Chapter 29

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"At a classroom"

Mr Chaplin: The egg. This is your assignment while your regular teacher is out. I don't know about home ect I'm more of a auto shop guy, so I looked online.

Most of the class didn't care, some paid attention and some fell asleep, while you and Oliver were texting on your phone.

Mr Chaplin: Now I know many of you people don't know responsability or protecting the helpless, but I know you care about grades. So you're going to partner up and bring the egg on Monday… In tact or else. And don't think about breaking it and buying a new, cause I stamped them all.

Babs then looked at her egg and it had the face of Mr Chaplin.

Mr Chaplin: Alright, here's the teams: Diana Prince and Karen Beecher.

Both of them were excited.

Mr Chaplin: Hal Jordan-

Carol was all smiles.

Mr Chaplin: And Selina Kyle.

Carol then looked flustered and Selina wasn't impressed.

Hal: Hey.

Carol got jealous while Selina didn't care and rolled her eyes away.

Mr Chaplin: Barbara Gordon and Garth… Do you even have a last name?

The two looked at each other and Garth chuckled.

Mr Chaplin: Zee Zatara and Oliver Queen.

The two had shocked expressions and looked at each other before looking away while crossing their arms.

Mr Chaplin: Tatsu Yamashiro and Leslie Willis.

Leslie tried to snatch the egg but Tatsu caught it and looked at her partner who was grinning

Mr Chaplin: Jessica Cruz and Pam Isley.

Jessica was happy, while Pam wasn't. Jessica went on to hug Pam tightly.

Mr Chaplin: Carter Hall and Barry Alan.

Barry was desperate to get a high five from Carter but no response from him and Barry was sad.

Mr Chaplin: Carol Ferris and Doris Zeul, and since Doris is skipping as usual Carol. It looks like you were destined to be alone.

She couldn't help but cringe at that statement.

Y/N: Cheer up Carol, you are never alone when I am around.

She then looked at you and smiled.

Mr Chaplin: And finally Kara Danvers, Harleen Quinzel and Y/N Arachnid.

Y/N: Crud.

Then both Kara and Harleen woke up from they're sleep and they were in shock.

Mr Chaplin: We good? We good.

Diana and Karen looked at each other.

Karen: Man this is great, we're gonna get A's for sure. I've been working on 3D packing peanuts that are more shock observant.

She then moved her desk closer to Diana.

Diana: And I have been raising griffins from eggs ever since I was 170.

Karen: This is going to be the easiest-

The egg suddenly fell from the desk.

Karen: Crud.

Tatsu couldn't help but smile.

Tatsu: At last, my chance to stop Diana Prince from victory… Is at hand.

Leslie then approached her.

Leslie: Well put her there… Partner.

She offered a handshake and Tatsu accepted it but the egg was in Leslie's hand and it broke, Tastu looked at her hand and Leslie chuckled.

(Y/N): You do know that both of you failed the project right?

Jessica: Isn't this exciting? We're going to spend the weekend together, hanging out, taking care of our egg and-

She then noticed the egg was missing, but she didn't know Pam was eating it.

Jessica: Wait, where's our egg?

Pam then burped at Jessica who got disgusted and Pam smiled.

Barry: This is super cool man…

He whispered to Carter.

Barry: Your Hawkman…

He then pulled away.

Barry: And that means you know all about eggs, and birds and stuff.

He then put the egg on Carter's seat.

Barry: So, all you gotta do is keep sitting on that egg till Monday and boom, easy A.

Carter broke the egg on his pants and got up so he could see his pants were stained and looked at Barry and growled.

Barry: Bad call? Bad call…

Then you, Kara and Harleen were with Mr Chaplin.

Y/N: Come on guys, it won't be so bad.

Harleen: Are you kidding?

Kara: We gotta switch partners dude.

Mr Chaplin: Mr dude.

Harleen: I can't work with them! She's got emotional problems and he is very hot. Let me be with Carol instead.

Mr Chaplin: Nope, Carol is alone.

Carol: I am not alone!!!

Y/N: Guys as much as I hate this, but let's work together.

Mr Chaplin: Thank you, Y/N. Listen you two, your both one F away from summer school. So you spend the next two days together or you'll spend the next three months together. Got it?

Then the two sighed in defeat and shook hands.

Y/N: That's more like it.

You hugged them and they blush and look away.

"Next day"

You, Kara and Harleen were in the mall and you collected boxes and materials needed to keep the egg safe till Monday. Harleen was in a shopping cart and laughed while Kara pushed the cart out of the shop and you slowly followed them. But the cashier accidentally shoved the egg into a box and it fell down, he then packaged the box and put it on the conveyor belt and it went all the way to a truck for Lex Corps.

Harleen: We ain't going to summer school. 3X

You then slowly walked with them but you eyed Selina walking with the egg while being pissed off, then Hal followed her.

Hal: So you won the partner lottery, huh?

Selina wasn't impressed.

Hal: Relax babe, we got this. Your a chick and you know all about the whole nurchering thing.

She then had a shocked expression.

Hal: You should try smiling more.

Then you walked to them.

Y/N: Hey guys.

Selina looked at you and blushed.

Hal: Hey Y/N, what's up?

Y/N: Nothing much, stuck with Kara and Harleen for the weekend and it's going well between the two.

Hal: Cool, me and Selina have everything under control.

Carol: There you are Hal Jordan!

Hal was shocked and hid behind you and Selina, while Carol came with a baby trolley and the egg had a small shirt.

Carol: Hey Y/N!

She then grimaced.

Carol: Oh…Hello Selina…

Selina rolled her eyes.

Hal: Oh… Uhh… Hey Carol, how did you know I'd be at the mall?

She giggled.

Carol: You always leave your house for the third
Saturday in the month, duh.

Y/N: Wow, she knows you good.

Carol: Now can you watch Hal Jordan Jr tonight? I have to work.

She pointed at the egg which was in the trolley.

Hal: Hal Jordan… Jr?

You cackled at Hal's expense and Carol came close to him.

Carol: Yeah, he's just like you… Delicate, round and so cold.

Hal then looked at you and Selina. Selina wasn't impressed while you couldn't help but stop laughing.

Hal: Like your any help, Y/N.

Y/N: The lady wants you to watch her baby while she Runs some erands.

Carol: True, and that's why Y/N is valuable to me too.

She blushed and Selina looked at her with a hint of jealousy.

Hal: Uhh, look I got my own egg to worry about, alright? Yeah, Selina is all nurchery and stuff, but she's a few eggs short and dozen, you know what I am saying.

He did the cuckoo gesture with his left hand, Carol looked at Selina with a arrogant smirk and you facepalmed. Selina then shoved Carol away and then smashed the egg at Hal's shirt and left.

Hal: Meow.

Carol got up and was jealous.

Y/N: You're such an idiot, Hal. Hope you have a good day Carol.

Carol: Thanks Y/N.

You left and ran up to Selina who was still pissed off.

Y/N: Selina wait!

She stopped and looked at you.

Y/N: Listen, I appreciate you hitting Hal with the egg, but I am worried for you that you will go to summer school.

She rolled her eyes. .

Selina: Don't worry about me, Y/N. I know my ways I'll be fine.

Y/N: Alright, oh and one thing.

You then put a finger in her lips and she blushed, you turned her frown into a smile.

Y/N: Never leave without a smile.

You winked at her and she blushed heavily.

Selina: Bye.

She left and you then saw Zee and Oliver together.

Zee: Okay, we can both agree that I despise you, right.

Oliver: Yes… Wait what?

Zee: So, the only way I see this working is if we treat it like an acting exercise. I'll play the role of mother and you play the role of a father and we'll just have to keep the baby safe till Monday. Got it?

Oliver: Of course, I can play father in my sleep. I just need to come up with a tragic backstory.

Zee snatched the egg from Oliver's hand and he scowled and they went to a table where Babs and Garth were sitting as they put their egg in a baby carrier.

Zee: Hey guys, how's it going for you?

Babs: So good! Garth had this whole baby carrier around so it's totally gonna get us the A.

Garth: Yup… *chuckles* My mom had this baby stuff in my room… For me to use instead of getting normal stuff… *chuckles* So lucky…

Oliver then came in.

Oliver: Oh so your mother has affection for her offspring? How novel.

He snatched Garth's drink and he starts drinkng it while staring daggers at Zee.

Y/N: Hey guys, how's it going?

Babs: It's going great! How are you with Kara and Harleen doing with your egg?

Y/N: I am doing fine, I was with them until I saw you guys and wanna drop in and say hi.

You then saw Oliver and Zee starting at each other.

Y/N: Zee, why so long?

Zee: Nothing, Y/N. It's just the "father" seems to be more of a drama act than a parent to our egg.

Oliver: Absolutlely not! I can assure you that I am more than that, my fellow Y/N.

Y/N: I have to side with her this time. You can be a drama queen at times.

Then everyone at the table laughed at Oliver who gritted his teeth

Babs: So Garth, can I take the thing with the egg on patrol tonight, I gotta introduce it to the "life".

Garth had a shocked expression.

Garth: No, you can't take her… Uhhh, I mean it crime fighting, it's too dangerous.

Y/N: Truth.

Zee: He's got a point, Babs. It's an easy A if you just make it to Monday.

Oliver: Ha, yes. Let's not forget about the grade, wouldn't want to mistake that we care. Wouldn't we, mother?

He turned around while crossing his arms and Zee got pissed off.

Zee: Can't we just… Have… A MEAL?!

Then everyone on the mall looked at them as the center of attention.

Y/N: Zee, chill.

Oliver: Oh well, not that's just lovely. In front of our friends too.

Babs then grabbed Garth's hand and both were afraid and you face palmed at Oliver. Then the two began arguing until you saw Harleen and Kara back at the shop leaving as they had worried looks on they're faces.

Y/N: I'll see you on Monday fellas, bye.

Babs: Bye.

You then walked to the worried girls

Kara: The egg is not there. What are we going to do? Think Quinzel. Think!

Kara was worried while Harley was looking inside a trash bin and upon getting out of it she had a banana peel on her head and she started thinking.

Y/N: Hey Kara, what's the matter?

Kara: We lost the egg, Y/N. We're so going to get busted and spend three months at summer school.

Y/N: I thought you had it.

Kara: No, I thought you had it.

Harley was looking at the other students who had eggs, one by one and she smirked and looked at the two of you.

Harleen: Hey Y/N and Danvers. I bet you two wanna stay out of summer school.

The two of you smirked.

"At Garth's house"

Garth was in his room with a baby cradle and put the egg there while singing, he then pat it and kissed it before leaving the room while singing more. The door was closed and you, Kara and Harleen appeared on the window of his room, Kara trying stealing it but she couldn't.

Kara: I can't do it. I can't steal, there has to be another way…

Then she looked at you.

Y/N: Don't look at me, I am done with burglary.

Kara then looked at Harleen.

Kara:... Like you stealing.

Harleen: Gladly.

She rubbed her hands with joy and tried grabbing it but the egg was gone.

Harleen: Hey, what gives?

Y/N: Guys, look!

Then they saw another window behind Garth's bed opened and the wind blew on the curtains.

Kara: Looks like someone had the same plan.

"At Babs' side"

She was dressed as Batgirl while riding her motorbike and had the egg in front.

Batgirl: I want you to live life egg. Live life!

Then the bike tripped on a small hole and the egg bounced off.

Babs: No!

She stopped but a Steel fence was blocking her and the egg landed safely on the ground and it didn't break.

Babs: Yes!

Then the egg rolled away from her and fell down to a wood chipper.

Babs: No!

But the egg got out unharmed.

Babs: Yes.

Then the egg landed on a road and it was crushed by a Lex Corps truck.

Babs: No! I mean yes. I mean NOOO!

The egg was all cracked up and lying on the road.

"The next morning"

Carol knocked on the door and Hal opened it and he was very tired and had groaned a small beard and he rubbed his right eye, Carol then shoved the egg to his face.

Carol: I've taken a morning shift so I need you to watch Hal Jordan Jr for me, Hal Jordan.

She crossed her arms and closed her eyes and Hal closed the door and she let out a small groan.

"At Zee's apartment"

You and the two girls sneaked on the door where Zee lives.

Y/N: Are you sure that this will work.

Kara: Trust me, it will.

Harleen: Okay, you two distract her while steal her egg… And all her other stuff!

Kara smiled while you rolled your eyes.

Oliver: You don't know the first thing about raising an egg.

You and Harleen had wide eyes.

Oliver: You'd probably put it in the carten and drop it in the fridge till Monday if I haven't been watching.

Zee: Oh, how dare you!

Then smashing was heard inside the apartment.

Oliver: You hide behind your big hair and you're… You're… Allitritive name and you think you can just walk all over me!

Zee screamed and more smashing was heard and you and the girls were scared on the outside of the apartment.

Harleen: You know, I think I know where there is another egg.

Y/N: Let's just go.

Kara: Right behind ya.

You three then sneak off to safety.

Oliver: You can't hide there all day Zee! I will see my egg!

"At Hal's house"

Hal was still sleepy and he was making his own shake, you and the two girls appeared on his window on the kitchen and watched him crack two more eggs until he unsuspectedly grabbed the egg Carol gave him and he cracked it.

Y/N: Oh no…

Harleen/Kara: No!!!

It was too late as the blender was on and the egg was gone, only his shirt remained. Then the scene changed into a blender from Sweet Justice and Barry got it and poured it in a big cup and gave it to Oliver who had his hair messed up.

Oliver: Leave it. .

Barry: But Oliver-

Oliver: I said… Leave it…

He did was his friend requested and lended him the blender and Oliver grabbed it.

Oliver: Look at me Barry. Look what she did. The shell of the man I once was.

He hit the table out of frustration and Barry cackled.

Barry: Shell, I get it.

Then Hal barged in.

Hal: You guys! Does this look okay?

He showed the destroyed all "fixed*. But it busts open again.

Hal: I knew it, Carol is gonna kill me.

He then gets shoved by Zee.

Zee: I've speaking with my attorney and I have agreed to partial custody.

She gave him one half of the egg but it was boiled. You and the two girls were on a window.

Harleen/Kara: No!!!!!

Kara then fainted but you caught her and she looked at you and she blushed.

Oliver: Did you hard boiled our egg?

Zee: Of course I did, you blithering-

She had wide eyes and showed her half of the boiled egg.

Zee: Oops.

Then everyone was outside Sweet Justice, most of them sad and some were angry.

Babs: Looks like we have to face it. We all messed up and there is no way any of us can walk in class tomorrow and get a passing grade.
Kara: And we have to hang out like this for months.
Harleen: I know!

The two hugged and began crying and you hugged them.

Y/N: Oh cheer up guys, I think that a miracle will pop out at any second.

They continued crying and then a Lex Corps truck comes out of nowhere and accidentally drops a box, the same box where the egg of the trio lost at the mall and everyone looked at it with shock. Then everyone looked at it and then at each other. They all ran and tried to snatch the egg but they failed and it rolled away and everyone ran after it. Babs was close to catching it but Karen shoved her.

Karen: Sucker!

She tried to catch it but Diana grabbed it first.

Karen: Hey, we're on the same team.

Diana tried to give it to Karen but Hal caught it and he laughed as he rans away and Diana was mad. Hal was running away but Carter tackled him to the ground and Hal dropped the egg and the two could only watch it roll away from them. The egg went all the way to the Metropolis pier and passed a couple of people before it stopped in front of Tatsu's feet and she grabbed it.

Tatsu: Victory, is mine!

Above her Carol screamed and jumped on Tatsu and they began, brawling but Carol had Tatsu in a ankle lock and she was struggling and the egg flew all the way to the "Test your strenght" game. You and the others made it, Selina smirked and jumped on Kara and at a shack and landed on the bell and tried to snatch it but Kara grabbed a hammer and hit the bottom and the bell rang which dazed Selina and the egg bounced off in front of everyone again and it landed at a bumper car and Jeremy, a school reporter was driving on it. Soon everyone made their way to the bumper card and rode one and Jeremy turned around and he was afraid and he tried to escape but the others were gaining on him, you tried to snatch the egg but Harleen accidentally hit the cart and the egg along with Jeremy flew off and Jeremy landed on the plushies at the stand for the hoops games. Everyone were rushing for the egg to catch it but it bounced again and everyone turned around. The egg flew pass a couple of people before it was caught by Garth.

Garth: Hey I got it.

He chuckled.

Garth: I got the egg guys!

They run up to him and they began brawling for who gets the egg, but in the end it rolled away but it stopped at the feet of Pam and she snatched it and sneaked off.

"The next day"

Pam opened a wrap and it showed the egg where it was cooked and on top of a bread and Pam smashed it with another piece of bread and began eating the egg sandwich while the others eyed her with anger, except for you cause you gave up on the project after the brawl yesterday at the pier.

Y/N: We're so in for it right now.

Oliver turned to him.

Oliver: You think?

???: Good morning class.

The biology teacher came in.

Teacher: I hope you had a good weekend. Now let's see what Mr Chaplin had to do while I was gone.

She picked up the clipboard.

Teacher: Oh dear, not the egg thing. That is so outdated. I hope that assignment didn't cause too much stress. Let's just pretend that it never happened, shall we?

Then Harleen and Kara shook hands and you got close to them.

Y/N: You see, I told you that a miracle would appear.

Harleen: Yeah, sorry.

Kara: Sorry, we should've believed what you said.

Y/N: It's fine.

Teacher: Luckily for us, the school mascot had babies.

She revealed the curtains and showed Hammy the hamster and her little baby hamster.

Teacher: Now this is a real test, a living breathing creature depending on you for it's very survival.

The others were shocked except for Pam.

Teacher: I see Mr Chaplin assigned partners, so we'll just keep those, shall we.

You then crossed your hands and put your feet on your desk.

Y/N: Ah shucks, here we go again.

Then Pam burped and everyone glared at her except for you.

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