Chapter 5

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At the road we see a car driving as you and Babs were at the back as Mr Gordon was driving.

Commissioner Gordon: So, have fun with your new friends? And I see you have one of them with you.

Babs: *coldly* Yeah, I did.

(Y/N): Don't worry Babs I know you can do this, you put a team together, made friends right off the bat, you can do it again.

Babs smiled at you and gave you a hug

Babs: thanks (Y/N).

Commissioner Gordon: well it's nice to see Babs made a friend what's your name young man?

(Y/N): Oh my name is (Y/N) Arachnid, I moved from Italy to here in metropolis nice to meet ya Commissioner.

Commissioner Gordon: Oh I hear you crime there can be very deadly there, and you can just call me Mr.Gordon.

You and Babs were now in her room as a radio was playing a sad song.

Radio: All alone Now we've been torn apart Our story ends Before it even starts Though our love Was a no-go

Babs: *singing* I don't wanna go so low Baby, you and me We were the greatest team.

(Y/N): At least you still have me

Babs: yeah I do... I just miss the others

(Y/N): I know you do, I miss em too. I'm gonna get a snack.

Then you got up and went to the kitchen to find a snack. Suddenly her tablet was getting a video chat call and Babs answered it showing a girl.

Harley: Babsy!

Babs: Hi, Harleen.

Harley: So? Status update, please.

Babs: I might have met a boy.

Harley: Ooh a boy. What's his name?

Babs: Well his name's (Y/N) Arachnid and he has white pink hair, pink eyes although his eyes are completely different, and he's pretty much a nice guy even though he's a demon.

(Y/N): Hey Babs, you know where ya keep the pickles at?

Harleen: Is that him?

Babs: yeah.

Then we see you coming in the bedroom as you have a jar of pickles in your hand as you were eating one as harleen gasped as her eyes widened seeing you.

Harleen: Is that Angel Dust, the famous model?

Babs: Yeah.

Harleen: are you saying he's your friend?

Babs: yeah he's my friend.

Harleen: looks you have the hots for him.

Babs began to blush at what Harley said.

Babs: no i don't.

Harleen: You like him. You blush don't lie


Babs: ok maybe a little bit.

Harley: I knew it you like him.

You were wondering what they were talking about since you were too busy eating pickles.

Harleen Anyway, how's the new digs? Come back to Gotham! I miss you!

Babs: Oh, I miss you, too. Metropolis is... lonely.

Harleen: Oh. That bad, huh? Oh, Babbly-boo, I hate being apart. If I had to do it all over, I'da done more ta keep you healthy. Best friends, they're worth fighting for, ya know?

Babs started to smile at what she said but at the video there were police sirens were heard and Harley took notice.

Harleen: Listen, kid. I gotta run. Gotham stuff.

Babs: [chuckles] [sigh] Gotham stuff.

Then Harleen kissed the screen.

Harleen: Love ya babsa-dabsa-doo!

Then the call ended as Babs walked to a mirror and looked at the photos of you all together and began to think about what harley said to her and then you saw her.

(Y/N): Babs, what are you thinking about?

Babs: (Y/N), We're going to get the team back again.

(Y/N): ...Neat

Babs smiled at you as she got on a scooter and began to drive to get to the others. She rang the doorbell and Kara answered it.

Babs: I know you're-

But Kara closed the door. Then she went to Zee's place as she was at the door.

Babs: -mad at me, but-

Zee closed the door on her as well. Then she went to Jessica's house.

Babs: -you gotta hear-

Jessica did the same thing. The. She went to Karen's house.

Babs: -me out! We have to-

Karen: Sorry, Babs. Sorry.

She closed the door but then opened it again

Karen: I really am sorry.

Then Babs closed the door.

Babs: save Diana.

she went to her scooter as it revealed a computer as she started to do something. At the rest of the girls houses their phones started to sound an alarm as they answered them as they knew it was Babs.

Kara, Zatanna, Jessica, and Karen: I'm not talking to you, Babs!

Babs: Guys, don't hang up!

Kara: Give us one reason why not!

Babs: 'cause I need you to fight!

The girls attempt to hang up.

Babs: Plus the alarm will sound again.

the girls groaned knowing that they can't do anything to stop it.

Babs: Look, I know not all of us wanted to be heroes, but one of us did. *shows the photo from the carnival.* Her. We don't have to choose to be heroes. But Diana's super scary warrior mom is dragging her back to her crazy magical island forever and now the one of us who knew for sure she wanted to be, she's the one who doesn't have a choice. She wanted to save everybody in the whole entire world, and now she needs saving. You don't have to be heroes if you don't want. You don't have to fight. Except this one time. Because she's our friend. And best friends, they're worth fighting for, you know? ...Hello? Hello?

Kara: Yeah, you cut out for a second there. Can you repeat all that?


(Y/N): this may take a while.*Gasp* I got it.

Babs: got what?

(Y/N):say everything you said before to the others and go rescue Diana. I'm gonna get some backup.

Babs: wait what do you mean by-

Then you teleported away leaving Babs in confusions

Babs: annnd he's gone. Well I don't know what (Y/N) ment by get backup but I think he has a plan

Later the amazons and Diana were on a ship leaving Metropolis as Diana was in shame. As the girls, were hiding as they see Diana as Babs gives out hand signals and then dives as they had no idea what any of those signals mean.

Babs: pssst.

She tried to get Diana's attention so she sneaked a little closer to her.

Babs: Psst. Psst. Psst. Pssssst.

Diana: Why are you here, Barbara Gordon?

Babs: We're here to sneak you out. See?

She turned to see Jessica, Zatanna, and Kara being grabbed by the ear by amazons as Karen was small and was grabbed by the leg.

Zatanna, Jessica, Karen, and Kara: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Babs: Ooh, that wasn't supposed to happen. *queen Hippolyta grabbed babs by the ear.* Ow, ow, ow, ow!

Queen Hippolyta: How dare you board my vessel without permission?! Throw them to the ocean beast Cetus!

The Amazons began to take them to the side to throw them into the ocean.

Zatanna, Jessica, Karen, and Kara: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Kara: Oh, wait.

Kara punched the amazons holding them sending them to the ocean as the others went to battle.

The girls started fighting the Amazon warriors.The girls were fighting but very badly.

Jessica: Diana, we won't let you go without a fight!

Zatanna: We're sorry we gave up, Diana!

Karen was small as she was flying away from an Amazon that was trying to catch her with a butterfly net.

Karen: You gotta come back and be our leader again!

Babs: It's true. Look how bad we are at this!

Kara was now being held down by a bunch of amazons.

Kara: You once said I could be the greatest hero the world of Man ever knew. *muffled* But it wasn't me, it's you!

Diana smiled at her and stand up.

Diana: Amazons, your Princess commands you to stop!

they all stopped fighting as they looked at Diana.

Queen Hippolyta: And your Queen commands you to continue!

Kara then started to arm wrestle a big Amazon, as Zatanna and an Amazon were slapping each other as Karen was being noogied by an Amazon as Jessica was trying to push an Amazon.

Diana: Stop!

Queen Hippolyta: Continue!

Diana: Stop!

Queen Hippolyta: Continue!

Diana: STOP!

Queen Hippolyta: CONTIN-

???/(Y/N): ENOUGH!!

As if on cue a two booming voice can be heard from the heavens scaring the passengers

Amazon1: wha-what was that?

As if on cue the sky began to darken like an eclipse and began to rain and lighting blasted from the sky

Babs: woah what's up with the sky?

Jessica: it's darkening like an eclipse and raining but that's astrologically and meteorologically impossible.

And then the ocean starts to burst large water spouts of blood which frightened some of the girls and even some the Amazons

Karen: are-are those water spouts of blood?

And then it started to unusual when jelly donuts started to rain from the sky

Kara: *picks a donut up and takes a bite from it* Jelly donuts raining from the sky?

???/(Y/N): Day shall become night as I escape the NetherWorld

That's when Queen Hippolyta and Diana began to realize who was arriving

Diana: By Zeus's Beard that's impossible

Queen Hippolyta: Great can't be

???/(Y/N): It can be and it shall be!

And as if on cue a red portal appeared on the ground which was starting to scare the others

Babs: uh Zatanna are you doing this?

Zee: No no this isn't me it's someone else. Wait you don't think it could be (Y/N) that's doing this?

Kara: No it can't be him, he can't do magic..can he?

Karen: sure look like he can do magic now.

And as if on cue you appeared from said portal along with a hulking figure. He was red all over black spikes from his body two purple chain hooks and all completed with a scary black horned mask.

(Y/N): Told you I'd bring backup.

Babs:(Y/N)! I knew you wouldn't ditch us.

Babs came up to you about to hug you before the other figure glared at her making her stop in her tracks

(Y/N): Woah Dad, it's ok she's a friend of mine.


Babs: Y-yes...


Babs: It's a pleasure meeting you too Hades.

Diana: Barbra get away from him that is Hades God of the Underworld

(Y/N): And my father.

Kara: That's your dad?!

(Y/N): Yep that's Hades, the God of the Underworld and my father


Zee: But why is he here?

(Y/N): He's here to help us rescue Diana.

Both the Amazons princes and queens and the subjects were shocked to see the Lord of the Underworld himself is here and Queen Hippolyta was slightly scared that both underworld gods were here

Dina: Great Hera...Hades himself is here

Queen Hippolyta: B-By Zeus's Beard and Angel Dust is here too what do they want.

(Y/N): We're here to bring Diana back to Metropolis that is if the queen of the Amazons dare to defy the gods.

At this point Queen Hippolyta was terrified and a little smitten beyond what you said on the one hand she wanted bring her daughter back to the island but on the other hand she didn't want to suffer the wrath of Hades

Diana: Mother please make the right decision so we do not suffer a fate worse than death


After some thinking Queen Hippolyta knew the only thing she could do to not have her soul taken by the god of the NetherWorld.

Queen Hippolyta: Very Well, *turns to Diana* Diana Prince by Amazon law you are hereby allowed back allowed in the world of man, but please come back and visit sometime.

Diana smiled with pride but on the inside she freaking out cause she can be with her friends again and be with the one who's crushing on. You.

(Y/N): A wise decision Queen Hippolyta


Hippolyta smiled and blushed a little but her heart was beating at 50mph knowing she got praised by the son of Hades

Queen Hippolyta: th-thank you Angel Dust God of the Underworld and love.

(Y/N): My pleasure.

Just as you were about to turn away Hippolyta called you out

Queen Hippolyta: wait hold on Angel Dust may I ask for a request?

Hades was about to use his claws on her but you stopped him

(Y/N): Hold on Dad *turns to Hippolyta* Proceed

Queen Hippolyta was nervous that she was actually talking to the son of Hades but managed to compose herself.

Queen Hippolyta: May you and the others be Diana's protector during her time in the world of man.*turns to Diana* And I would like to apologise, While you may be young, you have proven you are your own woman and you decide who you want to be. It is Amazon law.

Amazons: It is law!


(Y/N):I will Dad bye. Oh and tell mom i said hi.

And as if on cue Hades took his leave back to ïthe Underworld where Aphrodite is waiting. And All the amazons started to bow as the Queen noticed then she turned and walked away Diana then turned to you and the others as you landed on the boat and the girls looked a bit beaten. Diana then became very happy.

Diana: Eeeeee!

Jessica, Karen, Kara, Zatanna, Babs: *weakly* Yay.

You and the others got off the ship as the girls were on a green flying carpet Jessica made and you were flying beside them.

Babs: Congrats, Diana. Disobeying your mom is normal teenager lesson number 218 and rebelling against your mom is normal teenager lesson number 219. You're officially a teenager, and we're officially a team again!

(Y/N): It's great to have you back Diana.

Then Diana began to smile and blush at you as You all started to go back to Metropolis.

A/N: thanks at Dimitron75 for making the chapter and I helped.

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