud, just don't get nervous."

Leslie: Alright, come on Beecher, these two need some space okay.

Leslie then pick up Karen as you walk up to Doris.

(Y/N): Look, I know you're Giganta Doris.

Doris was shocked about you knowing her true identity.

Doris: How did you know?!

(Y/N): Lucky guess and I have one question?

Doris: What?

(Y/N): Why are you Giganta?

Doris: Well, I'm trying to compensate for a deep insecurity, rooted a must for perfectionism and overpowering fear of not being good enough.

(Y/N): Hey, you don't have to be bigger to be better.

Doris: Alright.

(Y/N): Now, why don't ya apologize to Karen for what ya did to her?

Doris then walk up to Karen and then talk to her.

Doris: Look, I'm sorry about how I treated you Beecher, will you forgive me?

Karen: Well, yeah.

Doris: Hey, I can teach you how to play ball, just hand me the ball you have with you.

Karen: Why don't you come and get it, meathead?

Doris: Oh it's on!

Doris then start running as Karen start to run as well.

Karen: Crud!

You looked to see Karen and Doris running around the football field as they were both laughing as you then walk up to Leslie.

(Y/N): You know, they can be great friends when they get to know each other better.

Leslie: Yep.

You then one arm hug around Leslie as she blushes.

Afterwards We then See you and Lenna in Your Lab looking at Alrua in the Healing Chamber.

(Y/N): How's she doing?

Leena: Her vital signs are normal but she took a lot of damage from her fight with those Bad Kryptonians there no telling if she'll get her powers back or not once she's all healed up.

(Y/N): Well we can revive her with the leftover Kryptonian DNA we have and maybe give her powers back.

Leena: and use it to make a serum out of it right.

(Y/N): Yep but we're going to need a few things to make it stable. 

You then see two scientists Mr.and Mrs. Zuel in the newspaper at a science conference and you smirk knowing where to find the other components.

(Y/N): and I think I know where to find it.

The next day we Doris once again in the garage working out while video chatting with leslie

Leslie: You know Doris whole being nice thing isn't so bad.

Doris: Yeah and being friends with Be- er Karen feels kinda good and I've been giving her sports lessons ever since

Leslie: well that's nice of you to do that.

Doris: yeah it feels nice to do good deeds. Well talk to you later

Leslie: See ya

She then hung up and just as she was about to get back to working out she then heard you

???(Y/N): Hey Doris.

When Doris heard your voice and saw you outside of she immediately blushed red and let go of the Dumbbell

But right before it could land on her you caught it in the nick of time.

(Y/N): You should get a spotter next time you work out.

Doris: hehe spotter yeah hehe

(Y/N): *puts the Dumbbell back in place* okay with that aside there's something I need to ask you.

Doris immediately blushed even harder.

Doris: *in head* "Oh gosh is he gonna ask if I love him i'm- I'm not ready for this" u-um yeah w-what is it?

(Y/N): Your parents are scientists right?

Doris: those nerds? Um yeah they are why?

(Y/N): and they probably made a growth serum right?

Doris: oh yeah they did that's how I became Giganta in the first place.

(Y/N): Good to know . Uh can you show me where you got the serum.

Doris: Sure no probs.

Afterwards we then see You and Doris going to her house and then we then see you and Doris in her parents Lab where the growth serum is.

(Y/N): hmm not a bad setup here 

Doris: yeah my parents nerds but I'm not as smart as them considering I get F's

(Y/N): Doris you don't have to be like your parents your own person and who you are is just fine. And hey if it helps Karen can tutor you.

Doris: *gives you a friendly punch* Aw thanks Arachnid.

(Y/N): Anytime. Now about that Growth serum.

Doris: oh yeah it's right here

She then shows you where the growth serum was which was also next to a blue serum which was a brain growth serum.

(Y/N): *in head* Hmm Physical and mental Growth serums not bad Mr. And Mrs. Zuel. *Turns to Doris* hey Doris if you don't mind could I take some these vials with me do ya?

Doris:*blushes slightly pink*uh hehe sure anything for you.

(Y/N): thanks 

You then take out a briefcase and then start loading it with couple of the growth serums and brain serums and once you are finished you locked up the briefcase.

(Y/N): well I have what I got. Thanks for your help Doris 

Doris: anytime. Oh wait before you go there's something I want to give you.

(Y/N): what is it?

Doris: this.

She then pulls you down to her level and kisses you on the cheek.

(Y/N): *blushes a little* woah thanks

Doris: hehe you're welcome Arachnid.

(Y/N): Well I best be going now see ya

Doris: bye

Just when you were about to leave you remembered something.

(Y/N): oh wait before I go there's something I wanted to give you.

Doris: really? What is it?

(Y/N): *gives her an envelope with the Arachnid corp logo on it* here when you see your parents give them this and tell them its was a surprise from Arachnid corp.

Doris: sure.

Eventually you take your leave and headed back to the labs of Arachnid Corp.

(Y/N): Hey Leena I'm back

Leena: hey (Y/N). what's in the briefcase?

(Y/N): the stuff we need to return alura to the living.

Eventually you opened the briefcase and took out the chemicals you needed to bring Alura to life again.

Leena: Woah 

(Y/N): looks pretty good right?

Leena: yeah it does

(Y/N): yep. Okay take these and mix them with the Kryptonian DNA we have and be careful Leena I don't know what I would do if I get my number one assistance hurt because of me.

Leena: *hugs you* Aw don't worry (Y/N) I'll be careful and thanks for giving me that second chance when we first met.

(Y/N): *Hugs back* I know you will. Now let's get to business

Afterwards Leena and with some help from you made the life serum to bring Alura back from the dead.

(Y/N): there that should do it.

Leena: are you sure this is gonna work?

(Y/N): I'm positive it's gonna work.

Eventually you went to Alura's healing chamber and injected the serum into the chamber and it started to merged with Alura's body making her glow white

Leena: woah

Eventually the procedure was done and you and Leena Wait with baited breath to see what happened  and nothing happens for a few seconds till Alura's body started to move 

(Y/N): woah it's working 

Leena: she's coming around

Eventually once she started to move she opened her eyes to see you and Leena and she went to the glass and started to hit it indicating to release her.

Leena: it worked!

(Y/N): Yes it worked! We're genius! 

 You and Leena celebrated while Alura was starting to get impatient and hit the glass harder to get Leena and your attention and it worked 


(Y/N): Whoops almost forgot Leena if you would do the honors

Leena: Gladly

Eventually Leena went over to the healing chamber and opened it  releasing the Kryptonian and once she was released she sees you and immediately ran and hugged you and you hugged back

Alura: Thank you (Y/N) Arachnid for being me back!

(Y/N): Anytime Alura and it was thanks to your brilliant plan

Leena: hey what am I chopped Liver?!

Alura: oh sorry and your are?

Leena: I'm Leena Luthor (Y/N)'s Protege and I also helped too and it's nice to meet you Ms. Zor-el 

Alura: It's nice to meet you too. *Realizes something and turns to you* Wait. (Y/N) you saw Kara right? Where is she is she okay and what about Kal and what about-

(Y/N): woah woah easy there Alura Kara is fine and to answer your questions she was adopted by some parents that care for her and she goes to Metropolis High and Kal is doing fine too.

Alura: well that's relief but what about Jor-el is he-

(Y/N): I'm- I'm sorry Alura I couldn't save him

Alura: hey it's not your fault okay? He would have wanted me to move on.

(Y/N): I'm sure he would.

Alura: yes. With that aside is it okay to see my daughter again?

(Y/N): Um look Alura I know you wanna see Kara again and I would want you too but…

Alura: but?

(Y/N): you can't.

Alura: what?! Why not I'm fit as a fiddle now

(Y/N): Yes while that maybe true you have to stay here for the time being until your powers are strong enough and believe me when I say this I don't think Kara can't handle a surprise this big.

Alura:hmm your right I can't let Kara know I'm alive not just yet I'll be able to see her again right?

(Y/N): yeah you will. But if you feel any better me and Leena Made Android duplicates of your daughter and her friends

Eventually Android Supergirl came by and when she saw Alura she immediately ran and hugged Alura to which she hugged back

A.Supergirl: It's so good to see you again Ms.Zor-El

Alura: and it's good to see you too, even if your not the real Kara your real to me.. By the way I have to ask why did make Android versions of my daughter and her friends

(Y/N): me and Lenna actually built them to handle larger threats and as a contingency plan just in case if we ever need to escape Metropolis.

Leena: huh so that's why you built them, smart thinking (y/n)

(Y/N) Yep that's me always thinking ahead.

Meanwhile with Doris she was blushing bright red ever since she gave that kiss to you

Doris:*in her head* I can't believe it! I kissed (Y/N) my crush. 

As she was fantasizing about you Mr and Mrs. zuel came to check on her 

Mrs.Zuel: Hey sportsmonkey how's it going?

Doris:*snaps out of it* uh good you nerds oh and here Mr.Arachnid gave me this and said to give it you guys 

Eventually Doris gave the envelope to her parents and once they opened they were shocked to see what was in it.

Mrs.Zuel: Sweet Osmosis!

Mr.Zuel: I-I-I can't comprehend this!

Doris: what is it?

Eventually Doris went to see what her parents were so shocked about and once she saw it she went wide eyed to see it was a check for 100 trillion dollars and a note from you.

Doris: *reading the note* Hello Mr and Mrs Zuel if you're reading this then I would Like to congratulate you on your endeavor in science and hope this helps in your work and maybe two can work for me. Woah I know (Y/N) is nice but I didn't think he was that Generous. *In her head* he'll be my boyfriend someday'.

Meanwhile Mr and Mrs Zuel were celebrating that they were given this much money from you of all people.

A/N: Thanks to Dimitron75 and Freelancer1337 for their help you guys are the best.

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