Chapter 16

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You, Jessica, and Zee are helping Babs with the boxes for moving into Metropolis.

Jessica: Where do you want this lamp?

Babs then point at the dresser.

Babs: Oh, over there.

Zee: dnoura sith evlover!

Zee then use her magic to finish the whole room.

Zee: Well, what do you think?

Babs: it! It's even better than my old room. I'm starting to think Metropolis just might, sort of, possibly be a little bit better than Gotham.

Jessica then see you holding a box.

Jessica: Whoops, looks like we forgot one.

Jessica then use her ring and hand the box to Babs as Babs look into the box and found an old toy that looks like Batman and put on a saddened look.

Jessica: Is something wrong?

(Y/N): Why are you sad Babs?

Babs: No. It's just that I'll never forget that beautiful summer's day in Gotham city.

Flashback sequence

A younger Babs just saw the bat signal and she has the old toy with her.

Young Babs: "This is it, Bat Knight, old buddy, old pal. Tonight we show Batman what we got. Tonight, we cannot be denied. Tonight, we finally join Team Bat."

Later, she was on her bike finding the place where the crime is taking place, she then hear her father's voice from a walkie talkie.

Mr. Gordan: Batman, this is Commissioner Gordon. We're on our way, but you may have to stop the robbery on your own.

Young Babs: Not if I can help it.

When she arrived at the scene, she sees the criminal tied up to a lamppost and she sees Batman on the rooftops as she watched in awe. She then see him leave.

Young Babs: Wait, come back! You forgot your new teammate.

Then a kid in a red shirt, black mask, green gloves, and at a size a few inches smaller than Young Babs.

???(Robin): He's already got a teammate, twerp.

The kid then turn to see Bat Knight

???(Robin): Is that your little dolly?

Young Babs: Bat Knight's no dolly, he's my side-kick. My back up. He's the bomb!

Then the kid then laugh in a sarcastic tone.

???(Robin): ""Da bomb!" Face it, bat shrimp. Batman don't want no little baby girls crampin' his style. 

The boy wonder then use his grappling hook on a nearby rooftop.

???(Robin): So why don't you just go home and play with your little dolls?

He then laugh and swing away as Babs' father showed up. He then see Babs and get out of the car as she take off her helmet.

Mr. Gordon: Barbara, what are you doing here?

Babs then turned to her father in tears.

Young Babs: Dad?

Mr. Gordon: It's okay, honey. Oh, this is all my fault. I never should have agreed to work in such a horrible, crime-ridden place.

Young Babs: But Dad--

Mr. Gordon: I'm gonna get you outta here, Barbara. Gotham City is no place for a family.

After the sequence.

Babs: How did Robin get to be Batman's sidekick? He's not even on theme. So, after that, I worked and practiced and studied, improving my skills to get Batman to notice me. But then, we moved away before it could happen. And now...

Jessica: And now you have us!

(Y/N): Yeah.

Zee: And a night out at Sweet Justice.

Babs: Oh, man! You guys go without me.

(Y/N): Why?

Babs: Mom's working late, and in this house that means my dad and I are watching Princess Pumpkinpants tonight

(Y/N): Oh sweet, can I watch it with you?

The girls turn to you with a confused look on their faces.

Zee: You want to watch that show that is for little girls?

(Y/N): Why not?

Jessica: I thought that you should be into more manlier things like going to a shooting range or working out.

(Y/N): Oh please, I'm more than that girls and besides, I'm pretty sure Pumpkinpants reminds me of you Babs, cause you're so sweet.

Babs then blush a little as the other girls get a bit jealous.

Babs: Oh okay, you can watch the show with me and dad.

(Y/N): Awesome.

Later, Mr. Gordon setup everything for movie night while you sit next to Babs as he put the disc for the show as the tv show come on.

TV: "♪ Princess Pumpkin Pants ♪ Heiress to the crown ♪"

All: "♪ She's got a grin that's saccharin ♪ And sweetest in her town ♪"

Mr. Gordon: Oops, forgot the popcorn. Can't have movie night without popcorn.

Babs: No, it's okay, Dad.

(Y/N): I could go for some popcorn.

Then you and Babs hear something from the other room.

(Y/N): What's the sound?

Babs: "O-M-Jeepers, is that the Batphone?"

Babs then squeal in joy.

(Y/N): What's that for?

Babs: Whenever Batman needs help.

Babs then turn to her father.

Babs: Dad! Dad, phone! Dad! Dad, phone!

Babs tries to tell her father the bat phone is ringing, but to no avail.

(Y/N): Hey Why don't you answer it?

Babs: I don't think it's a good idea.

(Y/N): Someone has to answer it and you are a hero.

Babs: Alright.

Babs then sneak her way to the bat phone without having her father noticing. She then put on an impersonation of her father.

Babs: Commissioner Gordon here. What's shaking, Batman?

Batman then speak on the phone in an indistinct voice.

Babs: Uh, could you repeat that, Batman? I'm all old and stuff and my hearing's not so good.

Robin: Batman says there's a big-time villain headed your way. A Gotham villain, capisce? At the Metropolis pesticide plant. You gonna give us back-up or what?

Mr. Gordon: You want butter on your popcorn, Pumpkin Pants?

Babs: No, thanks.

Robin: What was that?

Babs then cleared her throat.

Babs: That was me, I call myself Pumpkin Pants sometimes. Anyhoo, gotta go. See you there.

Babs then run upstairs and grab Bat Knight and look out the window.

Babs: This is it, Bat Knight, old buddy, old pal. Tonight we're gonna show Batman what we got. Tonight we cannot be denied. Tonight we join...

Before Babs can finish her thought, she heard her father calling her.

Mr. Gordon: Popcorn time!

Babs then run back downstairs, sit back on the couch next to you and then pretend yawn.

Babs: Gosh, I'm pooped all of a sudden. I might turn in early.

Mr. Gordon: But what about movie night?

Babs: It was a good one. Good night!

Babs then run back upstairs.

Mr. Gordon: But... You love Princess Pumpkin Pants.

Mr. Gordon then put on a saddened look.

(Y/N): You still have me Mr. G.

Mr. Gordon: I know, but it's not the same without her.

Later, Babs then put on her bat suit and then pull a mailbox flag to reveal her bat cycle and then head to the pesticide plant as Mr. Gordon pick up the bat phone.

Mr. Gordon: Batman? Wait. What are you talking about? All right, but hurry up. I've got dishes to do.

Mr. Gordon then heads to his car and start it as you come up with an idea to get Batman to notice Babs and put on your superhero suit and head to Batman's lair. Later, Babs is on her way to get to the pesticide plant going through traffic.

Babs: If we pull this off, Bat Knight, I see big opportunities in our future. I see glory, I see...Dad?

Babs then spot her father next to her as he listens to the stereo

Stereo: Communicating With Your Teenage Daughter,chapter one. So, your little girl is growing up. Does it seem like she's avoiding you? Look around, she may be closer than you think.

Mr. Gordon then turn to see a bike without a driver as Babs was ducking. He then drive away as Babs heads into an alley and was about to hit a fence. She then use her grapple gun to traverse the rooftops and fall to the ground just before she pressed a button that inflate the tires to soften the landing and then deflated when she sticks the landing. She then spotted her father again and then hide behind a truck as Mr. Gordon adjusts the rearview mirror.

Stereo: It's quite common for your teenage daughter to look for ways to avoid you.

Babs then head to a bridge that is going up as she makes the jump for it by using nitro boosters and fly a great distance before running out of fuel and then falling down. She then break her fall by using a parachute and make a landing behind her father.

Stereo: In the end, she'll find her way back. Chapter two, Missing The Obvious.

Mr. Gordon then shrives away and left behind a soot cloud where his daughter is as Babs cough and got dirty from the cloud. She then head to Metro Mart to get some paper towels to clean herself off, she then spot her father holding a box of donuts.

Babs: Oh, come on!

Mr. Gordon then turn around only to see an open door. Before babe can leave, she let out the air of the front tires of her father's car.

Babs: Sorry, Dad, I love you, but you're totally smothering me.

Babs then drive away and head to the pesticide plant before Batman showed up.

Babs: Batman's not here yet. Score! He won't believe his eyes when he shows up and we've taken care of it.

What Babs doesn't know it, but Batman has arrived but he is at a spot where he can view the whole plant and he has you with him.

Batman: So What makes you think that Batgirl can be a good sidekick for me.

(Y/N):Kid has spirit I like it. Also Poison Ivy is in there.

Batman: Gotham's wanted criminal, why is she here?

(Y/N): Don't know don't care, but what is important is that you must watch what she's capable of.

Batman: Alright let's see what she can do and hey, it's nice to see you again old friend.

(Y/N): Feelings Mutual bud.

Later, there are plants sprouting all over the facility as baby was in the building looking for the villain.

Babs: All right, villain. Show yourself!

Then plants appear as Babs use her batarangs to cut the plants, but the plants overpower them as she makes a run for it across the facility  and she found the source of the plants, it was none other than Poison Ivy.

Babs: Poison Ivy!

Poison: How curious. For a moment there I could have sworn you were Batman.

Babs: Really? Was it the costume specifically, or the ninja skills, or...

Then Venus flytraps appear and try to eat Babs but Babs use her staff to get pass them and head to Poison Ivy. Poison Ivy then use a plant that shot toxic fumes at her and smack her with a plant. Babs then spot an exit and make a run for it.

Babs: Sorry, but I gotta make like a tree and leave.

Poison then surf on a vine and chase after Babs.

Babs: Race you to the finish vine.

Poison: Seriously?

Babs then ended up in a plant nursery as she see Poison gaining onto her. She then use a grappling hook to head to a nearby window and use her portable bat signal.

Babs: Where are you, Batman? Where are you, Bat signal?

Poison: That silly little thing only shines in the polluted skies over Gotham. I tried to save that toxic cesspool, but Gotham is lost. Nothing green will ever grow there again. I can still save Metropolis, though. Return it to the glorious forest it once was. Would you like to know how? By destroying all the pests! Humans are vermin in the garden of life. Locusts, termites, cockroaches! I'll exterminate them all. Nothing can stop me. Not even a silly little girl in a costume.

Babs then put on a saddened look as Bat Knight falls out of her belt as Poison pick it up.

Poison: What's this? You bought your dumb little dolly to fight me? You're even sillier than I thought.

Babs then put on a serious look on her face and come up with an idea.

Babs: He's not a dolly.

Babs then free herself and grab Bat Knight from Poison Ivy.

Babs: He's the bomb!

Babs pull the string on Bat Knight and throw him into a large container of chemicals.

Poison: No!

Then there was an explosion and the chemicals killed all the plant life, with the exception of Poison Ivy.

Poison: My darlings, what has she done to you?

She then notice Babs wearing a gas mask.

Poison: Huh?

Babs: "Not bad for a silly little girl and her dumb little dolly."

Poison Ivy then pass out as Babs use the dead vines to drag her along to the outside. She then see Batman standing in her path. He then walked over to her as she watched in awe.

Babs: Batman, you're here I don't believe it.

Batman: You must be Barbara Gordon, Batgirl.

Babs' eyes widen in shock about Batman knowing her secret identity.

Babs: How did you know who I am?

Batman: An old friend of mine told me a lot about you."/

Then you walked next to Batman.

(Y/N): Hey Babs, Batman is an old buddy of mine, we used to take the same classes.

Babs: (Y/N), you've been on Earth before?

(Y/N): let's just say It's not my first time on Earth.

Batman: You've proved that you can handle opponents that I fight, I'd say you're a better sidekick than Robin.

Batman then hand Babs a communicator.

Babs: A communicator?

Batman: In case I need you in the time of need, see ya.

Batman then use a grapple hook to head to a rooftop and head back to Gotham. Babs then hugs you very tightly.

Babs: Thank you so much (Y/N)!

(Y/N): You're welcome Babs.

Babs: What should we do about Poison Ivy?

(Y/N): Maybe she needs a good place to sleep, just leave her to me.

You then carry her on your back and fly to somewhere else as Babs' father pull in and see Batgirl as Babs see her father.

Babs: Dad?

Mr. Gordon: Batgirl? What are you doing here?

Babs then walk up to her father and then remove her mask to reveal her real identity as Barbara Gordon. This shocked Mr. Gordon as Batgirl was his own daughter.

Mr. Gordon: Barbara, your Batgirl?!?

Babs: Yeah dad, ever since that summer day in Gotham where you found me alone where you were trying to stop a crime, I was trying to get Batman to notice me as Batgirl and that is why I want to be a hero of a great city, that is why I am Batgirl.

Mr. Gordon: I understand I think your friend is still at the house, we can continue movie night when we get back to the house.

Babs: Okay dad.

Mr. Gordon: You know, you make a better sidekick for Batman, I always thought you were way more capable than that Robin twerp. He's not even on theme.

Babs: I agree and Angel dust came by and pick up the villain, he can handle her.

Mr. Gordon: Where do you think he's taking her?

Babs: I don't know.

Later, at a house that is covered in vegetation, you placed Poison Ivy in a human length plastic bucket filled with soil and you pour water on her from a watering can. Poison Ivy's eyes open and she wakes up, she feels like a train hit her in the face.

Poison: Ugh, what happened?

(Y/N): You passed out from all of those pesticides red so I brought you here, this place is like a greenhouse and the owner here is an expert on botany.

Poison: You, helped me, why?

(Y/N): Everyone deserves a helping hand, even people like you.

You then move a bit of her hair aside to reveal the rest of her face. She blushed from the sight of you.

(Y/N): You know, I draw power from the sun and so do you, I hope we can be friends.

Poison Ivy feels her heart pounding about having feelings for a being that she called a termite.

(Y/N): Well, gotta bounce, I'm heading to a friend's house for movie night, see ya.

You then fly away as Poison Ivy feels that she has a crush on you and then realized that she falls in love with a parasite of all plants.

Poison: I don't love that guy, he's like all the others: destructive, parasitic, handsome, beautiful, intelligent, funny, and and...Oh who am I kidding, I love him!

Later, you flew back to Babs' house and did a quick change back into your normal clothes. Then Babs and her father came back and you see Babs in her pajamas. Then they sat down and they have the popcorn on hand and they start the movie as Mr. Gordon turned to his daughter.

Mr. Gordon: "Everything okay, Pumpkin Pants?"

Babs: "Yeah, Dad. Just loving movie night."

Mr. Gordon: "Me, too."

All: "♪ Princess Pumpkin Pants Heiress to the crown ♪ She's got a grin that's saccharin ♪ And the sweetest in her town ♪"

A/N: Thanks to Freelancer1337 for letting me use his story as a guide your the best bro.

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