Ch 10. Ashes ashes

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The girl froze in the midst of her pacing. The wind whistled over the icy, charred planes, sizzling and smoking through the charred trees. The flat, icy surface was black and ashes danced across the plains. The fire halfbreed glared at the strange group, as if daring them to say a word. The destruction of the fire she had just created was embedded in their minds as they stared at the strange girl.

Short, clean crimson hair. One golden eye, one orange eye, and black clothing that seemed as charred and tattered as the wastelands she had created.

"Who are you?" She snapped, "what do you want?"

The fairy glanced at Oliver, Oliver glanced at Maya and Maya stared ahead at the peculiar girl.

"Uh, we don't want to cause any trouble. We just wanted to make sure nobody was hurt in the fire..."

The girl raised her arms and eyebrows, showing that she was ok rather rudely, then spun around to walk away.

"Hey!" Taube exclaimed, then muttered 'rude' under his breath.

"M-ma'am, wh-who are-?" Oliver stuttered as loud as he could, but Max's loud voice cut through his sentence.

"Are you a wind elemental?!"

Maya's eyes went wide and she snapped her head towards Max, realizing this was the first wind elemental the girl would've ever remembered meeting.

"Um, yes, fire and wind. Oh joy." The girl muttered, before continuing to walk away from them.

Maya groaned, annoyed, and in a flash of red appeared before the other halfbreed, grabbing her by the shoulder and looking at her. The stranger seemed more unamused than surprised that Maya had stopped her in her tracks.

"We need help. We come from a different island, which was taken over by a storm created by your leader-"

"She is not my leader!" The girl snapped, smacking Maya's hand off her in a fury.

The Psychic cocked an eyebrow, glancing back at her friends who were approaching them.

"So you hate Scarlet too, huh?"

The girl groaned, "Don't even mention her name. I just don't like the way she leads. All she wants is power. It's all she's ever wanted, over anything else."

"Sh-she said she could sense power." Oliver chimed in, "O-our powers, actually, a-and she didn't want us to become more powerful than her, s-so she's trying to publicly kill us to ensure everyone knows she's the s-strongest." The thought seemed to make the green-eyed boy shutter. The bright icy surface reflecting in his emerald eyes combined with the worry on his forehead made the fairy's heart ache and his own ruby pink eyes sunk to the ground.

The girl sighed. "Typical you're trying to stop her?"

They all nodded in some form of unison. 

"How are you gonna do that?" The fire halfbreed crossed her arms and leaned against a charred tree with a grin.

"We don't know yet-"

"You can help us!" Max exclaimed excitedly. "You can catch things on fire and put them out." Her pale eyes grew large , "with wind."

Maya sighed. "Yeah..." she began reluctantly, "can you help us? We don't know how she's able to do these things and we don't know how she cursed our island, but we just want the storm to go away so we can go home. That's all we want. Then you can be rid of Scarlet and her weird control-freak, sadistic ways."

The fire halfbreed eyed the mysterious group for a moment, specifically their eyes. "You're not a water or ice elemental, are you?" She said finally, pointing to Maya's one blue eye.

The Psychic's face grew a bit warm, "no." She snapped, "I'm half human, not that it's any of your concern."

"Damn." The other said bluntly, "I don't like you."

"Yeah?! well-" Maya began, huffing with a chuckle. Max absentmindedly shoved Maya out of the way and towards the mysterious girl, holding her hand out for a handshake.

"I'm Max! What's your name?"

"Breeze." The girl said, not taking her eyes off Maya, who was silently trying to calm herself down. "Breeze Brann." Then she smiled, rather sarcastically at the ghost elemental, who smiled genuinely back at her.

"I-I'm Oliver."

"I'm Taube."


"S-so how do we stop her? What are we going to do...?"

Breeze grinned slightly, enjoying the obvious jealousy radiating off of Maya as Max's eyes shone at the sight of another wind elemental.

"Let me show you her headquarters. Then we'll make a plan."

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