Chapter 24

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An old lady is walking around at night until she heard something behind her. Then a man appeared and looked down at her.

Random Thug: If you think of anything besides handing me your purse, trust me it ain't worth it.

Later, he took the woman's purse and take the money out of it.

Random Thug: Too easy.

Then he heard something and urn to the source of the sound. He then spot a dark figure in the alley.

Random Thug: Who are you, one of them superhero girls, alright I give up, take me in, doesn't matter, I will be back on the street in a week.

The figure didn't say anything.

Random Thug: I said I give up.

The figure then slash  the thug and take his soul and then leave.

The next day we see you and Cherri  at Diana fencing Class with you on the sidelines.

(Y/N): Whoo-hoo! Go Diana!

Cherri: Fight the good fight girl!

Diana:  Engard!

The fight was over in two seconds.

Diana: Haha, excellent work Nathaniel.

(Y/N): Ya nice work man.

Nathaniel: You're kidding, I lasted 2 seconds.

Diana: Yes, that lasted 2 twice as long as last time, does anyone request a rematch?

The other fencers left the room in a panic.

(Y/N): Wusses!

Cherri: Cowards!

Nathaniel: Sorry Diana, we're all done losing for the day, I assume you'll stay to train even though you beat the entire fencing club.

Diana: You assumed correctly.

Nathaniel: Turnout the lights when your done.

Nathaniel then leave the room as Diana turn to you.

Diana: So (Y/N) how are your powers doing 

(Y/N): Amazing ever since I absorbed Zod and Non's Souls my powers are stronger than ever

Diana: Can you demonstrate?

You then turn your arm into a blade with a pink auara around it

(Y/N): Like this.

Diana: Impressive.

Then you and Diana spot another fencer in the room.

(Y/N): Uh who's that?

Diana: Ah greetings are you new to the club?

You then sit on a bench as Diana then approach the fencer.

Diana: I joined recently I find this simulated combat most invigorating.

Then the fencer point their sword up in a preparation stance.

Cherri: Looks like they want to fight.

(Y/N): Yeah.

Diana: Very well then, we'll let these do the talking.

Then they both fence each other.

Diana: Very impeccable you're using the dandy technique yes?

???(Tatsu Yamashiro): I thought it was appropriate since I don't know your weaknesses now I do.

(Y/N): Keep it up D!

Diana then smiles.

???(Tatsu Yamashiro): Why are you smiling, I'm clearly better than you.

Diana: Do you think I have a chance, I fight left handed.

Diana then put her fencing sword into the other hand and then continue.

Diana: And I am not left handed.

???(Tatsu Yamashiro): Well then, there is something I must tell you.

Diana: You are not left handed either?

???(Tatsu Yamashiro): No I am, but there is something else I am not.

The figure then disarmed Diana and defeat her.

???(Tatsu Yamashiro): Distracted.

(Y/N): Good effort D.

Cheeei: Man that was amazing.

Diana: Touche, oh it's so thrilling to finally experience a loss, you are incredible Diana Prince.

(Y/N): (Y/N) Arachnid

Cherri: Cherri Bomb

Then the fencer remove the helmet and reveal herself to be a Japanese woman with long black hair.

???(Tatsu Yamashiro): Tatsu Yamashiro.

Then you all shake hands with Tatsu Yamashiro.

Tatsu: I just moved here from Japan, Diana, you're the first worthy opponent I have met.

(Y/N): Japan, that's nice for a nice girl like you.

Tatsu blushed from your compliment.

Diana: You must teach me how to parry like that one day.

Tatsu: How about now?

Diana and Tatsu ready their weapons as you and Cherri sit down on a bench and watch.

Tatsu: Watch my left foot carefully.

Then they fence until nightfall, then Diana disarm Tatsu and won. Then you and Cherri clapped.

(Y/N): Nice work D.

Tatsu: Great work, you are a quick study.

Diana: You're an excellent teacher.

(Y/N): Yo girls it's starting to get late

Diana then turn to the clock.

Diana: By Kronos, where has the time gone.

Then Diana grab her things from the locker.

Diana: I must be going, but it would please me greatly if we meet for a normal teenager activity, we could uh hmm.

(Y/N): We could stop by at Sweet Justice.

Cherri: What's Sweet Justice?

(Y/N): Best ice cream shop in the whole city.

Cherri: Alright.

Diana: True, but what do you do for amusement when you finished training.

Tatsu: I uh train more.

Diana: Ha I as well.

(Y/N): So do I, after some good eating.

Cherri: Same, welp I'm gonna head out see ya.

(Y/N): Bye Cherri.

Cherri then leave the room.

Later, you, Diana, and Tatsu are at Sweet Justice and you just ate 40000 bowls of ice cream as Tatsu was impressed by the many bowls of ice cream you ate.

Tatsu: I can't believe you eat so much.

You then finish your current bowl.

(Y/N): Boy that was good.

Tatsu: I never knew you eat that many bowls.

(Y/N): Hey Barry, can I have 400 more bowls please?

Later, you, Tatsu, and Diana are at the gym you all lifted weights, run up stairs to the top of the building, then Tatsu was punching your chest then Diana's chest then you punch Tatsu extremely hard by accident, then you all did yoga on an I-beam, then you did some mountain climbing and you're the first one to the top.

Later, at school, Jessica has planned a movie for everyone can watch.

Jessica:  Alright, it's settled, we are seeing Exploding Ninja Pirates From Outer Space 4, it has a great story for me and Cherri, lots of special effects for Karen and Steven, great costume design for Zee, a ton of action for Kara, and Babs' doesn't care what we see as long as she can sneak in a bucket of burritos.

You then turn to Babs stuffing a bucket of burritos into her backpack.

Babs: Soon my pretties, soon.

Kara: And we better have 300 buckets of popcorn.

Karen: Isn't that a bit much?

Kara: We're bringing (Y/N) along right?

They thought for a moment.

Jessica: Let's make it 600, just incase.

Jessica then turn to Diana.

Jessica: You sure you can't come Diana?"

Diana: I apologized, but I have already made plans with Tatsu.

Kara: Oh right your mysterious training partner, are we gonna meet this Tatsu.

???(Tatsu): If that is your desire.

Everyone then turn to Tatsu and she is not expressing emotion.

Babs: Ah wow, you just came out of nowhere.

(Y/N): Hey Tatsu.

Tatsu: Yes.

Jessica: It's nice to meet you, we've heard so much about you.

Then Jessica then gestured for a handshake as Tatsu put on a serious look.

Tatsu: Directed rumors will not be remembered, I will assure they will not speak again!

Jessica: No, we meant good things from (Y/N) and Diana.

Tatsu: Ah I see.

Zee: So, where are you from?

Tatsu: A place I could never return again.

Then Japanese music sounds off as the wind blows Tatsu's hair.

(Y/N): Where is the music coming from?

Cherri: Sorry about that, I'm using my dad's sound box again.

(Y/N):  Anyways, Tatsu is from Japan.

Tatsu then blushes in embarrassment.

Tatsu: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): What? It's true.

Cherri: That's amazing, I've read so much about your culture, did you know the Raiden: God of Thunder eats the stomachs of children.

(Y/N): And they have the best books!

Then Kara clears her throat.

Kara: Hey uh I didn't think it was possible, but (Y/N) and Diana said that you like training as much as they do.

Tatsu:  The strong are driven by discipline, not desire.

(Y/N): Tatsu also reads manga about cute animals.

Tatsu blushes from what you said.

Tatsu: No matter how much I tried, the cuteness overpowers me.

(Y/N): if it makes you feel better I also read manga about cute animals too

Diana: Is she not great?!

Everyone was hesitant about Tatsu, except you and Cherri

Later, Diana and Tatsu are at the gym boxing against each other, but Tatsu is feeling a bit sad. Then Diana is taking notice of this.

Diana: Is something wrong Tatsu, you've not punch me in the face once.

Tatsu: I do not believe I made a good impression on your friends.

Diana: What do you mean?

Tatsu: Ever since leaving home, I have had trouble fitting in, people think I'm always I'm strange or too intense.

Diana: One can be too intense?

Tatsu: "Exactly, you and (Y/N) gave me hope that Metropolis would be different, but once again destined to be alone."

Diana: I love my friends and (Y/N) as well, but I must confess, I too feel out of place in my new home as no one truly understands me, but you and (Y/N) do and you understand me and (Y/N) and I  understand you, then at least we have each other.

Tatsu: I am glad for your friendship Diana Prince.

Diana: And I yours, now lets try most vigorously injure one another!

Later, at the movie theater, you, Cherri, and the girls just finished watching the movie.

Babs: I didn't hate it, it felt like it's a setup for Exploding Ninja Pirates From Outer Space 5.

Cherri: And the effects were cool!

(Y/N): And I had the best popcorn.

Then you and Kara hear something.

(Y/N): Shut up guys.

Kara: Yo, quiet for Super Hearing.

Then you and Kara hear a break-in at the jewelry store.

Kara: The jewelry store!

(Y/N): Typical Selina, always getting the best jewelry.

Jessica: Should we get Diana?

Kara: "No time, let's do this!

Then you all did a quick change and head to the jewelry store.

Kara: Alright Catwoman, you pick the wrong night to-

Then everyone see Catwoman laying face first on the floor.

Kara: Fall asleep mid-robbery?

(Y/N): The heck?

Then you all turn Catwoman over and see that her eyes were glowing light blue. Then Kara poke her with a stick until Jessica slap her hand and check Selina's pulse.

Karen: Is she?

Jessica: No she's alive, I'm actually not sure what's wrong with her.

Cherri: She looks like she drank too much milk

(Y/N): hmm Zee, can you check what's wrong with Selina?

Zee then scan Selina.

Zee: Anaho, okay this isn't good, someone used dark magic, I mean the real icky stuff, to take her soul!

Everyone then looked at you

(Y/N): what?

Babs: Hey (Y/N) when we are the movies you didn't happen too-

(Y/N): No besides when I absorb someone's souls they stay trapped forever. And besides the only two souls that I have are Zod and Non's souls

Karen: Now What?

You then pick up Selina as everyone head out of the store.

Kara: We really leave her for the cops?

Jessica: They wouldn't know what to do, she'll be stuck like this forever.

(Y/N): I'm not sure about that.

Kara: Gah fine, but you do realize that this is just like that one scene from Exploding Ninja Pirates From Outer Space 2, and remember how that turned out?"l

Jessica: The first thing we need is a safe place to keep her.

Babs: Oh so we need to hide a body, no problem, I grew up in Gotham, besides it's just one mislay body.

Then Babs trip over Harley Quinn's body and then gasp. You then see incomplete graffiti art that says: Batman Droo.

Zee: You were saying.

(Y/N): Harleen too.

Karen: Now, now what?

Then Jessica get her van and open the trunk.

Jessica: I don't know about this, I'm not suppose to have friends in my moms car, much less soulless super villains.

Then you and Jessica see Kara putting lipstick on Selina.

(Y/N)/Jessica: Supergirl, stop that!

Zee: Is that my lipstick!?

Cherri: and mine?!

Kara then hand them back to Zee and Cherri.

Kara: Sorry.

Babs: Relax GL, everything is gonna be fine, it's a short trip to my house and besides it's just two mislay bodies.

Kara was about to put Harleen and Selina into the van until Giganta fell onto the vehicle and crush it with her weight.

(Y/N): They got Doris too!

Zee: I'm detecting a pattern.

Karen: Now, now, now what!?

Then you see a second van coming in and Cherri recognizes it as his own father's van. Zeus then came out of the van.

Zeus: Cherri

Cherri: Dad, what are you doing here?

Zeus: I came by to visit Metropolis.

Then Zeus sees the soulless bodies of Harley Quinn, Catwoman, and Giganta.

Zeus: Uh?

(Y/N): Do you have room in your van for all of us?

Zeus: Probably?

Later, everyone is in the van and Zues  is heading to Babs' house and Jessica is not happy.

Babs: So we have to hide three bodies, big deal."l

Zeus: What, it is a big deal, do you do this everyday Cherri?

Cherri: No this is new.

(Y/N):  I hope they're okay.

Babs: Back home we hide three bodies before breakfast.

Then Zeus stop the van as he see the bodies of Live Wire, Ursa, Lena, Cheetah, Star Sapphire, and Poison Ivy.

Zeus: Oh no, how did this happened!?

(Y/N): How could this get any worse?

Cherri: "Take it back before you jinx it Honey!

Karen: Now, now, now, now what?

Later, you, Zues, Cherri and the girls finally reached to Babs' house. You all took the bodies to Babs' room as you inform Mr. Gordon about the situation.

(Y/N): We are taking these bodies to Babs' room for investigation, they're alive, they're just soulless.

Mr. Gordon: I see, mind if I help you?

(Y/N): Sure, you can help them."l

You point at Steven, Kara, and  Zues pushing Doris' body upstairs.

Later, all the villains are in Babs' room.

Babs: Mission accomplished.

Jessica sees Kara using a hairspray to give Carol a weird hairstyle.

Jessica: Supergirl, come on!

Then Carol flop onto the pile.

Karen: Wait, we're missing one, where's Poison Ivy?

(Y/N): I got her.

Everyone sees you carrying Poison Ivy in a bridal position and you place her on the pile.

Karen: Now, now, now, now, now what?

Zeus: Can we just call Wonder women?

Cherri: she's on her way.

Later, at the gym, Diana and Tatsu are fencing and Diana's phone rang. Later, Diana head to Babs' house and see the soulless bodies of Super-villains.

Diana: What is going on here?

Babs: What don't you get, we found a bunch of villains missing their souls and decided to stash them here until we can fix them.

You then turn to Zeus.

(Y/N): This might be a bit dangerous Zeus you stay here

Zeus: Got it

Later, you, Cherri, and the girls are looking all over the rooftops for the person responsible for the soul stealing.

(Y/N): Keep your eyes open everyone.

Diana: This villain is targeting other villains, we must find the next target before anyone else loses their soul.

Babs: "No offense (Y/N)

(Y/N): Non taken

???(Katana): "Villains!"

You all turn to a girl with a white mask, samurai armor, red boots, and a sword.

???(Katana): Your souls are tainted and now they will be mine.

Kara: Sorry sis, I like my soul right where it is.

Kara then attack the girl as she launched an energy attack at Kara.

(Y/N): Whoah!

Diana: Supergirl!

Then Kara's soul went into the girl's sword as Kara's body lands on the rooftop.

Babs: Well, at least we know where the souls are now.

Zee: Let's show this one trick pony what real magic looks like!

(Y/N): Be careful!

Zee: Yowah!

Zee then launch an energy attack at the girl as Jessica catch her in a net.

Babs: Yeah!

Then the girl brakes free and launch the same attack at Zee and Jessica and take their souls. Then Cherri and Umbra get ready for battle, when Cherri summons a shield, the girl then recognizes the Bomb

???(Katana): Cherri, my ancestors hunted you down for generations and now I found you!

Umbra then attacks with a sonic roar as the girl dodge his attack and then use the same attack that took the souls of the other girls. Cherri tries to block the girl's attack but failed to block it.

(Y/N): Cherri!

Then the girls hug you in fear.

Karen: Now, now, now, now, now, now what?!

(Y/N)/Diana: RUN!

You and the girls started running until the girl use the same attack to take Babs' and Karen's souls. Then you start to fight her stayed behind to fight the mysterious stranger.

(Y/N): You're not gonna take anyone else's soul while I'm still breathing!

???(Katanna): Let's agree and disagree.

You then charge at her as she uses the same technique to try to take away your souls away but it didn't work so you faked it  as Diana hide from the stranger.

???(Katana): you'll never escape my blade. Soultaker will find you!

Then the stranger leaves as Diana look at the soulless bodies of you and the others.

Diana: My friends, my love. I...I lead you to this. What have I done? Now, now, now, now, now...what?

Later, Diana took all of the bodies back to Babs' house as Zues sees his soulless daughter and son-in-law

He then hug the bodies as Diana explains everything. Later, at the Metropolis Library, Diana is looking for away to get you and everyone back.

Diana: I have to save my friends. To have any chance of doing that... I must know what I am facing."l

Diana then found the same sword from last night.

Diana: "The Soultaker". A samurai blade...forged in the 14th century......during the time of war...By the legendary Swordsmith Muramasa Sanko...the sword is rumored to steal the souls of its enemies... these souls can only be freed of whoever wield soultaker say the following incantation.

Diana sees the incantation, but she can't read Japanese.

Diana: Ugh, it's written in Japanese Kagi, maybe Tatsu would know.

Diana then try calling Tatsu but instead she makes a call to someone else by mistake and make a loud noise. She then tries to turn off the music as Tatsu notices Diana.

Tatsu: Diana?

Phone: You've reached the Metropolis department of water and power.

Diana: Hello Tatsu, I was just trying to call you!

Phone: If you know your party extension, please enter it now.

Then the librarian points to a sign that says no cell phones.

Diana: Oh my apologies!

Phone: Turn left on longshore avenue.

Diana then bang her phone on the table.

Phone: Recalculating.

Diana: Silence!

Tatsu then tap on Diana's shoulder and turn off Diana's phone. Then they talk in a whisper tone.

Diana: What are you doing here?

Tatsu: Training the mind is just as important as training the body.

Diana: Ha, we are so alike!

Tatsu: Why were you trying to call me?

Diana: I'm require your help to translate a passage from Japanese.

Tatsu sees the sword that she recognizes as Soultaker.

Tatsu: Why are you interested in Soultaker?

Diana: How did you know about Soultaker?

Then Diana then realized something.

Diana: It's you, you're the stranger from the roof!

Tatsu: And you're the villain that got away!

Diana: I thought we were friends Tatsu.

Tatsu: So did I, which is why I take no pleasure in this!

Then Diana and Tatsu fight each other, Diana then throw a limo at Tatsu as she dodge it and attack Diana, she then launch her to the info stand as the librarian shushes them and point to a sign that says no loud fighting.

Tatsu: Sorry, sorry.

Diana: Does that say-

The librarian shushes Diana as she talk in a whisper.

Diana: Does that say no loud fighting?

Librarian: It's troublish, it's the best we can hope for.

Then they step in between bookshelves and quietly fight each other.

Diana: You stole the souls of my friends and my soulmate!

Tatsu: They were interfering with my mission, and now so are you, wait that boy is your soulmate?

Tatsu then launch books at Diana as she catch all of them, including the book titled The Art of Distraction for every occasion by Luke Aup. Then Tatsu try to punch Diana as she open the book  close it on Tatsu's fist, then dust went into Tatsu's nose and she was about to sneeze, but Diana prevented her to sneeze. Then they shake the bookshelf as a statue was shaking, they went up the shelf and stop it from rocking as the bookshelf knockdown the other bookshelves like dominoes. Then the librarian kick the two girls out.

Tatsu: Sorry, sorry, we are so sorry!

Diana: We are both much more respectful of rules.

Then they turn to each other with a menacing glare.

Tatsu: So it has come to this.

Tatsu then change into her own outfit.

Tatsu: I am Katana, my mission is to find villains and punish them for their evil deeds and that is what a hero does.

Then the sword glows in a bright light as Tatsu struggles to hold it.

Tatsu: What is going on!?

Then you came out of the sword with six arms now and you also have a halo above your head. You then land next to Diana as Tatsu was in disbelief from what she is seeing.

Tatsu: What, how?!

(Y/N): Wow, this is new.

Diana then hugs you tightly.

Diana: (Y/N), you have returned!?

Tatsu: (Y/N), oh no.

Tatsu then realized that she took the soul of her own crush as Diana turn to Tatsu.

Diana: You are wrong about that.

Diana then did a quick change into her hero outfit.

Diana: Heroes don't punish, they protect the innocent, now hand over your sword  so we can free those who are trapped inside!

You then harden both of your arms.

(Y/N): Hand it over Tatsu, you're outnumbered.

Tatsu: You desire my blade, come and get it!

Then you and Diana attack Tatsu and fight her for awhile, until Tatsu disarm Diana from her shield. Diana then disarm Tatsu's sword as you and Diana went after it, then Tatsu smiled and grab the both of you and throw you both on the ground and catch Soultaker.

Tatsu: You have good hearts (Y/N) and Diana, and for that reason I will not take your souls.

(Y/N): You already took my soul Tatsu.

Tatsu: And now you're a soul without a body, I apologize (Y/N).

(Y/N): Cherri is still in that sword, you have to let her out!

Tatsu: That I cannot do, that demon doesn't deserve to be roaming on these grounds!

(Y/N): Cherri Bomb is the daughter of Zeus and she has a heart of gold and my first girlfriend/Alpha

Tatsu: She is demon I have brought Justice

(Y/N): NO, I know Cherri Bomb when I was a kid, she's a good person and a great girlfriend she never do anything bad

Tatsu: You might as well give up now, you cannot defeat me.

Diana: Perhaps, but will not allow our friends to be trapped in that sword!

Then Tatsu attack both you and Diana at once.

Tatsu: You do not understand, free one soul you free them all, you cannot release your friends without releasing the souls of hundreds of evildoers, I cannot allow that!

Tatsu then disarm Diana's sword as you and Diana head to it, but Tatsu jump in front of it.

Tatsu: I have met heroes like you before, your methods are weak and allow villains to return again and again, my methods actually work.

(Y/N): Oh yeah, well look what your methods done to me!

Tatsu: Once again I apologize (Y/N).

Then Tatsu see a guy with a crowbar and trying to break into a car.

Tatsu: Take this lawbreaker for example, one strike from me and he will never steal another car again.

You and Diana step in the way of Tatsu's target.

Diana: STOP, you cannot do this!

(Y/N): You have to spare him.

Tatsu: You beg for this criminal's soul?

Diana: Not his soul yours, if you continue as judge, jury, and executioner, you should be no better than the villains you punish.

(Y/N): If you continue this path, you yourself be a villain.

Tatsu then use the same technique to take away the man's soul but you among block the attack.


Tatsu: (Y/N)!

You then turn to Diana.

(Y/N): Tell Tatsu, I forgive her.

Then you turn into an orb of energy and head into the sword as Tatsu put on a saddened look and turn to the lawbreaker.

Random guy: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just lock my keys in the car.

Tatsu: This is your car, you're not a thief?

Random Guy: No, you can have it alright, just don't do that to me!

Tatsu: Be gone, now!

Then Diana walk up to Tatsu with a saddened expression.

Tatsu: What have I done.

Diana: (Y/N) said that he forgives you.

Tatsu then blushes from the thought that you forgive her. Later, Tatsu and Diana are at a dojo where Tatsu lives and they made an entire shrine for the ritual.

Diana: It's ready.

Tatsu then pull out Soultaker and then speak the incantation.

Tatsu: *Japanese chanting*

Then the sword glows.

Tatsu: *Japanese chanting* I command you all, vacate the sword and return to life!

Then a large beam of light of souls return to their bodies, including yours and the others as Zeus sees this.

Cherri: Ugh, what happened?

Zeus: Cherri!

He hugged  Cherri very tightly as you get up and see the girls are alright.

(Y/N): Well done Tatsu, well done.

Later, back at Tatsu's dojo, Diana then got a text from you assuring that you are alive.

Diana: He's alive!

Tatsu: What (Y/N) did for that man inspired me, he did not punish he protected, you were right, that is true heroism.

Diana: What will you do now?

Tatsu: Welp, I did just freed hundreds of criminals, someone should start recapturing them, this time I will do this the right way, not as an executioner but as a hero, Soultaker, it is the source of my power, how can I show that responsibility without it.

You then teleported into the dojo and leaned against the wall with arms crossed under your chest

(Y/N): Can't protect people from criminals with just hands.

Diana: (Y/N) is right, you will not have to, Soultaker can be a force for good.

Tatsu: But how?

Diana: We will train.

(Y/N): And I know a good technique that can strengthen the sword.

Later at Babs house, you teleported yourself, Tatsu, and Diana in the living room and head upstairs and see the girls are alright.

Kara: Ow my head, ugh, magic is the worst!

Zee: Uh hello, I'm right here.

Umbra then yawns and then take a nap as the girls turn to the villains.

Kara: Soooo.

Selina: Let us never speak of this again.

Kara: Works for me.

Babs: Uh huh, great idea.

Doris: Yep, yep, good call.

Then Carol admires her new hairstyle.

Carol: Ha, I don't hate this.

Then you, Diana, and Tatsu enter the room.

(Y/N): Glad that everyone is okay.

Diana: Indeed.

(Y/N): And villainesses, meet Katana aka Tatsu Yamashiro, she's the one who took your souls and gave them back.

Cherri: AH, don't hurt me!

Tatsu:  Calm down cherri, I apologize for stealing your soul and mistaken you as a Villain

Cherri: I'm used to that.

(Y/N):  Well villains be on the lookout, cause Katana will be a hero again without soul stealing.

Villains: Noted.

A/N: Thanks Freelancer1337

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