Chapter 9

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We see Babs as she is putting on a uniform.

Babs: In a world hungry for justice, where citizens thirst for righteousness, and yearn for the taste of freedom, one woman's there to serve them the liberty they so desperately crave. And also, burritos. Buckets and buckets of burritos. 

We see a restaurant called burrito bucket as Babs exited out whistling. 

Shane: Gordon!

Then she stopped to see the manager of the restaurant.

Babs: Buenos dias, Shane.

Shane: That's Mr. O'Shaughnessy to you! And you're late. Again!

Babs: I am? *She looked at the clock.*

Shane: That's the sixth time this week, Gordon, and it's only Monday!

Babs: Oh, sorry, Shane. Er, Mr. O'Shaughnessy, sir.

Shane: Listen, Gordon, some people know the importance of good work ethic. Punctuality, responsibility. Some people take their job seriously *he puts Babs’ hat on her head..

Babs: Believe you me, Senor O'Shaughnessy, nothing's more important to me than this job. I love Burrito Bucket. I've been a fan of Burrito Bucket since I was five! *she shows him a picture on her phone of her as a five year old holding a burrito bucket wearing a sombrero.*

Shane: Whatever. If you're late one more time, today, tomorrow, for the rest of your life, you're fired!

Babs: Fired? Could this be the end for a habanero heroine, our enchilada enforcer, our lady sentinel of the sacred bean? No!

Shane: What?

Babs: Nothing. From here on out, I'll be the master of time management, the crusader of the clock, the expert of hours.*she starts to cut lettuce while whistling and sees a car drive to the bank as three people started to put on animal masks* Hmm, suspicious. Really suspicious.

She sees them pulling out guns as the  weapons began to power up.

Babs: Extremely suspicious! 

Then the three went into the bank as she gasped at that.

Babs: I don't think those dudes are bank patrons at all! *goes to Mr. O’Shaughnessy* Mr. O'Shaughnessy! Hey, hey! Mr. O…

Shane: What?

Babs: Bathroom break?

Shane: No.

Babs: *panting* Please!

Shane: Ugh. Two minutes. But one second later, and you are so fired.

Babs: Alarm. One minute 50. There. Plenty of time.

Then she ran into the restroom and ran out of the back exit as batgirl as she was on burrito bucket sign and used a grapple hook and ziplined to the bank as she was hanging upside down and saw through the window as the three bank robbers were robbing the bank.

Babs: *gasps* I knew it. They're totally not bank patrons!

Then she dropped down to the ground and burst through the door.

Babs: Citizens of Metropolis, fear not, for Batgirl is here to put an end to this egregious evildoing. With supreme mastery of the martial arts, terrifically high-tech gadgetry and unshakable moral certitude, she will make short work of these buffoonish bank-robbing baddies!

Robber #2: Hey, who you calling buffoonish?

Babs: Give up now, you foolish fiends, you nefarious nimrods, for now is the time--

Just as she was about to finish her sentence she hears her alarm beeping

Babs: Time... Oh, no! *gasps* Oh. Oh. Uh... *grunts* Nobody move! I'll be right back. *panting*

Shane: Three, two, one…

Babs makes it back to the restaurant in the nick of time

Babs: Senor O'Shaughnessy, you think I could have my 15-minute break early today? Like... Ooh, I don't know, now?

Shane: Break's at noon, Gordon. No exceptions.

Babs: Uh... Another bathroom break?

Shane: You just went.

Babs: I like to stay really hydrated. [glugging] Oh, no, that trash can is awfully full. If only I had a short break to take it out to the dumpster.

Shane: Ugh. Fine, Gordon. One minute!

Babs: Si. One minute.Time to take out the trash.

Robber #2: What do you mean, take it out? You just brought it in here.

Babs: Prepare to face defeat at the hands of Bat... Bat... Bat... Bathroom! *whimpers and pants*


She rushes to the bathroom and a couple minutes later comes out.

Babs: Now, where were we...

And once again her alarm goes  beeping

Babs: Ah, crud! *panting* Whoa! *chuckles nervously*

bell rings

She rushes back to the restaurant back in her work uniform.

Babs: Hola. Can I take your order?

Customer: Uh, yes. One bucket of tacos, please.

Babs: Hey, you look like a guy who likes it hot.

Customer: Uh, I do? Uh…

She then brings out a plate of tacos and pours alll the hot sauce on it.

Babs: Oh, no! Out of hot sauce. Running to the store!

Shane: Two minutes!

Robber #2: Come on, you mooks, let's get out of here.

Babs: Not so fast!

Robber #1: What is with this girl?

Babs: This girl's gonna kick your--

And once again her alarm goes beeping

Babs: Hold that thought. Ah! [chuckles sheepishly]

Shane: Where's the hot sauce?

Babs: I, uh, well...

She then hears the bell rings

Babs: Customer!

Delivery Man: Metropolis Delivery Service. I'm here to 

pick up an order for--

Babs rushes at the delivery guy scaring him 

Babs: I'll take it!

Delivery Man: Ahh!

Shane: Two minutes!

Babs: *grunts* Hostages! Seriously?

Robber #2: You took our keys.What are we supposed to do? Look, just let us leave with the cash and nobody gets hurt.

Babs: Oh, someone's gonna get hurt.

She then hears the alarm beeping

Babs: Oh, come on! *grunts*

She then decides to call up bary aka Flash for help

Babs: Flash, I need your help. I've got a hostage situation at the bank, but if I leave work right now my boss will kill me!

Flash: Say no more. I'm already here.

Babs Great. Be there ASAP. As soon as super-humanly possible.

Shane: *clears throat*

Babs: Ah!

She hears the bell ring and goes to take the order 

Babs: Uh,  hola, amigo. What will it be?

Customer #2 :Yes. I'll have... um... a burrito.

Babs: A burrito? How about a bucket? Do you want tacos with that?

Customer #2: Hmm. Tacos. Tacos.

Babs: *groans in frustration*

Customer #2 :Tacos, tacos, tacos. You know, a burrito does sound... burrito-ey... Hmm. Tough choice. Just give me a minute…

Babs: One minute, got it!

Customer decide.

Babs: *gasps* Flash, what happened?

Flash: Dude, I'm as surprised as you are.

Babs: *stammering* But--

Just as she was about to finish her sentence her alarm went beeping.

Babs: *yells*

Customer #2: You know what? I want sushi. Peace!

The customer then leaves the store to get sushi

Babs: *groans*

Shane: Gordon! We just got an order for 100 buckets. Get to work!

Babs: *stammering* A hundred buckets? *yells* Are you kidding? *gasps* A-ha! Sorry, time for my federally mandated 15-minute break.

Shane: Fine, but when you get back, I want those 100 buckets. You better not be late, or I'll rain down a firing upon you like you've never seen!

Babs: Yes, sir, senor, sir. There's no way I can't take care of this in 15 minutes. [grunts] Flash, I need you to take out the trash, buy more hot sauce, and deliver the burrito buckets to the totaled car out front.

Flash: Right-o.

Then he left as Babs faced the robbers

Babs: Just one thing left to do. Take your butts to jail.


Robber #2: Ah!

[alarm beeping]

Babs: Oh, no, the order! *grunts*

Jimmy: Hey!

Babs: Oops! Sorry, Jimmy. Huh? *gasps*

*wind blowing*

Babs: No!

Cleaner Man: What... Who are you?

Babs: Me? I'm... a total failure. Having utterly failed to apprehend the dastardly crooks, our crummy crusader slinks away in defeat. Surely a true hero, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Angel Dust, heck, even Apple Lad would have prevailed.

Shane: 95, 96, 97, 98, 99... A-ha! One bucket short, Gordon! That means you are so--

Babs: Fired. I know.

Then she started to walk to the restroom to change but then she heard a voice.

Robber #2: Yeah! Whoo! Time for victory tacos. Yeah, we'll take two taco buckets, four buckets of quesadillas, three buckets of guac... Oh, and buckets and buckets of your money. Come on, let's eat!

Babs: *gasps*

She looked to see the robbers are at the robbers are here about to rob burrito buckets

Robber #2: Stealing works up an appetite. Whoo-hoo! Hey, hi fives, hi fives.

Then she grabbed a bucket, a sombrero, a phanco, 

Babs: Huh! There comes a time in every girl's life. A time to let go of past mistakes. A time to say "forget you" to the odds and allow the hero within to rise like the dough of the mighty churro. No, not Batgirl. *then she came to the robbers* A new kind of hero.

Robber #2: Hey. Who's she?

Babs: I am the Burrito Bucketeer!

Then she threw burritos at the robbers guns knocking them out of their hands and the grabbed guacamole bottles and sprayed them on the floor as the robbers ran only for them to slip on it and fal as Babs grabbed a blanket and placed it on the floor as the three robbers landed on it as she started to put lettuce on them and rolled up the blanket with the robbers in it as they popped out their heads as they groaned as they were seen in a police car as the police woman waved at Babs and then drove off to take the robbers to jail.

Shane: Gordon! Guess you've saved the restaurant.

Babs: I sure did. Seems like I should get my job back, 


Shane: *mumbles* Your job... Yeah.

Babs: Oh, thank you, Mr. O'Shaughnessy! And, seems like I should also get hour-long lunch breaks, huh?

Shane: No!

Babs: a half-hour it is.

Shane: No.

Babs: Employee of the Month?

Shane: Ugh. I'll give you Employee of the Night!

Babs: [gasps] I am the night. The Employee of the Night!

We see Babs at the roof of bur.

???: Ahem what's going on here

Shane and Babs turn around see none other than you donned in a black and pink striped suit, a black miniskirt black thigh high boots all complete with a black fedora with a pink feather witch made Babs blush of how good you look.

Babs: 'woah (Y/N) cleans up good'

On the other hand, Shane was down right terrified because of how tall you are and cause your the Boss of Burrito Buckets.

Shane: B-b-b-boss hey I didn't think you were-

(Y/N): shut it O'Shaughnessy!

Shane: *flinches* s-s-sorry sir.

Babs was confused at what was going on she never saw Shane this scared or you this aggressive at someone

Babs: Um what's going on here?

You looked at her and gave her a confused look till it hit you and you glared at Shane with your pink pupil glowing in anger.

(Y/N): You didn't tell her did ya?

Shane: I-i-i was g-g-going to but-

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Oh, of course you were *mutters* leave it to a human to screw things up. Why am I not surprised.

Babs: Okay can someone please tell me what the heck is going on?

You then turned Babs and calmed down so you wouldn't scare her 

(Y/N): Well Babs,as you know I'm the head of Arachnid Corp.

Babs: I know that, but I'm wondering why Is O'Shaughnessy afraid of you?

You then turn to Shane and give him a glare.

(Y/N): you gonna tell her or should I?

Shane sighed and knew it was high time his employee knows the truth

Shane: Gordon, (Y/N) is the owner of Burrito buckets.

Babs stood there for a few seconds till it hit her like a batarang to Batman's back.

Babs: WHAAAAAAAAAT?! *turns to you* Y-y-y your the owner of burrito buckets?!

(Y/N): Yup. *you held up a deed to burrito buckets* I brought out the restaurant awhile back in my modeling career. I am in fact the owner of this place and i see that he didn't give ya the memo. *glares angrily at Shane*

Shane backs up and chuckles nervously.

(Y/N) So tell me O'Shaughnessy, why in the world would you try to fire one of our best employees?

Babs: *turns to you* I'm one of your best employees? Aw thanks (Y/N).

(Y/N): Don't mention it. *turns to Shane* Well O'Shaughnessy, i'm waiting?

Shane was scared no terrified  cause there's one thing a mortal shouldn't do is anger a god especially the spider kind

Shane: *scared* W-w-well you see she wasn't doing a good job and kept slipping up so I thought-

(Y/N): you thought what? Fire her just because of a few slip ups and accidents. *face palms and sighs deeply* shoulda done this a long time ago.

Shane: W-w-w-w-what are you going to do?

(Y/N): O'Shaughnessy, i have no choice but to say that you are here by demoted.

Shane was shocked by this and even babs was a little shocked by this but at the same time happy 

Shane: w-what but you-

(Y/N): Can and I will Shane. *Turns to Babs* Babs I have an offer you can't refuse.

Babs: ooh what is it? 

(Y/N): Barbra Gordon for show prowess and dedication to the Burrito Buckets  family, as of now you are here by the new General manager of burrito buckets Congratulations Babs 

Babs was shocked by this new revelation and excited by this.

Babs: I-i woah I-i-i don't  know what to say but *runs up to you hugs you*  thank you,thank you,thank you!! Your the best boss ever (Y/N), er I mean Mr.Arachnid 

(Y/N):*hugs back* Anytime Babs-ey and you don't have to call me Mr Arachnid just call me (Y/N) and there's also gonna be a vegan optional menue for vegans. *turns to Shane* as for you former manager Shane O'Shaughnessy you here by demoted to sanitation duty.

Shane: w-what?

You then give a mop and bucket to Shane who was still shocked by this demotion.

(Y/N): *gives a mop and bucket to shane* times wasting shane now go clean the restaurant.

Babs: you heard him get cleaning and don't forget to lock up when your done Shane

Shane gives up and goes to the restaurant and cleans up with sadness. Meanwhile you and Babs were walking home till Babs asks you a question.

Babs: hey (Y/N)?

(Y/N): *turns to Babs* what's up Babs something on your mind?

Babs: uh kind of I have to ask why did you make me the manager of burrito buckets? And why did you add a new vegan menue? 

(Y/N): well I did it cause of your well being I mean for Zues's sake your *looks around to make sure no one is there* Batgirl you can do anything you put your mind to and no matter how tough or difficult it is you never give up you show bravery courage etc and with those skills not only do you make a good hero but you also make a good manager and it was kinda of a mistake making *groans* Shane O'Shaughnessy the manager of Burrito Buckets. As for the vegan I added that to make Burrito Buckets somewhat Vegan friendly for others like me and Jessica.

Babs was speechless and blushing red at your speech 

Babs: *bushes* wow uh thanks (Y/N) and yeah I didn't really want to say anything but in front of shane but he is a real jerk.

(Y/N): anytime Babs. Well it's getting late best be off now

Just as you were about to leave Babs calls you out making you stop

Babs: oh wait before you go I wanna give you something

(Y/N): and what would that be?

Babs: this

She then pulls you to her level and kisses you on the cheek which made you blush pink

(Y/N): *bushes pink* woah uh thanks Babs.

Babs: *giggles* anytime Spidey well best be off don't wanna make my Dad worried see ya

(Y/N): *comes out of dazed* uh yeah see ya  *thinking* 'woah first Carol now Babs huh is this love thing Hal was talking about? It feels...great'

Then you walk home knowing you were kissed by the 

Not so Dark Princess and a love obsessed violet lantern.

Meanwhile we see Carol ferris aka Star sapphire in her room which was pink and decorated with pictures of you and a trashcan full of Hal Jordan pics

Carol: *squeals while holding her phone with a pic of you jacketless* I can't believe I got to meet (Y/N) Arachnid he's so hot and his chest so soft it's like alpaca fur, to heck with Hal Jordan (Y/N) Arachnid is my new Spidey Widey Boo.

Also, Meanwhile Babs was in her room thinking about what she did

Babs: *thinking* 'I can't believe I did that! I-i mean sure he's gorgeous and a male model but c'mon Babs he's your Boss and you just promoted to Manager which was pretty nice of him but- oh who you kidding Harleen is right  you do have a crush on him.

A/N: Dimitron75 thanks for helping Bro I appreciate and to all others my bad about the long wait for the chapter.

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